Dream 788 – Perfect Rooms at the Old Grain Elevator
Received on Thursday, February 29, 2024
Dear Father,
A GREAT NEWS Update! The assistant doctor to my surgeon, both based out of Portland ME, called us this afternoon with information regarding the Bone Scan that was performed on me yesterday in Presque Isle ME. She informed me that my Bone Scan showed NO SIGNS of Bone Cancer!
This is wonderful news as Bone Cancer patients rarely make it past five months… and, yes, I recognize that I have Jesus personally telling me that death is not in my future regardless of whatever this diagnosis had turned out to be! Even so, this is such GREAT NEWS and a profound relief! The Lord is worthy of all our praises!
And now… back to the dream, a dream that I had received before receiving the great news of NO Bone Cancer…
Thank You for another day! Thank You for my family, my friends, my medical teams and even the little animals in my yard. I am grateful to You in all things.
I had three dreams last night. The first two dreams seemed to be tied into each other…
Sub-dream 1 “The Keys to Many Doors” begins…
I went back for a visit to the Oakland Bay area in California where I grew up from age 6 to age 13. This neighborhood I grew up in was now dangerous. I was young and in my 20s. I had returned to visit some areas that I had remembered as a child. However, I no longer recognized the new landscape. Everything had changed. I was beginning to leave as I found no one whom I felt needed a visit.
I decided to go look at my old home instead. It was then that I suddenly noticed that I no longer had the deep feeling of pain that I once had. I was not tied to it anymore. My old home was situated about 60 feet from the railroad tracks. Closer to my home and above were the elevated Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) tracks. Below these elevated tracks had once been a beautiful grass area and walking path.
Instead of this beautifully grassed area, it was now a massively long homeless camp. Above our old home was a ladder. It was situated above our old garage where my Stepdad had taken his own life. The ladder went straight up above the clouds. I was curious, so I climbed the ladder. When I got to the top, there was a vast home of glass. I could see inside.
While there was a key entry to open the door, I had no key. Since I didn’t have a key, I decided to back down. When I stepped down onto our driveway, I was approached by what appeared to be a homeless man or woman (I couldn’t tell his or her sex). While he or she gave me the keyholder’s name in the dream, I could not recall the name to write it down now.
Person: “You are looking for the keyholder. He is looking for you too.”
He or she then pointed me in a certain direction and motioned me to walk down the street. I then walked an old familiar sidewalk a few blocks down. I remembered a different time here, one not like this. However, I was now somehow able to not attach myself to feel sorrow at all. Even so, I was still sad for those who were stuck here.
I must have walked five city blocks to a main street. The homeless encampments were everywhere. There was a horrible stench coming from them. Even so, the sun shined like it always did and the temperature was perfect. I then heard a voice…
Kind man: “Erin, I have been looking for you. Here are the keys.”
I turned and there, in front of me, was a kind looking man about the same age as me in appearance (both of us looking to be in our 20s). He held out a set of keys. His eyes were a piercing blue green color that was quite similar to the eye color of Jesus.
Kind man: “Everything you need is waiting there for you. Your daughter will soon join you.”
Me: “Why do I need so many keys?”
Kind man: “In order to open several doors.”
He then put his hood up over his head and left. He instantly blended into the crowd.
Sub-dream 1 over…
Something then woke me up. I then moved into my second dream, a dream that seemed similar to my first dream…
Sub-dream 2 “Two Massive La Cornue Ranges” begins…
I was young again. I was in a massive restaurant. It had a huge open kitchen with at least ten food prep crews. The kitchen crew was preparing to receive two new ovens. I recognized these as La Cornue ranges. These were extremely high end. I only had one client who owned one. Even though many others had wanted one, the lead time to receive one of these ranges was ridiculous.
I then noticed that the kitchen was poorly laid out. They clearly had no designer. The way it was set up made it ridiculously hard to even function as a kitchen. There were many top chefs running around struggling to get their creations through the cooking stages to the plating. A women in white chef’s clothing then called me over to her…
Chef: “Since you say you are a designer, help us figure this thing out.”
She pointed to one of the two new massive La Cornue ranges. It had several compartments and was clearly not simple to operate.
Me: “I have never operated one before, only specified one. Look, I need you to know that I am not at all comfortable…”
Chef: Interrupting me. “I don’t care about your comfort. Just get it done. I’ve got several turkeys in these ovens. Look, we are at crunch time here!”
I then realized that this was Thanskgiving. There must have been a massive crowd to feed. In the back of the kitchen, there were several rotisserie ovens like the ones used at Costco to cook chicken, but were instead supersized to cook turkeys. I walked up to the La Cornue range and opened what once was the small door to place spices and flavorings. I noticed that when I opened the spice door that turkey skin was coming out.
I then noticed that the steam oven was now at maximum pressure. I tried to get someone’s attention as several alarm bells were now ringing. The steam gauge continued to rise. Several chefs ran over and pushed me out of the way. They were angry at me. Two of the chefs then turned toward me in great anger.
Chef 1: “You hit grind mode!”
Me: “No, I didn’t. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as grind mode.”
One of the chefs turned the oven off and opened the compartment. The turkey had completely been obliterated into mush. They all turned to blame me. I stayed silent. Even though they had hundreds of other turkeys cooking just fine, they were focusing entirely on this one and were so angry about it.
Chef 2: “This one was for a special delegate. It was perfect for him. He chose this one turkey out of your yard and he wanted this specific one served to him.”
