Dream 850 – The Great Reversal of the Day of the Cross

Received on Sunday, September 22, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for another day to make right the wrongs from yesterday.  Thank You for the peace in our home.  It has been so quiet sometimes it’s unnerving as I feel something big is coming.  You are about to move, Father, and I can feel it in my whole being.

This morning, I went outside to place the birdfeeders out.  We have been taking them in at night because this new batch of young racoons figured out how to knock down the pole cones and climb all the way up.

It is the 7th consecutive day of cloud coverage with no rain.  It is the strangest thing I have experienced since living in Portland OR.  These conditions are supposed to continue another week with highs of 62F daily and frost at night.  Our oldest and tallest tree has dropped all of its leaves as of this morning.  I walked around and was sad.

I have been ready to go out west.  Well, all of us are.  However, with our car still waiting in the body shop ‘bone yard” for an insurance estimate, it could be a while for any repairs.  Father, I still don’t understand it.  Why did this happen right now?

When I was walking around the yard, I heard a rooster crow.  It was 10:00am and this seemed odd.  I then heard it a second time.  A neighbor must have purchased a rooster.  Then when I was walking inside, I heard the rooster crow for a third time.  We also received a false alarm yesterday about something else.  All of this makes me feel as if something big is coming.

Tomorrow marks the 9th anniversary of my mom’s passing.  It seems like yesterday.  When she appears in my dreams, it seems so real.  When I wake up, I forget she is gone.  I am so grateful for the time I had with family and friends who have passed away.  So many people have shaped us.  However, You are the Master Potter.  You are the Craftsman who shapes us to what You want us to be.

Father, I don’t feel I have accomplished enough in this life.  It is easy sometimes to look at what one has been through and then compare yourself to others.  I have lost so much in this life.  In Bend OR, I had a neighbor.  I had met her in Portland OR at a woman’s breakfast in the mid-90s. She was a public speaker and book author.

I was well known in my field and at our large church.   I had a great conversation with her and appreciated her message.  I had seen her again around 2003 or 2004 when I saw her at a local grocery store in Bend, Oregon.  We were new to Bend.  One day, I saw her outside her home when I was walking by just after having my hysterectomy.

I said hello and told her I enjoyed her latest book.  Since she seemed a bit creeped out by my stopping, I quickly kept going.  I then saw her periodically over the years and even while I was flying out to Connecticut in 2007 at one of the airports.  While I never approached her again, I could tell she looked at me like she somehow knew me but couldn’t decide from where.  Since I wasn’t going through the best period in my life, I found it was better to smile and wave and go about my business.

I was speaking with my daughter this morning as she was thinking about finishing her degree in Communication Arts and Writing.  I shared with her someone from Bend OR that she may want to reach out to.  Her daughter was her age.  I looked her up and discovered she had died of cancer last year and it was a painful journey.  However, I was so happy for her to be in Your Arms, Father.

Father, I have known all of these people, including this woman, and I have other mutual friends in Christian Ministry.  However, I have been away for so long.  I have been gone now since 2009.  I was treated like I was a weirdo because of my NDEs and my experiences.  I then quit testifying about them.

You then brought me here in 2014.  I have been here for these ten years so I could just be focused on You.  I no longer felt bad about myself because I was a Christian single mother being attacked by my ex.  I was tired of being treated like a pariah, all due to my circumstances.

You know after the first encounter that it is best to say nothing and move on.  People will always judge you by your silence because it makes more sense to others that the quiet one is the guilty one.  I might have once thought like this, but I no longer do.  I often find those who work really hard to preserve their reputations and status against others eventually trip up and are exposed.

Even so, most Christians that realize they were wrong about someone yet still don’t go back to that silent person later and apologize.  It is instead more comfortable to pretend they don’t know you.  It is painful to be thought of as a pariah, especially Christians you want to be friends with.  Time doesn’t heal pain or remove broken hearts.

Only Jesus can do this.  Father, thank You for removing me and my children to this place here.  Please help me to be brave and battle this cancer, but not on my own strength but yours.  Whatever You are doing with Me, Father, I give You full permission.  I am sorry to question anything You have done, are doing or are planning to do.  I love You so much, Lord!

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you!  I know it is painful to feel you have fallen short in life compared to others.  Did it ever occur to you that I might be doing something even greater in your life?  Troubles come when you take your focus off of Me and instead stand next to others and compare resumes, awards, accomplishments and other things.  Truly I tell you, in the great scheme of My Plans, these do not matter at all.

