Dream 856 – Calamity brings Humility and Softens the Hearts

Received on Friday, October 11, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You for another dawn, another chance, at doing Your Will in all things.  After my dream last night, I came to You in praise and worship.  I meditated on Psalm 46.  I realize that I hadn’t really connected with the entire chapter until now because the world was not like it is now.  To ‘Be Still’ when everything around you is crumbling… well, this is a difficult thing.

All I know is that You are in control and Your miracles have been an answer to our prayers.  Praise You, God, because no power of hell, no scheme of man, could ever pluck any of us from Your hand (Romans 8:39).  As for Hurricane Milton, its eyewall collapsed just before it hit land.  The waters of Tampa Bay receded mysteriously and lessened the storm surge’s height.

I know there must have been more stories on answers to our prayers.  While You didn’t stop the storm, You kept it from wiping parts of Florida off of the face of the Earth.  Thank You, Father.  With Hurricane Helene, my friend gave me a report of a miracle that I just can’t shake…

Her employee’s brother, Tony, owns a rescue helicopter and some horses.  He, along with others, found a four-year old boy who was stuck in the mud for nine days in Chimney Rock NC.  They rescued him last Sunday.  Of all the miracles, this left me speechless and in tears.  I haven’t heard this in the news.  This is probably because it is a true miracle from You, Father.

The little boy was crying and asking for his parents.  Thank You for sending food, water and comfort to this little boy for the nine days before his rescue.  You somehow knew that Tony would be riding a horse nearby and would find him.  You called Tony for this very moment.  Thank You!

We sometimes only hear the bad news of destruction and hardly any news of Your miracles.  While this still hasn’t been in the news, Your children can spread the news of Your Presence because we all know You haven’t left the scene.  In addition, and in my heart, I also feel a strong urgency to pray for Israel.

I had a disturbing dream last night…

Sub-dream 1 “Vast Plains of Dirt and Rubble” begins…

I was in a place that I didn’t recognize.  All I saw was vast plains of dirt and rubble.  In some areas, I could see molten metal.  It sort of looked like spilled mercury.  The air was filmy with sand and dirt.  The wind was blowing and howling.  The sun was a deep red and orange color.  The wind was so haunting.  I heard a woman and looked over to see her kneeling.  She was wailing in another language.

However, I knew, as her face was before God above, that she was asking why.  As I went closer to her, she seemed catatonic and in shock.  She was smearing the dirt and ashes on her face.  She let the ashes pour down from her hand.  Though she never looked at me, she started to speak.  Even though she spoke in a foreign language, I was able to understand her.

Woman:  “Why?  Why?  My family is here in the ashes.  They are right here.  God, I plead to You to take my life right now.”

When I looked away from the woman, I saw darkened figures toward the horizon.  I ran over to them.  However, I soon realized there was only one man.  My seeing of multiple men must have been a mirage.  The man was sorting rubble into a line.  I could see various stones lined up according to their sizes, all heaped into piles.

Me:  “What are you doing?”

He then replied without looking directly at me.  This man also spoke in a foreign language and I was again able to understand him.

Man:  “I am building the Temple.  It was a promise.”

Me:  “Wait!  I am sure help will come.”

Man:  He was clearly in shock.  “No.  I am the last one.  I am it.”

Me:  “God will raise this up.  It is His field.  Do not worry.”

He still never looked at me.  It was as if I wasn’t even there.  I bowed my head and wept.

Me:  “Lord, help us!  God, help us!  Please help!”

Sub-dream 1 over…

Father, this dream was horrific.  It is like the one that I had many years ago before I was a Christian about a desolate place with only one hollowed out building in ruins with a line of people going into it for food.  It looked like the Tri-Cities WA area near Hanford.  However, there were no landforms, just howling wind and desolation.  There was no vegetation at all, no animals or birds, no insects… NOTHING!

Father, I don’t know much about bombs, but it seemed like the aftermath of one.  I pray that this does not happen in Israel or the USA or anywhere as this would be horrific.  Father, please protect us and watch over us in all we do.  I pray for the lost that they will be found by You.  We know the enemy desires a hellscape on Earth.  We pray instead for Your Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  We pray for this, Father.

Father, this dream was alarming!  Please make right all of the wrongs against all of Your children, in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen!

The Ten Days of Awe, also known as The Days of Repentance, are almost finished.  Judgment is sealed for this next year during the 10th day of the Ten Days of Awe, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  While I am not Jewish, I know that one day we will all honor Your Appointments, Your Feasts, and we will remember.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I know you are unsettled and many right now are displaced.  However, remember this… no one in My Kingdom is ever without a home.  No one is ever displaced with Me.  This here is a beautiful land that was created for worship, to know that, through all you see in its beauty and majesty, is a gift created for the enjoyment of God’s Creation.

“Erin, remember that the birds of the air, the fish in the sea and the animals of the wild and of the field all cry out and worship God.  The trees, fields, flowers and all you see know God.  The mountains, the valleys and the skies all worship God.  Even every rock cries out.

“So, Erin, then understand the Great Gift of children who love their Father.  Follow in His Ways and obey His Commands.  Those children who seek the heart of the Father become a banner to Him.  He delights in His children.  Erin, I delight in you.”

Me:  “Lord, I don’t feel I do enough.  I want to go and help where I am needed.”

Jesus:  “I know.  However, for today, you are needed here to serve Me.  Remember what I told you… calamity brings humility and softens the hearts of those God is preparing.  A ready heart is a willing body and one that is ready for a change, a heart change.  They then desire miracles, signs and wonders through My Harvest Workers.

“As for a prideful man, he is self-serving and needs no savior as proclaimed by his own actions.  He can explain away God and his heart is as stone, unyielding and hardened.  However, a humbled heart is pliable for it is ready.

“Erin, I know that this isn’t an easy thing to hear.  Just know that I am the Restorer of Walls and Foundations.  I make everything new.  Rejoice, Erin.  I am here.  Do not be afraid!”

Dream over…

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-855/

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