Dream 833 – The Dragonfly saves the Bullfrog

Received on Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  You are the greatest Father over all of the Earth.  You are God and the Creator of all that we see and even all that our naked eyes cannot see.  If a tree falls in the wilderness, You know it.  If a sparrow falls, You see it.  There is nothing beyond You, Father.  If You care about things such as trees, birds, squirrels and even a flower in that its blooms are here today and gone so quickly, then of course You care about us.

You also care about seasons.  You carefully and willfully craft the timing of these.  You even send us warnings in advance so we are prepared for what comes.  You bring sun, rain, wind and snow.  It is written in Job 38:22-41 that You have storehouses of snow and hail that You reserve for times of trouble.  You also control wars and battles.  You even place lightning and bring the winds.

The winds from the Saharah Desert in the Middle East bring dirty rain to Florida.  You call on mountains to spew lava in its time.  The mountains sometime groan and blow off steam for years, thereby disarming the residents.  That is, until the day the explosive fires from below shoot out and man can barely escape.  Who can escape the fury of the hot lava and the fire from below it?

What is like a volcano?  Volcanoes can completely change the surface of the land and even the sea.  Then there are earthquakes.  These are great reminders that man is like ants compared to Your Magnificence.  We are like dust.  Lord, You and You alone call upon the plates below to move and shift.  Father, You control solid rock.  While sometimes there are warnings, sometimes there are not.

However, for those who have lived through an earthquake or a volcano, no one can dispute Your power and our helpless state at the moment of Your fury.  When this comes, even by a tornado, a hurricane, a flood or a mighty blizzard, man can do nothing but pray.  You are a merciful Father.  By now, You could have just sent Your wrath upon the Earth and silenced all who think they have any knowledge of You whatsoever.

However, You are patient with man only so long before all that You have written has come to pass.  Man tests You daily, Father.  Even Your own children are like toddlers just learning how to walk.  We stumble on uncertain ground with our wobbly legs.  With the help of something to hold us up, we can then stand triumphantly, but only to reach our hands up to You for a pick me up.

Ultimately, we know that there is no safer place than in the arms of our Father who carries us.  Thank You, Father.  You are such a gift.  You are a generous Father who does not delight in evil, but rewards us with good things all of the days of our lives.  Please forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

This is because they clearly do not know our place in Your heart or, if they do, then they have no true understanding of who You are.  Well, there will come a day when all will know who You are.  Father, please don’t delay.  We ask that You please let Your Kingdom come and let Your Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.  We ask for this to happen right now.  I love You and I long to do Your Will in all things.

My two dreams from last night were quite vivid.  While I usually write these dreams down in the order received, I was directed to start with the second dream today.  This also happened just a few dreams ago…

Sub-dream 1 “The Dragonfly saves the Bullfrog” begins…

I was living in a home the size of the smallest home I ever lived in when I was a little girl.  It was in Reno, Nevada on Bell Street.  However, this home was made completely of glass windows and ceilings.  It was also not surrounded by other homes.  There was a grass yard and trees.  I was home alone when the sky grew dark and the clouds quickly covered the sun.

I looked up and the tallest black cloud I had ever seen was coming toward our area.  It almost looked like photos and videos I have seen of a nuclear bomb explosion.  I wasn’t afraid.  I calmly prepared for the coming storm even though I was in an all-glass home.  I sat in a reclining chair so I could watch what it looked like.  I had never been under a glass roof during a big storm before.

I prayed that no branches would break the glass.  The rain then began to fall.  I looked outside to my right and was fascinated by what I saw.  I saw a big bullfrog trying to take cover under a tree on a small rock.  I then watched as an extremely large dragonfly with a yellow body and opaque yellow wings landed over the frog.  The dragonfly stretched out its wings and wrapped itself around the frog to shelter it from the storm.

I focused on this unusual sight as this dragonfly used its wings to deflect the pouring rain away from the bullfrog.  The wings then changed to something like a tent over the frog.  I was fascinated to see this dragonfly, who is normally the bullfrog’s food, protect this bullfrog from the storm.  Bullfrogs are swampy night creatures.

I was so fixated on what I was watching that I hadn’t realized that the massive threat of this storm had already blown over.  The sun then came out.  The dragonfly released its grip on the bullfrog and flew away.  I then saw that the storm had sent out hail.  While hail was scattered all over, I had just noticed it now.  The bullfrog would have been killed by the hail if not for the dragonfly’s protection.

Sub-dream 1 over…

I am now going to write Sub-dream 2 (which really was my first dream of the night)…

Sub-dream 2 “A Great San Francisco Earthquake” begins…

I was in San Francisco.  An earthquake had wiped out most of the peninsula that the city stands on. We were there on the third day.  In the aftermath, people refused to recognize what had happened.  They were in shock.  While it may have been something else other than shock, I just wasn’t sure.  My daughter and I were in San Francisco to visit someone I knew at the Design Center District Galleria located there.

When we arrived, we saw that half of the Galleria’s showrooms had collapsed.  Despite this, they were still open for business.  Furnishings and accessories on the one side were completely crushed by the fallen bricks.  However, the other side was left almost untouched, needing only a dusting.  One of the managers I was used to doing business with then recognized me.  It had been fifteen years or more since I had been there.

Me:  “Are you alright?”

Manager:  “Yes.  Surprisingly, we are fine.  However, it will take time to rebuild.  All of us who work here and in the other showrooms are staying here to fight the looting.  So, is there anything I can help you with?”

Me:  “No, we are just looking.  However, do you need anything?”

Manager:  “So much.  So much.  We might never recover.”

Me:  “Okay, at first, you said you were fine.  For good reasons, I now see that you don’t actually feel that way.”

