Dream 584 – Evil Leaders plan a Nuclear Apocalypse
Received on Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day! Thank You for Your love and care. Thank You for my family and friends. I am extremely blessed by You. We went to the grocery store yesterday. Food has doubled in price here. I never thought I would see butter reach $6 to $7. It is ridiculous. Based on my dreams last night, things will become much worse. That is, unless You move very soon.
Sub-Dream 1 “The Goal – Extreme Population Reduction” begins…
I saw another meeting of the globalists. It was current day. There was a boardroom in an all-glass building. It seemed like this was in Europe, but I was not sure. The boardroom overlooked beautiful mountains and a lake. It was stunning. There was snow. It was an opulent setting for an evil meeting.
There were various scientists meeting with the globalists as well. Some were experts in climate and others were physicists, some nuclear physicists. There were several people there and their display of technology for the meeting was very advanced.
Presenter: “The flow of information has now been centralized. We have distracted people’s attention from the plight of the economy to the Russia – Ukraine war. All eyes are on Ukraine. We know by the global lockdown that we were able to achieve our emissions goals, as well as the need to centralize populations into urban hubs where they are able to be controlled.
“Our theory is to leave farming to key partners who will then regulate global consumption. This will reduce the obesity issue. As we know through the pandemic, we were able to remove a great portion of those who had issues medically and with obesity. It also offered a great opportunity, although difficult, to centralize weaker problems that caused drains on our medical systems.
“In addition to the standard population die off that occurred from 2020 to present day, we were fortunate to have an even greater reduction in the population. Media has reported six million. However, because of other data, we know they have inaccurate reporting because of inaccurate reporting from Russia, India, China and other regions. We therefore believe the die off was perhaps to the benefit of the planet twenty million.
“However, we are uncertain what the exact count is. We do know that each wave that was sent out attacked the weaker portions of the population. By isolation, we were also able to reduce the population. This is because isolation often leads to certain behaviors such as suicide and drug use leading to overdoses. We also found that the long-term side effects of these viruses, as well as the effects of the vaccines, have been determined to increase mental health issues.
“Typical are the causation effects of lack of socialization. In this lack, we see depression, anxiety and drug use. However, unexpected issues that have alarmed us is the increase in psychosis, bipolar, schizophrenia and homicidal behaviors. We have seen an increase in murders and suicides as a result. This can be good though as their deaths serve to further eliminate the drains on our resources.
“Now, these are just studies. We have also been able to obtain a massive DNA database for the population. We can now begin to further advance our data in new and innovative ways. We are greatly encouraged by our findings. As many of you know, our global emissions have decreased. However, they have not decreased as dramatically as we had hoped.”
Panelist: “What are the plans to continue with the trajectory so we do not lose momentum?”
Presenter: “Well, the pause in medical treatments, those considered secondary like cancer treatments and other health conditions, created a unique opportunity. This represents a difficult issue, but hidden illnesses should advance faster. We should see an increase in the reduction of resource drains in the next 18 months. An unexpected result of the variants and the vaccines are the increase in cardiac conditions, mostly in the male population.
“Our data is based off of tracing, DNA databases, death indexes and hospital data. Much of this has been collected through government agencies and insurance companies. Although the world sees a different database, we know by our private database that we are meeting our goals with both expected outcomes and unexpected, but beneficial, outcomes. Any questions?”
Panelist: “What happens when or if news leaks to contradict public data?”
Marketing Strategist: “All of this has been taken care of in advance. We have global partners in media who understand the greater pressing need of this situation. They are working to remove fringe groups and others who work against the mainstream of information.
“Now, the average person in America spends four hours online. This means that the flow of information is vital to our future. We also have access to cloud servers and other information to go after disinformation… or should we say information that is not beneficial to what we are working to achieve globally.”
Panelist: “Are all on board? Can we eliminate most of the ‘disinformation’?”
Social Media Strategist: “We can implant a seed of doubt against anyone. We have an army who will go after anyone who is not in the common mindset. We can then make them appear to be unhinged. We can then remove them from their platforms and cancel them. We have other options available if necessary. Information is power and, for the greater good, we must control this. It is no longer that difficult to do so.”
Host: “We will now hear the report on Ukraine.”
Globalist: “All is going as planned. We are working on the advancement of the conflict. All is moving as planned.”
Panelist: “Have they determined which locations to strike yet?”
Globalist: “We are narrowing this down. However, this should accelerate our reset and bring the global temperatures down 2 to 3 degrees (Note: Scientists say that the nuclear winter that takes place after a global nuclear apocalypse would cause such a cooldown). We are prepared. In the next meeting after the weekend, we will discuss the issues of die off from the resulting famines and other issues.
