Dream 571 – God is our Master Planner
Received on Sunday, February 6, 2022
Thank You for another day! Thank You for keeping us safe during all of these storms. Thank You for all of Your love and provision. Father, I am grateful for You in all things. Through my dreams last night and a search for an old journal this morning, You took me on a journey. Each day is really a miracle as You teach me and lead me where You want me to go.
I had been praying for a 5-year-old named Rayan Agoram. Rayan had fallen into a drywell in the mountains of Morocco. He had fallen 105 feet down a drilling hole only 18” wide. Despite the frantic efforts of the rescuers, the little boy had passed away. I was so sad for the parents and the workers. They had such hopes that this little one would live. It was hard to watch his lifeless body with a blanket over him.
The area that the drilling for wells had been occurring was mountainous and rocky. I learned there were many holes drilled to find springs of water, wherein many were hoped to be used to irrigate cannabis crops. When a well is drilled and no water is found, it is abandoned. While they are supposed to cap any unused or spent well, they obviously didn’t cap the one the boy fell into.
The Lord always told me there is something in a name when the Lord is giving us signs, events and wonders for the world. I then felt led to look up what the name ‘Rayan’ means. It is an Arabic name with several meanings, including ‘watered’, ‘wise’ and ‘gates of Heaven’. There was no coincidence here. I believe the Lord sent angels to Rayan to comfort him and keep him.
He was then allowed to fall asleep and go up to Heaven. One thing is certain… Jesus loves Rayan. I bet he is playing in the Baby Animal Garden right now. He is probably petitioning for his parents to come there some day to meet him. Lord, I pray that You will gather the lost as only You can. You answered Rayan’s prayers. He had been asked to be lifted up and You did all You promised. Now we are asking for even more, Lord, but only according to Your divine and perfect Will.
You then took me back to a block of time. You seem to keep bringing me back to the 2010 to 2011 time period. It was a brutal block of time that now comes with PTSD. Two days ago, my sons were talking about different things they endured when they were small and apart from me. I still get surprised when I hear these things and then see them somehow joking around about it. Their resilience is shocking at times.
Father, You showed me how You answered my prayers in 2010. Behind the scenes, You were building a home for us where I could raise my children in peace. You broke ground in 2010 and prepared the field. You poured the foundation in 2011. The building of our home was finally finished September 20, 2012, almost two years before we arrived here from the desert.
During this same time, I was focused on proving my case in court to bring my sons back. Even though I was given sole legal custody of my children due to the evidence, I still had to go through a process to prove my worth under another jurisdiction, state, county and judge. This made me think that God didn’t care about my situation even though He gave me promises of victory in His Words.
He often gave me these Words through a variety of methods. Friends had dreams of me, a Bible dropped open with illuminated Scriptures and strangers even confirmed dreams where I was given precise Scriptures. Still, the enemy was wise and had now mostly isolated me. I had no one to really talk to at this point. No one was helpful. Since my sons were difficult, many thought I should just give them up.
Well, NO, I just wouldn’t do this. It absolutely did not feel as if God wanted me to do this. While I thought I fought alone, I now apologize to You, Father, as I now know that You were there with me the entire time. The month of September 2011 was brutal. I did everything in my own power with deadlines right before trial. I then had to surrender it all to You as there was nothing more that I could personally do.
As I looked over one of my journal entries on September 13, 2011, I specifically asked for the Lord to wipe me off the face of the Earth. I told Him I was tired and no one was helping. I cried so much. I told Jesus I loved Him, but that I felt He left me too. The very next day, on September 14, 2011, my employer agreed to advance my salary for four paychecks. This meant I would have little ability to pay bills for two months.
Still, it bought me enough time to sell off items to pay the bills. My mom did not want to help at all and we had a falling out. Just to show her I wasn’t after her money, just her help, I told her to remove me from her will. Well, she took this to heart and I received nothing upon her passing on September 23, 2015. I was not bitter in my journal entry of September 14, 2011. I asked for her to be saved and to be at peace in Heaven.