Manager:  “Yes.  They are saying that global warming is causing this and that even more of this is coming.”

Me:  “Well, God is turning up the heat.  However, this was an earthquake.  Earthquakes have no relationship to climate.  This was God shaking things up.”

Manager:  Sighing.  “This may be true, but it is much easier to blame climate change then to attribute this to God.”  He then became even more depressed.  “My mom told us that, one day, God would level the playing field.  Well, He leveled my showroom.”

Me:  “My daughter and I will pray on this situation.”

My daughter and I held hands and prayed.  The manager looked at us in shock because, as we stood there, bricks and debris immediately went into reverse motion.  All of the broken things then became whole again.  Everything was restored.  The manager then fell faint to the ground.  We helped bring him back around.

Manager:  “Who are you?”

My daughter:  “Turn to God and tell the others.”

Stunned and at a loss for words, he began to make calls.  He waved as we left.

Daughter:  “Mom, I am not sure the others will believe him.”

Me:  “Yes, I know.  However, it will begin with him.  He knows it was God.  Anyway, do you want to go to what is left of the Fisherman’s Wharf?”

Daughter:  “Sure.”

We could then see San Francisco from overhead as a bird’s eye view.  There were fires and looting everywhere.  Fights were breaking out.  So many buildings were destroyed.  We both felt God call us away from there for now.  We instantly returned to our home.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, this was such an odd night of dreams.  The one that sticks out to me is the dragonfly and the bullfrog.  Oh yes… what were we doing saving one of the showrooms in the San Francisco Design District?  This also seems so odd and random.  I haven’t thought of this place in years.  It is the shopping place for the very wealthy.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.”

Me:  “Lord, why did the dragonfly and the bullfrog appear in my dream?”

Jesus:  “In this dream, you were living in the small home you had as a child.  This had unclean spirits from the sins that entered into this house.  With permission, these unclean spirits wreaked havoc continuously there.  You were five years old at the time.  In your house was fighting, drugs, alcohol and the selfish ambitions of your parents.  You were very poor and had nothing.

“Your mother refused help or gifts for you and your brother.  This was the house of storms, permissions and hidden secrets in the dark.  In this dream, this was the same house, but all was glass.  Nothing was hidden from Me.  It was quiet and peaceful and lovely because there was nothing that remained from the former house.  Both of your parents have since passed on.”

Me:  “Lord, I just looked at the house on Google Maps and it seems to be all boarded up.  It looks condemned and unlivable.  I don’t even think about that home now.  Well, maybe I do, but only in my nightmares.”

Jesus:  “Erin, I was there.  In your dream, it was located in a lovely green yard with grass and trees.  It had been transformed.  More than this, Erin, you have been changed over the years as your heart has been given to Me.

“Now, this dream showed you something from Me.  Instead of shrinking when you saw the epic storm approaching in a glass house, you rested in a reclining chair to watch the storm from a new vantage point.  Your outlook was secure in Me.  Even though you didn’t know if I would send a storm that would cause a tree to fall or glass to shatter, you decided to relax and watch what I was doing.”

Me:  “Yes.  I would have normally been worried.”

Jesus:  “So, you were secure in Me.  Now, when the upcoming storm came, I showed you two creatures outside.  One was a bullfrog.  Frogs are unclean animals and represent a plague in My Word.”

Me:  “I read that they also represent chaos, darkness and unclean spirits.  On the night my stepdad hung himself, I remember a very large bullfrog was singing.  It only sang for that one night and then it was gone.”

Jesus:  “Yes, I know.  I remember it.  Erin, there was an angel army over your house and your family was spared.”

Me:  “What does this all mean, Lord?”

Jesus:  “You watched a very large dragonfly cover an unclean predator of dragonflies and protect it from a hailstorm.  It was an unusual sight.”

Me:  “Yes, but what did this mean, Lord?”

Jesus:  “You represent this transformative dragonfly.  You once came from the same place as this frog.  It was unclean.  While the frog remained a frog, the dragonfly transformed and even went to cover the very thing that would normally consume it for food.  You are no longer part of the evil that consumed you as a child.

“Erin, you are now a child of God.  You will be changed.  You will then be called to places of unclean spirits, places of darkness, to witness and bring out into the light those whom I call you to.  In your dream, the dragonfly was unharmed by the hailstorm.  If you examine a dragonfly, you know they are delicate and beautiful.”

Me:  “They are amazing, Lord.  They can fly in every direction.  They are iridescent and intricate.  They are like hummingbirds.  They make the same sound with their wings.”

Jesus:  “Yes, I know.  Erin, I am preparing you.”

Me:  “Lord, did You send the dragonfly swarm to that beach in Rhode Island?  Were there 144,000 of them?  Was this not offseason as well?”

Jesus:  “Oh, you caught that.  Interesting.  I send signs and wonders so that people understand that this is something outside of the normal sequence of events.  Science cannot explain this.  Well, if there is no earthly explanation, then what is this?”

Me:  “Spiritual.  This was You, Lord.  You are amazing.  This is exciting.  Those people were like frogs laying in the sun.”

Jesus:  “This is an interesting observation.  Now, what do you believe your other dream referenced?”

Me:  “Maybe an earthquake to soon hit San Francisco?  Even so, You did not call us to do much there in this dream.  Are the people in this city already too far gone, Lord?”

Jesus:  “This is a mystery for now.  Be at peace, Erin.  I am with you.  Do not worry when it seems the nations are in an uproar.  I am over the nations.  Remember that evil has no victory here.  You have seen this.  Now, do not worry as I have prepared a beautiful place for the children of God.  Pray for the lost as all is about to change!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-834/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-832/

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