Dream 720 – Erin… Eras… Eris… Eros…

Received on Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for a good night’s sleep!  Thank You for a beautiful new day.  You are my Good Father.  You are brilliant and wonderful in all Your works.  I woke up this morning from a dream that I could barely recall.

To make matters even stranger, Father, I must admit that I didn’t have You in my schedule today.  Actually, that is not quite true.  In reality, You are on my schedule 24/7.  You are on my mind in all that I do.  What I meant was that I had a personal agenda that didn’t include my journal.

It is such a beautiful morning today.  Perhaps You could give me a nice day every day over the next week?  I have a morning routine.  I learned a long time ago that routines are important for me in order to keep my joy and make my days more fulfilling.  This is especially true when I am in pain.

As I made my bed this morning, I quickly realized that the random words in my head were anything but random.  I woke up shortly after my husband had gone to work with these words in my mind.  I am not sure if it was the front door that woke me up, but these were the words in that order…

Erin… Eras… Eris… Eros…

Erin… Eras… Eris… Eros…

Note:  I will later have these four words come to me again at the end of the dream, but now to be listed in reverse order.

As I prayed on these four words, Jesus spoke to me…

Jesus:  “Erin, let’s talk this morning.”

Well, here I am.  I obviously recognize ‘Erin’ as it is my name.  I recognize ‘Eras’ as these are periods of historical times.  I vaguely recall ‘Eros’ from Greek Mythology.  I had learned about this in college at Penn State.  As for ‘Eris’, I don’t recognize this at all.  As for Greek Mythology, it is a way to stir up the worshipping of the gods of old.

I realize now more than ever that these are actual princes and powers of darkness over regions.  There is a hierarchy of evil and these are spirits related to the fallen.  Only 37 years ago in my Greek Mythology class, these were all mythical creatures and the stuff of fairytales.  They were not taken seriously.

Even as a New Age disciple back then, I rolled my eyes over these Greek and Roman gods.  They seemed so primitive and obsolete.  After all, who would sacrifice their own child to fire on the altar of some statue?  Who would even do this?  At this point, it seemed ridiculous.  However, just ten years ago, it seemed almost plausible.  Fast forward to today and suddenly I get it.  It is here.

These are real spirits.  These are armies of demons who have gone in through open doors into the population.  This door is mostly opened through continued bitterness.  Bitterness seems to be a key that opens the doors of hate, anger, revenge, deceit and all that lead to spiritual death.

These armies of anti-good and anti-God have had permission to destroy the Lord’s saints.  They wish to destroy the innocent and sacrifice their own for the greater good.  They wish to remove law and order.  They wish to bankrupt churches.  They even deny history and call Your Word hate speech.

Well, Father, the gods are back.  They are forcing all of us to be dependent on them for all of our needs.  They are calling on Your people to accept this new era or die.  It is evil, but in Tsunami form.  We are in a war that is against unseen forces, forces that have inhabited at least half of the global population.

The local news in our countries is so all encompassing, we barely know about the persecution of thousands of Christians per month or even more.  Father, how did these fires start?  Why do so many of them only burn homes, but not the trees surrounding them.  Lord, please help us!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not worry.  I am God over the Earth and there is no other.  There is none beside Me.  My Father is on the Throne in Heaven and in His Courts.  I do the Will of My Father over all of Creation.  Go back to the beginnings of My Word.  The Word was with Me and the Word is Me.  Remember all of this…

“In the beginning, My Spirit hovered over the waters.  All things were created by Me (John 1:1).  So, Erin, if I now be with you and My Spirit is in you, what are you to be afraid of?  Why do you fear?  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned.  Years ago, I showed you that I carried you and your children through the raging waters to the peaceful shores.  Have I stopped doing this?”

Me:  “No, Lord.”

Jesus:  “My Word tells you ‘DO NOT BE AFRAID’ each day of your calendar year (365 times).  I knew from the beginning that your calendar would change.  Which of the ‘gods’ knows this?  What spirit of the fallen would know this?  Erin, they would not.  They are limited and bound even though their vile acts are on display.  This is because great evil has increased.  Still, the enemy’s army is small compared to My Army.

“Now, you have questions about these mysteries.  What do the gods and their evil practices all have in common?”

Me:  “Child sacrifice?  Control?”

