Dream 781 – The Darker the Storm, the Brighter the Rainbow

Received on Friday, February 9, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for this beautiful sunny day!  Thank You for another day here.  I want to really thank You for this today.  While I have a little more energy this morning, the last few days have been difficult.  I am physically so tired.  It is not like me.  I am very pale today.  My daughter remarked that she had never seen my skin so void of color before.  I have ruddy skin, reddish in tone, but I have always appeared tan.

I am not sure where my color went.  I have always been able to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’.  I have always played through.  I have kept my eyes fixed on the ball… once with golf, now with Jesus!  When I have fallen, I have always been able to jump to my feet and dust off the dirt.  I was quick to ‘shake it off’.  When I woke up this morning, I felt so labored in my steps.  I decided to go back to bed.

When I then drifted off to sleep, and in that brief moment, something amazing happened…

Sub-dream 1 “A Highlight Reel of My Life” begins…

A highlight reel of my life flashed.  It flashed from the time I was young enough to recall things up to when I was an adult.  I was even able to see moments that I have no recollection of.  At some point, we lived on a farm.  I had some small little yellow furry baby chicks.  I felt one with my hand.  I had to be no older than three years old.  The memories then kept flooding in…

  • The first time I had cinnamon toast.
  • The smell of spring.
  • The sound of my grandpa’s lawnmower.
  • The excitement of walking barefoot in freshly mowed grass.
  • Laying down in the grass and watching clouds.
  • The smell of fresh rain after it stops.
  • The search for rainbows.
  • The atmosphere when storm clouds gather.
  • Preparing for a coming storm.
  • Helping my grandpa put small suet bags on the tree branches for the birds.
  • The smell of Ponderosa Pines in the Sierra Nevada.
  • My mom’s beautiful long hair and her smile.
  • Driving in a Mustang convertible with hot seats from the sun combined with cool air and so much laughter.
  • Picking a tiny bouquet from my grandma’s flowers to make a posy basket.
  • Cutting paper snowflakes.
  • Daily prayer in our school at the start of each day.
  • The celebration of holidays in elementary school.
  • Arts and crafts.
  • The anticipation of field trips.
  • A new puppy, my husky, Sasha.
  • A new kitten.
  • Counting stars and butterflies.
  • A new park to explore.
  • Riding a bike.
  • Learning to drive.
  • Riding a horse.
  • Zephyr’s Cove.
  • Panning for gold.
  • Fishing in the Truckee River.
  • Rafting for miles with friends.
  • Riding my bike across the long bridge to Sandpoint ID.
  • Having a flavored coffee with my mom.
  • Sunday drives.
  • Dancing, dancing, dancing.
  • Golfing when no one is with you but God.
  • Golfing with friends.
  • A perfect game.
  • A perfect shot.
  • A perfect day.
  • Sunning on the beach.
  • The end of a difficult day.
  • Hard work.
  • Accomplishing what others said you couldn’t.
  • The impossible.
  • My first date.
  • My first break up.
  • Ice cream.
  • Good friends.
  • Wedding day.
  • My children at every stage of their lives.
  • A separate little mini-me in my daughter.
  • Being in love and being loved.
  • Promises and hope.
  • Of course, my Hero, Jesus!
  • The promise of a new life everlasting with Him.

There were literally hundreds of moments that flashed.  There were also some hard moments.  I then woke up.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, please let me live.  Please let me finish this race as You have promised.  The wait has been long and sometimes difficult.  However, the good outweighs the bad.  Please forgive me for being sad.  When I have no energy, it is difficult.

My urine test was abnormal and was positive for blood and cancer.  My first procedure is Tuesday, February 13, 2024.  Time is not waiting for me.  It just continues.  Father, please strengthen me these next few weeks.  Father, please create a miracle where there seems to be none.  I love You.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I have never left you.  I am that Voice you hear calling.  Before you speak, I hear and answer you.”

Me:  “Lord, why did You have these moments flash before my eyes?  Am I going to die?”

Jesus:  “So you remember.  Everyone of those things were sent to you by Me.  Do you notice anything about these?”

Me:  “We were poor.  However, by reading these, you would think we were rich.”

Jesus:  “How so?  Very little cost a price but the wealth of the fullness of the experience.  I met you with good things even in your poverty.  You were wealthy (in experiences).  You even danced despite the darkness of troubles that had come and were always present.  Instead, you recalled the wonders you experienced.  You recalled the things you delighted in.

“You loved pools and fountains.  Erin, all the things that you delighted in in this life is all waiting for you in Heaven.  Even so, this is only a fraction of what I have prepared for those who love Me.  I delight in you.  I delight in your joy, your laughter and your faith.  I have never forgotten one promise that I have given you.  Not one.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, I am so sorry that I have been so sad.  I am going through very little compared to when You walked here.  You have been so kind and gracious with me.  I am so grateful.  The night before You were crucified, You prayed to Your Father in Heaven that He take this cup of suffering from You and choose a different way.  You never lacked faith in Your Father, only Your suffering at the hands of man, the betrayal by close friends and the physical torture soon to come.

“What I am going through is nothing compared to this.  I am so grateful that You went to the Cross, Lord.  You fulfilled the prophecies and so much more.  With me, I just don’t want to lose any more body parts.  I had hoped this would not happen.  Even so, I trust You with my life, Lord.  You are my Savior and Best Friend, so I will surrender to Your plans and not to my despair and perceived punishment.”

Jesus:  “I am with you, Erin.  I am with your children.  I am with your husband.  I am with your friends and over all you do.  When I sent you these moments in time, these were gifts of love to you.  However, this is not the end, Erin.  There is more.  I have shown you events in the future and you are a part of this, not separated from this.”

Me:  “Lord, I know You can heal.  You are the Divine Healer, Deliverer and Savior over me.  I am like a child who is excited about a coming camping trip or grand vacation.  However, right before, a great threat comes to ruin everything.  My attention then fixates on what else may come against us.  As an example, my parents frequently had car troubles and this was always a problem with our plans… a fun spoiler.  Well, this kidney cancer thing is a huge fun spoiler!”

Jesus:  “Erin, what was that saying you have involving a storm?”

I knew He knew, but He was now reminding me.

Me:  “The darker the storm, the brighter the rainbow.”

Jesus:  “Ah yes… that should have been a Psalm of David based on his great faith and his great troubles.  Erin, I have never once come to you and said, ‘Because you did not do this or that, I will remove My favor.’  So, either you are a mad woman or you are a Vessel I have filled for My purposes.  Well, Erin, you are My Vessel.

“Now, consider this day and rejoice as I am with you.  I love you.  You are My Bride in gold of Ophir.  Your time of miracles has not yet come.  Rejoice, Erin, for it is surely coming and will not delay.”

Dream over…

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