Dream 868 – The Winding Road Leads Straight to Him

Received on Sunday, December 8, 2024


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all You do, every great and even small thing.  Fresh snow falls today and I am happy to be home and warm inside.  Over the years, I spent so much time waiting for the big miracles that I sometimes would forget the small very significant ones.  These are the small ones with everlasting blessings in my life.

When I was a little girl, we had to shop at secondhand stores or thrift stores.  Back in the late 60s / early 70s, the items were really bad compared to today.  Even so, this is all that mom could afford for us.  One day, I found a small toddler-sized Penn State university sweatshirt.  Mom let me purchase it.  I think it was 25 cents.  I asked my mom to tack it up on the wall in my bedroom.  We lived in a university housing project.

It is funny that she didn’t really question this until that sweatshirt went to our tiny home and then to Idaho after that.  I knew that I would somehow be going to school there.  I just knew.  God opened a series of doors and, without me even going through the normal processes of College Applications, I just ended up there.  It is a long story, but one in which God placed upon my heart years before.

There were so many little miracles He had lined up to make certain I would end up there, it is astonishing.  I was just a girl from northern Idaho with mediocre grades and recruited for a sport that happened on me in unexpected ways.  Years before, I would tag along with my friend, Elizabeth, while she took golf lessons from off duty caddies at the Alameda County Racetrack.  In the center of this racetrack was a driving range.

I watched and listened intently while my friend took her lessons.  We had zero money for anything involving lessons or equipment, so this was the best I could do.  However, what I learned those days were etched on my heart.  I somehow knew that golf would be a ‘thing’ for me.  Golf ended up being the ‘Open Door’ to Penn State.

I was only ten years old when I obtained the sweatshirt that turned out to be a future door for me.  I obviously didn’t recognize this to be the case at the time.  Why?  Because it was deemed an impossibility by my mom and I was told to forget this dream.  Well, I never forgot this because You, Father, kept it at the forefront of my mind.

Years later, after You closed the door on my golf career, when I had first moved back to the Pacific Northwest / Portland OR area in 1991, I was invited by an employer to tour a ‘Street of Dreams Show’.  The show consisted of luxury homes you could tour on a neighborhood street in a development.  Upwards of 80,000 people would come and tour these homes.

At this point, I had been stuck in the graphic design, marketing and advertising field while working at various private parties with ‘The Culinary Crew’, a traveling weekend hospitality worker.  When I walked through the third home on this Street of Dreams Tour, I realized I had found another door God had presented to me.  On the fourth home, I turned towards the person I was with…

Me:  “I will be doing this one day!”

Person I was with:  Laughing.  “Do you know how hard it is to be in one of these?”

Me:  “Yes, I know.  However, I just know I will be here.”

I knew this person thought that this was a crazy notion.  However, in a series of God-sized events and without much effort on my own, sure enough, the very next year, 1992, I designed my first home.  This then happened in 1993 and then again in 1996 for the Northwest Society of Interior Designers Show Home.  I was the team captain.

This was truly You, Lord, because there are designers that work their entire careers for just one of these.  This didn’t include the other homes I had done for the parade of homes and the tour of affordable homes and all the charitable events I attended.  Father, one small door opened to a huge one.

However, even small doors can be big doors.  When I was pregnant with my daughter in 2001, I had all but retired from having my businesses and clients in order to raise my children.  With my pregnancy, I was having breathing difficulties.  I had to sleep sitting up and was bedridden.  At night, I would sit downstairs and listen to praise music and pray and worship.

For one week, I prayed that You, Lord, would grant my daughter curly full hair so she would never have to get a perm or worry about her hair.  I thought this would leave her more time to focus on You.  I later turned my prayers to petitions for a smooth delivery and a healthy baby.  When my daughter arrived safely, I dedicated her to You.  At the time, I had no idea that You delighted in my prayers and answered my request.

Well, guess what?  My daughter was born with curly hair and, just because You can, You made mine curly too.  Over the years, this has been such a blessing to me and to my daughter.  A small miracle led to a huge blessing and this continues today.  While the doctors told us our curly hair would only be temporary, You made this permanent.  Thank You, Father!  You are the greatest Way in all things.

Please forgive me for pouting over the bigger miracles not manifesting yet.  You saved us from another deer yesterday.  You stopped the car when it began to slide on the ice into another car.  We prayed for a parking spot in a crowded lot and, just as we were giving up, a car pulled out closest to the door.  Everyday Your miracles go unnoticed.  I am sorry I fail to recognize all the ways You protect all of us.

I want to do better in this.  I love You, but I sometimes fail to see Your little daily miracles.  To some, the life You have created for me might seem like a failed life of mishaps and mistakes, one in which someone might dread and look down upon.  However, what I now see is that You have done something here that is a Divine Incredible Miracle of Epic Proportions…

  • You carry me every day.
  • By Your Grace, I am still breathing.
  • By Your Love, we are able to live as You have provided all we have and need.
  • Because You are God, You even sustain our pets.
  • There is nothing beyond Your reach, Your abilities and Your touch.

I feel so grateful today that You would think of us daily in the small things, as well as in the large miracles.  Perhaps the big things just take a bit longer.

I had quite a dream last night.

Sub-dream 1 “Tragedy at the Launch Site” begins…

I was an observer in this dream.  I was looking over a distant town / city out west and a river ran through it.  A woman lived on a hill overlooking the valley.  She had three children and a husband.  These children were 5, 7 and 10 years old.  I saw the woman stay active and healthy.  She attended church and worshipped God.  She had a women’s Bible Study at her home and seemed to do everything right.

