Dream 761 – God’s Army to Arise in Power

Received on Thursday, December 21, 2023

First, an update as of the evening of Friday, December 22, 2023, 36 hours after Dream 761 was first received:  Well, good news!  After 96 hours in the chilly darkness, we just had our power restored to our house earlier this evening.  We are so grateful to the Lord for sending the powerline workers to our location to make this happen.  It has been a very cold experience for all of us.  Just this morning, our house was only 51F.  While the cold was hard on us all, our poor dogs were shivering.  Zoey was in a lot of pain.  Even so, the Lord is faithful to our MANY prayers to have this restored.  We are now particularly thankful and humbled by this bone-chilling experience.  Thank you for all of your Nest prayers for us throughout this trying time!


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for our home.  Thank You for our family and friends.  Even though we have been in darkness for days, You remain our Light.  Thank You, Father.  December 2023 has been horrible for us so far and we are only 3/4s into it.  Just 21 days.  I am exhausted.  The first week, we had no water, no plumbing and a moderate amount of heat.  This lasted for several days because of our well pump.

Then on December 8, 2023, my husband and I drove to a heart specialist in southern Maine.  I was given a heart monitor to measure my heart activity for two weeks leading up to a second appointment on December 13, 2023.

On December 9, 2023, our nice car was stolen when my stepson drove my stepdaughter to school around 8 hours away.  We are praying that our payout is sufficient to cover the outstanding loan amount.  We are optimistic about this based on discussions we have now had with our insurance company.

Then a storm came that lasted from Sunday, December 10, 2023 to Monday, December 11, 2023.  We experienced a short power outage of about 12 hours at this time and was a precursor to our current blackout.  This meant we lost a portion of our food.  I was so stressed and exhausted physically.  I was alone at our house when our home was hit the hardest by the extreme warmup and snow melt runoff.

I saw the water breach the banks of the culvert on one side and only threaten our house to the left.  However, on the right into our driveway, it became a mud river.  We had no power.  I went outside in the pouring torrential rain to try and cut channels with a shovel.  While I could penetrate the first three inches of surface mud to make this channel, anything below this was frozen ground.  I soon became frustrated.

A river now surrounded our house and was so precise that it looked like a three-foot-wide moat had been installed.  While I used everything I could to divert the flow, nothing worked.  My prayers seemed to do nothing.  I stopped when I realized I was completely helpless.  I went inside our dark home with no power and cried and cried and cried.

Me:  “Father, we have no power.  I have no power.  You hold all the power.  I am powerless to do anything.  Even my prayers have no power.”

Well, Father, You know the rest.  I was in a very low place.  Despite my position, I had promised You that I would complete a project that had major spiritual repercussions.  As You promised, once this was completed, breakthrough would happen.

As for my younger son, he left for Seattle WA with his friend on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.  He had saved up for this trip for a long time.  He arrived with no troubles.  However, his friend’s girlfriend in Seattle brought along her friend who was a man that is now a woman.  While the trans-woman asked if he could ‘crash’ in my son’s room, he firmly said no.  He did it nicely and without incident.  He then arrived back home on Sunday, December 17, 2023.  I was so glad he made it back safely.

On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, I had good news and bad news about my health.  The good news was a miracle regarding my heart.  My heart muscle was somehow strengthened and is beating on its own again.  I was so happy about this miracle.  However, the other appointment was not as positive.  I have a mass on my right kidney.  My lower spinal column has an extreme offset that explains a lot.

I also have something unusual in my lower abdominal cavity.  I now have a CT Scan with dye all set up for Tuesday, December 26, 2023.  As for this day of travel, something unusual happened in that I drove out to Houlton ME without my wallet.  I had to have my daughter come with it.  She really bailed me out and I was so grateful.

In between the first blackout ending on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 and the second blackout beginning on Monday, December 18, 2023, we were living in the light.  In this period, I had junk removal crews come and remove the storm debris and trash.  I finally felt accomplished.  Then the heat went out in one section of our home during this time.

Although discouraging, I was still so grateful to have lights and warmth in most of our home.  Then came the extreme warm temperatures of Monday, December 18, 2023.  It was so warm and incredibly windy that day.  We lost power on this night and are still without it as I write down this dream.  Temperatures have now dropped to 22F this morning.  This is so cold.

On the evening of Tuesday, December 19, 2023, we decided to build a fire in our fireplace that we rarely use.  After about 30 minutes, I was able to create quite a blaze of welcome heat.  That was until we smelled something resembling the smell of burning rubber and insulation.  I ran outside to see if our home was on fire.  I could not tell as it was pitch black.  My son and daughter agreed that they could smell this as well.  I decided to call 911…

911:  “What is your emergency?”

Me:  “I started a fire in the fireplace, but something is wrong.  Even though the flue is open, a strange smell is in our home.  I am worried about the rafters.  I am worried there could be a hidden fire.”

911:  “Explain the smell.  Could it just be from the fireplace?”

Me:  “It smells like burning wires on another end of our house.”

911:  “Please confirm your address.  They are being dispatched.  Please quickly exit your home.  Take any pets outside with you.”

I grabbed some important papers that I have easily accessible in case of emergency.  We secured the dogs in the car and the fire department came within fifteen minute.  The firemen came with sirens.  Once in, they used an infrared sensor to detect hidden heat.  No unusual heat was detected, so they left.  Before they left, I apologized and thanked them for taking the time to check it out.

In the meantime, I was having a bit of a breakdown because we had lost all of our refrigerated and frozen foods.  I couldn’t keep the food at home as it stank too much.  If I put it outside, the raccoons would have a hay day.  Because of this, I drove my son’s truck to the dump yesterday while everyone else was working.  I was not the only one to lose food, so there was quite a line up at the dump.

