Dream 794 – Our God is mightier than The Purge
Received on Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day! We feel so blessed by You. Thank You. My husband has had some time off due to my kidney removal surgery that was scheduled to happen on Thursday, March 7, 2024. It has been odd because there was so much upheaval surrounding this cancer and my surgery that I am not sure I realized how much I miss just normal daily things.
While my cancer is still here, the pain of a surgical recovery is not. Father, I am so relieved and grateful for this Divine Pause. I now wonder if the enemy was afoot before when this surgery was still in the works. Sigh… I won’t truly know until one day all is revealed by You. Even so, I am thankful to still have all of my body parts. Thank You!
I had a few extremely vivid dreams last night…
Sub-dream 1 “Helping out my son’s friend in Tacoma WA” begins…
I went to a different city with my younger son to help him find his friend. We were now in the city of Tacoma WA. The whole city was extremely dark. As we walked around, someone came up to talk to us. I could tell he was friendly.
Stranger: “Listen, you need to be cautious because the police stations are now closed between the hours of 10:00pm and 6:00am. No one is answering calls during this time.”
Me: “Thank you for telling us this.”
We had no need to be concerned. Even though there was crime everywhere, both of us had zero fear as we were now different. Jesus was now with us in all ways. People were breaking into homes. We even heard gunshots coming from various areas. It was eerily similar to the horror movie called ‘The Purge’. After we searched all of his friend’s known places, we noticed that there was a high school basketball game.
The place was quite crowded. Even though we both agreed that it seemed a bit late for a game to start, we went inside. The gym was crowded with citizens. They were all gathering together in large numbers instead of staying in smaller groups in their homes. We went up to one of the people who seemed to be an authority. He looked like a security guard and was heavily armed.
Me: “What is your roll here?”
Guard: “I am an off-duty policeman. We are all throughout this building. We are keeping people safe during the no-protection time blocks. Since the people here have no means of protection at home, no guns, they gather here instead.”
As we spoke, my son continued to go throughout the building calling out his friend’s name. After no response, he eventually came back over to me.
Son: “Mom, I have done everything I could do. She doesn’t want to be found by me. Let’s go.” He was so sad. “God has her. I will see her again soon.”
Just as we were about to leave the building, his friend called out my son’s name twice. She continued to call out to us.
Friend: “Wait! Please don’t leave! Help!”
We turned and went in the direction of her voice. After a short search, my son was once again reunited with his friend. The lights in the gym then went out. My son and I then supernaturally turned them back on. I then spoke to the crowd there.
Me: “I am here to warn all of you that evil people are on their way here right now to attack all of you. Everyone remain in here for your own safety. We will look after this threat with the Lord’s assistance.”
My son and I went outside. There was a large group of people coming towards us. They had rocket launchers and flamethrowers. My son put up his arm and all of the vehicles they were coming in suddenly flipped backwards and exploded. We then went to hunt the others down.
We found hundreds of them. We struck them down in great numbers. As dawn broke, hundreds of bodies of the evil people remained. However, in just a moment of time, all was removed and the city completely cleared of the wicked. With the three of us now together, we then went to another city in the west.
Sub-dream 1 over…
Sub-dream 2 “The Stars play together in the Sky” begins…
I was looking out my window over a yard filled with snow. It was dark. I kept seeing animals in the brush that I had never seen before. They would appear and then disappear. I saw two dogs chasing each other. I then saw a large bear facing the dogs. From a large rock, I looked over to the side and there I saw a lion, perhaps a mountain lion, pouncing on a running mouse. It was bizarre.
I then went to the western view of my house and saw all three of these in the stars over the sky. However, there was no sign of any mouse.
Sub-dream 2 over…
Sub-dream 3 “Hired despite my Dirty Laundry” begins…
I had to leave for a trip quickly. I had very little time to pack. I gathered up a pile of dirty laundry and carried it with me to where I was going. At one point, a potential Employer and a Big Deal wanted to speak to me. This was so odd in that I was still holding onto my dirty laundry.