“It is wonderful when the tree of one’s life produces sweet fruit and others seek that same fruit.  However, what are you seeking and by what measure is the fruit against yours?  Is it juicier?  Is the tree that bears it more beautiful?  What is it?  I would guess that even if you compared your fruit hand in hand, it still would lack.  This is because you are measuring against another person’s fruit.

“Erin, each tree that bears fruit, each one of those I have chosen and called, each one has the perfect fruit for My purposes.  Never compare yourself to another child of God.  You have not fallen behind.  If you had never been injured ten years ago or even 26 years ago with the accident, you would now be golfing and doing so many things.  If you were not injured, you would barely have time for Me.

“Now you think to yourself, ‘There is no time for the fulfillment of these promises.’  You then limit Me and give up on hope.  Stop!  Shift back to your first love… Me!  I am here.  I have a plan for you that you would not believe even if I told you.  Your life is not over yet.  Have peace in the waiting.  Rest in this time of solitude.  Why?  Because your strength will then be renewed.

“Those whose hope is in Me will renew their strength.  They will soar on the wings of eagles.  Erin, you will run and not grow weary.  You will walk and not be faint.  I know you are worried about many things.  I also know that the homes you saved and asked for are now sold.”

Me:  “I asked for special little ones built by craftsman whom I once knew.  However, maybe these were too much?  I was sad and disheartened when they all sold.”

Jesus:  “I know.  However, I am reserving the place I have for you at the proper time.  When you one day see your enemies, you will now be in position of strength because your trust is in Me.  As it stands now, you have no strength or ability on your own to move forward.  I know you, Erin, and I haven’t forsaken you.  I will not leave you.  You are fully in My hands.  Trust Me and do not worry.  Oh yes… and remember that I am the Keeper of Time.  I also know when a rooster calls.”

Me:  “Am I going to betray You?”

Jesus:  “No.  This was a reference to frame a period of time for Peter in which he would deny Me and it was two rooster calls.  You heard three within a short span of time at mid-morning.  This was during the 2nd Watch of the day.  I marked this as the time of watches for My fulfillment of promises, a time for a new heart and a willingness to serve Me.”

Me:  “I don’t know much about the watches of the night.”

Jesus:  “This is what I am declaring for you… that your fruitfulness will produce an increase in every portion of your walk with Me.  I am about to transform you.”

Me:  “Lord, You were on the Cross for the 2nd and 3rd Watches of the day.  The 3rd Watch of the day was the time of darkness and an earthquake.”

Jesus:  “Yes, this was the watch of the shaking of foundations and great judgment was the 3rd Watch.”

Note from Erin’s husband:  The following is my understanding of the watches and the hours as referenced in the Bible (wherein all times are approximate)…

  • 1st watch: 6:00am to 9:00am
  •    1st hour:  6:00am to 7:00am
  •    2nd hour:  7:00am to 8:00am
  •    3rd hour:  8:00am to 9:00am
  • 2nd watch: 9:00am to noon
  •    4th hour:  9:00am to 10:00am
  •    5th hour:  10:00am to 11:00am
  •    6th hour:  11:00am to noon
  • 3rd watch: noon to 3:00pm
  •    7th hour:  noon to 1:00pm
  •    8th hour:  1:00pm to 2:00pm
  •    9th hour:  2:00pm to 3:00pm
  • 4th watch: 3:00pm to 6:00pm
  •    10th hour:  3:00pm to 4:00pm
  •    11th hour:  4:00pm to 5:00pm
  •    12th hour:  5:00pm to 6:00pm
  • 1st night watch: 6:00pm to 9:00pm
  • 2nd night watch: 9:00pm to midnight
  • 3rd night watch: Midnight to 3:00am
  • 4th night watch: 3:00am to 6:00am

Me:  “Lord, I am still confused about these watches.”

Jesus:  “Erin, it will be like a reverse of what occurred on the day I was crucified.  Pray on this and understand that this current time will have many of the same events.”

Me:  “Well, I believe that the order of events on the day you were crucified were Your ‘judgment’ and then the Cross, three hours of darkness and a great earthquake that tore the veil in two.  In order, maybe the reverse of this would look something like this, where this is just my best guess

  • 1st would be the Great Earthquake.
  • 2nd would be the Three Days of Darkness.
  • 3rd would be the Judgment of the world in the Great Revival / Harvest using us, Your Bride.

Jesus:  “Erin, I now give this to you to pray and study for wisdom.  Just know that I gave you three rooster calls.  It takes the glory of God to conceal a matter and the honor of kings to search it out!  Now search and do not worry.  I love you!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-851/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-849/

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