Dream 789 – Almost at the Top of God’s Mountain

Received on Sunday, March 3, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  I love You and I am grateful for You.  I traded a life filled with fear, doom and gloom for a life filled with peace, promise and hope.  I am forever and ever thankful.  Father, what can I do when I take comfort that You will go before me, yet I don’t take comfort in where You are now taking me?  Even so, I just know and trust You because I love You and I desire to do Your Will.

While I know that You could cure my cancer instantly, I have to accept that You may have a different way than my desires in what is about to happen.  I am not sure how we will face what is coming up.  I have no idea what all of this will be like.  I had a dream last night and it was similar of my Near Death Experience (NDE) on 11.22.2004 (November 22, 2004).

Sub-dream 1 “Reminiscent to my 2004 NDE” begins…

I stood at the base of this Mountain.  As I was making the climb up the Mountain, You spoke to me loud and clear.  It was dawn.  Since there was a thick fog above me, I could not see my destination.  There was a beautiful and complex geometric pattern stamped in the soft red powdery dirt on my path.  I heard Your Voice…

Voice of the Lord:  “Erin, climb!”

I hesitated out of fear that my feet were going to destroy the complex pattern in the dirt.

Me:  “But my steps will ruin this pattern, God.”

You then responded with something I will not forget…

Voice of the Lord:  “Erin, sometimes patterns must change in order for you to climb.”

In reality, in order for me to come to Your Mountain, I needed to make changes in my walk.  I wanted to hear more from You.  I wanted clarity.  However, I had to be willing to let go of the aesthetics, the optics, of what this would look like.  My feet stepped on this pattern and completely changed the path before me.  From my perspective and in my honest opinion, this seemed to wreck it.

However, I was willing to do as God asked me because I wanted Him more than anything.  As I climbed the Mountain to God, I had a piece of luggage with a handle.  It was on wheels.  It was useless and slowed my climb.  Since I was climbing up God’s Mountain, I knew 100% that He would have everything I would need for the journey to Him.  I decided to drop my bag of belongings altogether.

Once I did, I didn’t look back.  After this, my climb became so much lighter and easier.  I had always thought my suitcase specifically meant material items.  However, I now realize that it also symbolized the need to belong… belongings.  The need in my Christian walk to be esteemed and admired by others was clearly wrong thinking.

At my old church, I had no standing at all.  The only way I could get this standing was if I had a large sum of money to donate to this church.  I obviously did not have this sum to donate.  This means that, as I was, I was a complete nobody.  That being said, there were a few things that I did do for this very large church…

  • I made the flower arrangements for the pulpit.
  • I selected the fabrics and the carpets for the sanctuary.
  • I selected the choir robes for the 100+ singers.

However, because of jealousy and politics, I was asked by the higherups to keep silent about my involvement.  They were right to do so as I heard horrible things said of my selections.  Even so, I am convinced that, no matter what was selected, they would have argued and complained.  I chose navy blue and burgundy with gold and saw this as perfect for this venue.  I feel like I would pick the same colors even today.

All of this underlines that I sometimes looked on other Christians instead of God for my ‘belonging’ as a Christian.  Had I not removed this useless piece of luggage, I would have been negatively influenced by opposing voices to God’s instructions.  I therefore chose the lonely road that led to You.

After a while, I noticed that my climb no longer seemed to progress.  Since the fog was still only lifting at the same rate as my climb, I still had no idea where I was going.  I didn’t know how long it would take.  Since I knew I shouldn’t look back, I didn’t know how far I had come.  When I almost looked back despite knowing better, I heard Your Voice again…

Voice of the Lord:  “Allow Me to carry you!”

Me:  “But I don’t know where I am going or how far…”

I almost looked backwards, but again stopped myself (or God did).

Voice of the Lord:  “No!  Do not look back to see how far you have come.  Allow Me to carry you!”

Me:  “Oh Lord, where am I going?”

Voice of the Lord:  “You must trust Me.”

This particular part of my journey was exhausting and long.  It seemed as if I was going nowhere.  However, You knew.  Father, You knew things would be different and my climb would be lonely.  You told me to allow You to carry me.  That meant there would be times when I could not see the end in my sights.

It meant it could be lonely and I could lose my belongings.  It meant I would likely lose everything before You would bring Your blessings back.  However, if I would allow You to carry me when I was tired, fearful and sick, You promised to carry me.  I once again called out to You…

Me:  “But, Father, I can’t see where I am going.  The fog is too thick.”

