Dream 644 – The Wicked will soon be Crushed

Received on Thursday, November 3, 2022


Dear Father,

I love You!  You are worthy to be praised by all who dwell upon the Earth.  You are strong and mighty.  You are rich in love for your children.  The news is disheartening.  Lies are now so common.  People we once believed to be truthful now lie continuously without missing a step.  Even when tripped up and clearly caught, they swear by their words.  There is no shame anymore.

When I was a child, my mom taught us that telling the truth was easier than to tell a lie.  This is because lies are more difficult to maintain and keep straight.  One thing I taught my children is this… when you admit to a wrongdoing or come clean, the enemy instantly loses power over you.  Telling the truth takes out the guesswork and then leaves no doubts.  The person confessing based on truth is set free.

While it doesn’t mean the recipient won’t be angry by the truth you tell, at least you are set free from the stronghold of lies to cover up wrong actions.  Now I try to remain quiet and careful, yielding to God’s voice in wisdom, before blurting out anything that could hurt someone else unnecessarily.  I have been around people like this and the enemy clearly uses them to ruin your day.

Father, when I hear certain words, my body stiffens up.  The perpetrator usually starts with something similar to ‘Erin, I need to be honest with you, in Christ’s love of course.’ Then I am hit with something I am doing that they believe I need help with or advice.  This is usually unsolicited.  What does ‘in Jesus’ love’ even mean to these people?  Jesus is perfect in all His ways.  God is perfect.

Both our Father, God, and our Savior, Jesus, are higher in their ways than we are.  This applies to all things.  They see the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning.  So, how exactly would God work concerning telling us the hard truth on a matter?  Well, He is no respecter of our personal ambitions if these are not part of His perfect plan.  He also operates in the positive fruits of the spirit concerning His children.

Make no mistake, He will rebuke us and harshly if necessary so we lack no good thing.  This is done in the great love of a Father for His children.  This being said, there is a 100% chance that God had sent several warnings to turn around if we were heading the wrong way.  He is faithful.  Although I have spent years being refined in the fires of affliction, I know Jesus loves me.  This I can be 100% certain of.

He has pursued me until my heart was capture by Him.  I pray and wait on the Lord.  I love You, Father.  There is no Father like You.  You are gentle with me when those in the world are harsh.  It has taken many years to instruct my autistic sons to be careful about speaking the truth to someone in a harsh tone.  If you don’t like something they are wearing, it is not your job to tell them.  This would hurt their feelings and hurt your friendship.  Be careful how you word things to others in truth.  When you don’t know how to say something, it is better to say nothing.

Father, last night, I spent time with a friend who has forgotten You completely.  I listened to her speak.  I had much to say.  However, each time I began to speak, You said ‘No – not now!  Stand down!’  Well, that is exactly what I did.  I left so very sad that she was so far from You.  I won’t see her again for many years.  Her moving was unforeseen and I know You did this.  Father, You are such a mystery.

Lord, thank You so much for clearing up our flooding.  Thank You for doing all You have promised.  This week, we are preparing for the winter.  We are cleaning out closets and donating coats and unwanted items.  It feels fantastic, but it is a large undertaking.  We plan to pull out our Christmas decorations next week.  I had a vivid dream last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “Ugly Grey Green Victorian Home” begins…

I was now young again (Transformed) and was visiting a place I have never been.  I was looking for an old design client.  I worked on both their home and their dental building.  I was travelling with my daughter over a massive body of water.  We both were relying on the ‘wind of God’ to take us across the park.  We wanted to land on a grassy park-like setting of this distant city.

We were each in the seat of our own separate gliders.  At one point, I decided to adjust my sitting position.  This caused the glider to suddenly go a different direction over a large waterfall.  My daughter yelled at me to correct my course.  I used my lefthand to glide around and back on track.  It was frightening, but we made it.

