Dream 573 – God is our Restorer

Received on Friday, February 11, 2022


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for priceless love along a sometimes lonely road of life.  It is not that I am alone physically.  My family and friends are always nearby.  After so many years of being alone, it is something else to experience the Voice of God.  It literally parts us and sets us apart.  It is lonely, not because I can’t dialog with the Lord as I am able to, but rather it is because I am in between two states of being.

The Lord has been separating me more.  He wants me to be quieter in my thoughts, to listen more and to talk less.  I need to sleep when I am sleepy.  I am to rest when my body is telling me to.  He has taught me how to breathe fresh air.  He has taught me to take a deep breath, even when I cough.

Somewhere along the road, I stopped breathing deeply.  I also stopped singing as worship was cancelled at church.  I have been praying more and complaining less.  I think about God all the time now.  I am asking Him a lot of questions that don’t get answered, at least for now.

My path to the bird feeding area was very icy this morning.  This last snowfall was extremely heavy, thick and wet.  However, the blue snow is back.  After I put seed out, I noticed several deer rise from laying in the snow up the hill across from our home.  This usually means that the seeds and nuts I lay out will all be gone in minutes.

Well, at least a little red squirrel is confident enough in my presence as to allow me to feed him out of my hand.  He then leaves for a few seconds and then returns for some more nuts.  I spread seeds and nuts all over for them to eat.  While the little red squirrels are not the brightest little animals, they are super cute.

I went inside and turned on a few lights.  I then noticed through the windows that a massive ice shelf almost 18” thick is about to fall off of our roof and onto our prettiest little tree.  Without a miracle from God, this ice shelf is about to fall on this tree and annihilate it.

The tree next to it has lost several branches from this shelf of ice as well.  I prayed to the Lord to let the shelf drop next to it and not onto the tree.  Well, talk about a quick answer to prayers.  After about twenty minutes, I heard a loud rumble.  The ice shelf fell and somehow completely missed the tree.  Thank You, Jesus.

Last night while preparing for bed, I noticed a lump under my left arm.  I phone my doctor today and they are going to look at it next week on Wednesday, February 16, 2022.  This is discouraging.  I have so many health issues that it just feels hopeless.  It seems that there is always a long-term side effect of earthly battles, traumas and difficulties.  It effects our body’s ability to fight them off.

Battles always produce wounds of some sort.  The wounds then produce scars.  Sometimes scars can’t be seen as they can even be under the surface.  My journals contain record after record of scars… physical, mental and spiritual.  I continue to pray for healing.  I know it is coming, but the constant waiting is the difficult part.

The stress of all of it can manifest over time.  I had hoped by now that God would have reached down into the thick of the things I had become and pulled me out of all of the mud and mire.  I can’t even comprehend that He is bringing our recompense.  He is our unconventional God and He can do whatever He chooses for His Glory.

Me:  “Oh Lord, so many things are coming against us who love You with all of our souls.  We just love You so much.  We can hardly wait to be called into service as part of Your amazing Holy Army.  Oh Father, please consider all of us as being worthy of being called.  While the waiting has been long, I just know You will make it all worth it.  We can hardly wait!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, you are here with Me.  I count this as Great Gain.  In order to gain the Kingdom of Heaven, you must lose yourself in this life.  To find Me here is to gain all things I have prepared for you there.  I have built a house for you here and in Heaven.  Great is your reward, Erin.  Your battles have produced great victories.  My story is reflected on the table of your heart.  My victory is in you.  My story is told through you.

“My love is reflected as Living Water flowing and pouring out over these pages.  This a great story of love.  I love you, Erin.  You are My treasure, a jewel in My Crown and a warrior in the battles here.  I know you are discouraged as wave after wave of bad news continues to crash upon your shore.  You are numb.  I feel your heart breaking.  However, please remember My promises to you.

“I have promised good all of the days of your life.  I promised to deliver you from your oppressors and restore all that had been stolen from you.  I promised to heal your brokenness and restore you here as you are in Heaven.  I also promised to provide for you and your family in a way that no one can take it from you.  I promised you would dance as you did in your youth and have great peace.

“I professed My love for you in the small matters, as well as the large ones.  I have never forgotten one thing.  Your recompense I bring with Me.  As you are a blessing to others, so too will I bless all who bless you.  I will not stop doing this.  I was with you while you were stripped away of all things.  The locusts destroyed all you had come to know.  You then returned to Me with your whole heart.

“You fasted, wept and mourned.  Your heart was laid bare.  You sought Me on your knees in all matters because you thought ‘perhaps the Lord will have mercy and leave a blessing behind for me’.  You believed.  Erin, you believed!

“I am about to pour out My Spirit fully into My Vessels that I have prepared for My purposes.  However, I have prepared even greater things.  This will be like the day of Pentecost, but multiplied.  You will delight greatly in the works of the Lord.

“You have sounded the trumpets.  The way was prepared for you by Me.  Now, do not worry, Erin, as I have you.  I love you.  We are together as one.  Nothing will come against you.  All of My promises will come to pass.  Rejoice, Erin!”

Dream over…

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