Several articles of clothing then fell out of my hands to the ground. The entire pile of clothing soon laid at His feet. I was mortified because one of my dirty undergarments was right there in front of Him. While I tried to cover it up as much as I could, I simply couldn’t. Despite all of my dirty laundry, this Employer still hired me.
Sub-dream 3 over…
Thank You, Father, for my dreams. What a blessing these are!
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. My Voice is in you. I am the ‘Big Deal Man’ in your dirty laundry dream (Sub-dream 3). Despite your past, your lack of training and even your lack of preparations, I chose you… dirty and soiled laundry included. I love you and I chose you. This covers your shame. Nothing is hidden from Me, the God who pursues you.
“Now, the dream of the animals in your yard at night in the snow (Sub-dream 2) is a direct timing marker. Look to the horizon at night. The stars are marked. When I give you a dream such as this, you usually focus more on the animals. However, these are also symbols of various other things, such as stars as constellations in the night sky and their order and position. They can also represent the heavens, countries, peoples or enemies.
“Erin, write all of this plainly and in proper order. Become in touch with these as I instruct you.
“Now, the very first dream (Sub-dream 1) is what is coming to the nation by wicked rulers. The safety being removed means that I was removed far before this. This is what occurs when the government collapses. This collapse could be physical or because of other reasons as allowed by Me. The enemy gave you a foreshadowing of this time of tribulation in popular culture. This is so you know the enemy’s plans to take down society.”
Me: “Yes. There are so many movies now. Three that come to mind is The Purge, The Hunger Games and the Obama movie (‘Leave the World Behind’ on Netflix).”
Jesus: “Yes. However, once it is void of all things holy, ‘The Purge’ is then at all hours of the day. All holiness then disappears, along with any remnant of God in their midst. All fair justice, mercy and grace will also then disappear. All that is good that remains then also leaves. This is the enemy’s great plan.”
Me: “In the first dream, why were my son and I there?”
Jesus: “This was in the beginning of the end. You were there to find certain people and restore temporary order until the last smaller group of remaining saints are gathered. This doesn’t include those who come through the tribulation of these days.”
Me: “I have so many questions about the Rapture and these chosen workers and this gathering.”
Jesus: “Think of it this way… trouble comes to a Farmer right before He has finished His Harvest. His Harvest was so bountiful with ready crops that His Crew needed to rest as a sabbath day before the final harvest of crops in the outer reaching fields. Because of varying factors, such as difficulty of terrain and harsh conditions, the Harvesters needed to be rested and strengthened on the day following. When they went out, they were fully strengthened, focused and swift in their work to gather the balance of harvest for the Farmer.”
Me: “What was the trouble that came to the Farmer, Lord?”
Jesus: “Trouble to the lands.”
Me: “As an act of man or as an act of God?”
Jesus: “Well, all things are only as allowed by God. However, nothing can stop the Farmer’s Harvest.”
Me: “His Workers are called to rest because the Harvest is bountiful. This is good, right?”
Jesus: “Think of the day’s events at the Cross. Darkness fell. A Great Wind and an Earthquake then came that opened the graves and took down the Temple. While my body had been in the tomb, I then rose and appeared to many. So too it will be like this here.”
Me: “Oh! Same events, but in reverse?”
Jesus: “Study this then to know what comes.”
Me: “I can’t truly know unless You reveal it, Lord.”
Jesus: “No matter how a person prepares for what is coming, truly no one is really prepared. You can be excited though as your Vessels, your hearts, are on Me and your sins are confessed. This is good. However, when all of these things happen, it will be something you would not believe even if I told you now. Now, do not worry as My Plan is a Great One! To tell you all things in advance is to bring undue fear to you and your house.
“You are instead to be at peace knowing that I am God over all things and not one who is lost can’t be found by Me… that is, if they want to be found by Me. Shame will not keep anyone from the love of God. Those who you will seek as I send you out together will be those hiding in fear, worry and great shame. However, you will find them and nothing will stop you.”
Me: “Oh yes, the lost sheep! The ones sold into sex slavery and other things!”
Jesus: “Yes. They are not far from the hand of mercy and grace as I will make them as white as snow. I am in the midst of them and I see. Now, write plainly! This is a good day! You are loved by the King, Erin!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-793/
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