Dream 818 – This is the Year of Change

Received on Monday, June 10, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all we have been given by You.  I take for granted breathing, walking, talking, hearing, sleeping and memory functions.  Thank You for Your mercy and grace.

You are a Great Father and my Dearest Confidant.  You are more essential than anything upon this Earth.  You are my First Love.  I pray many times during the day that You would guide every portion of my life as I give everything to You.

Father, I need help with my dream from last night.  While I know these things are coming, I would petition for Your people, Your remnant, that You would have mercy upon us.  In my dreams, many elements are about to converge and we are on the precipice of being in a situation that none of us can navigate apart from You.  Father, You are our Sole Savior.  Please begin Your Divine Rescue Plan!

In a dream last night, You showed me the plans of the enemy and his evil armies.  I will write this as You have shown me.  While this is their plans, Your plans are greater than all of these enemy plans.  God, please help us!  Heal strengthen Your Greatest Warriors, those embattled souls.  We love You and we long to see You rise up.  Please let this be before the enemy gives rise to this great destruction of the USA and Israel.

Sub-dream 1 “The Planning of a Summer of Rage” begins…

I saw an evil leader (a former President) more evil than any leader who has ever been on this Earth, past or present.  He had a darker presence and a harder heart of stone than anyone ever to rise to power on this Earth.  He had the ability to bend everything to his will.  He has garnered an army from various government agencies.  He has mostly hidden the true work he has been doing.

This evil leader does this with great cunning.  He calls for strikes against all of those who speak against him.  He hates man and hates God.  He believes that he is the purveyor of all rights and wrongs.  He believes that his ends justify his means in all things.  He believes the entire Earth is all his.  He believes that anyone occupying the land, air or sea must pay him the honor of being allowed by him to exist here.

In order to do this, all must look to him as ‘THE Savior’ and must obey every one of his demands.  His show of appreciation for your loyalty is based on your ultimate sacrifice of everything that you hold dear.  He then gives you the opposite so you are forever in debt to him and you can never reconcile this debt.  You are then a forever prisoner to him.

I then heard the Voice of the Lord:

“This is the Year of Change!”

I then saw this same wicked leader infuriated behind the scenes by the continuous rise in popularity of a candidate he thought he had destroyed, also a former President.  He was furious that he had not been able to remove his opponent.  He has plans to serve the USA to his allies, where his allies are primarily the nations of the Black Dragon.  He has also been offering favors to his allies.

In addition to this, he has been slowly removing the power of the USA by dismantling freedom and liberty.  His target of removing 80 million people off the face of the Earth has now grown by many fold.  I then saw him in an intel room in one of his residences.  This intel room seemed like a small central intelligence high-tech operation.

I then saw an analyst map out a strategy that pleased the former President with genuine glee.  I saw a list of red states (that is, Republican majority states) that were targets.  However, it then became much more alarming.  He was planning to chemically destroy these populations by poisoning the water and food and blaming China and Russia.

Analyst 1:  “While the vaccines have modified DNA, more could be done to easily hasten the death of a population who drains resources.”

Leader:  “I want the Chinese who came through our borders to be imprisoned.  I will use them as leverage in camps so we are able to seize back control of the lands the Chinese purchased to control the nation’s food production.  It is my land and we will take it back.

“We will then blame all shortages on the Chinese.  It will take years before the people figure out the truth.  By then, it will not matter anymore.  The people are stupid.  They need smarter leaders to tell them what to do and enforce this.  We can control them through food and water.”

Analyst 1:  “We can send more drugs to kill them faster.”

Leader:  “While I intend to use this later, let us hold off on that for now.  Now, how can we begin the food and water shortages?  What about our ability to limit power and oil?  Where are we on all of this?”

Analyst 2:  “We have begun to shutdown almost every plant.  We are on track to be ‘Net O’ (wherein this is the letter O, not the number 0).”

Leader:  “So, this is what I see.  We call on NGOs to call up their armies to strike against the civilians.  Let’s arrange a ‘Day of Rage’ unlike any other.”

Analyst 3:  “Are you talking about something similar to The Purge (as in the movie)?”

Leader:  “No, worse.  It must be so incredibly bad that the people will welcome me with open arms.  Fear is the catalyst.  It is time to crash the markets just like what you did for me before when I first rose.  Then make it so immigrants are shown on media removing homeowners and taking possession of the wealth of the people.  We will then pin all of this on the current government and the people will then have no confidence in them.  It is time for Joe to go!  It is time for a new leader to rise and pave the way for my return.”

Analyst 1:  “There will be troubles in implementing this fully, sir.  There is a rise in faith.  There is a rise in those seeking faith.”

Leader:  “This is not a problem.  Burn the churches.  It is working in Canada.  Call for those practicing church at home, in barns or in tents to be labelled as extremists.  Then have them raided and killed or imprisoned.  Fear is greater than faith.  This is going to be fun, boys.  Watch and see that I am good.”

