Dream 725 – The Importance of Psalm 37

Received on Sunday, September 3, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for this beautiful cool summer day.  Thank You for being God.  Thank You for Your patience with us.  The world is a frightening place now.  All the things You warned us about years ago are now coming to pass.  While time sets up seasons, this is only by Your hand.  The sun rises and sets only by Your command.  Nothing else has the power to set up the sun, moon, stars, tides and the currents… only You, Father.

I receive the Christian persecution reports from two sources.  They are global watch groups.  Well, these reports break my heart.  Father, we are so blessed by where we are.  However, the times are changing. The times of the Bible we were told to watch for are now coming to be.  Please hear the cries and prayers of Your people.  Please send angel armies to rescue those who love You.

Vindicate all of us before our enemies succeed in our destruction.  Please don’t forget us.  Please don’t hide Your face from us.  Never has there been a time when the whole Earth, all of Your children, have cried out for You to save us.  Father, I recently read some of Charles Spurgeon’s writings.  His prayers, studies, teachings and sermons on the Psalms from the 1800s are still so insightful today.

Luke 11:9-10:  “And I say unto you, ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.  For everyone that asks receives; and he that seeks finds, and to him that knocks it shall be opened.”

In Spurgeon’s writings, he says this:  “None have been more ready to pray in time of trouble than those who have ridiculed prayer in their prosperity.  In fact, probably no prayers have been truer to the feelings of the hour than those that atheists have offered when in fear of death.”

Jonah 1:5:  “Then the mariners were afraid, and each cried out to his god.”

Well, Father, You are the only God who saves.  You then say, ‘Here I am!’

When I feed the animals in the yard each day, they all run and hide when they hear my voice greeting them.  The only ones who run to me are the ones with the greatest needs.  They trust that I have what they hunger for and their hunger far outweighs their fear of my voice.  While I am not angry at them for doing this, I am sometimes sad because I want that relationship of trust and safety with them.

I long for Heaven, a place where nothing runs in fear.  God has given me this yard to care for so I could know the heart of My Father towards His love for me.  I know there must be times when I make You smile and say, ‘There is Erin, look at what I have done with her.  She makes my heart glad.’  Well, I live to please You, Father.

However, I also know there are times when I must disappoint You by my actions.  I pray I never grieve You.  It makes me cry to think that I could.  There are times when I grow weary and tired as I toil daily.  It seems when pain comes, I begin to question my position as Your child.  Then when extra bills or troubles loom, I take stock in my faith in You and even in myself.  Satan then whispers horrible lies into my ears…

  • You are no one to God.
  • He has better Christians to care for then you.
  • You can stop now.
  • You are getting so old.
  • God doesn’t care about you.
  • You upset Him.
  • He won’t protect you.
  • Give up now.
  • If He cared, His promises would have been fulfilled by now.
  • Are you even seeing His promises at all?
  • Are you not worse off now than you once were?
  • Don’t even your children now want to leave you?
  • You are turning them over to me.
  • Your (older) son even prefers his father over you now.
  • You are an embarrassment.
  • You are no writer.
  • You don’t even know the Bible like we do.
  • He didn’t choose you.
  • You are insane.
  • You conjure darkness to shed light.
  • Give up now as you will be in hell soon.

At times, fear then settles in as a result of these bold-faced lies.  Oh Father, I then avoid You.  I do this even when You do the following to comfort me (a partial list at that)…

  • You continue to be faithful and true.
  • You speak to me tenderly and in love.
  • You send miracles and wonders.
  • You seek me and pursue me even when I run from You.
  • You provide for me daily and never stop.
  • You allow my humility so that I come back to You.
  • You hold me and place my feet on a firm foundation of love.
  • You continue to be the solid rock of security in Your promises.

Oh Lord, thank You for keeping my heart fixed on You.  In my discouragement, I ran to hide from You.    Even then, You turned and removed my troubles and left me with blessings.  I then offer You a blessing in return.  Oh Father, I am so sorry for ever doubting my place with You.

As for Spurgeon, he makes a note about a father who had prayed many years for his sons and daughters.  However, they then became worldly instead.  His time came to die and he gathered his children around his bed.  He had hoped to bear such a witness for Christ that he would be blessed to witness their conversions.  Instead, he became deeply distressed and started to doubt his own interest in Christ.

