Dream 827 – The Great Revival vs the Great Attack

Received on Saturday, July 20, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for Your tender mercies; these are new every day.  Great is Your faithfulness to complete a good work.  Blessed are You, oh God, in all of the Earth.  It is very still outside this morning.  The sky is clear and all is quiet.  It is expected to be hot today here.  There is one thing I have noticed over the years of living here; when the winter is mild with little snow, the following summer is hot and stormy.

Father, the birds are not coming to my feeders as much anymore.  You must have sent angels to bring them to a new place to feed and nest.  You continue to prepare us to leave here for a while.  We had to have a contractor come to change our locks and fix our door.  It was too difficult for me to turn our locks.  I physically struggled.  When the contractor came to change the units, he discovered that the locks had been installed inside out.

This means that anyone with a screwdriver could get into our home.  Thank You, Father, for You are truly a genius in all things.  When something needs our attention or needs to be prepared, You make life progressively harder until we fix the things You have placed on our hearts.  Had You not given me that pain in my torso back in December, doctors would have not discovered the Renal Cell Carcinoma in my kidney.

I have more medical tests coming in August.  I have a CT of my lungs.  I have two biopsies scheduled.  Over the years, when You have allowed troubles in our lives, it has always been so we are saved from something much worse later on.  I am grateful for this.  When something horrible has happened (unless it has been under Your veil for Your divine purposes), You have always given signs to us.

In hindsight, in the aftermath of troubles all of the signs were there.  Lesson after lesson comes to us in many different forms.  Father, it is wisdom for us to always seek You for answers.  This is especially true even when they are contrary to our normal daily routines.  I now know what I am supposed to do when You place something on my heart – I need to move and I need to move quickly and immediately!

At the very least, I am to begin the process of change even if I don’t understand the purpose for the change.  I have put off things so many times that I could have begun today until it was then too late.  I have learned that we are not to put off things that You have placed upon our hearts to act upon.  It could be simple or small.  It could instead be huge.  Regardless of size – Don’t Wait!

Now, about the assassination attempt on Trump… this was a HUGE wakeup call.  When we are called by You after we have accepted Your invitation to follow You, we are to surrender our lives fully to You.  The enemy works hard to keep us doing the very things we were most comfortable doing prior to Your call to drop our sinful nature and chase You.  With me, I immediately turned from wicked practices and I destroyed all these evil altars I had built.

I then cast off those I associated with who tried to call me back to these practices.  I turned to You.  Every time I found myself surrounded by the temptation for the subtle influences of these practices, I quickly changed my bad direction forward and ran from these things.  You then called me to sound the alarms to other Christians who might not understand the underlying evil behind a practice and to turn away from these and never return.

Unfortunately, many did not listen to me because they thought themselves impervious to God’s wrath.  Over the years, especially with my two NDEs, I was so alone in my battles.  Of course, You were there, Father.  You have always been here with me.  You have never left.  When so many others left me, You still remain.  You love me and You guide my steps.  You catch me when I fall.

You stop me from becoming discouraged for too long.  You have blessed me, my house, our children, our Nest and the Sparrows that nest with us.  You have continued to be generous and love us even when You work on us.  A wise man recognizes that God is working on him.  He then lets God continue to do a Good Work without hinderance.  As for my husband, here is a conversation I had with him yesterday…

Me:  “I am so sorry for being mean and crabby with you today.”

Husband:  “You are just fine.  I really don’t know what you are talking about.”

Me:  “That’s surprising as I have felt as if I have been like this all day.”

Husband:  “Hmm, I haven’t felt that from you at all.”

I then realized that I felt this way because, in my heart, I was crabby.  I was wrestling with You on the inside, Father.  I now apologize to You.  Oh Lord, I am so sorry.  You then gave me some disturbing dreams last night.  Please help!

Before I write down the dreams I had last night, I wanted to write down some of my thoughts on these dreams.  First off… these events are coming!  I just don’t know when nor do I know the order.  I do know this though… You, Lord, are in complete control of all things all of the time.  You do everything perfectly.  One of the things You created was the wonder of childbirth.

A pregnant woman has contractions and birth pains prior to giving birth.  As most know, you can visibly see when a woman is pregnant.  You can then approximate when she is expected to give birth by how she looks.  All who see her know her labor is about to begin.  Since they knew her before her pregnancy, they can now know her season based on the length of a pregnancy, the expected incubation time of her fetus.

