Dream 574 – After the Great Harvest (the Rapture)

Received on Sunday, February 13, 2022


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for Your love.  Father, my heart grieves today.  If not for Your promises, the world would surely be lost.  I struggle as I read horrible things that people write about the good and such praises the wicked give about evil.  It makes my heart sick that they do not see they are bearing false witness.  They are lying to deceive others in favor of furthering a wicked agenda.

Many people are hurt who speak out against oppression.  The evil governments cancel their abilities to make a living for their families.  They have mortgage notes called in by their banks that they cannot afford to pay.  Employers are forced to let them go and even their assets are frozen or seized.  Their reputations are being destroyed.  When evil controls all resources, what comes next?  I had a horrible dream last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “Horrible Events to Come” begins…

I saw a beautiful city.  People were enjoying a beautiful sunny day.  Families were outside enjoying the beauty and peace.  There was no threat here to anyone.  There was no evil.  The people had enjoyment and were smiling and happy.  It was spring to summer as there were blossoming trees.  Then without warning, I heard a sound that was followed by silence.

Then something like a film off of hot pavement, the scene had been frozen, suspended in a moment of time.  Even a wedding had been interrupted and suspended.  I saw bodies melting.  The entire area was wiped off the face of the Earth in seconds.  Above the cloud cover over the area, I saw thousands of angels from Heaven gathering the souls of those God was collecting.

Then what had been beautiful, lovely and full of joy was now gone.  Streets of pavement was black liquid.  The heat coming from the area ignited buildings and structures.  It even ignited trees miles away.  Everything was black.  I then heard the Voice of God from Heaven call out.  Angels were sent to administer a plague to a distant city void of God.  This plague melted bodies as they stood.  However, death did not come quickly.  People cursed God.

The Voice of God addressing His Angel Army:  “Because they do not humble themselves and turn to Me, I will not hear them.  I will now send even more calamity.”

I then heard loud shofars.  The shofars were so loud that it shook the land with a great quake.  Even though many could no longer hear due to how loud it was, they still did not humble themselves.

The Voice of God:  “Collect all living creatures, the animals and the birds of the air.  All fish are to retreat to the depths of the sea.”

In an instant, all creatures of the land and air had been taken by God.  All fish of the rivers, lakes and oceans and all creatures of the sea were called to retreat.  Angels then placed staffs into the waters and the waters became undrinkable.  Even so, the people still did not humble themselves.

The dry ground was then split open all over the Earth.  From these splits, horrible creatures came out of the pit below to inflict and punish the proud.  While those still on the Earth would have now welcomed death, they could not find it.  They hungered and thirsted.  There was now no relief for the wicked.

I then saw a group marked of God as a beacon of light in the darkness.  These were preserved by God and unable to be inflicted.  They were witnesses to the lost that God saves, shelters, protects, feeds and gives water to those who thirst from the Storehouses in Heaven.  God continuously strengthened His people.  He sent them food and water from fresh springs.  They laid down in lush meadows.

The Voice of the Lord:  “I sent many warnings over the years, but they refused to listen.  They did not turn back to Me.  It will now come down to the Valley of Decision.”

Sub-Dream 1 over…

I woke up with a distant city on my heart… Dresden, Germany.  I am not sure why.  I went to look this up and discovered that today marked the anniversary of the fire bombings of Dresden that began on February 13, 1945.  Thousands of civilians were killed by allied forces.  Since this didn’t seem entirely necessary for the winning of the war, it seemed more like retribution against the German people.

Flash forward to today.  I was in shock to learn that an estimated 360 million Christians worldwide have been persecuted.  If the news does not report on this, how can we know?  Is there no justice against the wicked here in the corrupt courts?  The USA is the new Israel.  Israel is actually the new Judah.  Please defend these countries.  These countries have been dedicated to You.

Me:  “Oh Father, please defend the righteous.  There are so many that love You.  More lies are spread to confuse truth.  Father, please stop this.  It makes my heart sick.  You are God.  There is nothing more powerful than You.  Father, please protect us.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “I am here, Erin, and I am with you.  I understand your concerns.  I have heard your cries.  The wicked does not prevail against the righteous.  My favor will be removed when I gather the children of God Home.  I will bring them to the place I have prepared for them.  They will live in great joy, laughter, celebration and peace.  No evil will be present.  My recompense and promise are fulfilled in Heaven.”

Me:  “Lord, then why do I spend so much time in the land here after You gather the Saints (in the Rapture)?  Did I not make it Home (via the Rapture)?”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, you reside in Heaven.  Your Home is with Me.  You are asking Me about your dreams in the land of tribulation after the Great Harvest (the Rapture).  Think of a field… what happens after that field is harvested?”

Me:  “The farmer prepares it for winter?”

Jesus:  “The rubble and stalks which remain are often burned by fire.  The field is then stirred up.  All that remains under the dirt and soil is brought to the surface and exposed.  This will be the same.  The wheat will not be replanted again until the Earth has been burned up and reformed by God, understand?”

Me:  “After the Great Harvest, it is so dark and scary.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  This is because the Light, the Holy Spirit, is gone.  Only My remnant will remain.”

Me:  “Do You mean the Tribulation Saints?”

Jesus:  “No, these are different.  Remember when I taught you about the late grape.  The grapes of these vineyards endure the harshest conditions, yet produce the sweetest wine.”

Me:  “I remember.”

Jesus:  “Do they just grow randomly with no vineyard workers to keep an eye on their progress and report this to the vineyard owner?”

Me:  “No, of course not.”

Jesus:  “These workers do not experience freezing temperatures as they are kept safe while working.  They go back and forth to work from their Home in a beautiful estate of the Vineyard Owner.  They enjoy music, good food and rest there while they continue to watch over these volatile growing conditions.

“Much of these vines will endure the harshest conditions in darkness as this is the coldest time.  They appear as lights and illuminated as marked by the Vineyard Owner so anything lurking to destroy them will be scattered.  Erin, who do I choose to bring in this Harvest, the Sweetest Harvest?”

Me:  “Your Workers?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I will use those who are equipped with the experience to understand what these grapes are having to endure, those who have gone through the fire of affliction themselves, those who have experience dealing with the world and, despite its lure, still chose Me.

“Erin, your compassion and understanding has made you able to bring in this late sweet harvest.  You have spent time in your dreams enduring harsh conditions.  You have spent time searching for those whose hearts are crying out to Me.  You will not be alone as I have called others into this army.”

Me:  “Are we like Navy Seals?”

Jesus:  “Hmm, interesting.  Well, yes, you are like this, but even more so.  You will have Me.  You will display awesome deeds and nothing will come against you.”

Me:  “It seems that there are very few in the late harvest from my dreams.  It looks like the wicked spend a lot of time lying about the absence of a billion people.  There still seems to be some rich people enjoying their material spoils.  There are a lot of tragic things.  I see that drugs will become plentiful and will be used to numb the pain.  They will then be convinced that the visible demons are merely hallucinations brought on by the drugs.  There is no medical care, no clean water, no animals or birds and no Bibles.”

Jesus:  “This is ‘as written’.  Now, are you ready to enjoy the pre-game Great Harvest Show?  Spoiler alert… the wicked flee to the hills and I come to harvest a wheatfield of healthy crops.  Right now, there are mostly poor crops.  There are broken hearts and great illnesses.  My Workers will be healed and will then heal the lands.  This will be a time and times like no other.  Rejoice, Erin, rejoice.  I answer prayers.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  I love You.”

Jesus:  “I love you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-575/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-573/

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