As he lay dying, he became unhappy.  Above all, his worst fear of his mind was that his distress would be seen by his children and cause them to be against God.  After dying, he was buried and his children came to his funeral.  God heard the man’s prayer that day for, as they went away from the grave, they talked quietly amongst themselves…

1st brother:  “Brother, our father died a most unhappy death.”

2nd brother:  “He did, brother.  I was very astonished at it for I never knew a better man than our father.”

1st brother:  “If a holy man such as our father found it a hard thing to die, it will be a dreadful thing for us who have no faith when our time comes.”

After this, all of the children of this man were saved.  His prayers were heard and answered by God in a miraculous way.  Oh Father, please help us and comfort us.  We pray and believe for impossible things.  We ask for miracles when the world provides nothing for us.  I had a couple of dreams last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “Fleeing Danger in Oregon” begins…

I was younger and had my younger son and my daughter with me.  We were in the middle of some emergency that had just hit Portland OR.  We were travelling west on Beaverton Hillsdale Highway.  When we reached Hillsboro, I decided we needed to turn left on a side road into an undeveloped area.

The first turn was a road that went from paved to gravel to dirt.  It then kept narrowing.  I knew this was a dead-end, so we turned the car around.  Another road required us to abandon our vehicle and travel on foot.  I knew that this too was a trap because we had safety while staying with our car.  Our car had a safe cover, provisions and a full tank of gas.  We decided to go back to our familiar routes.

I took several roads south to get to Newberg, Dundee and areas far from the trouble.  I instinctively knew we had to get east, but not to go to the coast.  I then remembered the Capital Highway from somewhere.  We would travel to Salem and go east over the Santiam Pass.  I then noticed that my gas gauge was always reading full.  It never dropped.

My daughter:  “Mom, you won’t believe what is in this cooler.”

My younger son:  “Wow, mom, this food is incredible.”

As we drove and looked behind us, we could see that the I-5 was full.  No vehicles were going east… only north, south and west.  Even though we had been eating and drinking, our bodies never needed to stop at a rest stop.  It appeared that the Lord did not want us to stop driving no matter what.  We arrived home at dawn.  We were relieved to be safe and back at home.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

In this dream, I did not actually see our home.  Father, thank You for this divine rescue dream.  Is this dream a dream of things to come?  I then had a second dream last night…

Sub-Dream 2 “Trusting the scorpion with my son” begins…

I was in a dimly lit room.  In reality, I was now in total darkness.  While I rarely dream of my greatest enemy at all, he was there in this room with me.  In this room, he was gathering my son’s belongings together to leave for good.  While I was so upset, I didn’t let my emotions show.

Enemy:  “If you commit yourself back to me, I will not harm any of your children.  If you do this, I promise not to hurt your (older) son.”

Me:  “But what if I say no?  I am happily married to my husband.”

Enemy:  “This has nothing to do with marriage.  I am asking for your commitment and loyalty to me in exchange for the safety of our children.”

Me:  “So wait… are you saying they won’t be safe if I don’t?”

Enemy:  “Do you want to test me?”

Me:  “Give me the suitcases.  I am taking him back home.”

Enemy:  “It is too late.  The tickets are booked.  Sorry about your stupidity.  Haven’t you had enough of the scorpion and the frog scenario?”  He began to laugh at me.  “How many times will you be so stupid?”

Me:  “Not this time.  God is with me!”

In my dream, I then did something so unbelievable.  However, I can’t recall it now nor even a thing about it.  I only saw the ending of it.  I saw my enemy then shrink with fear and trembling.

Enemy:  Now pushing my older son towards me.  “Here, you can take him home.”

While I couldn’t see what was doing this, something then took him on both sides and threw him outside.  My son then hugged me.  We gathered his things up for him to come home.  His trip had now been cancelled by God.

Sub-Dream 2 over…

Me:  “Father, my son has changed his mind and now wants to go out west to be with his father again.  This does not sit right with me.  He is scheduled to leave in early October to go with his dad.  I believe that this is a bad idea.  Please go before my son and take care of him in all he does.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not be afraid.  Remember that your children are Mine.  Fear not for I have redeemed them.  No arrows formed against them shall prosper.  My favor is not on your enemy.  He claims to know your son better than he knows himself.  This is a reptilian tactic.

