Dream 847 – The Rabble causes Great Damage

Received on Sunday, September 15, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for Your love and grace.  Thank You for Your promises.  Please strengthen my faith to believe on behalf of those near us who are losing hope.  The last several days have brought us so many bad reports.  It has been a tough week.

On Wednesday, my husband and I drove to the pharmacy.  There was a clerk there that I have known for eight or nine years.  As I spoke to her and began to leave, she reached her arm around my neck in a type of headlock.  I call it the hug of pain as I have experienced this grip a few times before.

I knew this hug was from the enemy.  The great pain that I felt afterwards was off the charts.  For the last several days, I have had very little relief from this.  A few years back, I had suspected that this woman might be a witch.  I had then dismissed it, but this hug now makes me think twice.

I tossed and turned last night.  However, when this morning arrived, I felt a warm coating over my neck.  This happened as I prayed for this, so I believe it was a divine act.  This moved over my entire body.  It felt like a numbing, warm, healing wrap over my entire body.  Thank You, Father!  Praise You!  You are so much greater than any enemy scheme.

There are only seven days left of summer now.  Please do all You have promised and bless the works of our hands.  Please lift our Spirits and flood us with Your Godly peace on high.  Strengthen our Spirits and flood our hearts with the things of You.  Father, let praises of hope be on our lips instead of the discouraging words of embattled and defeated warriors.  Grant Your people an outpouring of blessings today, Father.

We are a downcast people who are in need of miracles that only You can provide.  Please open Heaven and pour out Your provisions upon us.  Bless our times of worship and use this time to equip all of us with divine armor and weapons of truth.  The world has grown so evil so quickly that I can’t imagine how much worse it could still progress.  However, You do!  You know.

Father, please have mercy on us.  Reach down and pick us up to take us to Your Sanctuary in Heaven.  Speak to us and renew our strength to be 100 times greater than that of our youth.  Use us to restore the broken land and take it back for the Kingdom of Righteousness under Your Authority.  We ask for this in Jesus’ Mighty Name!

For the first day in a very long time, I felt fantastic this morning.  My body has felt strong and I am sitting comfortably.  Thank You, Father.  I woke up late today, around 9:30am, and took seeds out to the yard.  Yellow leaves are beginning to replace the green and many trees are dropping their leaves early.  There isn’t a cloud in the sky today.  It is beautiful with temperatures of around 75F, the perfect weather.

Thank You, Father, for this blessed day.  I then continued to praise You as I walked about on our lawn.  When I looked down, a cute grey squirrel came up to me little by little.  Since she was nursing, she wanted the food I was handing out.  I gave her two peanuts.  She quickly gathered them up and went to bury them.

I then saw the crow I have named Scout follow the squirrel to note where she had buried the nuts.  As soon as she finished burying them, Scout and two of his friend crows came over and stole them.  They then flew their stolen bounty to the tall ‘Crow Tree’.  This tree is like a lookout tower high above all of the other trees.  Crows are so clever.  It is hard to remember that I used to hate crows as I now like them so much.

I then went to our backyard.  There was the small female groundhog.  I hadn’t seen her in three days and I feared that our neighbors had killed this last little one.  I was so glad to see her.  When I said hello, she began to run toward me.  After she stopped a few feet away, I went up to her.  I dropped some nuts and she hung out with me as she ate.

She must have known that I wasn’t going to harm her.  I told her to stay safe and to not wander to the neighbors.  These neighbors have white powder that they put out.  I must have seemed crazy to anyone watching this.  However, she seemed to be listening.  I then told her that I had to run.  She didn’t flinch or run.  She instead studied me as I went inside.

Father, please protect her as she is the last survivor.  This white powder has killed all the little reds except one that I have seen.  It is killing the grey squirrel population too.  In another month or so, all of them will be gone.

As for the hummingbirds, I have kept the feeders out just in case.  I will take them in for good on the last day of summer.

We have one final task to complete tomorrow.  We will then have finished all of the items on the list You had for us to complete.

I have some sad news about my younger son who was on fire in his faith.  He received some heartbreaking news the other day.  This news was not an answer to his prayers, petitions and fasting.  Quite the opposite, really.  This has now caused him to question everything and he is angry.  Father, please grant him good news.  Please bless him with something to renew and strengthen his faith.

The difficult thing is that we are waiting and hoping for our own promises.  We have no answers that he wants to hear as to why You answer some prayers and not others.  I know it is because You know things we don’t and that is why we must trust You.  Well, he is alone now.  His brothers have both moved permanently out of this house.