Through testing, you can then visibly see the baby. Because of this modern technology, you can even know the gender of the baby before he or she is even born.  Well, we are now seeing Scripture and its prophecy being presented to us as a pregnant woman in our time… this time.  What I do know with complete clarity is that You love us.  You love Your children, the ones You have called.

Because Your love is greater than any love we know and because You want none of us to miss any good thing, You are willing to be tough on us.  This is because You already know the plans You have for us.  This means humbling.  This means great tsunamis of troubles are coming.  Many of us will be riding this wave.  This means we will be here for these times.  It is as if You are calling on Your children to pray.

What happened to Israel is a foreshadowing, a small snippet and sign, of what is coming to the USA, Canada and all of what once was the free world.  It is also important to remember that the enemy and his army is also anticipating what God is about to do based on their knowledge of the Word of God and the times.  As for me and based on my dreams, I see several things happening leading up to the Great Harvest:

  • Great Revival breaking out in our lands.
  • There is Great Hope, healings and miracles.
  • Signs and wonders are on full display.
  • Thousands are Transformed.
  • The Transformed then rebuild broken cities and heal corrupt governments.
  • All evil is dispersed and must flee to caves.
  • Invaders return home in a flash and are so frightened that they turn to God.
  • The enemy’s evil plots are exposed publicly.
  • All is made right via God’s Great Hand over the courts.
  • After this happens for a time and times (which is 1080 days, or approximately three years), the Great Harvest comes.
  • The Lord then brings His ready-Bride Home.

Once we are removed, the veil over the spirit realm is lifted.  All who remain are left void of God.  This will be a darkness unlike anything before it.  This is because all light will have been removed.  The Beast will then rise.  He will lie to the people who remain and force them to accept this religion or die.  The Lord then brings a horrible Tribulation to all of the Earth.

During this time, those who remain and cry out to God, but not in curses, will be given instructions.  These instructions to them will then come from God’s 144,000 as they prepare the Earth for our King Jesus to be ushered in.  However, there are other dreams that show a different scenario of these events as desired by our evil leaders.  Last night’s first dream was one of these…

Sub-dream 1 “A Great Attack on the USA” begins…

I saw the Bull rise out of the arena where many in attendance had struck him down previously.  When the world saw him rise, the wicked had great fear and began to plot in advance of the Bull rising to full power.  I saw angels of the Lord throwing the evil leaders into chaos in their own courts amongst themselves.  However, this confusion was merely a distraction.

The table of leaders were furious because they saw all their highways and inroads being uprooted and laid waste.  They then plotted to destroy the USA from within its borders in order to send a message that foreign leaders were in control of the land.  I saw defiance and anger over the Bull’s speeches coming from both the Red Dragon and the Black Dragon.

The Dragons then plotted revenge together to destroy the nation before the Bull fully rose to power.  With spies inside the borders for the Red Dragon and assassins inside the borders for the Black Dragon, they continued to plot destruction against the people.  I saw no reverence for the fall feasts on the Hebrew calendar.  Rather, the focus was instead on the date of significance on the world calendar – 9/11.

Their plan was to make certain that there would be no elections in the USA ever again.  Their thinking was that, if they can take down the USA, they can force all of the other nations of the Earth to submit to them.  They would then use the nation of Islam to destroy the USA.

However, by partnering for a short time with the Red Dragon (consisting of Red China and Red Russia), the Black Dragon’s plans would be to invade the USA after the Red Dragon sends weapons in first.

The Chinese invaders would then take control of computer networks and infrastructures like power and communication.  They would also seize banks.  Islamic Jihadists would hunt down citizens.  They would kill and slaughter the citizens.  This would cause great fear throughout the world.  Hell would be unleashed upon the USA in the major cities and in the small towns.

