Dream 672 – Looking Back at the Garden of Eden

Received on Sunday, February 26, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for life.  Thank You for purpose.  Despite all I am encountering, despite my personal battles, You have given me a purposeful life.  This is not on my own terms or visions, but rather on Yours and these are much better.  Your plans for my life are much greater than my biggest dreams as a child.

Why?  Because society had called me least likely to succeed based on statistical data, location, family status, economic criteria, my gender and so on.  These things often determine if you can be admitted to universities.  If you are admitted, these things then determine whether you can afford it and whether, if given aid, you can repay it.

Anyway, I was not the most solid candidate.  As a result, my mom pushed sports on me and my two brothers.  Well, she didn’t really need to push it.  All we needed was some encouragement to pursue our dreams.  This meant diversifying our own abilities and our life portfolio.  We needed to make ourselves a good candidate when grades alone would not secure a place to the school we wanted to be at.

With all my mom’s faults, as we all have, God used her in miraculous ways to give us brilliant advice.  This included the advice to not do as she had done, but rather to avoid her mistakes.  She had a lot of mistakes to learn from and she passed this advice on to us.  There have been so many times I should have ended up dead.  Still, God had my back.  He saved me from countless schemes of certain death.  Here are a few…

  • My friend and I were in her VW Bug convertible. We drove up to the Boise lookout point on a mountain.  We wanted to look at the city lights at night.  She was in my dance group (the Boise Dance Force).  As we drove higher up the road, we realized there was no one up there.  While cars coming down told us to turn around, we ignored them as they sounded drunk.  We were now at the lookout point with our windows rolled down.  The old crank windows meant a slow roll up time.  It was then that the wild dogs attacked us.  Thanks to a warning howl, we had just gotten our windows up in time.  We went down the hill safely and gratefully.
  • A scary man stopped me and asked me for directions when I was 14 years old. I heard the Voice of God say, “Stop now.  ”  I did.
  • The night I was supposed to accompany a group of friends to go spelunking at some caves to celebrate a birthday. My car wasn’t working to drive there after work.  When I made the decision to go home instead, my car started again.  When I then decided to go to the caves, it conked out again.  This happened a few times.  I made the final decision to simply go home.  I later found out that the brother of the birthday boy had fallen down a 150 foot crevice to his death.  Since I had a bit of a crush on this guy, I could have been with him when it happened.  Whether falling or witnessing his fall, neither would have been good.
  • I had to commute in the mornings from Multnomah in SW Portland OR to Vancouver WA to work. Near my house there was a speeding operation where tickets were issued to repeat speeding offenders.  I decided to reduce my speed considerably from that point on.  It was on the same day of my decision that I was just behind a truck that rolled over.  Had I been traveling at my usual speed, I would have surely been crushed.
  • A man was trying to lure me into a backroom using my love for bracelets. I was very young.  I knew this was going to turn out poorly for me, but he was stronger.  At the last second, my mom came into the shop and pulled me away.  Just a few seconds longer and who knows what he would have done to or with me.
  • The coin store robbery wherein my friend was shot in the leg right in front of us.
  • The drunken driver about to hit us head on somehow miraculously turning at the last second, sparing us.

All of these occurred when I wasn’t a Christian yet.  God had a plan for my life and I am grateful for His mercy.  I am grateful to have children who listen to my warnings and heed them.  I pray they continue.  Please forgive me, Father, for all of the times I have failed You and went my own way.  Thank You for Your grace and mercy.  You are wonderful.  I have come this far even though I have been so foolish at times.

I was careless with my communion this morning.  I ate the cracker and drank the wine, but I was careless when doing this.  I did not pray on what I was doing as I usually did.  I repented and asked for forgiveness for not valuing my communion time with You.  When I told my husband, his advice was simple… start over again and do it like you mean it.  Well, this worked and hence this dream.

