Dream 792 – Illegal Immigrants intend to take over

Received on Sunday, March 10, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all You do for us.  This last night, You placed me in a very deep sleep.  I woke up late and You called me to immediately come.  I was not even to do my normal morning routine.  The dream I had last night was, at first, happy and normal, but then it turned ominous…

Sub-dream 1 “Illegal Immigrants intend to take over ” begins…

We were travelling to a distant city.  The city seemed comparable to somewhere on the west coast (Portland OR or higher up into California).  The landscaping in the suburbs was lush.  There were no longer hotels or resorts to book rooms at.  There were also no other forms of places to stay.  Those who travelled had to rely on an underground network of vetted places to stay where background checks on both sides were done.

These vetted places consisted of high-end estates.  These estates needed to have ‘family’ living in every part of the estate to avoid occupiers taking over their properties.  We were on our way to a distant city to visit a relative at a hospital.  Travel had become extremely dangerous.  Travel curfews were even set up as there would be no police or highway patrols after dark.

No one dared pull over to the rest stops as they were controlled by human traffickers and drug dealers.  At night, these areas were void of law enforcement and became markets for every kind of sin.  These were run by the cartels.  The only customers who would go there had such extreme addictions to various things that they were willing to pay even the ultimate price to obtain it.

This was happening not only at the rest stops, but also at truck stops.  The criminal activities taking place there were never reported on by the mainstream media.  You could only find out about this using other means.  Any innocent person stopping there, especially if they were with children, would likely never come out.

All of this seemed like late summer, maybe the end of August.  While I can’t say for certain what the year was, I felt like it could have been this year of 2024.  As we travelled, it was difficult to find places that would take cash.  This was particularly true as we approached the estate that we had booked our rooms in.

When we came within a 30-mile radius of our rental home, we turned off all of our technology.  We even had a scrambling device on our vehicle so we would not be marked on a map.  There were four of us travelling together.  We soon arrived at a beautiful large home and property.  We were greeted by a home manager…

Manager:  “Welcome!  Please park your car in the back behind the garage.  Once you have parked, please come in.”

We did as he requested.  He was waiting for us when we entered the home.

Manager:  “Here is a new car key so that you can use the owner’s car.  Since all of the trackers are still on the car, nothing will seem unusual.  I will show you to your rooms.”

The home was massive, easily 14,000 to 20,000 square feet.

Manager:  “Now, the owners are at their summer house.  You are the last stay here.”

When I looked around, I could see that the place was an absolute mess.  There were bottles and dirty dishes covering all of the counters.  It was truly unlivable.  The manager could see the disapproval on my face as I looked around.

Me:  “Who was here last?  This is so bad.  The owners will be so sad when they return.  Was there a party here?”

Manager:  “Well, you could say that.  At least they didn’t steal anything.  In terms of the cleanliness, the house staff chose to stay away until the owners return to the house next week.  If you clean this, your stay will of course be discounted.”

Me:  “We will have to do laundry and clean up before we can even rest here.  This will take hours.”

Manager:  “You are welcome to leave or do as you wish.  Let me make a phone call.”

As we continued to look around, we felt even worse for the homeowners.  The manager finished his phone call and came back to us.

Manager:  “The owner said your stay is free.  However, there has to be people moving about the house at all times.”

Me:  “Understood.”

After the manager left, we toured the rest of the estate.  As we did and with prayer, we made all the sheets and bedding clean, as well as all of the carpets.  For those areas with cameras, we physically did the chores for that particular area.  The kitchen was the worst and had a camera, meaning I had to physically clean this.  The bathrooms had no cameras so, through prayer, they were cleaned and sanitized instantly.

Two of us then took one of their fancy cars to the hospital.  As we drove out of these gated communities, the atmosphere became very dark.  Places I had been before as a kid were now unrecognizable.  People were lining the streets in tents.  Most were insane.  Even though our car was fancy, no one came near it.  This surprised us.

We went into the hospital and began to secretly and quietly heal people.  There were very few staff.  After this, we got back in the car and drove back to the gated community.  Darkness was approaching, increasing the evil we felt in the atmosphere.  While we should have been in danger, our car was supernaturally undetectable.  My husband and I suddenly realized that our car was not visible to any of the criminals.

We saw people being dragged out of their cars and their cars then taken.  However, our car was completely overlooked.  The homeless encampments bordered these gated communities.  However, the fencing around our area was guarded at all hours.  In addition, the fencing was electric.  High voltage warnings were on display.

When we drove down the road, we noticed that one of the homes was being taken over by occupiers and the owners removed.  There was a court order posted and these foreigners had moved in and displaced the owners, two elderly people, to the street.  We drove up to the elderly couple.

Me:  “Do you need help?”

Woman:  Sobbing.  “My grandkids were coming to visit, but they never arrived.  They blocked them.  And now we have lost our home.”

My husband and I were furious.  The home was beautiful.  It was a Georgian style home.  It was extremely traditional with a grand entry.  We prayed to the Lord and He gave us instructions.

