Dream 814 – Though we will search, the wicked will be removed

Received on Sunday, May 19, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for my life and the lives of my family and friends.  Please say to our dry bones, ‘LIVE!  Rise and Live!’  Father, Your people are weary and tired.  Many of us are dying from evil men and their plots to destroy all of the peoples of the Earth.  On the surface, they are winning this Great War.  This is a war fought unlike any war before it.  It is horrific and it continues.

I had a dream the night before last and it was so real…

Sub-dream 1 “Beware of the Hidden Dangers” begins…

It began as a beautiful day.  I could recall the smells and the warmth of the sun.  It seemed like Santa Cruz, California, a very familiar place for me when I was a child.  I was standing on the cliff at Steamers Lane.  This is where my stepdad’s ashes were scattered.  We surfed here in the early 70s.  My brother and I mostly kneeboard surfed as we spent time waiting for our parents who were surfing farther out in the big waves.

As I stood there looking west at the massive ocean on this beautiful sunny day, I was approached by an angel of the Lord.  He was stunning and appeared like someone who could be a surfer.  While he was wearing neoprene surfing pants, he had bare feet and no shirt.  While he had long blonde hair that was dreadlocked from sea salt, his hair was not dirty at all.

He had heavenly hair like spun gold with streaks of white.  His skin was very tan.  His teeth were bright white and his eyes were a bright greenish blue.  He almost looked like Gabriel.  Since I was just standing there staring at him, he became uncomfortable.  I must have been in awe.

Angel:  Laughing.  “Erin, I have been sent by God to show you the sea here and a mystery.”

His arm moved in a sweeping motion and the ocean then became still.  It was now so still that it looked like glass.  He then walked over and spit into the ocean.  It instantly became clear and I could easily see to the bottom.  There was sand and rocks.

Angel:  “Now, look to the beaches.  What do you see?”

Me:  Looking at the beaches to the south.  “I see a beach I have never seen before.”

The beach was extremely wide.  The people on the beach looked like specks.  The boardwalk amusement park was so far away that I couldn’t see it clearly.

Me:  “This is unrecognizable.  How is this even possible.  The sand is like sugar.  The sand here used to be a different make up.  Where did all this beach come from?”

Angel:  “This is manmade.  This was created by man for added value.”

Me:  “Dredging?  But this coastal area is not like Florida or Dubai.  This seems impossible!”

Angel:  “Erin, the message is that it is created by man.  However, no matter what they create, nothing compares to God and His divine hand of Creation.  I am the angel over this territory.  I received the ashes of your stepfather and many others here.  One day, they will all be raised up and stand before God.  Again though, this is not what I am to show you.  Now, look to the west.”

I looked to the west and I could see the sun only a few feet above the water.  However, I could also see something else.  Something rose out of the ocean at the horizon and then disappeared again.  It was extremely large and seemed to be coming closer.

Me:  “This is horrifying!  What is it?”

Angel:  “For this is written and it comes.”

Me:  “But these people have no idea.”

Angel:  “It comes as God has called it up from the depths of the sea.”

I then looked to the sea in the south where the beaches were.  I could see two groups of people.  The men were all wearing red swimming trunks.  Behind the men was a wall of women.  The women were all in black coverings and were set apart from the men.

Me:  “Are these under Sharia Law?”

Angel:  “It matters not as their law will not save them against this.”

Me:  “Will you warn them?”

Angel:  “Look…”

I could then see into the ocean.  The Black Dragon was swimming alongside the Leviathan.

Angel:  “These do not care about man at all.”

Me:  “Are you the only angel over the sea?”

Angel:  “No.  There is a mighty army of God.  There are many of us.”

Me:  “So, when will this be?”

Angel:  “This is coming.  However, there are no harvesters here.  It is past the season.”

Me:  “Are these Trib Saints?”

Angel:  “Not here.  Now, the message from the Lord is this…

“Do not be afraid!  He is always in control.  He knows and He sees.  Hearts have grown colder day by day.  Even though there is a Great War over all you see in the natural, be encouraged!”

As the angel looked out towards the horizon, I heard him shout (however, I can’t remember what he shouted).  I saw storm clouds gathering.  The ocean suddenly turned dark with 25-foot waves.  I then saw thousands of angels over the sea.

Angel:  “I must go now!  This is war!”

The angel suddenly had a massive sword in his hand.  He jumped off Steamers Point onto some creature in the sea with tremendous speed.  All I could see was him then going into the storm.  I looked to the beaches and many of the people had now washed into the sea.  I then heard a word shouted extremely loudly from the heavens just as I woke up…


Sub-dream 1 over…

I then had another dream last night…

Sub-dream 2 “Dedicating Baltimore back to God” begins…

I was in the City of Baltimore.  The entire city had been laid waste.  We were rebuilding it and all was made new.  I was staying in a campervan working just down the street from a Red Robin Restaurant in the waterfront district.  This restaurant was just about to launch its grand opening.  There were a few hundred of us gathered at a park area there.

I was pretty sure there was a famous pastor speaking here.  While I am not sure, this pastor looked a lot like Jonathan Cahn, only younger.  Again, I couldn’t tell for sure.  He then stood on a platform and called out to us…

Pastor:  “I call upon all of you, God’s Workers, to pray and thank God for the blessing over this city.  You are to dedicate this city back to God.  Here, we will dedicate this city with the crown of stars.”

I saw a map of twelve districts.  All of these districts had a purpose or feature that reflected the inhabitants.  All here now worshipped God.  All foreign gods had been removed.