I felt the Lord tell me that this ‘special delegate’ was actually quite evil. I began to become stronger in my demeanor. I must have then appeared differently suddenly as these two chefs now seemed scared of me and backed down. I then heard my name called from behind me. It was the same kind man with blue green eyes from the first dream. He again looked like Jesus in quite a few ways.
Kind man: “Erin, I am here. Here are your keys. Take them and use them. You didn’t grind the turkey. They pressured it and it exploded under their watch. Now, you are to leave this place as there is no one here to hear.”
I nodded and then instantly disappeared.
Sub-dream 2 over…
I was only awake for a very short time before slipping into my third dream…
Sub-dream 3 “Perfect Rooms at the Old Grain Elevator” begins…
I was young again. I was traveling north to a train depot. It seemed to be somewhere like northern Maine, maybe somewhere near Calais ME. I just couldn’t clearly tell. There were three young men traveling alongside me. While I didn’t know them, they insisted on following me, so I let them.
When we arrived at this town, the sun in the sky above the horizon line of hills seemed to indicate that it was about 3:00pm in the afternoon. While I somehow knew that I was correct about the time of day, I had nothing to confirm it like a phone or watch. The town was painted, but more like whitewashed. Every building was painted with white primer. All of the windows were boarded up and painted white.
Even the railroad tracks and depot were all white. Each building had one functional clear window and an entrance. As we walked down the street, I peered into a few buildings. I could see people working at their desks. The desks were Formica topped with a banding of chrome. The drawers were made of oak. I only noticed the desks because I had never seen desks like these before.
I thought it to be odd that none of the clerks had computers. They instead had light green graph paper and were working on complex geometric problems. I knocked on a door, but no one answered. I decided to open the door anyway. A woman was there to greet me. While I didn’t know her, she somehow recognized me.
Woman: “Erin, it is so good to see you. Never mind us. The town is excited about the projection of the path which should cut right through our sleepy little town. The train arrives bright and early in the morning at the depot. We have a small room prepared for you at the grain elevator for tonight.”
Me: “Grain elevator?”
The clerks were all laughing. One of the clerks turned to address me. She had a round metal ring of gold with several skeleton keys on it…
Clerk: “It is beautiful and has such a grand view. You will have some rest here. You will then be ready for the grand journey. Now, come with me!”
Me: “Do you have any room for my friends?”
Clerk: “What friends?”
I turned to point to the three young men who had been following me. They were gone.
Me: “Hmm, I guess they must have left.”
Clerk: “Oh, do not worry… they are nearby. Since they followed you this far, they certainly wouldn’t leave you before the big show. Now, come with me!”
She walked me to the edge of town where there was a massive grain elevator. The elevator was painted all white. It looked very dramatic against the golden wheat fields and the blue sky. There was a staircase on the side that led to the very top. It was quite a climb.
When we arrived at the top, the clerk used her keys to open a beautiful door. The door was made of carved white oak and sandblasted. She opened the door and there were windows all around the room. The room had a view of the entire valley and the surrounding mountains. In the room itself was a lofted white ceiling and a white painted wooden plank floor.
There was a thick feather bed on a small four-poster bed. The pillows and bed were so lush that I had never seen anything like this. It was perfect. There was even a small very fancy modern polished chrome wood stone fireplace. She went over and started a fire supernaturally quickly.
Me: “This is so lovely! Thank you!”
Clerk: “You are in our VIP Suite, the best we have to offer you.”
I cried. There were flowers and a Bible on a little chair. The view was stunning.
Me: “I feel very blessed. Thank you.” I hugged her.
Clerk: “This came straight from the top. Now, sunset is near. Enjoy the view. Your train arrives at the depot bright and early.”
I woke up when she closed the door.
Sub-dream 3 over…
Father, in these dreams, I feel alone. I woke up sad. While I found these dreams to be interesting, I just don’t understand them.
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. Do not worry. I love you and I am with you. Do you need Me to repeat this again? I will. I love you and I am with you. Do not worry. Now, you are concerned about many things. You are worried about this and that and the number of your days. You sit in silence and try to carve out joy. Erin, there is something I want you to know… I am here!”
Me: “Lord, these dreams seem like a transition from this life to another. Oh Lord, I don’t want to die. I want to stay for all of the excitement.”
Jesus: “Hmm, these dreams seemed more like you were already Transformed, not in some ‘in-between universe’. Erin, you understand that, for you, there is ‘the here and now’ and then there is ‘eternity with Me’. However, let Me be clearer… you are already here with Me now. Be strong and courageous.”
Me: “Oh Lord, I am trying to be. I am just so sad. This illness has stripped me of my joy. I am trying to feel good and have joy here, but nothing satisfies.”
Jesus: “I know, Erin. However, anything that comes your way, and I mean anything, then this has been allowed by Me for My purposes. Even though some of these things seem counter intuitive to what you would expect, know that I am with you in all things. I have a Great Plan with your life. Erin, did you ‘catch’ this? I said ‘life’.”
Me: Crying. “Thank You, Lord.”
Jesus: “Erin, I am with you. I love you and you are Mine. My purposes are not for you to worry about because, with all things, I have a great reason. It is about My Great Harvest of Souls. You are residing in an upper room, in one of My grain storehouses. There, I give you more than you can imagine.
“Erin, you delight in Me and I delight in you. Do not be burdened. Delight in Me in all things and I will give you the desires of your heart. I love you. Trust in Me when it seems I am making no sense. I promise you that all will be made clear to you very soon. Now, enjoy this day. I have a reason for all things. It will bring you joy!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-787/
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