Dream 799 – Hidden Treasure shall be made visible

Received on Friday, March 29, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for Good Friday!  Thank You for every new miracle soon to be revealed.  It has now been raining non-stop for a few days.  It has also been quite foggy. 

My husband and I traveled for more medical appointments for me yesterday.  One of them was a scary one for me so I was given some medication prior to the test to keep me calm. Never in my life have I had extreme anxiety to the point of refusing a test until the last few weeks.  My body is saying, ‘No!’  Father, I could really use that miracle now.

A fox came into our yard and sat right there in the broad daylight.  It was purposeful.  It was hungry.  The rain was pouring down.  Its bright orange and red fur glowed in the snow. Father, this is a sign from You that the little foxes are working behind the scenes.  It was also a stunning sight.  It was rare, beautiful and ominous at the same time.  My daughter was the first to spot it.  I was able to capture a photo or two before it disappeared up the road.

I am thankful that another Good Friday has arrived.  Good Friday follows what I like to call ‘Anxious Thursday’.  What a week leading up to this day, the day of the Cross.  This is the date for this on the Christian calendar.  Biblically speaking, the true date of His death is at Passover in the month of Nisan.  This isn’t until the second half of April.

Every time I go into a surgical procedure or when I had to undergo great pain, I often remind myself that what I am going through is nothing compared to what You went through.  I take comfort in this for my trials and my personal suffering.  I am so grateful to have a Father in Heaven who blesses me, who loves me and makes me His own.  I am thankful to be grafted into His Kingdom. 

John 15:1-16 speaks more on this…

1I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser.  2Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.  3Already you are clean because of the Word that I have spoken to you.  4Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.  5I am the vine; you are the branches.  Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.  6If anyone does not abide in Me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.

7If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.  8By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples.  9As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. Abide in My love.  10If you keep My Commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s Commandments and abide in His love.  11These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.  12This is My Commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

13Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.  14You are My friends if you do what I command you.  15No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his Master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.  16You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name, He may give it to you.

Abide means to dwell, remain, be patient and to be held and kept.  I take this to mean trusting in You fully and trusting in Your Timeless Words.  It also means to remain and endure over time no matter the circumstances.  Abide means faithfulness to remain in Jesus.  I take this to mean not give up no matter what the foxes say or do.  Foxes spoil the vines.

Song of Solomon 2:15:  “Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.”

Over time and little by little, the foxes ruin the new blossoms in spring before the vine comes to bear fruit.  Since the foxes are beautiful, you might be tempted to ignore them as small or nothing harmful.  However, after time, they will destroy the vine.  This was confirmation for my daughter, as well as the position of many other Christians, who feel worn down by attacks from foxes using deceit to remove all of the good.

There is just so much coming at God’s people right now.  Many all over the world are being condemned for their love of God and persecuted.  I often think of the news media as foxes.  We are tempted to look, watch and listen, but their lies are so discouraging that it is difficult to trust a wicked message that bears no fruit and no good news.

I had a disturbing dream last night.  It woke me up and I was so upset by it.

Sub-dream 1 “My Purse is Stolen” begins…

Background on this dream:  I keep my purse across my body and zipped up.  As an extra precaution, I keep RFD chip scramblers all throughout my purse and wallet.  In other words, I am very cautious about having my purse or my identity stolen.

I was traveling with the following items in my purse…

  • My wallet containing:
    • Various cards.
    • Various memberships.
    • Medical alerts.
    • Driver’s license.
    • A small amount of cash.
  • Glasses.
  • Passport.
  • Various keys.
  • Cellphone.

In this dream, my purse disappeared at some point.  Even though I never took my purse off of my body, it was now gone.  I no longer could do anything.  Without my purse, I had no power.  My purse held all of my identity, the proof of my belonging, even the proof of my worth and where I came from.  Without this, I had nothing…

  • No car to drive.
  • No money.
  • No phone to call family.
  • No proof of who I was.
  • No record of me.