One day, the woman was visited by an angel of the Lord who told her that everything around her was about to change and become worse before it became better.  Day by day, I watched her become so discouraged as nothing she was praying for was coming to pass.  Things were happening that were contrary to how she was praying.  She was becoming angrier and angrier at God.

Even though God had sent an angel in advance to warn her that troubles were coming, she was in a state of shock and denial when everything around her was falling apart.  She consulted other Christians and her pastor.  I could see the whole thing as if I was watching a movie.  I began to see her decline further, even neglecting her children.  The world was not bending to the prayers she expected God to answer.

She then withdrew from church.  War had broken out nearby.  Her husband took over her responsibilities of watching her children.  She had been proclaiming publicly that Jesus would be rapturing his chosen from rockets.  People ignored her as being crazy.

Then one morning, she decided it was God’s perfect day for the Rapture.  It was a Sunday.  She made an elaborate breakfast for her family.  Her husband had to go into the office in the afternoon to finish a presentation…

Man:  “How about I take our youngest into work with me today?”

Woman:  “No, but thanks for offering.  I feel fine today.”

After the man left for his office, she made milkshakes for her children.  She hid drugs in the milkshakes so they would become lucid and obey her orders to get into the car.  Once in the car, she drove them to a rocket launching site.  She then somehow managed to get herself and her three children close to the launching area.  There were three rockets set to launch that day.  There was sign close by…

“WARNING – While launching is in progress, you may be sucked into the fuselage of the rockets!  Keep well clear during launching sequence!”

With the children still drugged, she pushed all three into the fuselage of one of the rockets, along with herself.  When the rocket began to launch, they all died instantly.  When her husband came back to the house later that evening, she had left him a note…

“I, along with our children, have been raptured in a massive chariot of fire!”

He immediately called the police.  He then went with the police, along with his pastor, to the launch site.  They then found what was left of their four bodies.

Man:  Wailing.  “Why would God do this?  We have done everything right!  My children!”

Pastor:  “God’s promises are true.  He sent an angel to let her know in advance that things would be difficult before they got better.  She grew tired in the waiting.  She was angry with God.”

Man:  “It is all my fault.  I saw her change.”

Pastor:  “We all did, yet we did nothing.”

I then felt a violent rattling and instantly woke up from the dream.

Sub-dream 1 over…

This dream was so real that it disturbed me.  Father, please bring hope to our children.  The world has changed so rapidly.  After getting some water, I prayed for a better dream.  I then drifted off to sleep again and had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “Time to Step Forward” begins…

All I could remember was God’s Loud Voice:

“To the bright and shining Ones… step forward and all will know you are Mine!”

Sub-dream 2 over…

Thank You, Father, for dreams.  I know each one has a purpose.  It is so I will remain trusting in You for meaning.  Bless You, Father, in all You do as we wait.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  My Voice is in you.  However, there is something else… when speaking of the miracles, you are sad.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord, I am.  So far, these are dreams never realized, the promise without the conclusion… or at least a winning conclusion.”

Jesus:  “You have won.  You are Mine, a bright shining One, along with others.”

Me:  “Yes, in You, I have everything.  There are no accidents between what I wrote from my beginning story to the dream of the delusional Christian.”

Jesus:  “Let Me remind you of the swift currents you have continually faced.  You swam against the current in your story of the university I sent you to.  You listened to all those saying to you, ‘This is impossible!’, ‘This can’t be done!’ and ‘Your equipment is bad!’

“Well, it is hard to name all of the negatives that were said to you.  The enemy was afoot because he wanted your failure and so did others around you.  Now, did you succumb to the current and let it take you there or did I close the door?”

Me:  “I feel like You did both.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  It ran its course and I was not happy about those who cursed you.  However, this then ended their careers as they had hoped.”

Me:  “Really, Lord?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  None of them did as they had hoped… except one, your roommate.  She was kind to you.  Erin, I know this is difficult to hear, but this was not My plan for you.  When I opened the other door, you walked through this and didn’t look back.  This led to lessons in life that were valuable.  You gained experience unmatched even by those taught in universities…

  • You learned about wealth.
  • You learned about those who acted a certain way but had nothing.
  • You learned about people who had so much wealth they had no concept of what lack was about.
  • You then had a difficult time wrestling against Me and the material.

Me:  “Spiritually vs worldly?”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I then had to strip you down once you surrendered to Me.  I know this is difficult.  However, your perspective, your values and your love and patience for those who are lost is greater.  You went through great loss to get to where you are.  One day, you will experience all you left behind and you will celebrate what I have done.”

Me:  “I could celebrate now.  I am grateful.”

Jesus:  “Yes, but you believe you have failed.  Well, I am here to say your failures have not been what you think.  They are Me redirecting you.”

Me:  “A different flight plan?”

Jesus:  “Well, yes.  However, you still arrive at your destination.  Erin, your story is not finished.  I have not come this far with you to let all that I have done with you come to nothing.  At some point, all of your questions will be answered… every question.  Your joy will be complete.  You will do all these things again, but with a different heart.

“Your heart is Mine!  You are My bright and shining One, along with many others, and great will be your joy.  I promise you.  Now, don’t grow weary in the waiting.  Look at all I am doing upon the Earth.  Do you not see My hand in this?  The time of your promise is coming into view.  Rejoice, Erin, and be glad.  Rejoice!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-869/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-867/

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