“What he means by this is that he believes, based on patterns, based on things common to young adult men or based on his own wicked thoughts and actions, that he knows and understands.  However, these are really based on knowledge of past sins.”

Me:  “But, Lord, my son has not seen his father in nine years.  He is the child who confronted him.  He was then told by the enemy that he would know the truth one day.”

Jesus:  “No.  This is a lie.  You have always been truthful with your children with what had occurred.  This is because it aligned with what they had directly experienced for themselves.  They eventually drew their own conclusions based on personal experience.  The scorpion was consistent and you held your tongue as I instructed.

“Your children remain where you are.  As for your (older) son, he has not been well.  He is sad and weary.  However, he will one day be healed.  Times have been difficult, so, in desperation and to feel better, he has agreed to travel with the scorpion.”

Me:  “I can do nothing, Lord.  I have stated my case.  So has his brother and sister.  However, he still…”

Jesus:  “Stop!  I will handle all of this.  I will expose evil plots and I will stop your enemy’s assignments.  I have allowed your son to forget the former things.  However, he will now remember.  Nothing has changed… only time.”

Me:  “Doesn’t time heal?”

Jesus:  “A wound, yes, but this is different.  Think of it like this… an open gaping wound that is left over time becomes infected.  The infection of the blood then goes to the heart of the matter.  Infection causes an open wound to fester.  To the children of God, the fruits of the spirit are on display.  Because of these, wounds are healed and forgiveness replaces anger.  Even though scars remain, hearts are healed and love overcomes all of it.

“The Holy Spirit seals off a gaping wound and makes all things brand new.  Time replaces bad thoughts.  Your son is simple.  He is but a youth in his thinking.  He is easily excited and happy and just as easily sad and disappointed.  He calls out to Me and I am here, but he wants his wants to be the same as his needs and they are not.  He keeps stepping ahead of wise counsel.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, the wait has been so long.  All of our children are struggling now.  Please help us, Lord.  Please help us to provide a way so we can let my son swim in safe waters.”

Jesus:  “I will do this.  I promise you, Erin.  Be anxious for nothing.

“Now, when you go to the land I am sending you (Bend OR), do not be afraid of the giants you see.  I promised you a home here years ago and this has not been removed.  See the good.  Walk your former places and pray.  You will be blessed beyond measure.

“As for your sons and daughters, I know that they are discouraged.  While they doubt their places, I do not.  I have a great plan.  In the book you read, what have you made note of?”

Me:  “The ravens.  I was laughing because I had once hated crows.  Well, we now have a whole family here who watch over our yard.  I feed them.  They are very clever birds.  I was reading about them last night while I sat outside and prayed after dinner…

Psalm 147:9:  “He gives to the beast his food and to the young ravens that cry.”

Luke 12:24:  “Consider the ravens; for they neither sew nor reap; which neither have storehouses nor barn; and God feeds them:  How much more are you better than the fowls?”

“Well, Lord, since You hear the young ravens, will You not also hear me?  The ravens are considered to be unclean birds and they make horrible noises.  Despite this, you still care for them.  In general, these ravens are quite unliked by the world.  I too at one time wanted them all erased.  This was before I lived near them and came to like them.  They had seemed to be such a useless creation.

“However, and according to Your Word, ‘Consider the Ravens!’  You care for them.  I love this.  When we cry out, we have a divine warrant from divine exhortations to approach the Throne of God in prayer.  Even so, ravens are nowhere commanded to cry.  Their petition is unwarranted by any specific exhortation from the divine mouth.

“This illustration from Spurgeon was brilliant.  If a rich man would open his house to those who were not invited, he would surely receive those who were invited.  Ravens come without being invited, yet they are not sent away empty.  In contrast, we are Your invited guests!”

Jesus:  “Erin, there are many parables in your daily walk and all around you.  I provide for all living creatures.  However, man can still go away hungry for solid food and thirsty for living water.  Their flesh can then shrivel and die.  Many do not cry out to Me.  Many refuse what I have to offer them.”

Me:  “Psalm 37…”

Jesus:  “Erin, if only My people would read just this one chapter (Psalm 37) and believe Me for these promises, they would know Me and never need for anything.”

