Dream 848 – An Inconvenient Trump

Received on Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for all You do.  Thank You for all we have because everything is Yours.  It is only by Your Grace that we have what we have been given.  Father, You heap blessings upon Your children, both here and in Heaven.

It will be another warm summer day here today.  We finished our last project yesterday.  We have now done all that You have instructed us to do.  Thank You for granting us strength to complete it.

As I drove in my rental car behind the rental truck my husband was driving, I had an overwhelming feeling of deep grief.  We were driving to donate to a local charity store and I couldn’t help but feel like this is the soon ending of a grand season.  Not just that, but the ending of a season which can never be again the way it is now.  As I drove, all of the trees were beginning to turn.

I smiled when I saw the elderly man I had come to expect selling apples in small wooden baskets on the roadside near his orchard.  I then noticed that he now had a relative standing there with him.  What a difficult thing to do.  You do something for your whole life and then, with each new season, or, in this case, each new apple harvest, you then wonder if this will be your last.

Last night, I came in after feeding the little groundhog that I hadn’t seen for a few days.  My husband was sitting in his chair and had tears in his eyes.  I was a bit surprised at seeing this as he rarely cries.  He had been listening to a song (John Michael Montgomery’s 2004 country hit “Letters From Home”) and he was missing his kids.  Just a couple of days ago when I was in my older son’s room, I felt the same.

When I went outside this morning, two cars left my elderly neighbor’s home.  He had been placed in a home after a fall and is not expected to return here again.  His brother called out my name as he drove by.  I waved at him and then he waved in return.  Something just didn’t feel right though.  I looked out at our yard and at the beautiful trees and I began to cry.

Since the animals and birds aren’t used to me crying, they literally stopped in their tracks and looked like they were concerned for me.  I picked up the water hose while I cried and watered the plants.  The forecast high was 82F.  As I watered, I asked God, ‘Why?  Why does everything seem so final this year?’  While our place is beautiful, if we aren’t near those we love, what good is any of it?

Over the years, I have seen wave after wave of my elderly relatives move on from this life.  The last grouping were my parents.  I am now next in line along with my brothers and cousins.  This life is painful in so many ways.  My mom had planned for retirement.  She put together so many safeguards to not be a burden to us.  However, she never got to do all that she had dreamed of.  My dad certainly didn’t as he died very suddenly.

Both my husband and I are in an odd position.  We had our careers first and our children later in life.  As we are nearing being empty nesters now, we went from being like a parent / grandparent combined to all of a sudden wondering what will happen next.  Our children need to leave this area to find a fulfilling life.

There is nothing really left here for them anymore.  My daughter’s last unmarried friend was just married.  My younger son’s friends have either moved away or have married.  This is a remote place.  We live a long way out from town.  It is just as remote as it is beautiful.  As a result, we have to rely too much on our vehicles.

Once our last two children leave, I am not sure that it makes sense for my husband and me to remain here.  The silence in this house will be so painful.  I miss the activity of an active full home!  Father, it is hard growing old.  Please have mercy on us here.  Please show us what You would have us do.  I feel time is running out as it is so difficult to move in the winter.

When I was organizing things yesterday, I had been asking You about the second assassination attempt on Trump…

Voice of the Lord:  “The first was supposed to be successful.  The second was staged and false, all to prepare for what comes next.”

The phone rang after that, so I didn’t finish hearing from Him on any details.

I had a vivid dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Someone you would never suspect” begins…

I was with a group of people in the south.  We were preparing for a large barbeque and Octoberfest celebration.  An older woman approached me.  While in real life she looks younger than I do, she was older than me in this dream.  She had long blonde hair and two small teacup dogs.

Woman:  “You are Erin, right?”

Me:  “Yes.”

Woman:  “I have a proposition for you.”

Me:  “Really?  What?”

Woman:  “Come, I will show you.”

As I walked with her, people waved at her. She seemed like a celebrity.  Somone came up and asked for her autograph.

Woman:  Addressing her fan.  “I don’t do that anymore… sorry!”

She had two dogs in her arms and was wearing sunglasses.

Woman:  “This is my flat when I am visiting.  Come on up.”

She took me up to a door in what looked like a historic Brownstone.  It looked like we were in the historic district of Charleston SC.  She opened her red front door.  The home was beautiful inside.

Woman:  “Please sit and make yourself at home.  I will be right back.”

About 15 minutes later, she came back down in a light blue satin dress with a white corset.  She was carrying boots in her left hand and dance shoes in her right hand.  It was a period piece dress from the 1700s or 1800s.

Me:  “Wow, that’s a beautiful dress.”

Woman:  Smiling.  “Thank you.”  She then became very serious.  “Listen, I am leaving and won’t be back until February.  You should do the same.”

Me:  “What are you talking about?”

Woman:  “It’s a warning.  You need to leave the East Coast.  You can’t return until February.  Take your family with you.”

Me:  “Where are you going?”

Woman:  “On a dance tour.  However, I have been given a job to do first… a gala.”  She became even more serious.  “Boots to the ground.  They will never suspect me.  After that, I will be removed to a location in the west until all of this blows over.”

Me:  “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.  What are you talking about?  Why do I need to leave the East Coast?”

Woman:  “All I know is that I woke up from a dream and an angel told me to seek you out.  So, what’s next?”