God would then arrive with His angels and saints and also those who have been slain.  They would come to revive the people and the Great Harvest would begin upon the Earth.  All darkness would be far removed in fear at this time.  God’s Transformed would called to heal the land and rebuild the broken cities.  God would turn the people back to Him.  God would then gather them Home from the four corners of the Earth.  Darkness would then come during the enemy’s rise, Satan’s rise.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I then had a second dream that was much more hopeful…

Sub-dream 2 “The Dawn of the 4th Day” begins…

I saw a Great Storm, a tempest at sea, and the enemy could not carry out his plans.    A Great Earthquake then came, followed by darkness.  The peoples of the Earth cried out to God.  While some of the cries were in curses, most of the cries were in great humility.  God then showed the Truth to those who had cried out in humility and were hungry for the Truth!  God then brought His Light at the dawn of the 4th day.  Healing and harvesting then began.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, I woke up this morning and realized that I still don’t know that much.  I only know that I cannot trust in the Rapture prior to troubles coming.  You must humble the Earth so hearts are contrite and ready to receive Your Good News.  This is Your Show!  All of this is Yours.  I can only guess as I am no one.  I love You, Lord.  I look forward to being here in the New Earth and also having a Home in Heaven.  All of this here on Earth is temporary.  It is the battlefield for Your Purposes, Lord.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  You have had a week of reflection.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  I realize that You are sovereign.  I surrender all to You, Lord.  Things are going to be difficult before they get better.”

Jesus:  “At times, I am very direct with you.  I immediately respond and you know that I am saying something, be it…

  • Yes, or
  • No, or
  • No for now, or
  • No answer at all (which means wait on Me as there is more revelation coming).

“I do this so you learn to trust Me for a greater revelation as a greater plan is in place.  Remember that chaos is planned.  With chaos, people then miss order.  When chaos comes from man, they then look to God and ask for help.  When chaos comes from God, they then look for mercy.”

Me:  “Lord, what is coming?  What is the order so we can prepare?”

Jesus:  “You cannot prepare for what comes, Erin.  You cannot stop what God has planned nor do you know the time, understand?  You can guess.  You can formulate pictures based on dreams and My Word.  However, you are still not able to prepare for it.  This is why I tell you to ready your heart.  All you can do is prepare what I have made you a steward over, understand?

“As for a pastor, he is a steward over My Church and its people.  He is responsible for the message of truth that he conveys over them.  He is a pastor and shepherd over the sheep I have sent to him.  He readies them there.  He makes sure to sound the alarm for his sheep to be prepared, understand?  Right now, the Word of God, My Truth, is being diluted.  So many have chased after other gods and worship these.

“Others even worship angels in My Holy Church.  Many do only that which pleases themselves.  They are growing cold because the truth was made to be more of a suggestion and My Bible was made to be up for interpretation.  When you read My Word, you see it and it is meant just as I state it.  Believe this and pray.  Pray for the lost because many of My sheep are lost and wander outside of My Church.

“Meanwhile, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing celebrating their abilities to send the lost away using My Word of Truth as a weapon of distraction, not a Word of Love.  A shepherd loves his sheep.  He does not hire ‘staff’ who are wolves in sheep’s clothing to purposely destroy and send away his sheep.  This is wicked.  The only staff a shepherd requires is one that gently guides his sheep into his fold.  This staff is also used to fend off wolves.

“Erin, I am the Good Shepherd over you.  You are with Me.  Not one dream I have sent you is confusing to Me.  When you have scenarios that seem contradictory in nature, maybe instead ask Me, ‘Lord, I like this way.  Let’s gather all the Sheep to pray for His Greater Will to be done!’  Understand that these are so you don’t become too secure in one way because it is contrary to what some others say.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.”

My Commentary:  All of this reminds me of verses 12 & 13 of 2 Samuel 24.  These verses outlined the choices given to King David for an offense he had committed against God.  “Three things I offer you.  Choose one of them, that I may do it to you…  Shall three years of famine come to you in your land?  Or will you flee three months before your foes while they pursue you?  Or shall there be three days’ pestilence in your land?”  Could our prayers NOW be the deciding factor between “a scenario of 3 months / 3 years of enemy control and attacks as allowed by God” vs “a scenario of 3 days of darkness and then the Great Revival as sent by God”?  Do these dreams often show both scenarios so that we appreciate what one would look like vs the other?  I feel strongly that it is worthwhile and beneficial that we pray for God’s mercy in the form of a 3 days of darkness scenario and that He then uses us to be His instrument of Great Revival in the parched lands.  I feel we need to pray for this RIGHT NOW and with great urgency!  Again, I am not sure if this is an “either / or” situation, just that I feel strongly that it wouldn’t hurt to pray this way.

