Dream 494 – The Seven Things that God delights in

Received on Sunday, June 13, 2021


Dear Father,

Thank You!  Thank You for another day.  Thank You for Your love and great mercy.  Thank You for not sending great calamity to destroy the world just yet.  My dream…

Sub-dream 1 “The Lofty Bride & the Lowly Bride” begins…

I saw a lofty room and a lowly room.  They were both chambers.

In the lofty chamber, there was a wealthy and privileged bride…

The lofty room had originally been dedicated to God for His Glory.  She had beautiful things.  Her chamber was stunning.  The windows surrounded the room 360 degrees so that she could be visible from sea to sea.  The windows allowed all to view her in her splendor.  She even set up cameras in order that her chamber had a wider audience with a farther reach.

She had extensive lists and her family and friends ordered all of the best things for her.  This was all for her great wedding day.  She ordered special flowering vines that trailed up to her lofty chamber.  She had the best caterers bringing her the very best of foods.  She sent in designers from Europe to create a special gown for the ceremony, as well as creating gowns for the parties.

She flew in the best wine makers to produce her wine, wine from the finest of grapes of France and California.  Her luxuries extended to the far reaches.  There was a great call for silk to adorn her walls.  There was a great call for the finest of carpets to cushion her feet.  All who looked upon her loved and admired her.  There was no bride more lovely than she.

Because all who gazed upon her loved her, she sent gifts and money to them.  As a result, there was no end to their praise for the lofty bride.  However, the more gifts she sent out, the more she lost.  Overtime, she became bored.  Those who were viewing her were also becoming bored.  As a result of this boredom, she decided to change things up a bit while she waited.

She built a backdoor in her chambers where lovers could come and go undetected, even by those who were watchful.  She even paid for others to take advantage of her.  She was now prostituting herself, but paying her ‘lovers’.  She then decided to put her actions on full display.  She then brought in various lovers who worshipped other gods from many different religions.

She brought in both male and females, as well as goats, and fornicated with them in full display.  Because her gown was now soiled from her many escapades, she cut the back and front open ‘to provide a better view’.  The bride was now losing a vast amount of her fortune.  She was becoming angry and needed to find other solutions as she was now pregnant with many children.

Because she hated all of her children, she hired an expert to help her get rid of them.  She then made a declaration of freedom and choice so she could wash her hands of guilt.  Whenever she gave birth, she threw the children to their deaths.  She ordered the same to be allowed for anyone else in the land that hated their children.  As time went by, the lands who viewed her actions followed suit as they loved the harlot bride.

While the harlot enjoyed her freedom, her proclivities became unsightly to many.  As a result, she ordered some of the windows to be covered.  These covered windows would then only be available to those who kept her lewd secrets.  In the meantime, she said horrible things about her Bridegroom.  She did this because her Groom now refused to marry her.  She spewed foul things out of her mouth.  She raised her fists towards God.  She shook her fists in fury against her Groom.

In the lowly chamber, there was a patient Bride…

She had come through great difficulties for the privilege of having the label of Bride.  While she was not a blemish-free Bride according to the world, she was 100% devoted to her coming Groom.  Her bridal chamber had four windows, one to the north, one to the east, one to the west and one to the south.  These were small modest windows as the Bride only desired them in order to look out and find her approaching Groom.

At times during her wait, she wondered if she was worthy.  Realizing she was not, she would pray.  Her Groom would then send notes of encouragement, gifts and signs so that she would be confident that His love for her was true and that her long wait would soon produce a wonderful marriage with the lover of her heart, the Groom.

While she waited, she heard rumors about the lofty bride and wondered if the Groom might find her more pleasing or if He would give His hand to another.  The Bride would then sometimes weep as horrible lies were being said of her and her Groom.  Despite this, she still waited.  She kept her lamps burning with fresh oil and her garments of praise and joy for the Groom continued to adorn her.

However, time was now her enemy as she was losing her youth.  She wondered if her Groom would even find her desirable anymore.  She then received couriered packages explaining that her Groom also grew older and was aging with her.  He also explained that He still loves her unconditionally and He would soon come to collect her.  She then took comfort in His love and remained faithful to His promises for her.

