Dream 293 – An Angel announces that the Bathing Pool is now open
Received on Friday, July 20, 2018
Dear Father,
Thank You for another beautiful summer day! Thank You for all that we have. The children have remained here this summer so far, which is a miracle. I have cried inconsolably several times in the last two days. It has been a disheartening time.
Even though we have had all of the kids together here, our circumstances, my condition and provisions have been quite limited for ‘fun activities’. All traveling seems to be centered on my medical appointments. Father, I long for the day when we can just be a normal family with normal activities.
As we live in an area that is very remote, there is not a whole lot we have not already explored or visited. I do not know what the future holds, Father, but could You just grant us temporary relief from our struggles so that we can have fun?
As You know, Father, something happened yesterday that troubled me deeply. Even though I hate bad news, I seem to receive this often these days. Sometimes I feel as if I am at the ‘mercy of men’ lately and that there is nothing I can do about it.
In a recent dream, an angel told me ‘beautiful are the feet which bring Good News’. It is difficult to imagine this when all that happens around us seems to be ‘bad news’. If my feet are to bring Good News, what good news do I have right now to bring? I am sorry, Father, for feeling this way.
I know that I am to feel joy, but what am I supposed to say when someone asks me how I am feeling? Anything other than ‘I feel horrible. My pain in my head and neck is bad’ would not be telling the truth. I am tired of saying this and then hearing a response of ‘I am sorry to hear this’, even though this is the correct response.
It is just that I want to instead say, ‘Glory to God for He has healed me and lifted my head. How great is our God! His ways are higher and better than our ways, so rejoice.’ I know that You will do this ‘someday’, but I just long for this day to actually arrive and that this is truly ‘very soon’ as we define ‘very soon’. I had a dream last night…
Sub-dream begins…
I was in a large warehouse and it was closing. We were in the process of boxing things up. The business was ending after being around for many years. Several managers were finalizing their tally of sales and inventory for each area before the ‘final bell’ and the lights were turned off for the last time. I had been moving from department to department to let each manager know how much time before the bell sounded.
Sub-dream over…
I was awakened in the middle of the above dream at 3:30am to the sound of my husband’s voice. Even though he was sleep talking, the words that came from his mouth were spoken confidently and clearly…
“It was November 1947, a time which changed history in just four minutes, the time when we were able to decide for ourselves. We were born.”
I was able to remember the words clearly and wrote them down before I forgot. I just knew that the words he spoke were from the Lord as the hair on my skin stood up. Later that morning, I read the above words to him and asked him why he may have been dreaming this.
While he was aware that the UN approved the resolution creating Israel in November 1947, he was confused by the ‘four minutes’ part. We decided to look it up and it turns out that ‘four minutes’ was the length of time for this resolution to be deliberated before being approved. Even Russia and the surrounding states approved. Wow!
Well, Father, here I am again and apologizing in advance as I am about to whine ‘yet again’. I am discouraged, the news is bad and I have nothing to give You. I know You are aware of everything and nothing surprises You, but I am a small human in a failing body.
It is difficult to continue a great faith story when pain chokes out my hope. I am scared, Father, and I am disheartened. Please, Father, hear my cries, answer my pleas and grant my petitions. What I ask of You is small in comparison to Your great miracles. Please help us, Father!
Jesus: “Erin, come up.”
I was floating on my back underneath the arched fountains of God’s healing pool. I was laughing at the humor of God starting me off this way as I stood up on the bottom. I decided to walk towards the rock from which the healing water was flowing.
When I got there, I put out my hands in the form of a cup and started to drink this deliciously fresh water. It tasted so good that there really is no earthly equivalent. The water was aerated, oxygenated, energy releasing and healing.
I was about to take another handful when I was stopped in my tracks by a ‘floating glass’. I laughed when I saw it was not floating, but rather being held out towards me by the angel I have been visiting with recently. He was smiling at me.
Me: “Thank you! I will be able to take in more this way, so thank you.”
I giggled as I filled up the cup and gulped down even more of the healing water.
Angel: Smiling. “Have you been in there long enough?”
Me: “I can never be in here long enough! It feels fantastic!”
Angel: “Well, we also have a beautiful bathing pool waiting for you. Once there, you will find lovely flowers and scented oils just for you, as well as dry clothing.”
Me: Laughing. “Oh no! I am sorry that I was using this as my personal swimming pool.”
Angel: “Do not worry, Erin, as you are welcome here as well. You have not contaminated the water nor have you caused any trouble.”
Me: “Oh good! Yes, I would love to take a bath in the bathing pool you speak of. This sort of saddens me though as it means I must have come very early to have time for a bath. I am sorry, it is just that I am so anxious to see the King! I can hardly wait. I really need to talk to him about all…”
Angel: “Yes, Erin, you are here early. Do not worry though as the King is coming at the appointed time. He knows in advance all that you are going through. He is taking care of this. When He arrives, this will be a special time with great joy. Your troubles will then be removed in an instant, all of them, okay?”
Me: “Yes! Okay!”
Angel: “Good. Now, come with me to the healing bath. Your cares will be removed and you will be drenched in the oil of joy.”
Me: “Thank you! I need this!”
Angel: “Do not worry! You are here early, but still you prepare. This is good. You are still looking for Him, right?”
Me: “Oh yes, I can hardly wait to see Him. I love Him. His heart is so kind. He is handsome. He loves me even though I am broken. Only He can fix my brokenness and heal me.” I sighed. “Oh, just to look into His eyes and see His splendor.”
Angel: “This is good news, Erin, very good news. Many grow so tired and discouraged that they stopped looking for Him.”
Me: “Well, I can understand why they would do this as waiting is so hard. I feel as if I have been waiting my entire life. It seems as if I have nothing left but time now.”
Angel: “Do not worry, Erin, as the time will be short.”
Me: “A time? Does this mean yet another year? Oh no!”
Angel: Laughing. “No, Erin, do not worry as His time is soon. Do not worry.”
He smiled at me.
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-292/
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