Dream 838 – Remember that I hold every Key

Received on Friday, August 23, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for all that You do for us.  Thank You for all You are soon to do in our lives.  All of Your people are growing tired, Father.  It is so difficult to hear the lies of the enemy prevail over all truth.

It is even harder when it seems they are rising in power over all of us.  Please don’t wait too long.  This place is painful.  What is happening to the Jewish people all over the world is horrifying.  Christians are being persecuted too.  Things are becoming worse.

A real estate evaluator came to our property on Wednesday (August 21, 2024).  She is scheduled to contact us early next week to let us know what our property is worth.

As for my stepson, once he leaves in just over a week from now, our home will feel even emptier.  We will be down to just two kids (my daughter and my younger son) compared to the five kids we had just one year ago.

Father, please help us.  This will not be an easy next few weeks with so much work and uncertainty ahead.  However, I know You are with us no matter what.  Let not our will, but Your Will, be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Today is the 10th anniversary of You removing me and all three of my children from the desert to the land of the trees.  You were very specific with the odd Saturday date You had given me back in 2014.  The miracle that then unfolded was shocking and something I never imagined coming our way.

In a strange series of events not initiated by me, my greatest enemy had drafted a surprise release proposal to be signed off on Saturday, August 23, 2014.  In exchange for my enemy not having to pay us any child support, he would grant my children their freedom to move to the East Coast.  This happened quickly:

  • He arranged to meet me at his bank early that morning to have this agreement signed by both of us and legally notarized.
  • By 10:00am, the documents were officially signed and my children were legally free to leave the desert.
  • At noon, I dropped all of them off at his house to say their goodbyes.
  • I picked them up again at 7:00pm that evening.
  • We then left the area just before midnight to begin our long journey east.

So, Father, here we are again.  We are waiting on a miracle from You.  Please show us Your glory in all things.  You are preparing our hearts for changes.  However, I am still not fully certain what all of this means.  I have gone through changes for all 61 years of my life.  However, staying here in such a remote place while most of our children have gone out west just doesn’t feel right to me.  It would seem to be handier for us to live on the same coast so travel time is minimal compared to what it otherwise would be.

In a recent dream, You showed me that our area we currently live in was soon going to be inundated with even more foreigners.  There will soon be so many that we will no longer even be welcome in our own homeland.  An incident happened just a few days ago at an electronics store when my husband and I went there to pick up my daughter’s computer after it needed some minor repairs.

My husband had decided to stay in the car because two very large and scary men from the middle east were right there in a pickup truck in front of our car.  My husband was concerned about leaving the vehicle because they might place a tracker on our car and come for it later.  After our last car was stolen, we have been more diligent about our car.  When I walked outside to the parking lot, I saw them and my Holy Spirit raised the hairs on my body.  I felt this was confirmation enough that they had planned something.

Oh Lord, we pray that we can get to Bend OR or even another community where we can walk safely and not worry as much.  Father, the world is at war and no one is safe from the evil preying on our children.  Please don’t forget us!  Please watch over us!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Do not worry.  Yes, I saw those evil men.  While they had evil on their hearts, I prevented them from keeping their plans.  Erin, I know you feel uncertain.  You are scared and overwhelmed because of all you see coming.  The dreams I have sent you now confirm the times.  You can do nothing on your own.  However, you are limitless when you are with Me.”

Me:  “Lord, I don’t feel this way right now.  This was a very difficult few weeks of preparing our home for the real estate evaluator.  At the same time, my stepson is now preparing to leave.  Things have been difficult as a result.  So many items in our home still need repairs.  I have never sold a home so I don’t know much other than what a home staged for sale should look like.

“I am scared.  If we sell our home, once the mortgage is paid and our debts paid, we don’t have enough money for a different home purchase.  We would have to purchase something that needs work or so small that only my husband and I could live there.  My husband would then need to work right away at something wherever we are.  However, he is now too old for most employers.  Lord, we need a ‘You-Sized Miracle’!”