By this date, I had been deserted by everyone I knew. Even those who I did so much for with nothing in return deserted me. In my entire life, I had never asked anyone for money. One time, a friend asked if she could help us with a loan. I later paid it back in full, complete with interest, exactly as promised.
At this point, my status had gone from highly esteemed to now poor. There was no one there to say they were praying for me. I instead received condemnation after condemnation. I received condemnation for my mistakes. My poor negotiating in 2007 had caused so much future trouble and I was paying the price. I then found another entry with a prayer to God after a particularly bad day…
“Dear Lord, thank You that I can come to You everyday for comfort. You see my writing and know the magnitude of my distress. You have seen my punishment. I pray that there is no more as I am tired. You are My Great Mystery, Oh Lord. You are within me. I love You!”
Things then became even worse for a few more days. I stood strong on God’s promises even though almost everyone around me chimed in suddenly to not fight anymore. They wanted me to give my boys up to my ex-husband even though they had remained silent up to this point. As I felt strongly that this was an enemy attack, I remained standing against my greatest enemy. I then had an encouraging dream…
Sub-Dream 1 “My dream in the early hours of September 19, 2011” begins…
In the dream, I flipped open my Bible to Isaiah 33:22. It read “For the Lord is our Judge, our Lawgiver and our King. He will care for us and save us.”
Next in the dream, the Bible then fell open on the floor to Psalm 40. As I stared at it, I started to see paraphrases of what was written there…
- “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me and He turned and heard my cry.”
- “Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.”
- “I take joy in doing Your Will, My God, for Your instructions are in my heart.”
- “I will tell all of the people about Your Justice. I have not been afraid to speak out as You, Oh Lord, know well.”
- “I will not keep the Good News of Your Justice hidden in my heart.”
- “I will talk about Your faithfulness and saving power.”
- “I will tell everyone of Your unfading love and faithfulness.”
Sub-Dream 1 over…
I woke up astonished and wondered if this was real. I went to my Bible and confirmed what I had been told. After thanking God for His confirmation, He gave me several Scriptures. It was still early in the morning…
- Psalm 40:17: “As for me, since I am poor and needy, let the Lord keep me in His thoughts. You are my Helper and Savior. Oh my God, do not delay.”
- Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His Will in all you do and He will show you which path to take.”
- Matthew 14:27: “Don’t be afraid. Take courage. I am here.”
- Romans 3:4: “You will be proved right by what you say. You will win your case in court.”
- Isaiah 49:25: “For I will fight those who fight you and I will save your children.”
This was all I needed as confirmation. I then discovered I had received money. I received enough to live for two months, pay my accounts in arrears and fight for my children. By the end of September, a decree and petition was made, signed and notarized to legally return my children back to me.
The children and I celebrated with a road trip to Bend OR. We had so much fun. It had been the first vacation I had since 2004. We went to all of our old homes we once lived and said goodbye after we remembered the happy times. We then went to all the parks we loved to go to. We took Zoey and she was so happy to be back there too. We stayed at a hotel with a pool and the kids were thrilled.
We went for ice cream and a movie. We went to the High Desert Museum. When we left, we cried. We all felt that we would live there again one day. We prayed for a home there like our ‘heaven home’ on Craftsman Drive or like the home in High Lakes by Compass Park. We all prayed and believed as we started the journey back to the Tri-Cities WA.
Still, Father, it would not be until June 2014 that my older son would fully come back. He had been promised a private school with his friends as promised by his dad. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen as his dad’s promises were reneged on. In June 2014, we began the process of moving out East. This would be an impossible feat and would require a magnificent miracle of epic proportions.
Well, Father, You are the God of Magnificent Miracles! I had lost so much… my status, my wealth, my friends, my family and my church. I lost everything and I did nothing to deserve my punishment from the world. I was not a lawbreaker. I loved Jesus. I didn’t party, take drugs or neglect my children. All I did ‘wrong’ was that I stood against a very powerful and wealthy abuser, an abuser whose lies were believed by many. Even with proof and evidence, many went to be on his side. Well, money talks… LOUDLY.
