Dream 832 – Foiling the Car Thieves

Received on Monday, July 29, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for our children, family and friends.  Please protect us against the great and quick movement of evil around the world.  Please protect the people of Venezuela right now.  Please protect us as our enemies have struck out against us.

I had a vivid dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Foiling the Car Thieves” begins…

We had relocated somewhere out west in a small rural town.  It was in between two larger cities and was a stopover for travelers to get gas and food.  We lived in a small housing development with sidewalks and groomed lawns.  Our home was a ranch style with three bedrooms and two bath.  It was very simple.

We had just moved in and our things were still in boxes.  I was home alone and my car was parked in the driveway because our garage was full of moving boxes.  While I had decided to take a shower, I needed to first find and unpack the box with the shampoo.  Something suddenly didn’t feel right in my Spirit.  I heard the noise of a car starting.  I rushed out of the front door and saw a light green minivan in our driveway.

The woman inside the minivan was Asian, in her late 50s, with short great hair and glasses.  The woman completely ignored me as I rushed towards her.  She peeled off of our driveway and raced down the road.  I then shook my head in dismay as it was then that I noticed that my car had also been stolen.  I was so upset.  I then phoned the police.  They came to our house.

Officer 1:  “I am sorry this happened to you.”  He then pointed towards all of the homes on our street.  “However, all the cars in this neighborhood have been stolen by the same group.”

Me:  “I can track it with GPS from my phone.”

Officer 2:  “Yes, but we already know where they are.  We know precisely where your car is right now.”

Me:  “Then please go and get my car.  I have to pick up my husband and daughter from work.  I am now going to be late as I have no car.”

Officer 1:  “Your car is gone forever, ma’am.  They are long gone with it.”

Officer 2:  “Look, don’t you get it by now?  Our lives have been made uncomfortable on purpose.  We are at war.  Even if you were to get your car back, they will come at you again. If you park it consider it theirs. I wish we could help.”

They took down my information and then left.  I phoned my husband and he came to where I was.  We then decided to take a cab to the place where all the stolen cars were.  It was owned by ‘the Chinese police’.  We began to walk through their front gate.  While the ‘police’ then pulled their guns on us, we ignored them and just kept walking.  We then spotted our car, along with my daughter’s car and my younger son’s car.

My younger son was already there and had already gotten into his car.  The ‘police’ began to open fire on us.  However, the bullets simply disappeared into thin air.  My husband drove our car, I drove my daughter’s car and my younger son drove his own car.  The ‘police’ then tried to rush us.  However, each time they did, they fell backwards.  They could not come near us.

Once we got outside of the gate, we prayed together that all of the other cars be returned.  We then locked all of the criminals inside their compound.  In a matter of seconds, all of them disappeared.  They were deported back to their home country.  We decided to move on again to a better place.  The people in our neighborhood were mostly elderly and young families and they were so happy we helped them.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, this dream was so detailed and vivid.  When I woke up from this dream, I still had the lingering sick feeling of knowing I had been robbed.  In this dream, I felt so helpless until we prayed together.  This made all of us so angry.

Me:  “Father, I am concerned for the good people of this fallen world.  The enemy has surrounded the countries it plans to destroy.  Unless You intervene, there is no hope.  Father, there are a lot, millions I believe, of praying Christians interceding all over the USA and Canada.  Please accept our prayers.  Please remember us as we are at war.  Our only fighting chance is You, Father.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here.  I see the wicked as these are the sons of perdition and the children of the father of lies.  I know you are worried about many things.  You are concerned over all of the bad news in the world.  I hear your prayers for the lost.  I hear your prayers for Israel and Jerusalem.  I hear your prayers for the lost as well.  However, I see all things good, as well as evil.  I know their works and it is far worse than what you hear about.

“Now, your dream last night was not about your car being stolen.  It was about who ordered it from the west.  Your other car was stolen by the enemies of Israel in the east.  They are responsible for the crime in these areas.  However, a car is a small thing as this is inconvenient for travel and is just a small part of the beginning of woes.  There are great plans in place to hasten the deaths of millions of people.  The deceased’s money and properties can then be seized.

“Food and medical supplies will also be controlled.  There have been armies who have crossed the borders in plain clothes.  Once the orders are given, there will be no elections throughout the nations.  Those the beast has placed in power will remain in power.  Since they have already imprisoned their citizens, do you think they won’t steal an election to preserve their positions?  Of course they would.”

Me:  “Then why are You having us move at all, Lord?  Should we not simply just stay put instead?”

Jesus:  “The invading army to the east has entered your gates.  The enemy to the east is in the waters and over the waters.  The enemy to the west is also in the waters and over them.  They are awaiting orders.  If they can remove your weapons to defend yourselves and remove the ability to flee because your car has been taken or disabled, they can then take whatever they want.  Anything.

“Now, about the mockery (that is, the drag queen ‘last supper’ as performed at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics).  The enemy saw that there was only verbal pushback to this (that is, the mocking of Jesus and the Last Supper).  They saw that there was no physical fighting.  Because of this lack of reaction, the enemy now believes that Christians are weak.”

Me:  “Are we able to do anything about this, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Pray and never cease.  You can’t see the slaughter of My children in and throughout the nations because those in the media support the massacres.  You don’t hear about the torture, rapes and beheadings because they are afraid that you will awake from your slumber, turn and resist the devil if you did hear.  Well, when you resist the devil, he will flee.

“What has happened in your nation has come because, if they are able to remove My favor over your land, it will then fall to them completely.  A war will then break out between the nations for control of the world (Islam vs China).  However, there is still a problem for the enemy.  Their plans are to eliminate the children of God and they believe it will be easy for them.

“Well, Erin, I am here to say that I am God and I will not be mocked.  Greater am I who is in you than those who are against you.  Even though you do, do not worry.  Erin, your prayers avail much…

  • They reverse outcomes.
  • They expose evil plots and plans.
  • They surround you with angels.
  • They heal the sick.
  • They feed the poor.
  • They quench those who thirst with Living Water.

“You also know their goals and even the date by which they want to achieve this.  However, this is only according to their plans, not Mine.”

Me:  “2030?”

Jesus:  “Well, this will not go as they want.  Erin, pray.  Continue to complete your assignments.  Do this because I have called you to do them.”

Me:  “I was going to say maybe our time would be better spent another way.”

Jesus:  “The best way to spend your time is the way I call you to.  This includes prayer, assignments and anything else I request from you.  You are standing at attention and this is the best way.  You are ready and willing to serve Me.  Rejoice, Erin, as I am with you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-833/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-831/

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