My stepson’s things were shipped west and all that remained were items collected by the donation truck on Friday.  Once everything was out, it was as if he hadn’t even been there.  It was bittersweet.  I then had to enter my older son’s room.  I looked in some of the drawers.  He left so many memories behind, mostly out of fear that my enemy would destroy them if he brought them out there with him.

I soon became choked up with teary eyes.  I then stopped to remember that this was the best thing for him.  He moved out west just as You had instructed him to.  However, it was still very difficult.  I miss both of them.  While it was frustrating at times, we laughed a lot and worked things out.

There was laughter.  They were funny.  However, there is no going back now.  Time moves forward.  Time ages us.  We have different goals.  We have new memories to make.  We have new places to go to.  We have new opportunities to experience.

Father, we now have only two children of the original five.  Please help us to get them to where they will have great joy.  My surgery is now just 47 days away.  Please heal me instead, Father, and stop all of this.  Please!

Lord, we recently received word that one of our friends has cancer.  She watches and loves You so much.  Please heal her… in Jesus’ Mighty Name!

I had an interesting dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “The Gala and the Evil Young People” begins…

My daughter and I were dressing formally for a gala event.  We were to receive some awards for our work.  Since my daughter was now dressed and ready with time to spare, she went to the venue ahead of me in order to bring a copy of the book she had written.  I knew I would easily find her there as we had assigned seating.

When I went to put on my dress and prepare myself for the gala, I realized that several evil people had hidden my dress, my shoes and various grooming items.  A group of men then informed me that some evil young people had hid my gown in one place of the house I was in and my shoes were in an entirely different location.

I then set out to find my missing things.  I soon discovered that these evil people had previously worked with my daughter and thought this would be a funny prank.  While they thought they had buried my daughter’s things, they had instead hidden mine.  When I asked them for the location of my missing things, they refused to answer.

At the Lord’s command, I then supernaturally confined them to the room they were in.  As I walked away, I could hear their noisy protests.  I then set out to find the missing items.  When I found my dress, I was dismayed as it had been shredded.  I immediately prayed and my dress was made instantly new and better than before.  I then went to a room to find several men sitting around a circle.

Man 1:  “Hey, you are that book author!”

Me:  “I believe you mean my daughter.”

The man lifted a thick book and flipped it over.  To my surprise, there I was.

Me:  “Hmm, I didn’t even know that I had published a book.  Interesting.  Anyways, I am looking for my shoes.  Do you know where they are?”

As soon as I said this, my shoes instantly appeared on my feet.  The men laughed.

Man 2:  “See!  God is good!  You better hurry up though!”

I looked at the time.  I only had 15 minutes left.  I decided to go just as I was.  I said goodbye to the men.  I began to run to the gala.  I then noticed that the ground I was walking on was sloping downward dramatically.  It was leading me away from the gala.  As I turned to go in the correct direction, I heard someone cry out.  When I looked, the evil young people were calling out.  I went over to them.  They were scared.

Young man 1:  “Please help.  We need help.  Is anyone there?”

Young woman 1:  Seeing me.  “We are so sorry that we tried to hurt you and our former co-worker (my daughter).  Can we do anything to make up for this?”

Young man 2:  “Please!  We are so sorry.  No one will come for us.”

I felt the Lord tell me to pray for them.  I began to pray out loud.  As I did, all of them dropped to their knees to confess that Jesus was their Savior.  It was emotional and sincere.  After praying, one of the women made a confession.

Young woman 2:  “I am the one that stole your shoes.”

Me:  “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

I then lifted up my dress a few inches to show her my perfect shoes.

Young woman 2:  Now terrified.  “Wait!  That’s impossible.  I threw those shoes in the sewage drain.  The water was black, thick and fast moving.  How?”

Me:  “Prayer!  Jesus gave me new shoes.”

The youths praised God and wept.

Young man 1:  “Your gala is starting!  You’ll be late.  You better go…”

Just then, I was instantly at the gala and sitting at the table next to my daughter.

Daughter:  “Mom, you were cutting things close.”

Me:  “Yes, but for good reason!”

I then noticed that we both looked around the same age (around 25 years old).

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, I don’t want to be late for dinner, a gala or anything else that You have for us!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “No worries!  You will be right on time.  Do not worry.  I am with you.  I am here in you.  My Voice is in you.  Now, this is the hard part of every journey.  It is the part where travelers grow tired.  This is when the rabble whisper discouraging things.  These words are lies meant to take you from Me.  However, remember that no one can take you from Me.  Not one is taken.  The rabble feeds off discouragement.