Jesus:  “Yes, you do.  Erin, I built this home for you.  You have raised your family here.  There are many wonderful things about your current home.  I gave you a place to meet with Me there.  I gave you a place to rest and pray.  I provided for you in every hardship.  I grew each one of you to where I needed you to be for this time.  While I have prepared your heart for big changes, you don’t understand all of what I have done and will do until I am about to do all that I have promised.

“Now, why do I do things in this way?  Well, it isn’t to keep you in the dark.  It is to keep you in the midst of My Light.  It is in your lack that I am to complete you so you lack for nothing.  Erin, I know what you need before you ask Me.  I tell you to prepare in advance because I know what I have planned for you and it is good.  I have built a home for you, Erin, for now and forever.

“I tell you the truth… you will leave behind no good thing as I will send angels to collect your things.  These include things that are special to you and have meant a great deal to you that you have let go of or lost.  These will be waiting for you one day and you will stand amazed.

“Now, about the rug you saw in My Home that you were amazed by.  On Earth, one of the tragedies entailed the making of this rug.  The family that made this rug had dedicated the works of their hands to Me while weaving and creating this rug.  Once it was finished and the ends tied after braiding, their home was raided and the entire family was slaughtered.

“This rug was then covered in their blood.  The evil men then set their home on fire.  These men wore masks to cover their faces.  Well, Erin, this family was special and they now reside with Me in eternity.  Their rug was collected by angels and is now in My Home (note that the rug I saw there is in immaculate shape and therefore had to be supernaturally cleaned).  I will never forget what they did for Me while they were there.”

Me:  Crying.  “Lord, does this mean that I am going to die soon?  Is my family going to be slaughtered by evil men?”

Jesus:  “No to both, Erin.  I tell you this because this entire family weaved and worked their hands of My blessings into this rug with joy and singing.  I remember each of them.  No matter what happens on Earth in these perilous times, I see and I know.  I bless each man according to his heart.  Erin, I know your heart and I count it as good.  I say all of this because you worry about things you haven’t been given information about yet.

“Remember that I hold every Key.  If I want you to sell your home, you will know this quickly.  If I want you in Bend OR, which I have already promised for you, then you must allow Me to finish preparations for this.  Remember that you have stored for yourselves treasures in Heaven.  These treasures can not be destroyed by thieves, worms, moths or even fire.”

Me:  “Lord, I have had some of my art pieces for many years now.  I have even owned one for more than twenty years.  However, I don’t know their value.  What if, in all of my years of collecting, I already hold a piece worth enough to pay our debts?”

Jesus:  “How about you instead focus on the one thing greater than all things in your midst… the One who created you, loves you and knows the value of all things?  Erin, I value you, your family and your friends.  However, the greatest and most priceless treasure is Me who speaks to you now.  I am the Way.  I am the Waymaker.  I would first show you any items of great worth and I would then also send you a buyer.

“However, you are not to worry about these things right now as I have a Great Plan here.  I will make clear your way in days, not months.  Do not worry.  I have not set you up to be a false prophet.  I have not set you up to be a liar.  You understand the magnitude of this road ahead and you wonder if I am with you.  Erin, I am!  You must stay on your course.  A miracle is coming for you and it will strengthen your faith.

“Now, remember that, as things stand now, all of this would be impossible.  However, I am the God over all things and nothing is impossible for Me.  I love you, Erin.  I want you to remember that I am not here thinking, ‘Wow, look at Erin… why would I even go to the Cross for someone like her?’”

Me:  “Oh Lord, that would be horrible.”

Jesus:  “I went to the Cross for you, your family, your friends and their children.  I am here in the midst of troubles.  I am God over all things.  Your troubles will soon be removed in a single day, even in an hour.  Your troubles will all vanish.  I have promised you good all the days of your life.  When it doesn’t seem like a good thing, it is still worked out for the good of those who love Me in the end.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-839/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-837/

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