I then searched everywhere.  I eventually learned that my purse had been stolen.  Someone else had now taken over my car, my home and all of my possessions.  Worse yet, no one believed me.  No authorities believed me as I had no visible proof.  I woke up suddenly when I called out to Jesus in this dream.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I have seldom had such a vivid dream like this.  Father, have I become too dependent on the things of this world?  I fell asleep and this morphed into my second dream…

Sub-dream 2 “The Betrayal of the Mega Wealthy” begins…

I was young again, seemingly in my 20s.  I was invited to some country club event for off-the-charts wealthy young people.  Most of these people had a level of wealth that was completely out of my scope of understanding.  They all seemed to know each other.  There was so much bragging and displaying of their personal material wealth going on that it was so ridiculous.  All of it was because of their parents’ wealth.

I somehow knew that this was a very elite Spring Party surrounding a ceremony of some kind.  Something then occurred that caused the club manager to bring the entire body of attendees into the shelter below this elaborate building.  It seemed like a major enough event to do this based on the reactions from the terrified workers who were also called to shelter below to continue to serve the attendees.

When all of the young people were ushered into the basement, a giant steel door shut behind them.  All of the young people were unphased and continued to snap group selfies and party on.  The servants were called to different areas in which there were small cafes set up in advance, as well as working kitchens.  The whole area seemed like a hardened underground city.

The floor was polished concrete in rainbow iridescent paint.  It was wet with fresh rain.  It might also be that the floor had just been power washed.  I couldn’t tell for sure.  The café stations had the most elaborate food I had ever seen.  I could tell all of this had been planned for these rich children in advance.  The attendees could eat anything they wanted.  There was enough food to last a very long time.

I then looked down at the floor.  I saw some extremely large ants in one particular area.  I then saw some of the names on the nameplates.  The last names of several of the attendees were the same last names as some of the wealthiest families in the world.  As the hours continued, the attendees started to become noticeably impatient.  I then heard two of the attendees and the club manager talk to each other…

Attendee 1:  “Like, what is really going on here?  I am ready to go.”

Attendee 2:  “Me too, man.  This is so uncool.”

I began to see these young people go from partiers to panic mode in just seconds.

Club manager:  “Your parents want you safe, so you will stay and make do with all of this gourmet food.”

While the attendees then tried to use their cellphones, there was no service.  They were becoming angrier and demanded to be let out.  The club manager addressed the entire group of attendees in a loud and stern voice…

Club manager:  “This room is guarded by a door as thick as that of a bank safe.  There is no getting out right now as this door is on a timed lock.  It is impossible to open before the right time.”

Young female attendee:  “Do they want us dead so that they can take our money or do they want us alive so that we can save the world?”

Male attendee:  Laughing.  “Well, we certainly aren’t their best and brightest here.  I would therefore pick that they want us dead so that they can take our money.”

I began to see all of them panic.

Female attendee:  “This is the first step to hell.  My grandmother warned me to stop mocking God.  I am screwed.  All of us are screwed.  This is because God doesn’t care about our name or money or the number of our followers on our sites.”

All of these young people then went to their knees on the floor.  They wept and cried out for God to save them.  Three of us from God’s Army then came out of the crowd and stood next to the steel door.  The Lord suddenly made the three of us bright and shining.  The three of us then began to share with them about what the enemy had deceived them with.  I then informed them of their future as planned by the Lord.

Me:   “Listen, it is God’s desire that you all will be saved by His Son, Jesus.  You will then live with Him in a more beautiful place than here.”

Young man:  “But where are our parents?”

Another of the three:  “They have been killed.”  They all began to cry and weep uncontrollably.  “Their money has been stolen.  All of you are marked to die as they want to eliminate any heirs to their wealth.”

Even though they were very upset about this, the entire room of young adults of the wealthy were saved.  This was Great News in the midst of their terrible news.  Once they all had been saved, the steel door to the underground bunker area disappeared.  They all desired to go home.  We needed to explain the impossibility of this…

Me:  “I am so sorry, but not one of you have any homes here anymore.”

Young man:  “They can’t do this to us.  We all have hidden wealth.  We will go after them.”

Young woman:  “Don’t you get it?  Our parents sacrificed themselves so we would live.  The wicked in power instead killed our parents and framed all of us for it.”

Once she finished saying this, their cell service came back.  After searching the news sites, they realized everything that this young woman had stated was true.  They looked back at the three of us with such sorrow.

Me:  “Do not worry as God will make everything right.  The Lord controls all things all of the time.  As for the enemy, he thinks that all of you are now dead.”