I backed up near to the edge of a small cliff.  There were hundreds of seagulls there and at least twenty eagles.  It was shocking.  I almost didn’t do this because I had to step in thick dark grey mud to get out of the truck.  It was disgusting.  Despite this, I hurled my garbage over the edge of the small cliff.  As I was about to leave, I noticed that there was a bald eagle sitting on a small ledge appearing to be laughing at me.

Me:  Addressing the eagle.  “Well, I might be struggling here, but shouldn’t you be fishing at the lake?  Instead, you are eating dumpster food with the seagulls.”

He then turned away from me as if he was annoyed with my reasoning.  After this, I had to drive to the grocery store.  I was loading supplies that do not require refrigeration or freezing into my passenger side door when I was approached by a man wearing a hoodie.  He must have come up quietly as I did not hear him until he was near me.

Man:  “Hey, I have a pizza for sale for $12.  Are you hungry?”

I took my head out of my trunk and turned to look at him.  He turned white as a ghost.  He backed away from me.

Me:  “No, thank you.  I am not interested.”

He walked backwards so quickly that he almost fell.  I turned back behind me and nothing was there.  I looked at myself in the mirror, but I didn’t think that I looked that scary at all.

Me:  “Hmm, this must have been angels.  Thank You, Lord, for my protection.”

It was evident that this man was not carrying any sort of pizza.  I then assumed that ‘pizza’ must have been some kind of code for drugs or something.  I had been nervous about leaving the house for too long because I have noticed strange vehicles down our road.  With outages come looting.

Today, it is very cold in the house.  Father, please return our power today.  If our temperatures drop into the high 40s tonight inside our home, we could be in trouble.  The winds are supposed to kick up for three hours this afternoon.  However, they have already started.  It will worsen line repairs for the power crews.  The ground below is very wet and soft, so please keep our trees firmly rooted.

Oh yes, I had a wonderful dream the night before last…

Sub-dream 1 “A Glimpse at Transformation” begins…

I woke up in the morning to take my medication.  However, I felt different.  I was fully mobile and not in any kind of pain.  I looked down at my body.  My legs, arms, hands, feet and torso had changed.  My skin had no imperfections.  I giggled in happiness.

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  This will be the best day ever!”

Sub-dream 1 over…

I was excited for a few minutes, then sad again at my current state of being.  Even so, I am very grateful for this dream, as well as the healing of my heart muscle.  Could You please continue to heal me?  Please heal our family and our Nest friends and their families.  Father, we have been under attack here.  Someone from China has been working very hard at hacking into my accounts.  Please keep this safe.

Evil never stops.  However, Your mercy never fails as it is new every morning.  You are greater than the sum of all evil.  Please help us as we are unable to fight the enemy on our own.  These small inconveniences are nothing compared to what is coming.  These are only a small prelude.  At least You know that I still come to You and pray every day.  I love You so much!  Lord, I love You!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I know that you have been experiencing many troubles right now.  This happened even though this is after I told you that a great time of breakthrough has now come.  It is an overlap between what has been contractually declared and the delivery of this promise.”

Me:  “But, Lord, You are here with me right now.  This means that You can make this happen right now if You wanted to.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  However, this comes on the heals of something greater.  I am your Comforter.  My Voice in you reminds you that I hear you and I will defend you.  The enemy will not succeed in his plans to destroy you.  Erin, the man who approached you in the parking lot had a different plan for you.  However, his demons saw who you were and that I am with you.  As a result, he was unable to speak and fled.

“Now, the storms that hit your entire area affected many families, many of whom are not as equipped for troubles as you are.  Thousands were troubled by this storm.  Erin, do you think it would be good for all those around you in the dark and cold to see that you are not?  As at this time, this would not be a good thing.

“During the daytime, the sun shines on all of you.  However, if only your home shined at night, they would curse you.  They would curse you as they would be drawn to your home like a moth is drawn to a flame.  Until you are physically stronger and set apart, you are to be as a common man… even though you are clearly uncommon.”

Me:  “But this is hitting us so hard, Lord, seemingly even harder than most of our neighbors.”

Jesus:  “This is true… and many of them look down on you and scoff.”

Me:  “Especially those that have powerful generators.”

Jesus:  “They will be judged for their cruel words.  However, you have done nothing against any of them.  Anyone who laughs when calamities hit the children of God… well, they will have to contend with Me.  So, pray for them.

“Now, you have really not been overcome by these troubles.  You have instead weathered them.  In the midst of these, I have blessed you.  I have provided for you.  You stopped crying and instead praised Me for the good.

“Now, this is all very difficult to understand.  However, you are in the number of My Great Army, the children of the sons of Jacob.  You will be strengthened and ready for battle.

“As for the sons of perdition, their army will fall to God’s Army.  They will be no match for you.  Just as the enemy has prepared for a war unlike any other, so too will I prepare for a great victory unlike any other.  While they will then run to their holes and caves, they will be unable to hide from God or His Great Army.”

Me:  “When, Lord?  When will You reveal Yourself again?”

Jesus:  “Erin, I am very close.  Please trust in Me and My Words of Comfort.  Just because your power has gone out all around you, My Light, My Power, is in you and no enemy nor scheme of hell will prevail against you.  Your great breakthrough is coming.  I have calmed the wind.  The sun shall warm your home.  Your power will be restored.  However, your Flame, your Candle, will never go out.

“I love you and My Power is in you.  Smile and wave at your neighbors as their generators give them power only for a moment in time.  They will be unprepared for what surely is soon to come.  No generator will bring power.  However, you and your house will shed My Light to all those around you in darkness.  Rejoice as this is a good day.  It is the day that I have made!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  https://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-762/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-760/

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