Voice of the Lord:  “You must trust Me.  I see!”

Sub-dream 1 over…

Well, Father, here I am.  While I also had some other dreams last night, I do not fully recall them.  However, it was based on this time with You.  Father, I trust You.  I just don’t like not being able to see through the fog.  I am still scared.

I suppose that, in honor of my dream last night and my memories of my 11.22.2004 NDE, You allowed it to be a foggy day outside of our home.  Well, I can clearly see that even fog can be pretty.  The snow has melted very quickly and rain is in the forecast all week.  Please keep the rain mild with no wind, Father, so that we have no disasters while we are away for my surgery.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Now, on your journey, where did you find Me?”

Me:  “I found You the moment that my foot stepped out to climb Your Mountain.  Your Voice was loud.”

Jesus:  “So, what was the purpose of My Mountain in your vision while you slept?”

Me:  “It signified a long climb.”

Jesus:  “I am the Mountain.  I am your Climb.  The Fog is My Cloud, a Spirit of the Dew of Blessing.  You were going to no longer rely on what you could see with your eyes, but instead through My Spirit.  Oh Erin, you are priceless to Me.”

Me:  “I am so thankful that You see something in me that pleases You!  Oh Lord, sometimes I think that I am as dense as this thick fog.  I must not be that bright as none of this occurred to me before.  I never examined the whole NDE dream in greater measure before.”

Jesus:  “Then this is the Appointed Time right now.  For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under Heaven.  This was written by a wise king, the son of David (Solomon).  He did not know then that he wrote this about the Great Tribulation and the New Kingdom.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8:  1For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under Heaven:  2a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; 3a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

Me:  “Oh wow, I never knew this.”

Jesus:  “Read this as if it is both here and soon to come.  Now, you are to also reread what you wrote in your journal yesterday about waiting.  You had great understanding.”

Me:  “Okay, Lord, I will…”

From my journal as written yesterday begins…

This waiting is difficult.  Waiting on You is difficult.  Waiting on promises is difficult.  While some waiting is extremely short, some waiting can be much longer.  Some waiting on Your promises in this life remains just this… promises realized, but elsewhere for eternity.

In these times of instant gratification all around us today, it is hard to remain patient while we suffer.  Each day presents hope.  Even so, hope can then turn into discouragement when it is deferred yet another day.  Sometimes You seem silent even though we know You are in the waiting.  Father, please help me.  When someone is older, and since I am now older, I have grown accustomed to the waiting.

Even my devotional today was about waiting.  Waiting on God does not mean sitting around hoping.  Waiting means believing He will do what He has promised and then acting with confidence.  How can we be so sure You are telling us things that are going to happen?  Then why didn’t they happen as we thought they should?  As an example, why didn’t You tell me sooner about my cancer?  Or maybe You did?

From my journal as written yesterday over…

Jesus:  “Erin, the Mountain is Me and the waiting for your promises.  At times, the promises I gave to you are like a never-ending climb.  Well, I now ask you this… are you climbing to know Me in deeper relationship or are you climbing in search of something?”

Me:  “Why does this have to be one or the other?  Lord, my journey has been to seek You and know You more because I have sought You with my whole heart.  In doing so, I have forsaken family and friends.  Well, looking back, they never really approved of me to begin with.

“Those closest to me now know that I love You and You are first in my life.  However, I would propose to You that I both seek more of You and search for answers.  You are fascinating and I am never bored by You.  You satisfy all of my longings and all of my ‘belongings’.”

Jesus:  “Then you have great wisdom.  Now, you have waited only to face this next obstacle.  You are correct… I could heal you instantly.  However, I have a Great Plan and Miracle.  Will you trust Me?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  However, I don’t want another surgery.  This one is a major one.  Could You at least make it comfortable and heal me supernaturally?  I don’t want to be bed-ridden.”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, I know.  I understand that you don’t like this part of your walk… but, really, your climb.  I promise to be with you every step.  I will carry you.  I will bless the doctors, the nurses, the instruments and even the medicines.  I have not forgotten you.  I love you.  I will care for your every need.  I am in your waiting.  I am in your climb.  My Glory Cloud is over you and goes where you go.  You are almost to the top of My Mountain.  Take courage.  I am with you.  Do not worry.”

Me:  “I love You, Lord.”

Jesus:  “I love you, Erin.  My Voice is in you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-790/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-788/

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