“They walk at the tail end of the group.  The tail end means those with little strength to keep up, including the elderly, the infirm, the young and even nursing mothers.  These are the most vulnerable and they have special needs.  They move at a slower pace.  It then stands to reason that they are already questioning their place on this long journey.  Remember the Israelites and their rabble.

“This rabble were non-Israelites who had decided to come along with God’s people.  These are foreigners who are not God’s people.  These are renegades and rebels who enjoy causing division amongst God’s people.  These came out of Egypt and followed along towards the back of the line.  Their complaining and unrest soon began to infect God’s people (Numbers 11:4).  They were sent from the enemy to destroy hope.”

Me:  “There is so much rabble everywhere now, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  They sow seeds of discord, doubt and hate.  This is now widespread throughout the nations.  There are forces at work that have caused many things…

  • Many of God’s children to stumble and fall.
  • The elderly to have no hope in God as the nations fall.
  • The sick, disabled and weak to believe they are marked for death and have no help.

“Erin, the great sins of Sodom and Gomorrah are here today.  Gangs of men dehumanize and defile the broken and helpless, all in the name of their god.  They cause great bloodshed and rejoice.  So vile are their acts that even those who have visible evidence must censor it…

  • Who offers up their daughters instead?
  • Who has no regard for their own offspring?
  • Who calls for an entire race of people to be removed?
  • Who empties the prisons and lets out great evil, even giving them money for their journey north?
  • Who sells a baby or allows evil men to defile it publicly?
  • Who demands the allowance of children to have body parts God has given them to be removed?
  • Who has allowed witchcraft and the rise of demonic strongholds over the land?
  • Who prefers these practices over God?

Me:  “Lord, please stop this.  Please!  It is so truly sick!”

Jesus:  “Remember that the end is like the beginning and so it shall be.  God sent angels to retrieve Lot and his family and gave warning to them that the outcry from the evil in these two cities was so great that God set to destroy them.  However, He would not destroy them until all those He promised to save had been removed.

“Once Lot, his wife and his two daughters were removed by the angels to Zoar at dawn, God then rained down sulfur and fire from the heavens and destroyed these cities and their fields and inhabitants.”

Me:  “Lord, will You be doing this again, but more widespread?”

Jesus:  “It is written.  However, you are to remember what was done by God to save only a few.  What you are witnessing now is the great falling away and the rise of evil.  However, I am patient.  This means that which you believe to be a delay is not.”

Me:  “Okay.”

Jesus:  “Now, I have promised a great outpouring upon the land.  While the rabble has done great damage, there is still time.  My promises are still to be fulfilled.  I have not changed My mind.  My promises are true.  Remember Lot, Erin.  I know it is difficult to witness such evil even with your own eyes.  I know your heart grows weary because of this.  However, you must understand that these things must occur before people cry out for God.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “In your dream, you still arrived at the award ceremony on time.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  However, please heal my sons.  Please!”

Jesus:  “I do not want you to worry.  I promised you I would and I will.  Rejoice, Erin, as I am with you.

“Erin, one other thing to remember… Lot addressed one of the angels as ‘Lord’ because I was there in the midst if them.  It is then written that the Lord rained down fire and burning sulfur.”

Me:  “The biggest clue that You were there with Lot is in Genesis 19:18-19 when Lot says, ‘Oh no, my Lord.’  Lot begged, ‘You have been so gracious to me and saved my life, and You have shown such great kindness.’

“Lord, You are the Savior here.  You are the Rescuer.  You are the Lord who granted Lot’s requests in mercy.  Angels do God’s Will at His instructions.  They do not modify the Will of God or grant extensions.  This can only be done because You were present.  Hmm, maybe even with Michael?”

Jesus:  “There was no justice in these cities.  These cities were unjust to the poor and were evil in the sights of God.  There is much more to the story, but, yes, this is a foreshadowing of today.  Liberty has been stolen.  The freedom to sin has now replaced the freedom to live under God.  There is no liberty and justice for God’s people.

“Because of this, judgment comes.  Four corrupt judges also ruled over the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.  They both used corrupt measures of justice.  You know the times you are in by the beds they lie in together.  Now, however, there are over ten times greater the evil.”

Me:  “Do You mean 40 evil corrupt judges?”

Jesus:  “At least.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-848/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-846/

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