Dream 728 – A False Crown for a False King

Received on Friday, September 8, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another glorious day here!  While things here are no paradise, they keep our eyes looking up to an eternity with You.  My husband and I are to travel soon.  The most difficult thing about travelling is leaving our kids.  Drama is mostly non-existent here unless we are away.

The enemy enjoys when I am unable to enjoy rest or even sleep.  This time has been no different as all kinds of issues have emerged.  I give these to You, Father, as all we have is for Your Glory and not necessarily for our personal comfort.  A huge storm came last night.  This was not a surprise as it has been unusually hot and humid the last several days here.

As for last night, our entire area was pounded by one long six-hour storm.  The thunder was deafening and woke up everybody in the house.  The lightning strikes literally lit up the skies for minutes at a time.  I have never experienced a storm that simply hovered there without moving.  While my husband slept through a lot of it, I struggled.

Our circuit breakers tripped several times during the storm.  One clap of thunder literally sounded like You were splitting the skies open.  The rumble started from down the valley and then came right to the house.  As the rumble hit us, the skies lit up yet again.  I was terrified.  I started to pray.  This was roughly three hours in at around 2:30am.

As for earlier that day, I had quite an argument with my older son.  You then reminded me that he truly has no understanding, that You allowed for this for a specific reason and that it is me who is able to change given that his autism does not change.  Yes, I know that I must change until You make supernatural changes with him.

Even though I am normally patient with him, I still got quite angry.  I then repented for my loss of faculties enabling my patience to take a vacation for 45 minutes.  I then had to separate myself before saying things that I couldn’t take back.  Unyielding words are like spilling water from a cup.  Only God can reverse, heal and fill our empty cups.

Overall, it was a rough day for me, wherein this day was later capped by the huge storm above me.  This all was an extremely humbling day for me.  I now understand what they mean by ‘peels of thunder’, as well as ‘the splitting of the skies’.  The rumbling shook the ground itself and the sky lit up like it was day.  I certainly had no power to do anything about it. I just prayed.  I then heard Your voice…

Jesus:  “Erin, I have you.  There is an epic battle over you.  I have already showed you the armies of angels.”

Me:  “But, Lord, this storm isn’t stopping.  It isn’t moving through.  It continues.”

Jesus:  “Picture an inverted valley above you.”

Me:  “Oh… wars in the heavenlies.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  The weather scientist will then explain things away.  However, I told you that I am in the storm.  As for you and your household, nothing was harmed.  You are fine.”

After dialoguing some more with the Lord, I fell back to sleep.  However, I was shaken up by one last overhead thunderous crack that shut off our breaker.  Both of us then woke up again and now it was 4:00am.  My heart pounded.  Our little dog, Snigglet, ran up to us and was shaking so hard that it was difficult to comfort her.  After about 20 more minutes, I fell asleep again and had a dream.  This dream was very clear…

Sub-Dream 1 “A False Crown for a False King” begins…

I observed about twelve children in a library.  They were ages 5, 6 and 7 years old.  They were all in a story time area on pillows crisscross in a circle.  Even though the cart was already there, the ‘Storyteller’ had not yet arrived.  Among other items, the cart had at least 50 or more crowns on display.  The librarian then placed each of the crowns in the center of a circle.

Librarian:  “Each of you can try on as many of the crowns as you would like.”

I was astonished as I even recognized some of the crowns.  One of the crowns had been on Queen Elizabeth’s casket during her funeral procession.  There were other priceless crowns, but there were also some that were not as valuable.  Altogether, the crowns were easily worth tens of millions of dollars.  The children were so cute trying on these huge crowns.  Almost all of the crowns were too big for their heads.

Librarian:  “Okay, Children, please place the crowns back in the center of the circle.  The Storyteller has now arrived.”

It was the former President (not Trump).  He came and sat at a large chair set up for him.  Once he sat, he looked down at the children…

Storyteller:  “Hello, children.  Who liked placing the crowns on your heads?”

A few of the kids raised their hands:  “Me, me!  I love these!  They are pretty.”

One of the boys:  “They are too big for my head.”

Storyteller:  “That’s right.  They are too big for you.  They don’t fit you because you are pretenders.  You are not kings, queens, princes or princesses.  All of you are just kids.  You will never wear a crown.”

One of the girls:  “But we will receive a crown when Jesus comes!”

Storyteller:  “Well, look around you.  There is no Jesus here passing out crowns.”  The girl then looked sad.  “However, I am here now.”

He then placed a crown on his own head, a crown unlike any that I have ever seen before.  It had many spires and each was encrusted with valuable jewels.  The crown was large and I somehow knew that it once belonged to a prominent king in history.

Storyteller:  “Okay, so now what do you see?”

Little girl:  “I see the crown of a king.”

The Storyteller seemed pleased with her answer.  However, this didn’t last long.

Little boy:  “But you’re playing dress up too.  You’re a pretender.”

