Dream 790 – The Landlord Who planted a Vineyard

Received on Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another beautiful day here!  I feel very blessed to have so many loving friends around me.  I feel blessed for my children and also for my husband.  I am so grateful for all that You have done for me.  Everything!  Even though I have many valleys to face, I know who resides over the valleys and the mountains.  You!  You do as You are my God over all things.

You care about Your children and You remember us.  While generations forget other generations, You are our Father who never forgets anyone.  You make possible what would otherwise be impossible for man.  You designed our bodies.  You created us.  You selected where we would be born and who our parents are.  You select everything right down to the very last detail.

From here, You guided us along the path we were to take to get us where You called us to be.  You sent angels concerning us to help us in all that we do.  You treasure us and hold us close even when we are unaware You were near.  You made sure we always had enough to eat.  You kept our power on and You help us stay warm.  You fulfilled our needs and often even before we even ask You.

There has been nothing beyond Your reach in our lives.  Father, You are the Greatest Gift I didn’t even know I had until just a few years ago.  While I knew You were there, I had no idea what an amazing Dad You are.  You are the Father who is faithful and loves us unconditionally.  You love us through it all.  The only thing that keeps us from You is us.  I run and hide when I am scared or uncertain about the outcome of a battle.

Even so, You still find me.  You run after me.  You are not the God who runs or the love who got away.  You are here right now and there is no place I would rather be.  I am safe in Your arms and You are my strength.  Father, bless my friends who pray for me.  Bless them today where they are.  Thank You for sending them to help us during the difficult portion of this journey.

So many are in uncertain situations.  They are facing health wars, lawfare in courts, family struggles, oppositions at work and even against other Christians.  Since I have been averaging only twenty minutes a day on my technology, I don’t respond quickly these days.  However, I am so thankful to all those who send prayers and notes.

It is my hope and prayer that all of my friends will understand that I will have trouble responding quickly after this Thursday’s operation.  It would be so nice to be able to respond to all the notes and prayers I am already getting and others that I know are still to come.  In the meantime, I will continue to pray for each of you that God will bless you abundantly and that He opens Heaven over you.

I pray that all of my friends experience the miraculous love and gifts of our Father.  I command by God’s Authority that the miraculous promises of God be manifested over our Nest and all those who call upon our Lord Jesus in their time of need.  It is so odd to think that this is my last entry with both of my kidneys unless the Lord intervenes miraculously.  Either way, I am ready for Him and what His Will is for me.

By His Authority and in the Name of Jesus, I speak divine life over my body.  I am not finished yet.  There is so much left to do.  Father, I cling to Your promises.  Even though I do not want this surgery, I will do this with courage because I know that You go before me.  You are always with me and Your Voice is always in me.  You will personally command the doctors, the nurses, their instruments and even the robots.

Please watch over our home while we are away.  Please watch over the little animals and birds.  Please watch over our children and our pets, Zoey and Snigglet.  Please protect all of them from any enemy schemes.  Please protect our Nest, our family of Sparrows.  Please strengthen us for the journey and protect our car.  Thank You, Father!

My dream last night was a simple one…

Sub-dream 1 “So Much to be Thankful for” begins…

We were now living in a home that was on level ground and was welcoming.  It was our new home.  The landscape was beautiful.  It looked more like a home in the south.  There was a massive deep wraparound porch and open glass doors throughout.

There were many people visiting us and so much activity.  We were preparing for a big event.  It felt like it involved a wedding or engagement for my daughter.  So many people came by to congratulate us and visit.  There was music and food and joy.  It seemed like summertime.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, let this dream be so.  It was wonderful.  In this, it seemed like others were helping with the preparations.  This made it so I had time to visit with our guests.  This is not like I usually am as I am usually very hands on.  However, this seemed more like a catered affair.  I remember how beautiful the weather was.  The atmosphere was crystal clear and the sun was warm.

Me:  “Father, thank You for dreams.  Thank You in the midst of such a dark world that You would grant me such a beautiful dream.  Bless You, Father, in all the Earth.  Let Your Name be praised.  I love You!”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I will not leave you.  I have promised you many things and I will do as I promised you.  I will also bless all of those who have blessed you.  I will remove all of those who curse you.  They will be no more.  I have called upon your children.  Since they have turned to Me, I have abundantly blessed them.  I will bless those who bless them and say nice things of them.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  You are my Blessing and the Love of my heart.  I am so grateful for You in all things.”

Jesus:  “Erin, the world around you is changing quickly and even faster than you understand.  The moment you hear something significant on the news, something else then comes and replaces it.  The news only tells of certain things.  However, there is something that is not spoken of.  Do you know what this is?”

Me:  “Maybe AI.  Well, it can’t be AI as they already speak of this.  Hmm, I don’t know, Lord.”

Jesus:  “God.  I am moving in the midst of this, understand?  They have no power unless the evil is allowed the power to bring in the purposes of God and My Kingdom.  Because of the evil that has spread rapidly, people are turning back to God.  When they cry out to Me, I will be there to save them.”

Me:  “Lord, if You do nothing, the enemy will be able to throw this election through corruption and AI.”

Jesus:  “AI is controlled by the enemy.  Since the enemy doesn’t win, AI doesn’t win.  There is a great deception that is here now and a plan to destroy any and all opposition.  However, they cannot destroy God.  I cannot be defeated.  Their plans are to modify truth and even emulate My Voice.  This is where false messiahs, false prophets and great deceptions all come from.

“Remember, if they say, ‘there he is in the wilderness’, do not go out.  If they say, ‘here he is in the inner rooms’, do not believe it.  Remember the parable of the Landowner who planted a vineyard.  He prepared His property to protect it.  He built a wall around it.  He dug a winepress and even a watchtower.  He then rented it to some farmers and moved away.

“When the Harvest Time approached, He sent His servants to the occupants to collect his fruit.  The occupiers seized His servants.  They beat one, killed another and stoned a third.  The Landowner then sent many more of His servants.  The occupiers again treated them in the same manner.  At last, He sent His Son to them thinking, ‘Surely they will respect My Son.’

“However, when the occupiers saw the Son, they said to each other, ‘This is the Heir.  Come, let’s kill Him and take His inheritance.’  So, they took Him and threw Him our of the vineyard and killed Him.  So, what do you think should be done to these occupiers who robbed the Landowner of His land, harvest, His workers and disrespected His Son even to death?”

Me:  “These are wicked!  They must pay!”

Jesus:  “Erin, God sees.  The land is Mine.  The harvest is Mine.  The workers are Mine.  My chosen Bride is also Mine.  So, evil steals, occupies the wilderness and the inner rooms and calls out as a savior.  However, those who are wise will head My warning and not go out.  Do not believe it.  Why?  This is because My Voice is in you and I won’t take you there.  However, many will be deceived into believing the lies of the enemy.”

Me:  “That parable seems like it is also for now… for this time we are in.”

Jesus:  “Make no mistake… you are hated for My sake.  Many are abused, beaten and killed by the wicked.  They do this to My servants whom I sent.  When I was there in the flesh, they even killed the Son of God.  However, they can no longer take My life as I already gave up My life and I live.

“Now, even though it seems as if evil is winning, they are not.  I will soon come with thousands and thousands of My Chosen Ones and judgment will be swift.  Be encouraged, Erin.  My Words are true and My justice will be swift.  Now, take heart as I am with you in all you do.  I have a divine purpose under Heaven.  Rejoice and be of great courage.  I am with you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-791/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-789/

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