Jesus:  “Now, why was what happened to Israel on October 7, 2023 allowed (that is, the great massacre of Israelis by Hamas Palestinians in the early hours of that Saturday morning)?”

Me:  “I am not fully sure.”

Jesus:  “Then allow Me to speak.  Erin, this is so the pregnant woman would be presented as nearing her final trimester.  The reports given and accounts from witnesses and investigators need to be remembered.  What happened even had evidence, understand?”

Note from my husband:  Israel was brutally attacked from within by Hamas Palestinians on Saturday, October 7, 2023.  While there are variations in length, a typical pregnancy lasts, on average, a total of 40 weeks.  When you add 40 weeks to Saturday, October 7, 2023, you land on Saturday, July 13, 2024.  So, did anything happen of significance on Saturday, July 13, 2024?  Yes!  This is the date of the failed assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Only God’s mercy allowed Trump to survive another day!

Jesus:  “Now, the enemy even had a plan in place as allowed by God to spread untruths to the world.  Did you ever in your lifetime imagine seeing this generation turn away from the Jewish people and call for their destruction within your borders?”

Me:  “No, never!  Lord, it makes me sick.”

Jesus:  “Why was this great evil allowed by the God of love who created man?”

Me:  “So we would know You are about to come and make big changes?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I send warnings of the enemy’s plans in advance.  I even have plans exposed directly from the enemy first and make public access to them.  By their own lips, you know their level of hatred and their plans.  So, what do you know, Erin?”

Me:  “Well, the Red Dragon wants You completely removed and him to be in Your place.  That the Red Dragon would have his enemies be organ donors, experiments and even his footstools and slaves.  This is because he believes himself to be god over the Earth and the Sun and the stars.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I raised him up and he has invaded the nations by bribery gifts and purchases.  He rose on the backs of the enslavement of his people and his longing for more slaves.”

Me:  “I also know about the Black Dragon.  The Black Dragon rose from anger and bitterness.  They believe that You are the devil and that the devil is their savior.  They would like the whole Earth to be erased of Christians and Jews.  They will then be happy.  They call for violence even though they claim they are peaceful.  The Antichrist comes from here.”

Jesus:  “Well, at least you know your enemies.”

Me:  “I know You better, Lord, and You are my Savior.”

Jesus:  “I have shown you different scenarios where you are coming in My Name to help others and spread the Good News.”

Me:  “Yes.  I am excited to help people.”

Jesus:  “Focus your prayers on My Will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Do not cease.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that all those who dwell within her turn to Me.  Then pray for your leaders as I appointed them… again that My Will be done.  Do not worry as you are not called to pray for their evil to be successful, only that My Will be done in this situation.

“Now, get your houses in order, all of you, understand?  Do this starting today.  Make sure all hearts in your house are upright.  Cast away and remove anything contrary to the things of Heaven.  In your house of My Spirit, if I say don’t allow this unclean thing or stop walking here or ingesting this thing no more, listen now and do not delay!  When in doubt, pray to cast it out!”

Me:  “Yes!  When in doubt, cast it out!”

Jesus:  “Stay strong in My Words and your convictions.  I am with you.  Now, you did something I asked you to stop doing.  I then sent you confirmation.  You did what I asked and I blessed you.  This is important, Erin.  Now, this might be the most strong, timely and important Word I have given you, Erin!

Me:  “My Spirit, my Holy Spirit, feels calm and at peace… as if there has been something resolved.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I removed your anxiety.  Now, focus on My promises, My instructions and, most of all, My Words.  Remember that, if it can happen to Israel, then it can happen to you where you are.  Therefore, continue to pray for those lost sheep to turn and be gathered.  Pray for My churches.  Pray for the nations.

“When I move, there will be a shaking, a Great Earthquake, that no man will see coming nor could they prepare for in advance.  Do not worry, Erin, as you are My Sparrow and Your Nest is at My Altar.  I love you.  I will continue to bless you.  Remember to call upon Me when you have questions as you go about your day.  I am always there to answer you.  However, My Sparrow sometimes forgets that I am with her.”

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord.  I love You.  I do fail to go to You at times.  I don’t have alone time with You as often as I should here.  Lord, could You speak louder?”

Jesus:  “Yes, I will, since you asked, and this is good.  I will answer loudly so you know My Voice is here!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-828/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-826/

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