Dream 202 – God, Sign in Heaven, September 23, 2017 & the Puzzle

Received Monday, May 2, 2016

This is the last dream with a previous reference and was referenced to as ‘The Final Hour 12’.


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day. Thank You for spring blossoms, the song birds and the sound of rushing water.  Thank You for my family, friends and my continued healing; although subtle, and behind that of my son’s healing, I am thankful for continued strength.

Father, I come to You this morning with a massive burden. I have had several dreams with bits and pieces of a greater picture.

My dream…

I saw a massive jigsaw puzzle of the Earth. I was sitting at a massive table.  I was handed a box; a massive box.  It was mailed to me by UPS and came by three-day air.  I had to sign for it at the front door.

I opened the box and, inside this, were thousands of puzzle pieces. There was a note from the sender, “Please complete by September 23, 2017.”  I then received a phone call.  The voice on the other line was my Mother’s, “Erin, this is ‘Mom’s first name’; your task must be completed.”  Then there was just a dial tone.

Dream over.

Father, do I need to scatter her ashes by this date? What is this?  Why did she not say ‘Mother’ instead of using her first name?  This left me sad; very sad.

Jesus: “Erin, come up.

I was up on God’s path. It was spring time.  All the blossoming trees were in full bloom.  There were so many flowers and beautiful green grass.  I saw glass-crystal winged butterflies and dragonflies.  Maybe in Heaven, the dragonflies are called something else, perhaps Mayfly, I’m not sure; but, for description purposes, this is what I will call them, ‘dragonflies’.

I saw baby animals, along with their mothers. There were deer, rabbits, squirrels, ducks, geese, otters and so many others.  They were out in the open, grazing on various plants.  To my right was the beautiful pond.  This is where I saw the otters, geese and ducks.

Nothing; no animal had fear. They weren’t even afraid of me.  The sounds were so beautiful, the fragrance divine and the colors were like nothing I had ever seen on Earth.  I wept as I looked out over this beautiful sight.  Tears streamed down my cheeks.  My heart was heavy and I wanted God to remove my burdens.

Me: “Father, You rarely give me dates to share with others.  Why now?”

I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and looked up to see Uriel.  He was smiling.

Uriel: “I’m here to take you to the Throne of God.  He requests your presence.”

Me: “Uriel, I’m troubled by my dreams and I’m not certain what to do.”

Uriel: “Erin, your mantel is peace, remember?  You need not worry.  Ask and it will be given to you.  Seek and you will find.  Knock and the door will be opened to you.”

He took my hand and we were immediately at God’s door. I looked and, to my right, was the forestry board.  There, on the top, was a small perfectly built bird’s nest.  Uriel motioned for me to pick it up.  There, inside, was an egg opening.  Inside, it sprang a small baby bird.

Dream 202 Pic 1

The baby bird had a puzzle piece in its mouth with a heart on it. My name was right below this.  I giggled.  As I held the nest, the baby bird’s mother flew into it. It was plump with feathers of gold and wings of silver.  It was the most adorable little dove I had ever seen.  She reached over and fed her baby bird.  I carefully placed the nest back where I found it.  The puzzle piece remained in my hand.

There was a small envelope with my name on it, so I picked it up and opened it. Inside there was a card embossed with a nest and three eggs.  It reminded me of my Mom.  Inside the card, it read:


I have built a nest

for you near My altar!

Rejoice as you did in your youth!

I Love you!”


I was crying.

Uriel: “Do not cry, Erin.  God requests your presence.  Rejoice, as He has built your nest at His Altar.  Be glad.”

He then put salve in my eyes and brought me into God’s presence. The choir of angels sang, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is, and is to come!”  The ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ overlapped the chorus and sounded so beautiful.

When my knees began to waiver, I knelt down to worship God. I thanked Him and His continued grace and love in our lives.  I thanked Him for my Mom and prayed that, one day, I would see her here in Heaven.  I asked Him for revelation over these tapestry quilt-like dreams recently and that He would put these pieces into place for me.

Me: “I love You, Father, and I’m so thankful to You for everything You have done for us.”

God: “You are welcome.  You have questions with these dreams?”

Me: “Yes.  Before the dream with the puzzle, I had another dream with puzzles.  In this dream, there had been a major storm and blackout; no power.  It was summer and hot.  No one wanted to go to bed, so we pulled out a puzzle from the garage.

“The puzzle was a montage of U.S. cities. I had 16 pieces that matched.  They were light blue, dark grey and green.  I began to piece this together.  It looked like the Statue of Liberty.  I looked over at my children’s portion.  One had the Golden Gate Bridge, one had the Washington D.C. Monument Garden and my one son had the Seattle Needle.

“We continued with our portions of this large puzzle, but I noticed that my pieces changed. I saw the seven spikes and the 11 stars under her feet.  I saw her raise a torch to the east.  She was the first light.  I then saw her platform read, ‘This is the Goddess Isis’.