My husband:  “Pretend that we are your relatives.  We will then enter the home.”

After the couple agreed to this, we hugged them and then walked up to the front door.  When I opened the door, there must have been ten people, all men.  They were making themselves at home.  Sitting on the entry table were a bunch of UN Badges of some kind, perhaps for UN Peace Officers.  I figured that this must be how they got in through the gate.  The men seemed furious that we were there and quickly approached us.

My husband:  Bluffing.  “We are the heirs to this property.  Those are our relatives.”

Evil man 1:  “Oh good!  Let us kill you and then there will be no heirs.”

Evil man 2:  “Give us your wife.  You can come too.”

Evil man 3:  “Yes, you can come too.  We prefer males here.”

They all had extreme accents and were from a foreign country.  My husband reached over for my hand.  We squeezed each other’s hands as we prayed together.  In an instant, all of the men were struck down.  We prayed again and their bodies and any trace of them being there were instantly removed.

Me:  “Let’s pray that their grandchildren come now and that they are okay when we leave the front door.”

We both laughed as we walked outside.  We told the couple that the threats were removed and that their home was now safe again.

Elderly man:  “Thank you.  They are so wicked.  They were sent door-to-door to check for anyone violating the occupancy statutes.”

My husband:  “What is that?”

Elderly man:  “That these larger homes have families in them.  Otherwise, by the new bogus law, occupiers have sovereignty to take over any and all properties.”

Elderly woman:  “Then they kill us or send us through the gates of hell after curfew.”

My husband:  “How come they don’t invade the community and take it over?”

Elderly man:  “Because they want our money and backing to go to the ruling party.”

Me:  “They will take it anyway.”

Elderly woman:  “We know.  However, we are all just hoping for a miracle.  This is hell.”

My husband:  “Well, they are all gone now and they won’t be returning.”

Just then, their relatives came.  It was their grandchildren and great grandchildren.  They thanked us and wanted to give us gifts.  We refused.  Their home was now safe and filled with family.  We left their house for our rental home.  When we arrived back at our rental home, the manager was waiting for us there.  He walked out to point us to the garage.  After parking, we walked up to him.

Manager:  “The owners are coming home early.  However, they want you to still stay with them.  We believe there have been some changes.  We think that all of these estate owners have been tricked.”

I reached over for my husband’s hand and we prayed.  The Lord revealed to us what was occurring.  The ‘Occupation of Relatives and Heirs Act’ applies to all properties owned by the wealthy.  This Act called for all of the inhabitants to be relatives and heirs to the estates.  They are calling all of them home to take a census.  However, they have sent some ‘UN Peace Officers’ in advance to check each home to make sure there is compliance to the Act.

My husband:  “We encountered officers planning on going door-to-door.  However, they became greedy at their first estate and decided to make this their headquarters.  Their plan is to gather up all the wealthy and their heirs and kill them.  They will then take the spoils.”

Me:  “They have a plan to change the countries in which the leaders don’t like the values of the people.  If they can remove the influential and the most wealthy, then everything else will fall.”

Manager:  “Most of us thought that this was all about ‘one-party-rule’!”

Me:  “Well, this is the goal.  However, they decided to remove all threats so that no one will rise up.”

When we walked inside the home, we were a bit surprised that our children had already supernaturally cleaned up.  Just then, the homeowners arrived.  It was a husband, wife and six children from ages 2 to 18.  They came running in.  After the manager greeted the owners, they came up to us.

Man:  “Thank you for all you have done for us.  We would love it if you would continue to stay with us.”

Me:  “We will, but just for one more night.”

They then took us to a four-bedroom guesthouse.  It was beautiful.  We could see the children playing outside.  They had a bouncy castle and a swimming pool.  When night came, we could see men we didn’t recognize go up to the main home.  We all decided to go in the back door to make sure they were all okay.  We overheard the ‘peace officers’ asking about us.  We saw one man taking their little two-year-old toddler as collateral.  When we stepped forward, we startled the ‘officers’.  The men drew guns.

My husband:  “Put the baby down now.”

The man refused to do it.  When I went to take the baby, the man’s arms turned white with leprosy and shriveled up.  The other officers became terrified.  Our kids gathered up all of the children and took them away from the scene.  We then prayed again.  All of those who were holding guns had their arms instantly turn white with leprosy and shrivel up.  Even though they were in great pain, one of the men still threatened us.

1st evil man:  “More and more will come for you!”

My husband:  “Perfect.  We will go to them instead because greater is God in us than your entire wicked army.”

2nd evil man:  In great pain.  “This is bigger than God.”

Just then, his tongue fell right out of his mouth and onto the floor.  The other men became even more terrified.

Me:  “Nothing is greater than God.  While your plan is to kill all of these people, you will not succeed.  You are on the wrong side.  You will then be condemned to eternal punishment.”

3rd evil man:  “No, no, I beg of you.  Jesus is Lord.  He is my Lord and Savior.  They have my family.  Please don’t condemn me.”

My husband:  “Why do you hurt others?  Since you have confessed that Jesus is your Lord and Savior, today you will be with Him.”