Jesus:  “There is a deeper hidden anger against God.  These angels were once part of Heaven.  However, they then found themselves to be prideful and they turned away from our Father God in Heaven.  They were then cast out.  All of their ranking angels were cast down from Heaven, including their ‘angel of light’.  They then continued to compound their transgressions against God.  They displayed the five stones of grief.”

Me:  “Oh, is this denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  However, you know the rest of the story.  Angels in Heaven are created beings who serve God and carry out His Goodness.  These are different than humans.  Humans were created to worship God and be subjected to Him.  They were to share in His love and goodness.  These were then to separate orders of created beings.  Animals are another order.

“However, none of these beings are to ‘know’ each other apart from their orders.  This is an abomination to God and forbidden.  When the fallen saw women as good to marry, it was an unholy union not meant as a marital covenant before God.  This is a form of genetic perversion as their children were an abomination to God.

“These were not of God.  They were instead a result of a grave sin against God’s Holiness.  The evil offspring defiled the land as they consumed with great unyielding appetites everything in their path.  I tell you all of this now so that you understand the origins of these evil spirits.  You now see.”

Me:  “Eros is wicked.  With Eros, it is not a pure Godly love, but instead it has been perverted.”

Jesus:  “What you see today is not love.  Remember that the definition of love for one another is a pure unconditional love.  This is in contrast to the love now on display, a love for self and for self-worship.  It is not love.  Love used to be in the form of marriage before God, a Holy Union.  It is now about what this evil Eros god represents and how to sacrifice to this.  This same appetite came upon the offspring of the fallen.

“All manner of satisfaction of the flesh was opened and on full display.  This was so much so that they no longer had control over their limbs.  This is because the flesh became subject to this evil.  However, you are not to worry.  This is because it will not continue.  I see the vile practices and I am angry and grieved to see it.  This is the Eros god that they worship and sacrifice themselves to.”

Me:  “While I have heard of Eros, I have never heard of Eris before.  What is this?”

Jesus:  “Years ago, I showed you a meeting in a tower in a distant city.  There were ten kings at this meeting.  Some of the kings were without countries.  You were shown in your dream a carcass of a turkey.  Then it was an eagle.  They then devoured it.

“However, upon closer observation, the carcass looked like bad meat.  It was off-color.  The plan for this meeting is to destroy Israel, the USA and all Christian nations.  Evil leaders and governments in the shadows are about to send another plague, a plague named after the goddess of discord and strife.”

Note:  I looked this up and it is the goddess Eris.  My computer kept switching it away to other spellings.  After struggling for a while, I finally found it.  The goddess Eris was the goddess known for starting the Trojan War.  This spirit is also known as Daimona.

Me:  “Lord, this is frightening.  Please stop this evil about to be unleashed against Your people.  I don’t want another lockdown or illness.”

Jesus:  “The Trojan Horse is a way to get control over the opposition, a final blow to set up a new power.  However, I have a great plan here.  If My people will humble themselves and turn to Me, I will heal their land.  The enemy has placed a timeline on the agenda to destroy most of the population.  They plan to unleash their horses and their uprisings by Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 23, 2023).  Their plan is to destroy Jerusalem and to overtake and invade North America.”

Me:  “Lord, it is being allowed by You.  Please stop this.  You can!  Please!”

Jesus:  “Erin, I have a great plan in place.  I will not delay in doing good.  Chaos is planned and coming from the enemy.  Their goal is to destroy all life as you know it prior to My miracles and display of power over all of the Earth.  Remember to take heart and do not be afraid as I am with you.  I am greater than all you see.  I am over the waters, the wind, the land, the air and all that is in these.  Do not be afraid.  The time you have been waiting for is here.  Rejoice as I am with you.  Erin, you are My Bride of peace!”

Note:  I was then to list the four words from the beginning of this dream in reverse order:

  • Eros: Self love & perversion.  Happening now.
  • Eris: Chaos, strife, new plague, wars.  Happening soon.
  • Eras: End of this age. 
  • Erin:   Bride of Christ.  Represents God’s Bride.

Please also note that it would never be my attention to elevate my name in any way, shape or form.  The Bride of Christ was not alluded to because I have the name of Erin.  Instead, the Lord had my mother give me this name because He knew He would be using me in this fashion later on (which is now here).

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-721/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-719/

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