This Bride had nothing that the world would desire.  She was too boring.  The world reminded her of her unworthiness and history.  They told her the Groom would never want her.  The Bride’s garments and chamber were just too simple.  Her sheets were not soiled and no foreigner had soiled her threshold.  She kept her chamber clean instead.  She was not idle while waiting.  Her heart was His and His heart was hers.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, this was a very clear and detailed dream.  There are things that I saw that I cannot write about as it literally makes me physically ill.  You are my Father, the God of signs and wonders.  Please, Father, send help soon.  I believe that there is no accident that a man was swallowed by a whale on Friday, June 11, 2021.  This happened at the very spot the pilgrims arrived, Provincetown in Massachusetts.

June 11, 2021 is exactly 400 years and 7 months from the pilgrim’s date of November 11, 1620.  The pilgrims signed the New Land Pact.  The pilgrims dedicated all of the land to God for His purposes.  To have this happen on such an exact date lapse and in such a perfect location, I cannot help but feel that this may be ‘the sign of Jonah’ mysteriously talked about by Jesus in Matthew 12…

Matthew 12:38-40a:  38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from You.” 39 But He answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish…”

Well, this man was swallowed and then spit out mostly unharmed on the morning of June 11th.  Three days after this is the morning of June 14th.  Father, what is happening?  If something does happen tomorrow, could it be something really awesome, perhaps even as a type of birthday present for President Trump’s 75th birthday (he was born on June 14, 1946)?  Surely there are even more signs?  Father, please help us!!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up.”

I heard a knock on my front door.  It was Raphael.  He looked so much like Uriel that I had almost mistaken him.  He was smiling.  I opened the door.

Raphael:  “Erin, please come with me.”

I walked out to where he was.  He walked with me to the stream.  The bridge appeared.

Raphael:  “Wait here.”

He walked across the bridge.  I looked carefully and saw that he was talking with Uriel.  He walked back to the middle of the bridge and motioned for me to follow him.  As I walked with him, we stepped through a clear membrane wall-like water.  I could still see my rickety yard when I then looked back, but we were now across.  Uriel was smiling too, but he had a much more serious look on his face than Raphael.

Uriel:  “Hi, Erin.  It is good to see you.  God requests your presence.”

Raphael:  “Don’t worry, Erin, Uriel won’t bite.”  They both laughed.  “I will be here when you come back.”  He smiled.

Uriel:  “You are acting like…”  He stopped himself and shook his head.

Raphael:  “Yes, brother?”

He smiled and crossed his arms.  They were clearly joking with each other.

Uriel:  “Come, Erin, you will be safe with me.”

Raphael:  Laughing.  “Touché, that was good!”

Uriel:  Smiling at me.  “Raphael is our comic relief.”

He reached down and took my hand.  We were instantly at God’s door.  Tears were now running down my cheeks.

Uriel:  “Erin, you look worried, but don’t be.  You are not coming to the Judgment Throne.”  He smiled.  “Do not be afraid as God delights in you.  Rest in this.”

He reached over and gently put salve in my eyes.

Me:  “Uriel, why can’t I just wear sunglasses?”

Uriel:  “Nothing invented by man can match God’s glory or shield your eyes from blindness… yes, even in a dream or vision.  This is how powerful God’s glory is.  This is why you are unable to physically draw closer to Him.  Even though it feels as if you are close, you are still very far away.  For now, let’s go with God’s version of a heavenly sunshield, a glory veil.”

Me:  “I really enjoyed your interaction with Raphael.”

Uriel:  Smiling.  “Yes, and I smile too.  I am not going to let my brother out humor me.”

Me:  “You are funny too.”

Uriel:  “Before the great fall, all of us were so close.  We had such great joy and laughter amongst us.  For those who remain, we all serve God and do all things to His glory, not to our own benefit.”

Me:  “You are good, Uriel.  Thank you for serving God and protecting His people.”