Me: “Well, Lord, You proved all of them wrong. You proved my case right in court. While I lost most of those closest to me, I gained You, Father, and my children back to me. In my heart, I am now a wealthy woman. I am rich as I have my kids again and my heart is mended. I am so thankful, Lord. However, why did You bring this to the forefront again? You always have a reason for all You do.”
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I had you remember all of this so that you remember that I was and am and will always be with you. I never abandoned you. Even though those closest to you told you to give up at the end, you instead stayed your course based on the promises I gave you. I know none of this was easy. Many told you that your troubles came because of a hidden sin. You were upright in your dealings.
“One time, when you were in a rush, you borrowed three postage stamps from your work for personal use. The next morning, you went to the owner to say you were sorry and gave him the money for the stamps. You then asked Me for forgiveness and you were forgiven. You stayed the path and did not waver from My promises. Had you, in a moment of desperation, done something apart from Me, you would have never known that I was building a home for you and that I was also sending a helpmate.”
Me: “Would You have taken this away?”
Jesus: “Had you gone away from Me and decided to lead unto your own standing, two things would have happened. First, your road would have been a different one. Second, your dreams would have been given to another. Now, your current home was completed just prior to My granting you even more. I granted you the dreams. I granted you a relationship with Me that the majority of the world would call impossible.”
Me: “Was it possible for me to miss all that was on the table? Was there a person lined up as a ‘Plan B’? What a horrible thought!”
Jesus: “Oh Erin, you delight Me. No, I had chosen you from the beginning. No one takes the plans of God and redesigns them or throws them away. It is not an easy concept to explain. However, understand this… I am not constrained by space or time. This means that I can shape events at conception to will them for My purposes. All that you endured you were set free from. My recompense was with Me.
“No one stripped you from My hand. All those who contended with you also contended with Me. I am the Just Judge and the enemy did not and has not prevailed. Erin, he will not prevail against you at any time. All these things came as a result of petitions against you as allowed by God for your good. Through these refining fires, you became more and more surrendered in faith to My Will.
“While it has been a rough path, something is coming that you would not believe even if I told you. Since the path to here was and is not an easy one, not everyone makes it here. I gave you all of this so that you could see the thousands of items that needed to be prepared to lead you right to where you are now. Erin, this will not be fully completed until you are finally Home here in Heaven.
“For now, this is evidence that My promises for the ones I love are true. I will do all that I have promised. Had your children been raised in a wicked house, none of them would look to Me. They would be bitter and living lives of sin apart from Me. Your name would be a curse on their lips. All of this is a great blessing.
“Now, these letters (these dreams) will one day encourage people who have great questions, such as why would anyone love Me let alone follow Me. This is because many have been taught great lies. This continues with great effectiveness. This means there will be some who will remain hating Me and hating all things Heaven.”
Me: “This is hard to imagine.”
Jesus: “Well, it is true. However, before this comes a great miracle. I will do all that I have promised. Heaven will be visible in My people. My people will have abilities even greater than the sons of Jacob. I have promised to fulfill the Words of the prophets and I will. Evil will be far from you. Erin, I will restore all you lost here and in Heaven. It will be the same for your family and friends. I will repay you for the years the locusts stripped your tender shoots.
“I will expose what the enemy did and display it like a banner for all to see. I will vindicate you and return you and your children to the land I promised you years ago. Even more than this, your (repentant) enemies will gladly give you what is owed to you and you will bless them in return. I know this is difficult to understand, but reconciliation is part of the Great Harvest. All is redeemed, all is changed and healed. Even so, your (unrepentant) enemies will be far from you.”
Me: “I must admit that I don’t understand a lot of this. It is just so hard to imagine. Is there time for all of this? Regardless, I am just so incredibly excited for all of this to begin. Thank You, Lord, for what You are about to do for our family and our friends on the Nest with us.”
Jesus: “First, let us talk about time. Time is God’s. I control time. Now, rejoice, as I have a Great Plan. I will grant what you have prayed for. My promises are true… all of My promises. Rejoice, Erin, as I have not forgotten. This is good!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-570/
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