Dream 843 – I Will Shake Thrones and Topple Kings

Received on Saturday, September 7, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all You do.  You are my Father whom I love and adore.  You are a blessing beyond blessings and I am grateful.

As You instructed us, we have now placed all that we have before You.  We offered everything up in prayer as You directed us to.  We have given You everything and there is nothing we held back.

Yesterday, You called us to do something in obedience and for Your purposes.  You reminded me that all we have is Yours, so we did what You prompted us to do.  I then felt a great heaviness leave as You clearly were at work in this.

As for last night, I tossed and turned in bed.  The evidence of my cancer is quite prevalent now.  In less than eight weeks, my surgery must be done before it spreads to my other organs.  I looked on my chart this morning because my surgery had not been listed on the calendar.  Well, it was just listed this morning.

Father, I don’t want my kidney removed.  I obviously want You to supernaturally heal this instead.  However, my surgeon has now warned me that I can’t wait past this.  Lord, I am sick every morning now.  While You have carried me through every procedure in the past, this particular one feels off and I am not certain why.  While I greatly prefer Your divine healing, I wanted to at least have this surgery in Bend OR if needed.

If this procedure was performed in Bend instead, I could have quick access to doctors and have level walking areas to recover.  Instead, we are a four-hour drive from home to the hospital in Portland ME.  Father, I need Your wisdom in this.  You have always carried me.  You have moved mountains for me.  You have accomplished impossible things for me and I am so grateful for You.

Even so, I still have fear in this.  I am afraid.  I have never had fear like this going into a surgery before even though I have had even scarier procedures than this.  Please help me to find peace.  Can You please carry me in Your arms like You carry lambs?

I had quite a bit of trouble sleeping last night.  I finally fell asleep at around 3:30am.  I then had a couple of fun dreams…

Sub-dream 1 “Jesus scoops me up!” begins…

I was now a toddler in the ‘learning to walk’ stage.  I was in a familiar training ground.  I crawled out of a hole and onto some powdery, sandy dirt.  I then tried to stand upright on my tiny feet.  The sun was warm and I could see that my hair was curly and dark brown.  I became quite focused on standing and I pushed myself up on my wobbly legs.

I then saw Jesus ahead of me.  Jesus was reaching His hands out to me so that I would try to take some steps on my own two feet.  One – left, two – right, three – left.  However, I soon began to fall forward.  As I did, I called out to Him…

Me:  “Hiyah!  Hiyah!”

I felt Him scoop me up into His strong arms.  He then held me in a way that my head rested on His shoulder.  I felt so safe in His arms.  His hair was silky and dark brown.  His tunic was made of an incredibly soft white linen.  His smell was simply amazing.  I had some tears in my eyes after I noticed that the sun was warm on my cheeks.

Jesus:  “I love you, Erin.  I have you.  You are safe in My arms.  I have you.  I won’t let you fall.  I promise.”

With my tiny hand, I patted His shoulder.  I could feel myself drifting to sleep.

Sub-dream 1 over…

This was such a real dream that I wasn’t even certain if I was having a dream or an elaborate vision.  It just felt so real.  I then fell asleep and had my second dream…

Sub-dream 2 “Two Rooms filled with Treasure” begins…

I was called to a project.  A builder was constructing his own home.  I quickly noticed that it was a strange design.  Everything was to be grey, including the walls and trim.  After the builder saw me, he came over to greet me.

Builder:  “We discovered some artifacts on site.  We need you to remove them.  Whatever you dig up, you can keep.  We need everything removed before the final inspection.  In otherwards, no muddy stuff like artifacts unearthed, understand?”

Me:  “Do you not need my design services?”

Builder:  “No.  There is no finer design than this house that I built for myself.  Is it not a treasure to behold?”

I looked around.  The design literally made no sense at all.  I then inspected a room in the center of the home.  It had no windows.  As it was in the center of four traffic areas, it was basically a central hub and a horrible spot for a bedroom.

Me:  Pointing to this room.  “Is this going to be the primary bedroom?”

Builder:  “This entire floor, including the kitchen, is the primary suite.  It’s incredible, isn’t it?”

I could tell that he really didn’t want my answer because he then promptly left the room.  However, he soon came back with a basket, hand trowels of various types and some other digging tools.