A different little boy:  “Yeah!  You are just a pretend king.”

Storyteller:  “Well, here is the difference…”

He then paused to wave to the librarian and her helpers to bring some snacks.  They began to place some sort of dessert in a circle between the children and the crowns.  It looked like pecan pie or something similar.  It didn’t look tasty.  They were each wrapped in plastic wrap and served to the children on paper plates.

Storyteller:  “The difference is that none of you… not one… will ever wear one of these crowns.  This is because you are not worthy.  They aren’t yours.  As for me, I can take this crown off or I can wear it, but, no matter what, I am still king.  As for you, and no matter how hard you try, you will always just be pretenders.”

Little boy:  “You don’t even look like a king.”

Storyteller:  “Well, you definitely don’t.  Regardless, I am still king over all of you.  I am king over all that you see.  As for all of those crowns here…”  He pointed to the crowns and sneered.  “…I own all of them.  They are all mine.”  The kids were now beginning to get scared.  “Now eat your snack.”

Little girl:  “I don’t like that pie.”

Little boy:  “Yuck!  This looks gross.”

Storyteller:  “Now do you see why you can never be kings, queens, princes or princesses?  You don’t obey orders.”

He then nodded his head toward some special ops to the side and addressed them.

Storyteller:  “Okay, it is time to show these kids that I am truly king.  Throw them off the cliff immediately.”

This was horrible and unexpected!  The parents had entrusted their children to the Storyteller.  As they walked towards the cliff, the kids started to scream and cry.  There was a wooden pier jutting off the cliff.  There was a very long fall into the ocean from the end of this pier.  The children were to be thrown off the pier into the ocean like garbage.

Just as the kids were being led to the end of the pier, a portal suddenly opened in the sky.  There was Jesus wearing His Crown.  He was there to gather the children.

Storyteller:  “Curse You!  Curse You!”

Jesus gave the Storyteller a stern look.  He then gathered the children to Him in the portal.

Jesus:  To the children:  “Okay, children, time to smile and wave at the bad man!”

They all smiled and waved at the Storyteller just as Jesus told them to.  The Storyteller now had an even greater rage.  The portal then closed up.  All the children had been safely removed from the Storyteller’s evil grasp of death.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

Father, this dream was so vivid.  There was no mistaking any elements of it.  It was very clear.  Father, please help us.  Things are becoming very scary now.  There are quite a few sick people all around us in town.  There is so much talk of masks and new vaccines.  Please stop all of this.  Oh Father, we love freedom without fear.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not be afraid for I am in you.  Do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will uphold you with My Righteous Hand.  You are My Bride in Gold of Ophir.  I sit at the righthand of My Father.  You are a princess and will wear a crown.  The enemy cannot strip you of your title even though he tries.

“Since I am at God’s righthand, I have been given power and authority.  This means I am over and above all principalities, authorities, powers and dominions, as well as all other names.  I am over and above them all, both in this world and in the next.  I then have the power to subdue My enemies.  By the authority of God and His Word, I am seen seated in Heaven next to My Father.  Due to My position in Heaven, I am in power with authority.

“Now, your dream… there is no majesty in having children harmed or declaring they will wear no crowns.  I see the end from the beginning.  As such, be ensured that My justice will therefore be swift and clear concerning the wicked.  As for anyone who causes one of My children who believes in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the depths of the sea.

“Now, the enemy cannot strip one of Mine from Me.  He cannot strip titles nor can he determine a man’s day.  Why?  Because he does not have eternal authority.  He can only lie, discourage and threaten.  Hoping for destruction is not an act of redemption.  I redeem.  I save.  I carry.  I remove sin.  I love unconditionally.  I promise good things.  I deliver an eternal Home in Paradise.  I crown the saints.

“As for the enemy, he tries to remove by stealing authority.  However, here is the good news… when I offered up My Spirit on the Cross, I took with Me the keys to unlock those held captive.  I took away the power of death.  The victory is Mine.  The enemy thought he had taken My life, but I instead offered up My life.  As such, he does not have the authority.”

Me:  “I kind of understand.  It is simple, yet quite complex as well.”

Jesus:  “Right now, you are experiencing the war of the enemy and his armies against the saints, the children of God.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, please don’t allow him to conquer all of us.  Please step in and turn this around.  Please make footstools of the enemies of Your Kingdom.”

Jesus:  “Do not be afraid as I am with you.  I am mighty to save.  The children reside here with Me.  Their crowns fit.  They aren’t pretending.  They are custom made for each one.  Each one is special to the King.  Do not worry as I am here and I am with you.

“I am the God of the watches of the night and day.  I am the God over the skies, the land, the sea, the storms and the waters.  I am with you.  You are Mine.  I have a Great Plan and the enemy will not even expect what is coming.  Now rejoice, Erin, for I love you.  You are the daughter of the King.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-729/

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