He was so happy.  The pleased look plastered on his face made me sick.  The evil leader then left his ‘CIA lookalike’ room.  A ‘Group of Eight’ analysts then began to orchestrate this evil leader’s strategies and make calls.  After they finished these tasks, they compiled a list of evil things to do.  Here is the part of the list that I recalled:

  • The media will cover a soon to be fabricated ‘Summer of Rage’.
  • The protestors in this ‘Summer of Rage’ will then be armed in order to look like they are taking over the cities.
  • The media will continue to show the current government as incompetent.
  • The media will declare Trump as ‘The Last Trump”, but also as ‘The Last Hitler’.
  • The Supreme Court will be removed.
  • The polls on the November election will be made to look razor thin.
  • The IRS will be authorized to rise up to intimidate and scare people. The media will then report these stories to multiply the fear.

Analyst 1:  “The question is when should we attack the markets?”

Analyst 2:  “Perhaps September?”

Analyst 3:  “Okay, but when in September?”

Analyst 1:  Speaking to Analyst 2.  “You should call to ask.  This is big.”

Analyst 2:  Now speaking on the phone with the evil leader.  “Sir, we are thinking about attacking the markets on September 29, 2024?”

Leader:  On speaker.  “No.  Think larger than this.  Strike out against the Jews in Israel and elsewhere.  Let them start to rethink their positions.  Then give them time to return to me.  In fact, this can be a great warning shot.  Sound the trumpets here.”

Analyst 2:  “Sir, I am not sure what you mean?”

Leader:  “Do your homework.  Remember September 29, 2008 on the Jewish calendar.”

Analyst 2:  “Oh, so we should strike out based on the Jewish calendar?”

Leader:  “Yes.  God’s festivals.  We will strike out against an ‘insignificant’ God.”

Analyst 1:  “Oh, oh, oh!”

Analyst 2:  “So, are we talking October then?”

Analyst 3:  “If we do this, who will still vote in our direction?”

Leader:  “Don’t be stupid.  We send fear out ahead and we make voting at voting stations too volatile.  People will then not vote or they will mail their votes in.  They will have no choice.  The protests will then begin to go door to door and be reminiscent of last year.  We will then blame all of this on Russia and China.”

Once the call ended, the Group of Eight went back to work.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I woke up to the sound of the front door closing.  Father, this dream was worse than a horror movie.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here.  The enemy has far worse plans than you think.  What happened in Israel (the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023) is coming here if he has his way.  However, do not concern yourself with him as I have disrupted his plans many times.  While he is confident that God still sees, he is also confident that God no longer cares.  This is because this evil leader has done such a great job of destroying the people.  He has worked hard to defile the entire land.”

Me:  “Lord, I also had another dream…”

Sub-dream 2 “The Attack on our Livestock” begins…

I saw pigs.  The pigs were dead in front of several homes.  The pigs had dysentery and were whitish pink with a green cast.  There were massive flies all over them and the smells were putrid.  People were so hungry that they were still considering eating them.  I saw flooded farms.  So much of the crops were now underwater.  I saw cows standing in this stagnant water.

The cows looked like zombies.  They just didn’t look right.  I could see over a massive area of the USA.  I could see the Mississippi flooded.  However, this was not the cause.  Instead, this was an opportunity to blame the troubles on something else.  To the north, I saw millions and millions of dead chickens, turkeys and birds.

Even though the angels collected them to remove them, it was still horrifying to see it.  They blamed it on some other strain of something.  There were mass shortages of food.  Then to cause the losses to escalate even more, the evil leader called for outages in areas near these to destroy the frozen food supplies.  The people there then became even more disheartened.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Me:  “Oh Lord, this was so awful.  When is this?”

Jesus:  “Erin, do not worry.  The people will turn to Me first.  I have a greater plan for a record harvest than the enemy has for destruction.  There is no preparing for this from an earthly position, so you must pray instead.  I am your preparation.  I see what the wicked plan against the innocent.  I see their sacrifices to Baal and Molech.  I see their blood libels and their moon god sacrifices.”

Me:  “Lord, it is so hard to believe that we are living in times such as these.”

Jesus:  “Do not worry.  Now, are you ready for Me?”

Me:  “Yes, please, Lord.  Please move before the enemy fulfills his plans.”

Jesus:  “I am God.  There is no other.  I AM Who I say I AM.  Pray!  I will come with tens of thousands of My Holy Ones to administer truth and judgment and you are part of this plan.  Do not worry.  I love you.  Greater is Me in you than he who is in the world.  The battle is one between God and the fallen.  We are here and they are now hastening their plans.  They know.  Be confident in this.  I am with you.”

Dream over…

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