Builder:  “Here now.”  He handed me the tools.  “You need to hurry as this inspector will be here at 7:00am.  You only have a few hours.”

Me:  I must admit that I was now quite curious.  “Hmm, could you show me the site?”

Builder:  “Yes.  It is over here.  Now, you are to take everything you find and leave no footprint that you were ever here.  Hurry!”

He walked over to a false floor panel in this bedroom.  There was a lot of jewelry and other beautiful items in the caked dirt below.  I then noticed a large clear plastic bag with a dark green and gold velvet silk pillow inside.  This made zero sense.  I then noticed that there was also an emerald necklace and an emerald ring inside this bag.

I set this aside and then began to chip away at the other clumps of items.  There was a treasure trove of coins, pearls, gold and other jewelry there.  I soon filled my bucket.  After removing all of the items I could find, I covered up the hole.  There was now no evidence of any dig.  As I proceeded to leave, the builder again approached me.

Builder:  “Did you finish?”

Me:  “Yes.”

Builder:  “Both rooms?”

Me:  “Both?”

Builder:  “Yes.  The second room.”

He then took me to a second room.  After again opening a floorboard, I was astounded by what was there.  I could see beautiful pearls caked in the dirt below.

Builder:  “You need to hurry.”

Me:  “I will.  However, you never mentioned this second room until now.”

I promptly went to work.  I proceeded to pull out an unbelievable number of items.  It then took me just over an hour to finish up.  As I began to leave, the builder again came over to me.

Builder:  “You still haven’t told me what you think of this house?”

Me:  “It doesn’t matter what I think.  You said there is no finer design than this one.  To you, this is then the truth.  Since this is your personal home, I am sure it will be perfect for you.”

Builder:  “While this may be true, I still want your feedback.”

Me:  Pointing to the primary bedroom.  “Well, you do need a skylight in this room so you can look up when you lay down.”

He instantly became excited about adding a skylight.  I could tell that he was now trying to figure out how to get this installed.  While I believe the builder had built a cheap home, I could tell that it was luxurious to him.

Me:  “Well, I had better get going.”

Builder:  “Look for my work in the big AD (Architectural Digest) magazine.”

Me:  “Okay.”

I then left with all that I had collected.  I went home to wash it all off thinking it was all fake.  I then realized all of it was real.  In front of me were emeralds of every type, along with the finest of pearls.  There were other valuable jewels as well.

Even so, I was still not sure who exactly the owner of this home was.  I know the builder owned the property and the home. Given that this was the case, and since the builder told me to take these items for my own, it appeared that these were divine gifts.  While I am not a jewelry appraiser, I felt that the value of all I had collected was over $10 million USD.

Sub-dream 2 over…

I then woke up to my stomach feeling sick.

Me:  “Father, I am not certain what any of this means.  However, what I do know is that I loved being a toddler resting in Jesus’ arms.  Nothing beats the feeling of resting on His shoulder with the warmth of the sun.  This was peace, a perfect peace, so thank You.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I have never left you.  Now, remember this… the silver is Mine and the gold is Mine.  The latter glory of My house will be greater than the former and, in this place, I shall give peace and prosperity.”

Me:  “Lord, is this from the prophet Haggai?”

Haggai 2:10-23:  10On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, 11“Thus says the Lord of hosts:  Ask the priests about the law:  12‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?’”  The priests answered and said, “No.”  13Then Haggai said, “If someone who is unclean by contact with a dead body touches any of these, does it become unclean?”  The priests answered and said, “It does become unclean.”  14Then Haggai answered and said, “So is it with this people, and with this nation before Me, declares the Lord, and so with every work of their hands.  And what they offer there is unclean.

15Now then, consider from this day onward.  Before stone was placed upon stone in the Temple of the Lord, 16how did you fare?  When one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten.  When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty.  17I struck you and all the products of your toil with blight and with mildew and with hail, yet you did not turn to Me, declares the Lord.  18Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month.  Since the day that the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid, consider:  19Is the seed yet in the barn?  Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing.   But from this day on I will bless you.”