The Lord has showed me the course of sin that leads to spiritual death.  However, in everything, the Lord has set perimeters that the enemy must obey when striking out against the children of God…

  • The enemy makes known his position in advance. He could use hypothetical ideas that are actually what he means to do.  This could be in the beginning of carrying out his attacks.  Usually, this sticks in your head as these things are then carried out.
  • He could also make known his plans just as he is carrying them out. Why?  So you know the plans and you cry out to God for help.
  • Prayer is the only way. So many Christians don’t heed the warnings of exactly what is planned.  They are then surprised when these plots unfold.
  • Sometimes the enemy takes on another form in order to appear innocent.

There are then ways that we sin and do it often without thinking.  I recently found an article on this and thought it was interesting.  Here are some of the main points…

  • We often sin in self-righteousness and selfishness. Philippians 2:3-4 gives us the remedy to this sin.
  • We sin in placing our collective body or our nation like the USA above others. However, we are citizens of Heaven and Heaven includes citizens from many nations (Philippians 3:20).
  • We sin in fear and worry. I am guilty of this!  Faith requires trust.  Perfect love drives out fear.  Isaiah 41:10:  “Fear not for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am Your God; I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”  I needed this Scripture for right now.
  • We sin with pride (James 4:6, Proverbs 16:5).
  • We sin in gluttony and coveting. Philippians 3:19:  “Their end is destruction; their God is their belly; they glory in their shame with minds set on earthly things.”  I can be guilty of this, especially when I was younger with my eating disorder.
  • We sin in gossip. Proverbs 20:19:  “Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore, don’t associate with a simpler babbler.”  Ephesians 4:29:  “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion that it may give grace to those who hear.”
  • We sin in hatred. Hatred is connected to fear.  Fear causes us to hate irrationally.  1 John 2:9:  “Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.”  Proverbs 10:12:  “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.”
  • We sin in judgment. Never forget where you came from.  Do not judge others.  Acknowledge your own weaknesses and embrace humility.  Romans 14:12-13 comes to mind.  When you compare yourself to others, you then rank yourself as either superior or inferior to them; neither of which glorifies God.

Father, I had another dream about the Garden of Eden last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “Outside of the Garden of Eden” begins…

I saw the East Gate of the Garden of Eden.  When looking through the Gate and into the Garden, I could see so much life, beauty and abundance.  However, outside of the Gate, there was very little life.  There were mounds of pale sand and fine dirt.  It was really quite barren.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

I am guilty of sins.  Perhaps they seem small to us, but, to You, they are heart issues.  Time and bad news, coupled with fear, have created a mess of sins in me.  These can probably be compared to a snake ball.

Father, I repent right now.  I am sorry for participating with the enemy in his schemes.  I renounce this evil in my life that I have been guilty of.  I break this stronghold over me as I am a child of God.  I am a citizen of Heaven.  I am a Bride of Christ.  I am a Warrior of Jesus.  Oh Father, bless my soul, my strength, my heart and my hands in all I do.  Be my joy and my peace.  I pray this in Jesus’ Mighty Name, AMEN!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I promised I would never leave you.  You are suffering fatigue as you watch and wait.  You have been shown wars, earthquakes, famine and death.  You worry for your house.  You find yourself doubting.  Do I have any of this wrong?”

Me:  “No, Lord.  When I had the dream of the Garden of Eden, the outside of the Garden was so barren.  I never want to be outside of Your favor in a barren place.”

Jesus:  “You won’t be.  However, I do understand why you sometimes have this fear.  It is a good one to keep your focus on Me.  Now, why do you think you were given these dreams?”

Me:  “I guess I have always wondered why that happened.  Why not just keep Satan completely out of the Garden?”

Jesus:  “You will understand this one day.  If you look at current events now, you can see why the enemy has called so many to crossover into this once free nation.  It is so evil can enter in without being stopped.  It is a public display of rebellion.  It is an invasion.  The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.

“I have come that they may have life and have it to the fullest (John 10).  Some have come to find a better life.  However, many have been sent for another purpose.  There are spies and murderers who have come and they have been paid to come.  Now, what do walls do?”