Me:  “We pray and see what God would have for us.”

As we bowed our heads, I was given a vision of a woman set to kill Trump at an event.  I stopped because I then suddenly recognized this woman as being her.

Me:  “Wait!  You are a contract killer!”

The woman looked absolutely terrified.

Woman:  “How could you even say such a thing about me?”

I knew that she was bluffing and she knew I knew what she was about to do.

Me:  “God showed me you in a glamorous white and silver beaded gown.  You were working with others in an elaborate plot.”

Woman:  Now crying.  “But I have no choice!  None!”

Me:  “Yes, you do.  You have a choice.  Stop it.”

Woman:  “I can’t stop what has already begun.  If I don’t do this, they will silence me by killing me.  They will then raise up another to take my place.”

Me:  “If God is giving you warning dreams, then you have no idea what is really in store for you.  It isn’t about the natural world here, it is where you will end up in eternity.”

Woman:  “But there is already a plan in place.  They won’t fail.  They have ordered war to come here at the same time.”  I could tell that she was scared and that she felt she was out of options.  “Erin, you don’t understand who you are dealing with.”

Me:  “God is greater.  Turn away from this.  The minute you do this thing, they will silence you.  Either way, you are dead.”

Woman:  Nodding in agreement.  “I was hoping you could come with me… at least until I am safe.  February?  They needed a woman.  It is always men who assassinate presidents.  They never look to us.  It will be at the ball.”

Me:  “Can I process this?  Let me think and pray.”

Woman:  “Please keep silent.”

I didn’t promise anything in return.  I got up to leave.  As I walked out the door, I looked back at the large door knocker.  It was a brass lion.  It then turned into a white lion right before my eyes.  An instant later, it turned into a demon.  I cursed it and it fell apart behind me.  As I began to walk down the stairs, something shoved me.  I jerked awake just as I began to fall.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, this dream was so real.  Please help!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  My Voice is in you.  The enemies of God have called upon their people to strike down Trump…

  • The First Attempt: The first time was set up to look like an amateur had done this and that those watching over the area stopped an even greater plot.  This was done to render themselves heroes despite being the ones who put this in place.  However, it is I who determines a man’s days and this was not his day.  They then quickly covered up all of the evidence surrounding this so as to confuse all who sought answers.  You call it ‘stonewall’ and this is the truth.
  • The Second Attempt: The second time was theater.  This was meant to make things appear as if the protection around Trump was greater than before.  However, this is not true as plans have been hatched in secret rooms.  This man with many demons (the ‘show assassin’) will even be released as a hero as he poses for the (perfectly positioned waiting) cameras.
  • Future Attempt(s): There are other plots planned for his death.  You know this to be so because the other woman (KH) does nothing to fight against him.  This is because she feels secure knowing she has been promised a victory.

“While they can lie, cheat, steal, plot and war against the people of this nation, it is I who is over it all.  While their plans might seem to appear as working, this is because the news is false.  Remember this… only an evil ruler, wicked and vile and possessed by demons, continuously repeats death to a person, individuals or nations under God, understand?  They are losing and they know this.  They believe the only way now is to destroy the nation if they cannot rule over it.

“However, as of now, they are using armies of evil against Israel and the USA.  They will try to strike down a man’s family to weaken them.  Since they know He is God’s appointed (Trump), they will take out everything that stands in their way.  Now, remember and do not forget… God… Me and My angel armies… are much greater than all of this.  Do not worry.  Pray, Erin.  Pray!”

Me:  “Lord, what about my dream?  Does Trump win and an assassin then comes at him at the inauguration ball?  Is it sooner?  Is the USA bombed then or before?”

Jesus:  “Calm down, Erin.  Know your enemy and pray that all of his assignments are thwarted.  Remember that evil hatches many plots.  However, this doesn’t mean it will give birth to them, understand?  I know you are worried about many things.  I have been there with you as you question your place where you are.  I don’t want you to worry.  I am blessing you where you are.  I know your (younger) son and your husband are talking about work again.”

Me:  “Lord, we had hoped to be leaving soon, but…”

Jesus:  “Erin, I am a smart God, right?”

Me:  “That’s funny.  Oh yes, of course.  Lord, You are smarter than anything or anyone in all of the Earth, Heaven or the Universe.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I know each person whose hope is in Me… what they need, their hopes and their plans.  However, and even more than this, I know My Greater Plans.  I know even more.  I know who, what, where, when, why and how on every single thing.  Erin, I know all of this.  I know ALL.  This means that I also have the capability to do even more than you expect or ask for or even what is needed for your journey.

“As of today, you can do nothing (on your own).  You don’t even have your car.  Your hope is fading because the time to leave, that window of time you have placed, is drawing near.  This means that you are truly in My hands and at My mercy.  Since you have no options here, leave all of this in My hands… today, tomorrow and this season.  I promise you good things.  Your trust must fully be in Me as I am your Best Option.”

Me:  “Lord, You are my Only Option.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  It is I who sends dreams and visions.  It is I who has the keys to life and death.  It is I who sends the sun and the rain.  It is I who cares for your every need.  Erin, look to Me.  I will do all that I have promised.”

Me:  “I love You!”

Jesus:  “I love you too!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-849/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-847/

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