Dream 798 – The Star Spangled Banner

Received on Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all we have.  Bless You, Lord, in all of Your Great Works.  You are God over all things and no thing, no man, no god and no scheme will ever be successful against You.  This is because You are greater than all of these.

I had a very vivid dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “The Ballerina Angel” begins…

Before me was the White House.  There was a massive American flag over the White House.  It was actually more like a massive decal over all the columns and the body of the building covering exactly half of the White House.  The day was beautiful with bright blue skies.

Then suddenly, as I stood in a crowd of people, I could see a dancer, a ballerina, dressed in tights and a tutu.  The pattern of her outfit was that of the American flag.  She was in perfect shape.  It then hit me that she was actually an angel.  This was quite a treat as I rarely see female angels.

Note:  While I will try to accurately describe this angel, there are no words adequate.  She was a ballerina of the very highest rank of skills.  She was the star dancer.  In turn, the star dancer is the etoile.  Everything she did was to point to the Lord’s Glory.

Angel:  Singing loudly and in perfect pitch.  “Trump!  Sound the Trumpet!  For he is with God and God’s favor is upon him.  God is over the land.  He is God’s!”

As she danced, her legs and arms created something like colorful jet streams.  Vivid color streaks rocketed from the points of her ballet shoes into the sky and straight over the White House.  I just knew this dancer had to be an angel as the moves she was performing were just so perfect.  I had never seen anything quite like this before.

She then performed an exquisite move technically referred to as a battement.  In this incredible move, she moved her leg against her head and then moved into a backward type of scissor kick.  She then spun in the air.  All the while, these color streaks like jet streams continued to come from the tips of her ballet shoes.  As she floated in the air, she addressed the crowd.

Angel:  Looking down at the crowd from above.  “God is in control and He is God forever more!  Believe it!”

She then shot up into the air like a missile.  When she came back down, she landed with a tremendous thud that made the ground quake.  Despite the huge noise this made, she landed with grace and in the most epic of superhero poses.  The crowd was exhilarated by this.  After the crowd cheered for many minutes at this awesome sight, they started cheering to the Lord.

Crowd:  Shouting.  “Etoile, etoile, etoile!”

I then heard a trumpet blow.  It echoed throughout the land in an almost frightful manner.  This energized the crowd even more.

Crowd:  Shouting.  “Trump!  Trumpet!  Trump!  Trumpet!  Trump etoile!”

There was a great celebration now taking place.  The crowd showed no signs of tiring out.  It was breathtaking.

Sub-dream 1 over…

With the news being so gloomy these days, this dream felt somewhat out of place.  One of the biggest marker signs for me personally is anything where the USA turns against Israel.  When the whole world turned against Israel yesterday at the UN Security Council, including the USA by abstaining, I just know that America is about to fall.

Father, what can we do to appeal to You.  Corrupt leaders who rose due to their corruption made decisions that the majority of the people don’t agree with.  What can we do?  Is there anything we can do?  No, there really isn’t.  Only You can step in now, Father.  Only You!  My heart hurts when I think about the beautiful land I was born in.  What a miracle it is.  What a Divine Gift.  Father, please have mercy on our nation.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not worry.  Now, My Word is true.  Those who bless Israel, I will bless, and those who curse Israel, I will curse.  This has been the pattern over thousands of years and will continue.  They follow the same steps…

  • The evil leaders first treat those being oppressed (Israel) as the oppressor.
  • They then dehumanize them (Israel).
  • They then make all of God’s children like a stain and remove them (whether it is the Jewish people or the Gentiles, it doesn’t matter).
  • Their plans are lofty and they want to wipe out Israel and crush America.
  • In order for their greater agenda to work, millions must be sacrificed.

Me:  “So, America will fall, Lord?”

Jesus:  “I have been very clear.  While I will save those who do not turn their backs on Israel, I will turn my face from those who turn from Israel.  You will now see many more harbingers.  These are warnings meant to humble the land.”

Me:  “Was the bridge falling last night a sign?”

Jesus:  “Remember that there is something in the name and in the timing of this.”

Me:  “There are quite a few things here when you look into it further…

  • Maryland is nicknamed ‘The Free State’.
  • Baltimore is the town of ‘The Big House’.
  • The bridge was named ‘The Francis Scott Key Bridge’.
  • Francis Scott Key wrote ‘The Star Spangled Banner’, the National Anthem for the nation of the USA.
  • The bridge was hit by a shipping vessel / container ship from Singapore.
  • The ship is named ‘The Dali’.
  • The ship is owned by Grace Ocean and managed by Synergy Marine.
  • Maersk charted The Dali and is a Danish company.
  • The Port of Baltimore is one of the largest in the USA for roll-on/roll-off ships carrying trucks and trailers.
  • There were 22 crew members on The Dali.
  • The crew sent a mayday alert about losing power right before the crash.

