Dream 775 – Once someone dies, they are no longer here

Received on Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for bringing my younger son home safely.  Bless You, Father, in all things.  I am thankful for all You have done in my life.  I realize that I have been a difficult child at times… well, a lot of the time.  I love You.  No matter what You do with me, no matter my finishing length of Your race and no matter Your path for me, I will praise You in all things.

I know who I am and I am small.  My life is a tiny pearl of a drop in a massive vast ocean made by Your Words.  You spoke this into being.  You are my Father who shaped my life and I pray that I remain useful for Your purposes.  This brings me to my surgery.  My surgery, a Nephrectomy (nephro = kidney, ectomy = removal), is scheduled for Thursday, March 7, 2024.

Prior to this, I have a procedure called a cystoscopy.  This is so the doctor can detect bladder cancer.  It is basically to see if the cancer has spread.  Based on the size and composition of the mass, the odds are against me.  Oh Father, I still cling to the visions and dreams You gave to me many years ago.  I cling to these in the hopes that my healing miracles are coming.

Each day now seems to be in slow motion.  The doctors have prepared me for what I will not be able to do after this for about a couple of months, with lifting being the main activity to avoid.  I will work to have the house cleaned and organized beforehand so that I can rest and recover.  However, I am still praying for a healing miracle to make it so that I do not need the surgery.  I want this cancer to simply vanish, never to return.

While I had several dreams last night, this is the only one that I could recall…

Sub-dream 1 “The Five Demons that Harass” begins…

I saw a certain man who had lived a simple life.  He went to church every now and then.  He was in his 20s.  He worked two jobs: one at a hardware store and the other cutting firewood for side money.  While he had friends, he was lonely.  While he was unaware of this, he lived with some demons.

His parents had been killed in an auto accident by a drunk driver when he was around 12 years old.  The man who did this to them was set free with parole.  However, true recompense or justice was never served.  I saw into the spirit realm around him.  I could see the five demons that lived with him harassing him day and night…

  • One wanted him to drink to feel better.
  • One wanted him to drive after drinking.
  • One called for him to just end his life.
  • The other two mimicked his parents and called out to him for justice and to avenge their deaths.

Every now and then, the last two demons would manifest by copying his deceased parent’s voices in another room or they would leave something where he knew he hadn’t set it out.  The young man didn’t know what to do because people would think he was crazy if he talked about it.

While I watched these demons constantly torment this young man, I did not fully understand why.  Each day, he woke up with the same routine.  The alarm would go off and he would rise.  This one morning, he sat up in bed and said his thoughts out loud…

Young man:  “Lord, no one cares if I live or die.  I am lonely and tormented day and night.  I am mad at You.  You left me.  I live with ghosts in my head.  Help me.”

I then saw into the spirit realm that these demons were dancing with glee until he asked for the Lord’s help.    The attacks then became worse.   The young man phoned in sick to work.  He had planned to drop off a cord of wood to a family in need down the road.  He decided to phone them and say he would be unable to make it today.  He then thought about ending his life.

Young man:  “God, do You even hear me?”

Just then, a flash of light flooded the room.  I saw Jesus reach out and hug the young man.  I then saw the Lord command the demons to flee this young man.  Although they protested, Jesus said, ‘Off of this property and off of all the works of this man’s life!’  They screeched as they fled.

I could not see where they went to, but I knew they were 100% under God’s Authority.  While I then saw Jesus speaking to the young man, I could not hear what was being said.  I then saw something like chains, but spiritual chains.  These chains that had shackled the young man simply faded away completely.  He was now healed.  Our front door then shut suddenly and woke me up.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Me:  “Father, this was interesting.  Where did these demons go?  If You routed them, then I am sure they had no choice but to go.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not be afraid.  You are also discouraged and tired.  Do not allow the enemy a foothold.”

Me:  “Lord, how many of these demons are around us and how do we deal with them.  These are things that dwell in a realm we cannot see.  We are veiled.”

Jesus:  “As I am God, I do not answer to demons.  I have all authority over them and over the realms of the seen and unseen.  In the same way, I am also over all things in Heaven, the heavens, the Earth and even below.  This is because My Father in Heaven has given Me all authority.  This means that you, as a child of God, must come to Me to seek Me with your whole heart.

