Dream 846 – Do not endorse the Harlot

Received on Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!

I need Your help!  I had a panic attack at the dinner table last night.  The thought of being put under and having my kidney removed… well, I don’t want any more surgeries.  I want to live cancer free.  I long to live an abundant life on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Right now, the enemy is winning by using an outpouring of lies so extreme and so pervasive that the whole world is fooled.  I think most people are in such shock that all of this is overtaking us.

Father, my light is going out.  My hopes and dreams are fading.  My great hope that I would be here to be a part of the day when You wipe the tears from our eyes here and You come to our rescue sooner than later… well, this too is fading.  When trouble comes, You warn me that something is coming.  However, I don’t know what that is or how to pray.  I feel helpless when trouble comes suddenly.  I know how to keep calm and level through it, but I don’t do well days after.

Father, I love You with my whole heart.  Where we are, I have forsaken the things of this world.  I no longer care about the things that I once cared about.  However, there is an epic war all over the world and Your people.  It seems like all of us are losing these battles.  We are watching the enemy win and not just once.  There are several enemies winning on many battle fronts.

All that we do daily, all we see and watch, all we hear and receive, all we speak and all we touch, all our daily toil… all of this gains us nothing.  All we speak now is muffled and silenced.  All we consume with our lips is meant to destroy us from within.  This is all beyond what we are able to counteract.  Unless You rise up and help us, our elections will be stolen and America will fall before Thanksgiving.

Once America falls, all of the opposition to the corruption will be arrested and charged with treason.  The beautiful land of the free will become a broken nation.  Those who remain will fall away completely in fear as the final wave, the final strikes, against our nation come.  What was once under God and indivisible with liberty and justice for all will become a hellscape.

Father, WWIII is here now.  How clever is the enemy to wage war and then say there is none?  I am worried that all of Your people will perish if You don’t step in to help us.  Father, we can trust nothing.  The enemy wants us to die and this means spiritually.  His schemes seem to be working.  My children then ask me, ‘Why do we even pray when God doesn’t seem to answer?  The enemy instead attacks us more and more.’

The leaves are now changing here.  The temperature has dropped dramatically.  Seasons change.  Things like times and seasons continually change.  While these are expected to occur, the spiritual landscape is growing darker every day.  Father, how can I endure another surgery?  I am lost without You.  I am so sad.  My joy today is gone.  All I can do is cry.

Our children have no hope for their lives.  This includes not having any prospects for a home or a family.  Their dreams have now faded.  Moving won’t help this as it merely offers a new venue.  As for here, our neighbors hate us for no reason.  The only kind people to us now are a lesbian couple up the road.  I miss when there were no enemies surrounding us.  I feel hopeless today.  Give me something, Father.  Anything.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here.  I haven’t left you.  I won’t leave you.  I know you are downcast and scared.  While I know you feel abandoned right now, I am with you.  The Voice in you is Mine.”

Me:  “Lord, I am so tired now.  I am ready to see our children be happy, healed and joyful.  I am ready for a church that stands on Your Word of Truth and sings in praise.  I have believed for all of these years.  I know that You have the power of life and death over me and the enemy has tried to stop my life twice if not many more.

“However, You decide my days.  You decide everything.  Still, I have been so sad, especially today.  I see my hopes and dreams of all the good You plan fade here.  I see the rise of my worst nightmares and all the successes of evil.  What is happening?  You can trust me to write it or to not write it.  Please help me, Lord.  Please!”

Jesus:  “Erin, listen!  I know that you are discouraged about the dreams I have been sending your way at night.  If you notice, you are observing in them and then standing against all types of evil.  You are witnessing the bizarre behaviors of those given to evil.  Animals and birds avoid demons because they have been instructed to flee.  Some animals have been used by the enemy to create fear.  This makes you uncertain about what you have come to know.  There is an uptick in enemy activity now.

“As for your car, I allowed this to fall under attack because I have a great purpose in this.  You must trust Me in this.  I know your other car was stolen and I know this has stirred up old painful memories. While I have no intentions of taking this from you, I allow things like this at times to preserve what you do have.

“Now, My intentions are to prosper you here.  The enemy wants to take your lives, especially yours.  In the last few days, I have prevented many senseless attacks against you and your children.  I will continue to stop these.  Continue to pray as your prayers activate angels and are like trumpets to them.

“Now, the woman (KH) fighting the Bull (DT) right now is a prostitute, a harlot, and this is written.  She has been raised by the enemies of God to take souls and crush God’s children.  However, I know her deeds.  When I told you that I was about to topple thrones, I mean it.  Anyone who endorses the harlot and her plans will go through the judgments and the tribulation that has been foretold by John.

“However, these times will be far worse than what any man could imagine.  You then say, ‘Why do I allow such vile displays in this time right now?’  It is simple.  I always send warnings, even multiple displays of evil, so those who have discernment will turn from all of this and repent and humble themselves before Me.  I will then hear and accept their humbled state and I will turn and heal them.

“However, they must flee from evil and come to Me for forgiveness.  I am a Just Judge.  I will hear their case and render a judgment saving them from the depths of Shoel.  Those who continue on their way and participate in lies and laying with the prostitute, then they have chosen a bed with her.  I will not hear them.  I will turn from them and they will not be saved from torment which will come upon the land.

“Now, you are in a holding pattern.  You have completed the majority of items on your ‘to do list’ from Me.  Be encouraged.  I will strengthen you and lift your head.  Do not worry about the enemy’s schemes today.  Find joy.  Be hopeful as I am with you.  Give away all that holds no value to you.  This will bring you happiness.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Remember that all is not lost.  It is I who raises up leaders and it is I who throws them down.  While you know changes are coming, you are expecting the worst.  This is because you have experienced the enemy’s troubles over and over again.  However, I am here with you.  I Am.  I Am God.  Very soon, these lies will no longer be heard.  Do not worry as I am with you.  I love you.”

Me:  “Lord, it doesn’t seem like there is much time left.”

Jesus:  “Erin, why are you declaring that times are out?  How do you know this isn’t also for the New Earth?  How do you know it can’t be both?”

Me:  “I don’t, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Good then.  Today and in the future, let Me be God over all things, understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  What about my cancer?”

Jesus:  “Erin, this has no good place in you.  I know this.  Trust Me to deliver you from this no matter the way I choose.  I have kept you from surgery up until this season for good reason.  Erin, great will be your joy, not your downfall.  Now, let Me live in you and work through you.  I won’t share My place with another, so do not worry.  I have you.”

Note from Erin’s husband – The discussion by Jesus on KH reminded me of Revelation 17 & 18.  While there are many more verses on this, the below is from Revelation 17:1-6, 16 only:  1Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute (KH?) who is seated on many waters, 2with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk.”  3And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names (BO?), and it had seven heads and ten horns.  4The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality.  5And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.”  6And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.  16And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire…

Dream over…

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