20The word of the Lord came a second time to Haggai on the twenty-fourth day of the (ninth) month, 21“Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I am about to shake the heavens and the earth, 22and to overthrow the throne of kingdoms. I am about to destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations, and overthrow the chariots and their riders.  And the horses and their riders shall go down, every one by the sword of his brother.  23On that day, declares the Lord of hosts, I will take you, O Zerubbabel My servant, the son of Shealtiel, declares the Lord, and make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you, declares the Lord of hosts.”

Jesus:  “No, this is from Me.  I declared this to a downcast people.  The situation then was as it is now.  However, they were instructed to be strong in the Lord and to not fear what was before them because I was with them.”

Me:  “Lord, are You about to shake the nations?”

Jesus:  “Did I not declare once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land?  Did I not declare that I will shake all nations so that the treasures of all nations shall come in and I will fill this house with glory?  I have made promises to a defiled people – because they have greater needs than they have provision – because My blessings have been withheld.

“So it is written… when one came to a heap of 20 measures, there were only 10.  When one came to the wine vat to draw 50 measures, there were only 20.  Even though I struck the harvest of their toil with blight, mildew and even hail, My people still did not turn to Me.”

Me:  “You then repeated, ‘Consider this day onward from the 24th day of the 9th month.’  You asked if we have seed in the barn (Haggai 2:19).  Then indeed the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate and the olive tree had yielded nothing.  This is true.  Lord, all of this is now too expensive for most of us.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  However, from this day on, I will bless you.  Erin, I am about to overthrow the thrones of kingdoms.  I am about to destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations, and the chariots and their riders.  And the horses and their riders shall go down, everyone by the sword of his brother.”

Me:  “So, are we coming into war?”

Jesus:  “Oh Erin, are you not in the midst of a war unlike any other?  I have given these nations over to evil because they no longer come to Me, the One God that is truly over all things, both in Heaven and on Earth.  So corrupt are these kingdoms that the blood of the saints is visible upon their hands and they no longer even try to hide this.  Did you think I would not pour out My Wrath upon their wickedness?

“Now, I will shake these thrones and topple kings.  Those whose swords have slain their brothers, I will turn upon them.  I will expose the evil corruption throughout these defiled nations.  All will know I am God.  All will know My Throne is the only Just Seat in all of Heaven and on Earth.”

Me:  “Lord, the 9th month on the Gregorian calendar is this month.”

Jesus:  “I will make known My plans in the simplest of forms.  These things have been allowed for only those I have granted wisdom and knowledge to know the times and the seasons.  So, in the simplest form, work with the seasons.  Take My Word and the lesson from the fig tree:  As soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.

“So it is written also that seedtime and harvest will never cease.  You know the season of harvest has come because the generation is ripe.  The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  I am the Lord of the Harvest, Erin.  Pray to Me and I will provide for this Great Harvest.  I will provide for My laborers.  My blessing will go through them and bless those who have no hope.”

Me:  “Lord, please help us.  Please strengthen and heal us.  Even though we love You, we have now grown weary.  This is because the world has gone dark and the nations have turned against Israel.  Even though Christians are now being greatly persecuted, there is very little news about this.

“The hayfields are full of large round haybales.  Our tallest and oldest tree on our yard is the last to bear leaves in spring and the first to drop them when the fall season is near.  Well, its leaves are already starting to drop now.  Lord, the enemy of God has confused the times and seasons and destroyed all that is good.  How are we to know when?”

Jesus:  “Then pray for wisdom.  Erin, you know (that fall has come early this year).  You know this because you were given this by My Spirit in you.  You knew harvest was near and early even by observing the animals in your yard.  The signs are here.  Pray!  Erin, I am with you.

“Now, I know that I have asked an impossible way for you, a way that you have no way on your own strength.  However, because I am in you, I will create the way.  I will do this as I am over all things.

“Now, the enemy is the great liar and defiler.  He believes that I cannot make that which is unclean clean again.  He makes war against the children of God because they are inconvenient to his plans.  He longs to punish and enslave all of the people of the Earth.  However, he will not succeed.

“Now, remember that I Am who I say I Am.  I see.  I do not lie.  I Am The Truth.  I Am The Way. I Am the Life!  Erin, you already know this.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord!”

Jesus:  “Now rejoice, Erin.  I know your needs before you even ask.  I will multiply your offering as I have told you I would.  Your hopes are on Me and I will bless you!”

Dream over…

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