“Erin, I hear you.  I assign angels concerning you in all you do.  Nothing… neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor even past, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature… shall be able to separate you from Me, understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “There is an order to all things by My Authority.  Even now, when you see disorder and lawlessness, injustice and evil of every kind, this too is by My Authority to allow such things.  However, those who cannot see in the unseen realm know that a time comes very soon when My patience comes to a close concerning them and the Courts upon Heaven and the Earth will be open day and night and justice will be fair and swift.

“Now, let Me review something… and even remember by My Words when I appeared in the flesh… I did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.  I did not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.  So then, whoever shall break the least of these commandments and teach others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven.  However, whoever shall keep the Laws and Commandments and teaches these, he will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Erin, what am I saying here?”

Me:  “Are we to go back to Leviticus?”

Jesus:  “Well, yes, among other Words of old.  This is because I am the Word.  All that was old can still be made new and can be applied to your daily lives.  Now, there are important instructions concerning bridges to the unseen realm.”

I went to Leviticus 19:26.  You must not eat something with the blood in it.  You must not try to tell the future by signs or black magic.  19:31… Do not go to mediums or fortunetellers for advice or you will become unclean.  Then there are multiple verses about touching a dead body and unclean spirits.

Jesus:  “Erin, you are wise to obey these Laws.”

Me:  “Lord, my grandma and I were very close.  She taught me about cleaning, organizing and personal grooming.  She worked her fingers to the bone in all that she did.  She was obsessive and worried.  She never seemed to have peace.  Her funeral was an open casket.  She died shortly after my stepdad did.  I remember touching her dead body and crying.  I had nightmares after this for many years.  Did I take her demons?  Were they transferred?”

Jesus:  “You don’t have a possessed body.  However, yes, you became a host for a few back then because you were open as the eldest grandchild.  There is a period of time when the demons of one host no longer can shift to another.  Again, this is a Law that is wise to study.  When you have questions about My Word and relevance, you only have to go to the root to discover why this was written to begin with.  This is why Enoch’s writing was also of note.

“As the angels who fell had fear of God, so they sought out Enoch as a type of medium to intercede for them.  This is forbidden as angels are an order of God’s Creation to police the unseen and the seen realms.  They are appointed for the assignments of God and are not subject to man nor are they to converse with man other than to do the Will of God who sent and appointed them, understand?

“Then these angels acted as disembodied spirits and were unable to return to Heaven.  They had fallen.  When they did not like their position, they thought that the women of the Earth were pleasing.  They then took them for themselves.  Even so, they still thought they could return if they could be heard by God.

“They saw that Enoch was with God and decided he could plead their case.  However, this was a matter that changed the course of things since they had now broke the final covenant for angels and their orders.”

Me:  “So, bottom line… don’t touch the dead, don’t converse with the dead or pray or declare to the dead.  These are a different order now than the living, right?”

Jesus:  “Well, here is the bottom line… those who have died are elsewhere… I have them where they will be.  They are no longer amongst the living.  What remains is an unclean spirit disembodied or unassigned… essentially, he is unemployed and needs a new job.”

Me:  “Oh, that’s easy to remember!”

Jesus:  “This is why you will often hear that places of the dead are haunted, places like cemeteries or funeral parlors.”

Me:  “What about insane asylums?”

Jesus:  “While this is a whole different discussion, yes, these too are filled with tormented spirits.  Let’s return to this another day.  Now, mediums… people flock to them because they claim to hear from the dead and they then become a verbal communique for dead people.

“However, let me be very clear here… the demons impersonate loved ones, but are never the loved ones.  These demons are experts at mimicking tragic events.  They even use mediums to speak in the voice of the dead with 20% accuracy.”

Me:  “Only 20%?”

Jesus:  “The unseen realm is under My order and, by My order, their words are confusing.  However, people who are willing participants in seances and meetings of the dead are easily led astray and so too their pocketbooks.  This with just 20% accuracy.

“However, the next trend planned by the unseen realm is more accurate.  This is allowed by Me.  Many who claim they are Mine and many who are looking for answered prayers or miracles will also soon go to this master of illusion.”

Me:  “Are You speaking about Artificial Intelligence?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  So many will participate willingly or even unaware.  Now, be careful as these are perilous times.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord, for all of this.”

Jesus:  “Just ask.  I am here.  Also, for those who have participated in these practices, these are an abomination to Me as to Me there are no strangers, no outcasts, nothing lost, no orphans, no widows, understand?  I am God and I know where the heart of each man is.  I know when he comes, when he goes and who he worships.”

Me:  “I love You, Lord.”

Jesus:  “I love you.  Your heart is on Me.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-776/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-774/

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