The man was instantly killed, struck down by a massive heart attack.

1st evil man:  “Why?  He confessed to the Name of the Lord.”

My husband:  “Yes, but he was still capable of all of this evil.  He was still part of it.  Perhaps God will speak to him in the secret room.  As for here, you speak to us.”

1st evil man:  “Wait!  No, no!  Please!  Jesus is our Savior!”

My husband:  “You can’t just say this if you don’t believe it just to spare your lives.  You still work for evil.  God will return you to the place you have come from to be a witness to what you have seen.”

The evil men instantly disappeared.  There was no trace of them.  The owners of the home were grateful.

Me:  “We must go.  It would be good for all of you to pray.”

Woman:  “We will.  We are Christians.  All of us are Christians.”

Our kids then came back.  We all said goodbye to our hosts and got into our car.  We were instantly home.  We were glad to be home.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I woke up this morning at 10:47am.  I have not slept this long in months.  While I am not sure how I fully know this, the enemy is positioning themselves all over the world.  People we once thought were good are now evil.  All sense of morality is fading and very quickly.  The borders are being opened to redistrict the population.

They want to change the voting maps because the last election revealed that the majority of Americans voted overwhelmingly more for the other party.  They are in fear of the rise in Christians and others who love this country.  The same is true in Canada.  The powers of the enemy have called for these changes and for the invasion by foreigners and foreign adversaries.

The invaders were first sent to sanctuary cities and then to outer areas.  The call is now for them to go out into rural areas for work and for opportunities.  This is designed to overpower all of the voters.  Any who switch parties will be counted in the registries and their assets taken over.  All others who speak out against the dominating party will be marked for removal and quietly killed.

This is happening all over the world right now.  The last hold outs were the USA and Canada.  However, this is the year of the enemy’s great plans.  The media will report the election results as if these are close, even though they aren’t.  The opposition party was removed in Brazil.  The people had really voted for the good leaders.  The evil leader only received the required votes through corruption.  It was a testing ground.

Canada has also been a testing ground.  There has been a quiet takeover during the last four years.  There is now a rural resettlement program for foreigners to work on farms and other community operations.  The real idea is to make the population believe this is morally fair and acceptable to the majority of the voters and that this is a fair democracy.  Well, it isn’t.  It is wicked and just the opposite.

We instead have stolen elections, stolen properties and stolen rights.  This then leads to captivity and then death.  The plan in place is for our destruction.  Father, this dream was so real.  Please strengthen us and protect us from this invasion of evil.  It is wicked and horrible.  The gods of old have taken the land because people have allowed it.  Father, please stop this.  Please rise up or we will all be in great trouble.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not worry but be strong and courageous.  The enemy’s plans are loftier than you even imagined.  This is worse than what happened to the Jewish people in Germany.  This is much worse than this.  The enemy has already declared his plans for a Red Wedding.  What is a Red Wedding?  Well, it is the sacrifice of the Bride in white and all the saints, a sacrifice of their blood.

“Their true goal is not just to sway a corrupt election in their favor.  It is instead to overthrow the children of God and create the terror state they long to have.  The whole world will be in an uproar.  However, their plans will come to a sudden halt.  They plan to slaughter all Christians and millions of other people.

“They plan to begin this all with a grand sacrifice in order to bring about the rightful king to reign over all in his authority over the nations.  He will have one religion and this religion is the opposite of Christianity and completely wicked.  What it says in their ‘holy pages’ is a road map to their exact plans.  Their savior (a former president and obviously not Trump) is their great hope that will lead to their destruction.

“Anyone who is not useful to their cause will be publicly executed for the cameras so that fear spreads.  This is the time of the Two Witnesses in Jerusalem.  They will be very inconvenient for them.  Now, Erin, you are not to worry about all of this.  The land it too vast for invaders to go out in all of the areas.”

Me:  “Lord, You must have a plan for now, right?  This stuff is coming this year and it is an election year.”

Jesus:  “Remember that I am God over all things.  My Army and Power is far reaching and overarching.  This will not go well for the enemy.  His Red Wedding will instead consist of a vast White Wedding with all the regalia and pageantry.  He will be forced to watch and take this all in.  Do not worry as God prevails.  I am about to shake the Earth.  Erin, I am with you.  My plans trump the enemy’s schemes.

“Now, your dreams will become even clearer.  I will also expand these dreams to others so that you are in unison.  While the dreams will be different from each other, those coming from Me will have a similar message.  Pray on this.

“Now, the enemy wants to take down the west.  They have been slowly and painfully taking down Europe and South America.  However, I have a Great Plan and I am over the nations.  I hear their plans and these are not life giving.  While the wicked leaders hate all of the Americas, these are Mine.  I am over Israel and this is Mine.

“I have sent the wise.  They are silent until I strengthen them and raise them up so all will know I am God over all of the Earth.  I will be victorious.  Pray and do not worry.  Be at peace knowing that you are Mine and I am over your house.  Rejoice as the enemy will not prevail.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-793/

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