Dream 578 – Transformation in the Beach Waves

Received on Monday, February 21, 2022


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all You have done for those who love You.  Ultimately, Your Government is over all things.  Some awesome Scriptures come to mind regarding You and Your Kingdom, both on Earth and in Heaven…

  • Psalms 22:28: “For Kingship belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations.”
  • Proverbs 21:1: “The King’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wills.”
  • Daniel 2:21: “He changes the times and the years.  He takes kings away and puts kings in power.  He gives wisdom to wisemen and much learning to men of understanding.”
  • Proverbs 19:21: “Many plans are in a person’s heart, but the Lord’s decree will prevail.”

Father, You brought me these reminders that, no matter what we have faced, will face or are currently facing, You are ultimately our only Governing Body.  I had a disturbing dream last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “An Accelerated Timeline” begins…

I was able to see over the entire Earth.  I saw the land in its original form.  It was lush, green and beautiful.  I then watched as it began to die.  I then saw something like grey ash cover what was once a beautiful garden.  I then saw arid land come into view as the land was rapidly dying.  I then saw storm clouds gather over this mass of land.  I then saw lightning and heard thunder.  The rains began to pour out over the area.

At the same time, wellsprings from below ground rose up.  For 40 days and 40 nights, the rain from above and the water from below flooded the entire Earth.  All land disappeared.  I then saw the hand of God over the Earth.  His finger from His right hand reached into the waters.  He moved mountains below the surface.  With His finger, He moved the water eight times.  He then called the angels to recede the waters.

In the meantime, Noah and all in the ark were protected.  When the waters were dried up over the land, it was spread apart over the Earth.  I then saw Israel, the land of God’s remnant, all as one.  It too was then scattered, its people distributed.  Persecution then came to the north and I saw hundreds who had been escaping evil leaders migrate to the west.  I continued to see grey ash or like grey fog cover areas.  Many people died.

This was followed by uprisings, great despair and wars.  I then saw leaders gather in the east (Europe) to analyze past history.  The idea was to transform the world.  Because they felt they were of a higher intelligence, they felt compelled to change course as the world was going in an opposite direction.  They used big terms and coined phrases that made the world feel they stood for the greater of good of mankind.

This was true only on the surface.  They instead, by their own hands while the world was engulfed in a flood of trouble, decided to transform our nations.  They removed borders to bring all of the Earth under one government.  Many leaders were now under a common goal to achieve ‘global excellence’.

They braced the leaders for what this impact would look like.  They told the leaders it would be difficult at first.  I watched their version of the Great Reset over the last few years.  My heart was sickened.  What You separated thousands of years ago, the enemy wanted back in place, but with him as the ruling governing order.

I then looked again and saw God’s plans for the Jewish people.  We watched the enemy’s relentless attacks against the Jewish people.  The enemy hates Israel and came up with many different ways to destroy all of them.  Despite this, You instead prospered them.  You sent Jesus to save them from sin and death.  You sent Jesus to also save anyone who believed that He was sent to save us, those who believed.

You gave Christians and Jews who were being religiously persecuted a new land, their own nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.  The enemy then began to plan.  He hated Israel (the new Judah) and the USA (the new Israel).  He planned to first destroy the Jewish remnant in Europe using genocide.

The German model was a test trial.  This would then be used in North America and throughout the world.  This would be used to exterminate both Jews and Christians.  The enemy then believed he would be able to begin his great reign and even overthrow the plans of God.  I saw the plans of the wicked for our future.  Before I could remember them and write their plans down, I woke up to knocking.  My memory faded away.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

Oh Father, what will You do?  Please, Lord.  Nazi Germany was only a small-scale beginning compared to the plans in place against us now.  All of this started with the plagues.  The wars were planned while we were shuttered inside because of these plagues.  The world is suffering economic decline.  The great persecution is soon to begin.  It is as if a massive jigsaw puzzle finally is coming into shape with only a few pieces yet to fall into place to complete the grand picture.

Me:  “Oh Lord, we need to be saved.  I have seen the enemy’s playbook.  Those who resist will only be destroyed.  Many will never know what hit them.  This is starting to happen in the same way as it has already happened in China and other totalitarian governments.  This is a strike against You, Father.  Please help us.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “I am here, Erin.  Remember who I am.  Do not be afraid.  The enemy knows that God won’t allow this for much longer.  While he considers himself ‘the great equalizer’, he is not.  There is no fairness in his playbook.  He is one-sided and the opposite of all that is good.

“He is a deceiver and a liar.  He operates on a platform of fear and urgency.  He is trying to transform and reshape what everything should look like.  He declares it as transformative.  Well, it is certainly that, but not in a good way.  While I know that these times have not been easy for you, do you still believe in My promises?