Uriel:  “Go to God with thanks that He has called angels concerning you to guard you in all you do.  Never go to angels to thank them, only to God.  If you ever encounter one of the fallen, they will gladly accept your praise and continuously enjoy your worship, never giving the glory to God.  Remember that, when God calls you into His full service, this is a good test to remember.

“You must remember that those who fell and those with them have some knowledge of the things of Heaven.  This is because they once were of here.  With this knowledge, they will work to deceive by disguising themselves as being sent by God as messengers.  Many false religions began like this.  Now, God requests your presence.”

He finished putting salve in my eyes and took me into God’s Throne Room.

Choir of angels:  “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is to come.  You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things and, by Your Will, they were created and have their being.”

Something unusual then happened.  Not only did I see the choir of angels, but also what looked to be a massive crowd of saints at His Altar singing.  I have no words and I could not see who they were or what they were doing other than I had never seen them before.  While this song was as beautiful as ever, something was different here…

The song had sorrow attached to it, along with a sense of urgency.  This really should not make sense as God does all things in His time, but it just did.  Again, Heaven is never anxious or full of sorrow, but is joyful, but yet this still fit in here perfectly.  While I would like to describe more on how this ‘square peg was able to fit in a round hole’, it just did!  While not normally associated with Heaven, this was meant to fit.

As we neared the Throne, although still extremely far away, my legs began to buckle.  Uriel helped to bring me where I was supposed to kneel.  I bowed my head before God and prayed.  I apologized for not being patient.  I apologized for allowing the world in at times.  I diminished in His great presence.  My entire body fully surrendered.  Tears began to flow and I could no longer stop them from doing so.

God:  “Erin, I AM!  Please speak.”

Me:  “Father, I have…”  I began to stutter.  After a few seconds, He strengthened me.  “I love You!  Let Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  My Father, here in Heaven, great and mighty is Your Name.  Please let Your Kingdom come, let Your Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Please continue to grant our daily bread and please forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  Please lead us not to be tempted by evil, but deliver us from the evil one.  For thine is Your power and glory, forever and ever and ever.”

God:  “I accept your prayers.  I have not forgotten you nor have I left you in the land of the harlot.  As this is My land, it is now defiled before Me.  All perversions and wickedness are an abomination to Me.  I see all things and I am God over all things.”

Me:  “Father, please have mercy on Your people.  There are people out here who still love You.  However, the evil is now making their hearts’ sick.  Please send help and strengthen us soon.”

God:  “I will do this at the appointed time.  I do not delight in calamity nor do I participate in destruction.  Now, you must understand that the harlot of America will be broken.  Out of compassion, I will hear her cries and send help.  However, she will not like the manner in which I will send help as it will cause her to recognize the stains on her garments.  She will want to run and hide.

“Still, I will send healing across the land.  I will pour out fresh oil and cooling rains.  I will restore the lands, but only for a short series of seasons.  In mercy, those who recognize who I send as Mine and that the Hand of God, My Hand, is upon them, will turn from their ways and be healed.  There will be great joy… on Earth as in Heaven.”

Me:  “Thank You, Father.”

God:  “Dedicate this land as Beulah.  This will be a covenant between Me and those redeemed of the land.  It will be the promise of good things to come here with Me.  The things of the Earth will soon fade away.  However, My love and mercy will never fade as it is new every day.”

Me:  “Oh God, how Great is Your Faithfulness!!”

God laughed.  His laughter shook the Throne Room and the Courts of Heaven.  While this should be frightening as it is so booming, it is actually unexplainably comforting.