They didn’t listen to us as they now had revenge on their minds.  They all jumped into their cars and drove off with the goal of punishing whoever had done this to them and their parents.  I looked at one of the other of us three…

Me:  “Do you think they will make it?”

One of the three:  “I don’t know.  Only God knows.”

I heard something behind me and I woke up.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Both of these dreams were so real.  Father, You are a Grand Mystery.  I am so grateful that You are in control of all things all of the time.

Lord, I am really excited about something that I have always dreamt about happening.  This has never happened to me before.  I had taken a canvas oil painting that was of a grassy hill of white daisies above this were beautiful clouds and blue sky.  This painting was signed ‘William Lee’.  It had a bad frame.  I purchased this painting at Value Village for about $14 over nine years ago.

While I loved the greens, blues and whites in this painting, I wanted a lighter frame.  I took it to a Michael’s craft store to have it reframed.  It didn’t cost much, so I didn’t think You would mind.  I then picked this up on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.  As soon as I walked up to the framing department, the assistant manager came over to me…

Manager:  “I have a great surprise for you.  You remember how we had to re-stretch the canvas of your painting?”

Me:  Thinking it had ripped.  “Uh, yes…”

Manager:  “Well, there was a painting underneath your painting and it is beautiful.  Several of the workers here wanted to keep it, but ethically we couldn’t do this to you.  This painting is beautiful.”

The manager opened the paper covering this painting and my jaw dropped.  It was a beautiful oil painting of Perce Rock, along with five small wooden fishing boats in the cove.  The rock structure was painted in blues, greens and whites.  It was so beautiful!  It was signed by a ‘Kent’ in red paint.  I knew this previously hidden painting was an older one because this rock has worn down considerably since he painted this rock.

The painting could be about 70 years old.  While I had always heard about hidden paintings, I had never seen one.  I can’t find a thing about either of these two artists nor can I find any other of their works.  I am so delighted to have collected two pieces such as this during my prior searching.  I have always found these items in thrift shops and knew very little until I did some research.

A few years ago, I acquired some beautiful paintings from a friend who collected vintage toys locally.  He took them on consignment for the daughter of the artist who died.  She was also very sick and had hoped to get $300 for eight paintings.  The story got to me.  My friend told me that he had no intention of taking any fees.

I felt You say, ‘Purchase these.’  I did and asked him to let the daughter know these are going to a good home and one day they will be important.  I also told her I would keep these together.  The paintings were of Cornwall, England.  There were villages and a beautiful sandy harbor with boats.

I know the quality and talent of an artist and these are stunning.  While their frames are outdated, all are preserved.  When I told my husband years ago what I had done, he was skeptical.  However, he saw how beautiful they were and how important these would be to this family either here or in Heaven.  One day, You will show us the true worth of all of these art pieces.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  You have been busy.”

Me:  “Not really, Lord.  Just living to dream.”  I heard Him laugh at this.

Jesus:  “I delight in you and love to see your joy.  I want you to understand something… all along, that secret (the painting of Perce Rock) was hidden there waiting to be discovered by you.”

Me:  “Lord, this is a huge sign for me.  Another one of my hopes was answered and with witnesses too.  How awesome!”

Jesus:  “You actually have a few more too and soon you will discover these.”

Me:  “Lord, please don’t forget about Your people.  The world is being plunged into darkness.  It is scary.”

Jesus:  “You know where you are going and have no doubts.  You even know that I have prepared a place for you to be with Me for eternity.  There are many who have no eyes to see nor ears to hear and this will be a difficult thing.  Now, I keep you moving.  I keep you focused on things of Heaven and on things of the God who loves you.  To others, these seem small and unimportant.

“However, these are special and unique between you and Me and they strengthen your faith.  While wicked men make evil plans, I see it.  God sees it.  The angels in Heaven see it.  Nothing is hidden.  Now, if God sees the wicked planning his course, how much more will God bless you on a course meant for good?  The wicked and their evil will be turned back on them.  They will be exposed.  This is coming.”

Me:  “Lord, I don’t want the surgery.  I don’t want cancer.  I am tired.  While I want to live, the world around us is crumbling.”

Jesus:  “I am your Healer.  In Me should be your trust.  Stay with Me and do not worry.  Erin, I love you.  The Kingdom of Heaven will soon be visible! Keep looking up!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-800/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-798/

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