Dream 876 – The Hunters will become the Hunted

Received on Sunday, January 5, 2025


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!

Lord, please help me with something I found from a pastor who had gone to ChatGPT about ‘the enemy’s playbook’.  The first nine of these were from ChatGPT and I then added 10 through 12.  This list is as follows:

  1. Put doubt and fear in their minds.
  2. Have them focus on instant gratification.
  3. Surround them with negative influencers.
  4. Make sure they remain comfortable.
  5. Have them plan and schedule everything and then use procrastination as a weapon.
  6. Erode their confidence.
  7. Make their focus on external things, not internal things.
  8. Encourage their poor habits.
  9. Remove their sense of urgency.
  10. Grow resentment, coveting, envy, jealousy and anger.
  11. Build a wall against God.
  12. Believe lies as truth.

It would then make sense that the opposite of the above list would be part of ‘God’s Playbook for His Children’.  The following was as written by me and I sincerely felt there was a larger purpose for doing so:

  1. Be confident and brave in the Lord.
  2. Focus on long-term healthy gratification, joy and peace.
  3. Surround yourself with positive and encouraging Godly influencers in your life, along with givers of the Good News.
  4. Strive to do God’s Will even when it is uncomfortable and takes extra effort.
  5. Don’t dwell on the mistakes of yesterday. Remember that God has tomorrow and His plans are perfect.  Embrace today and live.  It is a gift, which is why it is called ‘the present’.  Be present with God and give your days to Him.
  6. Remain confident as a child of God in who He is in you. Let God turn and see His image in you and for Him to be glad and proud of you as a Father.
  7. Search inside yourself daily to remove any iniquity in your heart that would keep you from grace (Isaiah 59:2, Hebrews 12:15, Ezekiel 28:15, Psalm 66:17, Psalm 51:6).
  8. Engage in good habits daily for your mind, soul, strength and spirit. The most important daily habit should be at least one Scripture, but even better a full chapter, of God’s Word.
  9. We do not know the lateness of the hour with precision. This means not putting off doing good.  1 Corinthians 9:24:  Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize.  Remain diligent and steadfast.  Be earnest in seeking Jesus!
  10. Check your fruits of the spirit and operate in the positive ones daily. These confound the enemy.  Galatians 5:22-23:  Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  These are the counterbalances to the bad fruits the enemy offers us.
  11. Be honest with God and pour out to Him in truth. He wants our whole heart, not just a ration.  He wants you to have a close relationship with Him.  Since He already knows all that is contained in the heart of man, do not hold back truth just because you think God can’t handle imperfections.  If you are angry at Him, then tell Him and be truthful.  Truth and a contrite pliable heart tears down the wall between God, the Father, and His children.  While King David made many mistakes, he then knew he needed to repent before God with all of his heart.
  12. Remain in God’s Word and reflect on His character. He will speak to us.  His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).

Father, You showed me something recently.  In fact, it was a continuous vision I had last night that I thought was an actual warning about plumbing in our house…

Sub-dream / vision 1 “The Joy of Pure Running Water” begins…

I turned on the kitchen faucet and filled a watering can and watered my houseplants.  I then returned to the faucet and washed my hands clean.  I later returned to fill a pot to boil water to cook noodles.  At the end of the evening, I then filled up our dog’s bowl with water and gave myself a glass to drink.

Water flowed freely through that faucet and there were many different uses for this daily life-giving gift from God.  It hydrates, cleans and is used for cooking.  It is necessary for life.  It has been very cold here lately (several degrees below freezing).  When I get up at night, I always pray that our faucet is working and our water remains fully flowing.  I thank God when it then still turns on.

Jesus:  “My fountains are in you.  Keep them flowing.”

Sub-dream / vision 1 over…

I got up and checked my taps.  They were flowing.  I went back to bed and was so thankful to the Lord.  I am grateful to still be here.  Wherever You take me, Lord, I will follow.  I then drifted asleep and had another dream…

Sub-dream 2 “The Hunters will become the Hunted” begins…

In my dream, I was sitting in my devotional chair.  I looked outside and witnessed a Coopers Hawk in pursuit of a young dove that had been camping in my feeder tray.  I saw them fly into the trees, the hawk following close behind the dove.  This made me sad because the hawk was easily three times the size of the young dove.  They soon disappeared in the trees.

I stood up to look and I was shocked at what I was now witnessing.  The Cooper’s hawk suddenly turned around in the opposite direction followed swiftly by the young dove! This small dove was now hunting down the hawk and pursuing it.  I watched it fly high and then divebomb the hawk.  The hawk was ducking and spinning until he finally fell to the ground and landed on its back.  A flock of mourning doves then descended on the hawk.  They then removed his feathers.

The brave hawk was now the prey.  The hunter had become the hunted.  I woke up suddenly to a crow’s caw.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Me:  “Father, what was this all about?”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  The young dove represents innocence, peace and the promise of new beginnings.  A predator then attacked the dove and it took flight into the wilderness.  However, what came next for the dove was a change in the normal order…

“The dove was transformed and rose up to attack the predator… the hawk.  Normally, these predators operate in full confidence and have no fear.  However, the hawk was in such a stunned array that it succumbed to the dove’s counterattack.  Even the crows commented on this turnabout.

“Erin, you have been concerned about a strong force that has invaded the nations, a religion and movement of great deception (the followers of the Black Dragon).  Their leaders are unafraid of authorities or law.  In contrast and in great fear, many governments have now surrendered to their authority.  Their presence brings such fear and threats that no one dares to fight them.

“Well, Erin, I am raising up a people who will terrify the invaders and they will flee.  They will exact revenge and proclaim all of the world for their god, but they are not expecting doves or Me.  This dream was a good one!

“Oh yes… I like your lists (from the very beginning of this dream).  This can be a dove and sparrow assignment.  Trust in Me daily.  Give each day to Me in all you do.  Surrender your days to Me and I will give you the desires of your heart.”

Me:  “I will, Lord.  I am sorry for building any heart barriers to keep You out.  I want more of You, not less.  I will sit in the feeding tray.”

Jesus:  “I suggest leaving this for the birds.  This would also be very cold for you out there.  Instead, make My Word, My Truth, your daily feeding tray.  Through this, My Spirit will feed you with Living Words.  You will also receive a Double Portion.  You will be changed in every way.

“Now, focus on Me, not fear, and I will give you rest.  Remember… I SEE!  Erin, I see it all and this does not end well for the majority of them.  Hearts of stone do not do well.  They can’t be shaped by My hands, only crushed.  Erin, continue praying.

“Now, have your friends help you expand your list (‘God’s Playbook for His Children’).  There is more.  I love you.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-877/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-875/

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