God:  “I delight in you.  Although you do not see your worth, your heart is ever before Me.  You will therefore always be remembered.  Remain as you are.  Now, here are the seven things I delight in…

  • 1st, a pure heart: I do not demand a perfect heart, but one that is growing with the seed of the fear of God and righteousness.
  • 2nd, peace: Erin, your name means peace.  This means that strife is far from your intentions.
  • 3rd, forbearance and kindness: You are gentle and remove yourself from quarrels with others.  You understand, through wisdom, the troubles of your brother and are kind to him.
  • 4th, mercy and forgiveness: With your mantle as peace, you are able to act in the full measure of mercy and forgiveness towards others.
  • 5th, allowing divine correction: You have a willingness to allow for divine correction.  You recognize your faults and work to change them.  You are always yielding to My Words of truth.  Wisdom is proved right by her actions.
  • 6th, unchanging in My truth: You remain unchanging when operating in My truth and promises.  You recognize and pray on My promises.  Being unmovable on My principles means you will be strong, unmovable and not doubleminded.
  • 7th, opposite of the harlot: You will be the opposite of the harlot in all things.

Me:  “Father, I am sorry for my lack.”

God:  “Stand up, Erin.”

I stood up on my feet.  I knew that this was only possible because God was making this possible.  My legs were still shaky though.

Me:  “Yes, Father?”

God:  “I delight in you.  I do not delight in harlots.  Your heart is therefore good and you will bear good fruits in My Name.  I have never forgotten the promises I have made to you.  The saints before Me now plead and petition before My Throne day and night with steadfast resolve.  They will continue to do so until the day I vindicate them.

“Now, rejoice, Erin, as your mantle is peace.  Your heart is of pure gold.  You go forth in victory, meekness and righteousness.  I have made your arrows sharp.  You hate wickedness and love God.  I will therefore pour out the oil of gladness over you.  Your joy will then be complete within your chamber as you are taken to the palaces of kings.”

Me:  “Father, You are my King.”

God:  “Yes.  Very good.  Pray for wisdom as you will have more understanding of what I have spoken.”

Uriel reached for my arm in order to guide me towards God’s door.

Me:  Looking back.  “I love You, Father.”

God:  “And I love you, Erin, My daughter of peace.”

Uriel brought me out of the Throne Room.

Uriel:  “I will take you to the bridge.”

We were instantly back at the bridge.  Raphael was there to greet us.

Me:  “I hope I remember everything.”

Uriel:  “You will.  Do you have any questions?”

Me:  “Many.  Always.  Was He describing His Bride?”

Uriel:  Looking at Raphael and then back at me.  “Yes, He is describing the Bride of the Groom.  While you are to remember that God is the Father, you are also to remember that your Groom is also God.”

Me:  Smiling.  “The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!”

Raphael:  “The Bride is a woman of noble character.  As for the Great Separation, this is happening right now.  Erin, right now is the Great Separation.”

Me:  “I just had a dream of a bride in a lofty chamber and a Bride in a lowly chamber.  What are we to make of this dream?”

Uriel:  “This was a dream of what is currently happening in the land.  The land is being judged.  God has now sent out judgment.”

Raphael:  “There is turmoil.  There is no peace.  He is soon to send out peace, hope and healing.  Heaven will soon be visible on Earth.”

Uriel:  “God has called His angel army to protect those He has called and to let the evil be exposed.”

Raphael:  “In other words, we are in a holding pattern while the field becomes ripe.”

Me:  “I think I understand.”

Uriel:  “Erin, all whom God has called now have an idea of who they are.  However, all are remaining steadfast and silent.  There is doubt because all of this seems like fantasy.  Still, their spirits, via the Holy Spirit from God’s Throne, tells them that this is actually the truth.”

Raphael:  “Yes, Erin, do not worry or be afraid.  Remain steadfast and look to the hills.  This is where your help comes from.”

Uriel:  “This is an expression.”  He smiled at me.  “Look to God, not to men, understand?”

Me:  Smiling.  “Of course!”

Uriel:  “I must go.”  He then whispered something inaudible to Raphael.  They both then looked back at me.  They were both smiling.

Raphael:  “Yes, we must both go.  Erin, God delights in you.  He has clothed you in garments and jewels.  The Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all of the nations.  The land will have peace before them.  The wicked will retreat and Heaven will rejoice.  We must go.  Be strong, courageous and joyful.”

They both smiled at me as I waved goodbye to them.  In an instant, they were gone and I was back inside our home.

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-495/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-493/

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