Me:  “Of course, Lord.  It is just so difficult to watch all of this evil unfold.  The plagues are suspicious.  The vaccines and the testings are too.  I am also nervous about the food, water and medicines we need and use.  The news is painful to listen to as it is all lies.  I have people close to us who are really sick right now.  Something in these viruses is meant to kill us all off eventually.  It sure seems this way.

“While the leader of the Black Dragon has decided to destroy all white people in the USA, he has started off with killing the elderly.  The vaccine is meant to amplify the underlying illnesses in stages.  Even though mask use is not that useful as per a John Hopkins study, we are still made to wear them.  This makes it easier for violent criminals to strike out without being identified.  Jewish communities are being hit particularly hard.

“Fair justice is being removed by raising up corrupt judges and district attorneys, all while removing police.  This leader gave us his playbook when he said nothing will change until white children are regularly murdered.  Since the Sandy Hook Elementary School murders didn’t create enough anger, something greater is being planned.  The goal is to first remove all guns so that we are helpless during their roundup.

“This leader has shown that he is the ‘son of Satan’.  He set up a replica of the Pergamon at the DNC convention in Denver CO.  Ever since, this beautiful city has gone downhill.  The land is being corrupted and cursed like Illinois, New York and California.  This leader is remaining in the background while the New World Order continues to line things up for him to rule.  The first people to be eliminated will be anyone that supports Trump.”

Jesus:  “Well, Erin, My plans are much greater than their plans.  My plans will not be circumvented.  The world has never seen events like that which is about to unfold by My hand.  There is now going to be a Great Reversal, a changing of evil into good.  There is going to be a Great Transformation of Saints.  While the evil has their own version of a ‘great reset’, it is now time for My Great Reset.  Now, when it comes to My Great Reset, I want you to imagine the unimaginable and tell Me what you see.”

Me:  “Okay, this will be fun.  Well, here it goes.  I would want…

  • All of the immigrants that are evil that have secretly invaded the USA with the current President’s consent to be instantly sent back to their countries of origin.
  • The plagues removed and all to be healed.
  • A Church to rise unlike anything the world has seen.
  • Millions to come to know You as their Savior.
  • Hospitals to be emptied and sickness irradicated.
  • Burned and destroyed cities to be rebuilt and restored to be better than before.
  • All of our debts to be paid, freeing us from slavery.
  • The wicked to no longer be seen or have any influence on us.

Jesus:  “There is much more to this also.  Remember that the lands must obey the Shmita… also the Sabbath.  There is a debt owed to God.  While it is difficult for you to understand laws that you do not know, there is a backlog of release according to Heaven.  Erin, there is about to be a great transfer of wealth, as well as a great healing transformation over the land.

“I did not give you some of this information earlier so you would not worry unnecessarily as you often do.  You have instead learned to surrender yourself to Me and learned to follow Me.  You look to Me as your Savior.  I will continue to protect you and keep you.  Even more so, I will Transform you.  Erin, it is time to rejoice.”

Me:  “Lord, I had quite the awesome dream last night that fits in perfectly with this…

Sub-Dream 2 “Transformation in the Beach Waves” begins…

I was on a beautiful beach here on Earth.  I was as I am today… that is, getting up there in age and disabled.  I was enjoying the beautiful horizon from a tent that was sheltering me from the sun.  I occasionally ventured out and dipped my toes in the surf.  I saw youths healed and having fun.  I suddenly remembered playing volleyball with my friends on the beach in Florida in 1987.  I laughed and smiled as I had no pain then.

I turned to walk back down the shore to my tent.  As I looked down at the seashells on the sand, a wave washed over my feet.  As the water receded, I saw that my feet had changed and were now youthful.  A wave then came higher and covered my legs.  As the water receded, my legs no longer had any scars.  They were now as muscular and toned and in even better shape than my ‘dancer’s legs’ from 1987.

As the wave had been high enough to cover my hands, I noticed that they were also healed and looked young again.  I was no longer afraid.  I ran into the waves of the ocean.  I purposely let a large wave come over me.  While this would usually be unpleasant, it was wonderful.  Another wave then came and washed over me and it was wonderful too.  My entire body, inside and out, had now been Transformed and I was even stronger and healthier than when I was in the prime of my youth.

When a third wave came, I was somehow able to surf it even though I was in my bare feet.  It was so much fun.  Tears streamed down my cheeks as I then stepped back onto the beach.  I then sprinted through heavy dry sand faster than I could run in shoes on a running track.  My lungs were healthy and my breathing remained unlabored.  I dropped to my knees and praised God for all that He had done.  I was free and I felt free!

Sub-Dream 2 over…

Me:  “Oh Lord, please let this dream and my other dreams of Transformation now come true.  I was like I am in Heaven, but here on Earth.  Please let Your Kingdom now come, let Your Will now be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

Jesus:  “This was a good dream and an even better prayer!  Rejoice, Erin, for I will fulfill all of My promises.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-579/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-577/

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