Jesus:  “Well, this is good sleuthing, Sparrow.  Take this a bit further.  If this is a harbinger, what does this mean?”

Me:  “Well, Baltimore used to be so beautiful.  I visited there a few times in the 1980s and loved it.  However, it has become different now and it is so sad.  This bridge falling is huge.  The namesake of this bridge wrote ‘The Star Spangled Banner’.”

Jesus:  “This city became corrupted many years ago and it spread like cancer throughout.  Now, this happened as this is the beginning of the end.  This is where God was removed.  The enemy rose instead and took his pulpit here.  This is where the division gained power.  Remember the enemy and those who enjoy their prominence.  They enjoy shaming all of those who gave them rise.  However, you only need to look at the forgotten people who dwell there.

“While they forever condemn slavery, they do nothing to invest in their communities.  Instead of promoting the value of human life, they promote the killing of babies (abortion) there.  Those responsible will be held accountable.  They removed the power and sanctity of My Holy Name.  They sacrifice to Baal instead.  They turned their backs on God and Israel there.  This is not a blessed city.”

Me:  “Have You removed Your favor from Maryland too, Lord?”

Jesus:  “I gave you a Word about bridges some time ago.  This is a harbinger.  Now, what is a bridge?”

Me:  “A structure mostly over water or a place that would be impassable without a means to cross over it.  It is a structure of cross over from point to point.  Travel would be difficult, sometimes even impossible, without it.”

Jesus:  “Well, yes.  Remove the bridge, remove the way.  I am the Bridge, Erin.  Without Me, there is no way.  Read the entire script of the song written by the namesake of the fallen bridge…”

Me:  “Sure, I will include this now…”

NATIONAL ANTHEM OF THE UNITED STATES – “The Star Spangled Banner” – Francis Scott Key (1814)

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming?  Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?  And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.  O say, does that starspangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream, ‘Tis the star-spangled banner – O long may it wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore, That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion A home and a Country should leave us no more? Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation!  Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation!  Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto – “In God is our trust,” And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Jesus:  “It is written there, ‘In God is our trust’.  Well, who trusts in Me now?  It is simple.  Trust Me or trust something else.  Lies are compounded.  False testimonies are bearing false witness.  These things I hate.  Foreigners have invaded America’s borders.  What is allowed and done to Israel is now being allowed and done to other nations.  I have raised up an evil root to punish the nations.  This evil root is an invasive vine, an invasive species, that bears no fruit.  Wherever it is planted it destroys all else.”

Me:  “We have a plant like this in our yard.  While it is pretty, it suffocates the other plants.”

Jesus:  “I realize this is not an easy thing as you see Me in love and you know My heart of compassion and grace.”

Me:  “Lord, You love unlike I can love.  If I had only a fraction of Your heart, there is nothing I couldn’t do.  You are kind, generous and fair.  You grant us our portion.  For those who do not realize all You promise here, You will fulfill this in Heaven.  You are patient with the wicked and the foolish until you are not.  I would not be so patient.

“Lord, You are loving and gracious.  You are strong and wise.  Your smile lights up my heart.  You can see into my soul with Your eyes.  Lord, please have compassion on all of those who were tricked by the snake’s tongue.  Maybe they haven’t heard Your message of salvation.”

Jesus:  “Most have, Erin.  While I have a Great Plan, I don’t take lightly those who have been given reign over others and publicly shame Israel as if the Jewish people have no rights to freedom.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, I just found out the leaders in Singapore just accused Israel of a hateful post they had made that was factual about the Koran.”

Jesus:  “Yes, Erin.  The last two days have not been good for those who come against Israel.  I am now sending more troubles, more harbingers.”

Me:  “Lord, what else was on that container ship?”

Jesus:  “Do not worry, Erin.”

Me:  “What is coming next to America?”

Jesus:  “Remember that I am in control and over all you see.  Take comfort and do not worry.”

Me:  “Lord, every empire that has come against Isrrael has fallen…

  • The Babylonians.
  • The Persians.
  • The Assyrians.
  • The Greeks.
  • The Romans.
  • The Soviets.
  • The Nazis.

“Lord, could You please step in now to keep the USA off of that list?”

Jesus:  “Erin, there is much to do and a Great Harvest with My Chosen ushering in My Kingdom.  Before Great Victory comes a defeat. There can be no victory without the enemy being defeated. Any enemy of the children of God and my righteousness must be defeated in order to have victory. The victory has been won and now this is the minutia.  As it stands, corruption has replaced fair judgment.  Justice has no blindfold and uses uneven weights and measures.  Remember that they are not in control.  I Am.

“Now, My hand has been over Trump as I have sent him.  They know I have sent him and they are now calling for his death.  However, I am God.  I am the I AM.  I know the plans I have for you.  Now, rejoice, as you have waited a long time for this time.  I love you!”

Me:  “I love You, Lord!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-799/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-797/

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