Dream 780 – Give the Lord Space to Work Here
Received on Monday, February 5, 2024
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day! I need Your help today, Father. When I lay down, I struggle to breathe. Panic then sets in. Inhalers aren’t working. Please help me. Please forgive my fear as it stems from when my mom struggled with breathing and swallowing. Please don’t allow this with me. You are my Best Friend, Lord. Please don’t sit by and watch me suffer through this. I love You. I was fine a few days ago.
I had a dream last night…
Sub-dream 1 “Renovating a Small Home” begins…
Several families were living in my tiny Oakland Bay Area home. I had to work around several people in order to paint the walls and remodel it for sale. It was impossible. Various owners over the years had differing textures of material & plaster on the wall. In order for everything to work, I needed to use primer paint first as a foundation throughout the house before adding my base coat.
With one room, I discovered that the primer I had just applied was buckling and peeling off. I had painted over something oily. Instead of using another coat of primer, I decided to remove whatever the underlying cause was, thereby exposing it. I then determined that I was on a time schedule since several of the families had children attending school. I knew that the children would be let out by 3:00pm and would be here by 3:30pm.
I then decided to use a very wide skimming blade to remove all the layers that were causing problems. When I moved the skimmer down the wall, all that caused the problem just fell off and left was the old plaster walls and even surfaces. I then went through the house and checked all the areas I had primed. These were perfect. As I was about to finish, I then realized that all of the families were now gone. They had completely disappeared.
These families were real obstructions that had made completing my work very difficult. Imagine painting a room or even trying to cook in a kitchen with multiple people blocking your every move. With all of the inhabitants of this house now gone, I was able to finish painting within an hour. It also helped that it was a very small home.
I then ripped up the carpet. When I did, it exposed the most beautiful wood underneath. It was amazing. I only had to buff it to furnish and stage it for the sale. Something amazing then happened. The moment I thought of a need for a desired piece, it instantly appeared in front of me. With this happening, I was able to finish the entire project by sundown. I completed a walk-through to check everything one last time.
Satisfied with my job, I then packed up my tools to go to my next home. However, when I sat in my car thinking on this some more, I realized that this place was the last place needing remodeling. All of the other places had no reason for me to fix them. I looked above me and there was the BART Train overhead near the old railroad tracks. It was so loud that it woke me up.
Sub-dream 1 over…
Father, am I white-washing events that occurred in that home when I was a kid? I believe I have faced all of these giants and taken these down years ago. Based on the families dwelling there, they were not welcome house guests. They were in my way instead. I have to believe these represent barriers or familial curses causing my current daily troubles. Could You go before me and expose these?
Father, I would really like to remove these barriers so that I am free to work. Maybe this childhood home represents what is happening inside my body. Maybe my body needs a fresh coat of paint and the removal of things that once worked and now needed to go. Maybe these are items like the carpet being removed to expose something wonderful underneath or other obstructions keeping me from freely operating in Your miracles.
Oh Father, You are so wise. You long for a close relationship with Your children. Please help me to see what is in my life that needs to go so that I can experience the fullness of free movement. I want to breathe fresh air. I want to finish this race healthy and strong, on Earth as I am in Heaven with You. If there is any more I must clear out, please show me right now and I will do it.
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. It is wisdom to not dismiss something like this dream as being foolish. It is wisdom to press into God for the answers to these mysteries. In life, like this little home you grew up in, it is sometimes easier to cover over imperfections, ignoring things on the surface that requires attention. Before going to the final steps, the finishing touches, there are certain steps you need to perform…
- You need to remove uneven undulations on a surface.
- You need to sand areas that are stubborn.
- You need to make the area smooth, level and ready for what comes next.
- You need to prime it and then paint it.
“Once these steps are performed, you can then move to the final steps. In a similar fashion, with life, there are always obstructions to work around. A person can become so accustomed to obstructions that they simply adjust for these and accept their positions. However, this is foolish. You must recognize how these came to be in the first place and remove them. When you do, all will fall quickly into place.”
Me: “Are You speaking of my cancer, Lord, or something that I have not dealt with from my childhood?”
Jesus: “Well, why does this need to be one over the other? Does a remodeler only focus on one small task or does he transform the entire space?”
Me: “Well, of course he transforms the entire space. Oh Lord, if there is anything else in me that needs changing, please reveal this to me. I want to let go. That place, that home, was the house of pain for me. I cannot think of any other place we lived in that hurt as much as this did. My heart grieves. Lord, please!”
Jesus: “It took a great tragedy to prompt leaving. Your mother was searching for a fresh start and safety. I called her out to do this. After your stepdad’s suicide, you went on this long trip (lasting about three months). The long trip you took around the country was actually your mother searching for a new home. In the end, I led you to the north.
“Now, curses came upon you at your home before you moved. However, you have now taken each of these curses captive and broken them at My Altar, removing the stronghold over you. These familial / generational curses were struck down. However, as in a war or a final battle, there are still memories you have taken with you, as well as the scars of the battle.”
Me: “Lord, if any of these disembodied spirits have followed me, please strike them down and send them back to the pit where they belong. I pray this in Your Name, in Jesus’ Name. I repent, renounce and break them of their power over me and our house. Oh Lord, please bless us.”
Jesus: “Erin, you are free. Your children are free. This is a good dream to prompt you to take inventory, to take account, of anything that you need to bring before Me. Bring this before Me and we will remove these. It takes you to bring it and Me to break it. This is good. Now, as for the other matter… your cancer… can you trust Me?”
Me: “Yes, Lord.”
Jesus: “Then let Me remodel you. I have you. I am in you. You have called upon Me to do a good work. Don’t be like the type of client you complain about. When you are trying to complete your project, they would look over your shoulder and examine your every move, as well as the workers, and say things such as…
- Why did you do this?
- Why don’t you do this?
- What are you doing next?
- Should you not be doing this next?
- Did you miss a spot here on purpose?
- You are not done for the day yet, are you?”
Me: I was laughing so hard now. “Lord, You are so wise. You are right. I will trust You with what comes.”
Jesus: “Now, about your airways… this is environmental. You just need to make a small change in your room.”
Me: “I just switched my pillow out. Is this the issue? I also have a room scent that could be an issue?”
Jesus: “The scent is the source, see?”
Me: “Thank You, Lord! I thought it was my cancer…”
Jesus: “Oh Erin, worry does not help you here. Worry only serves to make things worse. Give Me your worry and I will replace this with My peace. I love you!”
Me: “I love You too!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-779/
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