“As for this weekend, you will be enjoying recreation and amenities while we stay back and work.” The audience all laughed and seemed so happy. It was morbid. “I would like to reiterate that all has gone very well thus far. Now, please enjoy your weekend. I know some of you have sub-group meetings. This is all expected, so please enjoy your time away and your time staying here.”
Sub-Dream 1 over…
This is one of the clearest dreams I have ever had. It was shocking. My heart was racing when I woke up from this dream.
Me: “So, Father, You are showing me the plans of the wicked. It is far worse than I thought. How do we not have fear when these people are walking around? They are cruel and calculating.”
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. I am showing you the plans of the enemy of God. Now, I showed you the shell game yesterday. I showed you something unique in this. Do you remember?”
Me: “Yes. You taught me to study the mover of the shells and not the movement of the shells. I watched his eyes instead of his movements. I watched his actions, his eyes and his mannerisms and ignored his words and the moving of the shells.”
Jesus: “That is correct. Although interesting, don’t watch the war news. Watch the movers of the moving shells instead. What do you see?”
Me: “Putin removed his ex-wife and (I believe) his son to an underground city in Siberia. He then sent his girlfriend and (I believe) their four children to a chalet in Switzerland. Both of their exact locations are unknown.”
Jesus: “Interesting. Now, why do you think he would do such a thing?”
Me: “To get them out of the area quickly?”
Jesus: “Yes. But why? What does this leader see coming that would cause him to do such a thing? If China is his greatest ally, why does he not send them there instead? In reality, why did he even move them at all?”
Me: “Of course… for threat of a nuclear war! This means he would first have to possibly send a nuke. A nuke would then be sent back to Russia in retaliation. The situation would only escalate exponentially from there.”
Jesus: “Again, watch the movers of the shell… the game movers. Now look at the problems in North America. They have the commodities available to save the country… even to the north also. So, why don’t they?”
Me: “Because they have an agenda to comply to and it is energy related.”
Jesus: “Yes. To the watching eye, they are being foolish. However, you are not to worry as I am about to place a massive hook in this leader’s mouth. I will also cause all of their wicked plans to be placed on a ‘long game half time’. I will now raise up My Army. All of the evil leaders and their cohorts will confess as they flee. All the areas which were corrupted will be forced to correct themselves.
“Now, look at the scales of the world. They are unfairly balanced. The weights were stolen from the will of the people. I will open the border to the north and I will close the border to the south. The wicked will hide in holes like foxes. The fools will run to the hills. Those who spread false information and act as religious leaders who speak for God will be forced to reveal their positions and open their bank accounts to the people.
“All the destruction they have done will be reversed and brought back on them in the blink of an eye. Only the truth will be reported that God has come with His army of angels to make right to the land. They will also report that His army of saints in the thousands have gone out to perform awesome deeds for the Kingdom of Heaven. You will rebuild walls, restore broken homes, lives and even cities… all in My Name.
“There will not be a dry eye amongst you as all the fortunes lost will be restored. All of your debts will be paid. Even more, the wealthy will say ‘I have too much. Please take more for the Kingdom of Heaven. The righteousness of God is more desirable than all of the riches of this Earth.’ They will then give their hearts to Me and trust in Me for their eternal inheritance.
“Those who were called as good as dead will be lifted up and their graves opened. They will walk about as they did in their youth and confess to the evil done unto them. Their stories will be heard throughout the lands. Groans will also be heard from the holes and caves of the wicked. Now, who is like God, My Father? No one! Now let us see them try to get their gods to proclaim this.
“Let their crystals be charged at the full moon festival. Let this power their lights, heal them and grant them eternal life. Fools. Their crystals cannot do such a thing. They are merely rocks. Why are they worshiping the rocks that God created? As for Me, I am the Rock of Salvation. It is by My power that I will give both light and eternal life. What other ‘god’ can do such things? There are none!
“What plastic resin ‘god head’ can heal the sick or raise the dead? They will melt in the fire. They won’t even cry out as they will have no feelings left to do so. Erin, war has arrived and you are in the midst of it. It is a war like no other that has ever been fought. It is just as harmful, even more so, and just as deadly, but painfully so. This is a great battle for the souls of the Earth.
“This is a different kind of killing field. This is a killing field meant to wipe out almost the entire population by various methods. They are liars and thieves. They are the holders of the shells. However, there is one who has remained quiet recently (the leader of the Black Dragon), even on his normal platforms. Why? This is because he now knows that I am coming to claim My Bride in order to bring in a Great Harvest of souls.
“Rejoice, Erin, as it is almost half time. What will come out in the third quarter will be a whole new ball game, one the opposing side never saw coming. My presence will shake the nations. Prepare. Continue to pray. I love you and I am here. I am in you and with you. Nothing shall come against you.”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-583/
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