“Then, when I began to put my portion of the puzzle into the mainland puzzle, it was like a cutting knife, destroying the other connecting pieces and destroying anything from fitting. I set this aside.

“I noticed my children were having problems with their sections also fitting. Then, Father, there is the dream with the date of September 23, 2017.  This is exactly 24 months to the date of death of my Mom.”

God: “I have given you pieces to an elaborate puzzle.  This once great nation was given to Me, but one cannot give what was never theirs to give.  This land was blessed.  Of the seven lands upon seven seas, this land I gave seven times more blessings than the others.  It was a good land and I prospered it.

“Other lands envied her, but also reveled in her beauty and become fat over her wealth. The statue you have seen mocks My signs in the Heaven; the woman appearing, clothed in the sun and the moon under her feet and, on her head, is a crown of 12 stars.

“The statue you have seen stands on an 11 pointed star as she falls short of my grace and protection. She stands on the husks of the Tree of Knowledge and therefore stumbles.  She speaks of Me with idol lips, yet I have no knowledge of her as her heart is void of Me.

“She stands at the eastern gate to seduce all those who enter through her. She sits at the break of dawn and lights the surface of muddied waters.  She claims to be the light of the world, yet she wears horns as her crown.  She is like a siren who brings those who come to her destruction.

“I have sent a sign in the Heavens to mark the downfall of her destruction. This sign is written in the stars.”

Erin: “Is this the date, September 23, 2017?”

God: “A sign, and signs, are sent by Me for those who pray for revelation to uncover.”

Erin: “So, New York will collapse or our country financially?”

God: “Erin, you know this as this time is written.  This comes as no surprise.  I have spoken about labor pains and the birth of My Son.  Who can dispute this?  Those who support the division of My Land will also experience a great divide.  Those who bless My Land; I will bless.”

“Now, the enemy petitions for the heights in My Land, one of My Hills. When destruction comes to the cursed land, people will flee to the heights only to find destruction there also.  Their enemy waits on the heights and hunts them with dogs.

“I have heard their back room deals and their collective bargaining. I know their treachery and their black hearts.  Their seed is evil and their harvest death.”

Erin: “Father, are you speaking of New York City or Jerusalem?  What deals or heights?”

God: “The enemy has begun to dismantle My Land, My City of Refuge in Bashan.  The enemy would like to seize this and use it to better their position of defense from the hills.  From this, the corner of protection will then become a corner of fire.  This bargaining proposition has been set up by allies, or “all-lies”; these are deal breakers.  They do not follow My Commandments, therefore a deal with them is ‘no deal’.”

Erin: “So what about New York?”

God: “Erin, the statue is like a lamp, but an idol and curse.  This is mockery to Me and I will no longer stand idle to idols.  I will bring destruction quickly to those who partition My Land, even in an hour as this is written.  Now pray for the peace of Jerusalem to come quickly.”

Erin: “Father, have mercy for the sake of those who have no knowledge of this.  Please, Father, please grant wisdom to leaders.”

God: “Erin, they have declared and built the very harbingers which call out to warn them to repent.  They do not heed these.  The land continues to be battered with no relief, no remedy or cure.  The labor pains are loud and the contractions closer together.  Have you seen a time like this so far ever in history?”

Erin: “Should we be afraid?”

God: “No, but rejoice as a bride waits for her groom and is tradition.  You know not the time in which He comes, so search for Him.  Keep your lamps filled with oil.  Remain faithful and in praise of Him who comes for you, understand.”

“Now, remain with an upright heart. Do not lend yourself to discouraging declarations or disheartening gossip.  This does nothing, but removes your joy.  Soon there will be a wonderful celebration as you will be far removed from here.  This is enough for today.”

Erin: “Thank You, Father.  I love You.”

God: “I love you.”

Uriel brought me to my feet and out God’s door.

Uriel: “You have more questions?”

Erin: “What will happen in the meantime?”

Uriel: “Your nation will continue to be battered as God has not removed the angels from battering the land.  Now you discovered some things just recently.  Do you have questions?”

Erin: “Yes.  This was illuminated, via the Holy Spirit, about Elisha cursing 42 youths.  These youths were then mauled by two female bears.  Elisha was on his way to Bethel and the youths teased him on his way (2 Kings 2:23-24).

“I felt that it was a symbol of the 42 months of Tribulation as the youths mocked Elisha outside of the church. Those youths were void of the Spirit of God and subject to mauling.  It didn’t say the bears killed them, but I would think they would really suffer, if not die.”

Uriel: “Perhaps this is a sign in the Word from God that those apart from Him are therefore cursed and subject to 42 months of mauling with no relief?”

Erin: “This is frightening.”

Uriel: “Pray.  Pray for Israel.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-203/

Previous Dream:  The majority of the dreams prior to Dream 202 are not publicly available.  In order to access these previous dreams, you will need to join the Nest Forum.  Joining the Nest Forum requires approval after an application has been made.

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