Pastor:  “At the breaking of dawn, all will be completed.  All our work is finished.”

We all cheered.  As the sun rose in the east, all of us sang and worshipped God.

Sub-dream 2 over…

I got up this morning and went to my devotional chair and prayed.  I picked up my Bible and asked God to take me to His Word of Truth.  He is good!  He took me to the following passages in Isaiah…

  • Chapter 24: His judgment upon the Earth.
  • Chapter 25: God will swallow up death forever.
  • Chapter 26: Crying out to the Lord in song.
  • Chapter 27: The redemption of Israel.

I then looked over Isaiah 27:1 and noticed something that I had never noticed before…

Isaiah 27:1:  “In that day the Lord with His hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and He will slay the dragon which is in the sea.”

Father, there is no accident here regarding my dreams and the Scriptures You just brought to my attention today.  Please grant me wisdom to understand Your Word of Truth.  Our Bibles are our Swords, but also instruct us further in the ways we should stand against the enemy’s schemes.

This then somehow reminded me of something that has been bothering me.  While Psalm 46 has been one of my all-time favorite Psalms, it was used in a deceptive way by a former President.  I now believe he was putting himself ‘as god’ by twisting Your Word.  He was obviously fantasizing about the nations being destroyed and him then being the savior of the people, not You.

I can understand how people can be tricked and led into destruction.  It can happen so fast.  As just one example, I was forced to take two shots of the Pfizer vaccine.  There was no way around it.  Before taking this vaccine, I prayed and You told me not to worry as You would go before me.  My husband and our children had to take these to go to school, to graduate and to work.

Now, here we are.  All of us are worse off now than before taking this mandatory shot.  I have cancer.  My husband should have tests as well.  We are waiting on You, Lord… actively waiting.  Show us what to do and where and when to go.

I now feel like the disciples in the waiting period that many believe to be ten days between Your ascension and Pentecost.  However, we have instead been waiting in the wilderness for ten years.  We are baptized in Water and Your Spirit and now we are waiting for Your Transformation and to begin to serve You healed and youthful.  Please do not forget about us!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  You have seen what is to come and this keeps you hopeful.”

Me:  “Lord, I am worried for my kids now.  They have also been waiting for You.  However, when one is young, time goes quickly even though time waiting goes slowly.  I can offer them no comfort other than to agree and be patient.

“Now, I know the nations who were once free are rising to dictatorships quickly.  We hear rumors of new pandemics and lockdowns coming.  We hear rumors that they will soon take our bank accounts, our homes and our cars.  We hear rumors that we will then be given a digital ID that contains all of our medical records as well.  As for any upcoming vaccines, I won’t take anymore… no more.”

Jesus:  “I understand.  These times you are in are perilous.  If you knew what was occurring in all the places you cannot see, you would be in shock.  I never said it would be easy to live in times like these.  Even so, you seem surprised.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  I just have no words for seeing the incredible increase in evil and depravity.  It is just horrific.  There are crimes against children.  There is the destruction of women and families.  Please step in.  Lord, please don’t allow this to continue.”

Jesus:  “Do not worry, Erin, as I have a Great Plan.  Remember that, in a little while, the wicked will be no more.  Though you will search for them, they will not be found by you.”

Me:  “Psalm 37.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  This is truth.  Erin, I hate evil and I know who plots and devises schemes.  I know they plan to kill off most of the peoples of the Earth.  I know their plots crafted in secret.  Erin, I have sent you dreams about changes coming to you and your house and all those I have called.  You know that it is coming as I have promised.  As for the enemy, he works tirelessly to produce a counterfeit meant to confuse.”

Me:  “They are now taking blood (plasma) from children and using this to transform a person to their youth.  They are harvesting blood from children.  This is more valuable than any other commodity.  It is so sick.”

Jesus:  “I see, Erin.  It is forbidden and evil.  However, do not concern yourself with things you cannot stop.  Now, the enemy remembers the sons of Jacob and their abilities.  Do not worry as, with one Word, I can stop this.  They seem to have a great start at this illusion, but it is nothing compared to what I am about to do.  Now, the enemy also understands the times.  As a result, they move swiftly.

“Do not be alarmed at the news you hear.  Be more alarmed at what news you do not hear so pray.  What you do hear of is a distraction away from their wicked plans made in secret.  Now, I can send a flood to a desert city who plots evil.  When I move, the floods come faster than they can save themselves.  When I shake the Earth, it comes with no warning.  Mountains fall and the ground splits.  Who can stop Me when I move?

“When I call upon a tempest in the sea and stir it up and hurl it to land, even with warning, some fail to heed the call to take shelter and they are caught unaware.  Then who dials up the sun and sends the scorching heat, drying up the water and sending fires to the forests.

“Man then says ignore God’s Wrath as we will control the rains and send in the locusts to anger God and answer our own prayers in our own power.  Well, this will NOT go well for them.  Understand this… they have wicked plans to send out locusts.  They have wicked plans to burn up the landscape, the harvest fields, the livestock, the forests and the cities.”

Me:  “Locusts are drones then?”

Jesus:  “They are locusts meant to kill people.”

Me:  “So, what do we do?”

Jesus:  “Pray.  I am about to do something in your days you would not believe even if I told you.  Be strong and courageous, Erin.  Do not worry.  One day soon, you will search for the wicked and they will be gone from your sight.  I love you and I see.  I am fully aware.  Rejoice as I am God!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-815/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-813/

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