Received on Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Sometimes with dreams, I receive only bits and pieces of a larger picture.  Please clarify all I see.  This morning, I woke to three very loud words…


This was just after I had a very vivid dream…

Sub-Dream 1 “BRACE FOR IMPACT” begins…

I was somewhere I did not recognize.  I heard three interpreters.  Two of the interpreters were official ones.  As for the third interpreter, he was a verifier, also called a ‘cup bearer’.  I did not know the languages being spoken other than suspecting they were eastern in nature.  One seemed like Russian.  The other two were different.

The 1st Leader was boasting about owning the nations of the world.  This leader was speaking remotely.  He stated his great accomplishments, all due to the stupidity of the USA.  This 1st Leader stated that he had done the following…

  • Paid off all surrounding countries to the south.
  • Claimed power in the seas.
  • Purchased lands.
  • Poisoned the young fighting men.
  • Penetrated military bases of the mainland, as well as of the ally to the north.
  • Created punitive accusations in social media to attack children.
  • Used social media to cause race wars and to divide and weaken.
  • Set up a parody President owned by the party to destroy the military, the government and the laws.
  • Plundered military powers.
  • Purchased seized guns through shadow organizations owned by the military.
  • Disarmed citizens.
  • Removed the privacy of the citizens by purchasing sensitive information.
  • Purchased debts via banking partnerships.

2nd Leader:  “They are spending themselves dry militarily on the war.  All of that money in proxy accounts can be used to weaponize against them.  With them now weakened in this manner, it will now be easy to remove them.”

3rd Leader:  “Yes!  We have the capability and we have a great plan.”

1st Leader:  “Even though they are expecting you, they still laugh at you.  You take the first shots and we will then pretend to help them.  We already have an army inside their borders.  We will then control the power grid, water supplies, information and food supplies.  Hospitals will be closed and fenced.  It will be quick.  We have the waterways of the Gulf, the south, the east, the west and have full access through the north.”

2nd Leader:  “We can help by attacking the country to the north as well.  However, we would need to do this before the winter.”

I then saw a flash of light.  The plans of the enemy were then suddenly placed on hold.  While this was a surprise to them, I was not sure exactly what this surprise was.

2nd Leader:  “What happened?  I thought this President was really yours.”

1st Leader:  “He is!  This is unprecedented.  We must strike now.”

I then woke up with the words, ‘BRACE FOR IMPACT’…

Sub-Dream 1 over…

When I was making the bed later on that morning, I pleaded with the Lord.

Me:  “Oh Lord, please stop them!  We need more time!  Please help us!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Come to Me.”

Me:  “Here I am, Lord.  What is going to happen?”

Jesus:  “I am with you.  Do not worry.  The enemies that surround the USA and Israel plot to destroy them.  Instead of making their own countries better, they find the destruction of God’s lands more satisfying.  They then plot in the north and in the east.  I will send angel armies from on high.

“Now, the leader in power by proxy is now more evil than all of the kings of Israel combined… even Ahab.  At least Ahab submitted to God at times.  As for this President, he only submits to evil.  The leaders in power have been confused by the hand of God.  Their weakness and their evils are on full display.  Is it not written that this would be a war unlike any other?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “The nation once dedicated to God has fallen from grace.  Even worse, it is defiling all that was holy and set apart.  What foolishness of the leaders to allow the enemy to become so wealthy.  They even allowed the enemy to purchase fields of fruit trees, wheat and corn.  They then allowed them to build fortress factories.  They continue to allow spies in from the south, north, east and west.  They are thieves of the highest order.  They even change My Word and publish it.”

Me:  “Is there anything we can do to stop this, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  Pray.  Erin, pray!  Pray for the lost.  These evil leaders have destroyed and partitioned off the nation dedicated to God.  This President is a goat.  He is shallow.  His name means what he is.”

Me:  “His name could either mean ‘button maker’ or ‘shadow valley’.”

Jesus:  “Shadow is closer as all evil operates in darkness.  If only My people would turn to see the judgment that has fallen upon the nation.  If they did, they would humble themselves and turn back their faces to Me.”

Me:  “Lord, You said by Your own words that this man operates in the shadows, in the dark, in a dark valley.  How can Your children stop what is in darkness when it is hidden from us?  Since You are God, You see what is in darkness.  We can’t do this.  If we are to focus on lovely things and Your promises as You command us to, how can we then also focus on the plans of the enemy, especially since You, Lord, along with Your angel armies, are much greater than any plans hatched in darkness?”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, you make a good case!  I have told you to stay vigilant and watchful.  The news you hear now is mostly lies.  I have told you to pray instead.  Erin, keep your focus on Me.”

Me:  “Lord, I kept hearing emphasis on the words ‘BRACE FOR IMPACT’!  Should we expect a nuclear attack soon?”

Jesus:  “The idea of the 1st Leader (in the sub-dream) is to keep the land beautiful and to then occupy it for himself.  As for the other two of the three leaders, they want it destroyed.  The nations surrounding Israel also want it destroyed.  As for the main leader in opposition to the other two leaders, he wants to take captive slaves and to kill the weak, infirm, elderly and young.  They plan to take the entire nation, as well as the entire lands to the north and the south.  By controlling money, they can displace all the peoples from their homes and pillage their wealth.  They can then claim their lands.”

Me:  “Stop them!  Oh please, Lord, stop them!  You still have millions of believers here.  So many of us still love You with all of our hearts.”

Jesus:  “Do not worry.  Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

Me:  “I am scared, Lord.  My children will be forced into war if this happens before winter.”

Jesus:  “Calm down.  Erin, calm down.  Many are the plots of the wicked.  However, God’s plans are greater.  Remember that the harvest is coming.  Praise God for He is worthy and over all you see.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-728/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-726/

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