Me:  “The following translation really hit home for me (that is, Psalm 37 from The Passion Translation).  Thank You for this…

1Don’t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth.  Don’t think for a moment they’re better off than you.  2They and their short-lived success will soon shrivel up and quickly fade away, like grass clippings in the hot sun.  3Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in His eyes.  Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land, feasting on His faithfulness.  4Find your delight  and true pleasure in Yahweh, and He will give you what you desire the most.  5Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust Him along the way, you’ll find He pulled it off perfectly!  6He will appear as your righteousness, as sure as the dawning of a new day.  He will manifest as your justice, as sure and strong as the noonday sun.  7Quiet your heart in His presence and wait patiently for Yahweh.  And don’t think for a moment that the wicked, in their prosperity, are better off than you.  8Stay away from anger and revenge.  Keep envy far from you, for it only leads you into lies.

9For one day the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will inherit the land.  10Just a little while longer and the ungodly will vanish; you will look for them in vain.  11But the humble of heart will inherit every promise and enjoy abundant peace.  12Let the wicked keep plotting against the godly with all their sneers and arrogant jeers.  13God laughs at the wicked and their plans, for He knows their day is coming!  14Evil ones take aim at the poor and helpless; they are ready to slaughter those who do right.  15But the Lord will turn all their weapons of wickedness back on themselves, piercing their pride-filled hearts until they are helpless.  16It is much better to have little combined with much of God than to have the fabulous wealth of the wicked and nothing else.

17For the Lord takes care of all his forgiven ones while the strength of evil men will surely slip away.  18Day by day the Lord watches the good deeds of the godly, and He prepares for them His forever-reward.  19Even in a time of disaster He will watch over them, and they will always have more than enough no matter what happens.  20All the enemies of God will perish.  For the wicked have only a momentary value, a fading glory.  Then one day they vanish!  Here today, gone tomorrow.  21They break their promises, borrowing money but never paying it back.  The good man returns what he owes with some extra besides.  22Yahweh’s blessed ones receive the land, but the cursed ones will be cut off with nothing to show for themselves.  23When Yahweh delights in how you live your life, he establishes your every step.  24If they stumble badly they will still survive, for the Lord lifts them up with His hands.

25I was once inexperienced,  but now I’m old.  Not once have I found a lover of God forsaken by Him, nor have any of their children gone hungry.  26Instead, I’ve found the godly ones to be the generous ones who give freely to others.  Their children are blessed and become a blessing.  27If you truly want to dwell forever in God’s presence, forsake evil and do what is right in His eyes.  28The Lord loves it when He sees us walking in His justice.  He will never desert His devoted lovers; they will be kept forever in His faithful care, but the descendants of the wicked will be banished.  29The faithful lovers of God will inherit the earth and enjoy every promise of God’s care, dwelling in peace forever.  30God-lovers make the best counselors.  Their words possess wisdom and are right and trustworthy.  31The ways of God are in their hearts and they won’t swerve from the paths of steadfast righteousness.  32Evil ones spy on the godly ones, stalking them to find something they could use to accuse them.  They’re out for the kill!

33But God will foil all their plots.  The godly will not stand condemned when brought to trial.  34So don’t be impatient for Yahweh to act; keep moving forward steadily in His ways, and He will exalt you to possess the land.  You’ll watch with your own eyes and see the wicked lose everything.  35I’ve already seen this happen.  Once I saw a wicked and violent man overpower all who were around him, a domineering tyrant with his prideful and oppressive ways.  36Then he died and was forgotten.  Now no one cares that he is gone forever.  37But you can tell who are the blameless and spiritually mature.  What a different story with them!  The godly ones will have a peaceful, prosperous future with a happy ending.  38Every evil sinner will be destroyed, obliterated.  They’ll be utter failures with no future!  39But the Lord will be the Savior of all who love Him.  Even in their time of trouble, God will live in them as strength.  40Because of their faith in Him, their daily portion will be a Father’s help and deliverance from evil.  This is true for all who turn to hide themselves in Him!

Jesus:  “What does this mean to you?”

Me:  “This appears to be Your order for the transformed of God.  This is the warrant of the promises from You.  To me, this reads like a manifesto!”

Jesus:  “This is good food for My Elect.  Now rejoice, Erin, for I send good gifts to those whose hope is in Me.  Do not worry!  I love you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-726/

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