Me:  “I suppose they are mostly there to keep the bad out.”

Jesus:  “Walls are there to protect what lies within, whether it be a country, a city or a homestead.  A wall protects the peaceful enjoyment to live freely within.  In some circumstances, walls can keep the bad inside.  Right now, evil is flowing like a river into your land.  This is happening from the north, the south, the east and the west.  The leaders do not care for the people.  They care for their interests only.  They are being controlled.”

Me:  “Lord, please stop this.  You have so many people who love You that are powerless against this evil.  The wicked are winning.  People are hungry for revival and great change.  Your people need refreshment.  All that the enemy is carrying out is like the example of Germany in WWII.  This includes propaganda, lies and the killing off of the people.  There is the closing of churches.  It is horrible.  Lord, please help.”

Jesus:  “I have told you not to worry or be afraid.  Erin, do not fear.  The enemy will be in shock at the Great Plans I have.  All the evil you see will be stopped and changed.  Whole cities will be healed.  Leaders will be toppled.  Burned churches will be rebuilt and restored.  All of the evil will be exposed.  All of their plots will be revealed as their own mouths confess it.  The dead will testify from their graves as they rise and live.

“The evil will run in terror.  There will be great celebrations.  Great will be My recompense for the inhabitants of the nations who lost their fortunes to evil thieves.  In turn, they will give it freely to those in need.  However, there will only be need for those who have run from God and are found wanting as their sin they enjoy more than an eternity in Heaven without sin.  And so it goes.  There will be great, great changes.  Evil will be far from you.

“Now, you are a citizen of Heaven, Erin.  This is not your home.  All you see around you will one day all be gone.  It will be no more.  It is temporal.  You become anxious when you see the enemy succeed.  You see no justice and no police.  You see moral decline.  You see the silence of church leaders.

“You see the increase in addictions, drugs, gambling, spirits and the like.  You see the destruction of children and their innocence, as well as babies sacrificed to the gods of this land.  You then ask Me if I am seeing this.  You then ask me to help.  You then ask me where I am.  You then become depressed and desensitized to what you see and hear.”

Me:  “You are right.  I have gone through the five stages of grief.  I am now in between the 4th and 5th stages of grief…

  • 1st stage is denial.
  • 2nd stage is anger.
  • 3rd stage is bargaining.
  • 4th stage is depression.
  • 5th stage is acceptance.

“I went through this program twice, yet here I am again.  These stages are our attempt to process change and protect ourselves while we adapt to a new reality.”

Jesus:  “How is that going?”

Me:  “Horribly.  Every time we adapt, it continues to get worse.  I am accepting all of it now I guess.”

Jesus:  “You forgot Me, Erin.  Look at this from My view and pray for an increase in wisdom.  Come back to Me in a few days to understand what has happened and why you struggle.  I am God over all things.  There is no scheme of man nor plot of the enemy that I am not aware of.

“Therefore, I, along with My army of angels, will continue to prepare the land, the nations, the lost and those who I have chosen to process and prepare for the changes coming.  Through this, the God of All Creation will protect you.  This will happen as you embrace the Great Changes coming.  Your part in this is as a citizen of Heaven who is temporarily dwelling upon the Earth.

“Your love will be an example for the lost as you were once lost, afflicted and poor.  You will help in the Kingdom purposes.  I have plans for the least of these.  You will be changed, strengthened and healed.  You will be transformed to appear as a citizen of Heaven who walks here.  I will be in you as the General of a Great Army of God.  Erin, be encouraged.  Dwell in My promises.

“Do not dwell in dark thinking as those who live in darkness.  Instead understand that you are a child of the Most High God.  Erin, you dwell in the Light of My Glory here and in Heaven.  Nothing will take you from Me, understand?  Now rejoice!  Finetune your thinking.  You think yourself small in the Kingdom, but you are not.  Rise up and rejoice.  I am with you.  You are loved!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-673/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-671/

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