At one point, we were gliding over rock croppings that were grey gravel with large green veins that looked like tears.  While we landed safely, we had to dodge power lines to do so.  When we arrived, the building my client had his dental practice was a huge downgrade.  It was a large Victorian home painted grey green.  The inside walls, floors and furniture were also the same outdated grey green.

My client had several workers and they all wore grey green from hardhats to shoes.  It was so strange.  A twin of my client greeted me and tried to impersonate His brother.  However, I knew it was his twin when he couldn’t answer any of my questions that he should have been able to answer.  My client then came out and was glad to see me.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

As I was writing this, the room became foggy around me.  I must have drifted off into a deep sleep for only about ten minutes.  I opened my eyes and the fog was present.  I took off my reading glasses and cleaned them.  Within about three minutes, the room was clear again.  Father, what happened?  Was that You?

There are several elections all over the world right now and these are important.  Some have been corrupted.  Father, please set things right.  Please send angels to protect voting so all is transparent and true.  Father, You hate evil.

Proverbs 29:12:  “If a ruler listens to falsehoods, all his officials will be wicked.”

Proverbs 16:12:  “It is an abomination for kings to do evil for the throne is established by righteousness.”

Romans 13:4 (which seems to be about the Lord’s Army):  “For he is God’s servant for your good.  But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain.  For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.”

Me:  “Father, please, I beg of You… do not allow evil to win over Your people.”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I have shown you what is good and true.  I know the wicked and their schemes.  For ten years, ten leaders accelerated their plans to destroy My people.  However, the groundwork had begun years before this.  The key word is ‘accelerated’.  If you look at the world 100 years ago, you were given a microevent of a genocide against the Jewish people.

“Without this, Israel would never have been reestablished as a nation.  A wicked leader (Hitler) was raised up and his government of corruption set out a wicked plan.  It started with truth.  It was controlled, removed and replaced with false truth over time.  This corrupted truth was then weaponized to annihilate the Jewish people.  In the cover of darkness and deception, millions were secretly killed.

“However, this was just a test run because this particular evil (Nazism) was to be defeated.  This time, they are planning to overthrow all governments that stand in their way.  They plan to destroy many people.  Their goals are lofty and billions of people are their targets.  Just as Israel was reestablished, so too will Babylon fall and the new Israel be reestablished.

“As I hear the prayer and the cries of My people, I will not remain silent.  I will humble the nations and scatter the wicked.  Invaders will be sent home in an instant.  Corruption in every form will be consumed and exposed by My flame of truth.  I will establish the Kingdom of God and My righteousness and evil will be subdued under My feet.

“Now, you must trust in Me and My plans.  Remember that I am the Keyholder of life and death and I am in charge of this, understand?  Even though the plans of the wicked have been accelerated, take comfort and do not fear as I am about to halt them quickly.  I care about My people.

“As you saw with your friend, her heart was once pure and her intentions good.  However, corruption of the heart is caused by justifying sin in their actions.  Spiritual death in great numbers have swept the nations, especially the nations who were dedicated to the Kingdom of God and My Righteousness.

“Now, do not worry as I will cover you with My feathers.  I will shelter you with My wings.  This is so you will not be afraid of the terrors by night nor the arrow that flies in the day.  I am God and I do not dread the disease that stalks the darkness nor the disaster that strikes at midday.

“Though 1,000 fall at your side, though 10,000 are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.  I will strengthen you.  Since I am your refuge and your shelter, no evil will overcome you.  No plague will come to your home.  Erin, I have ordered My angel army to protect you wherever you go.

“They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.  You will trample upon lions and cobras.  You will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet.  I am here with you.  I will rescue you and protect you.  When you call upon My name, I will immediately answer.

“I will be with you.  I have been and I will always be with you.  Now be still and remember that God is within her.  She will not fall.  God will help her at the break of day.  I love you.  I first chose you.  You then turned and found Me.  However, I first called you.  I created you for such a time as this.  Remember that I have a great plan.  It will be a Great and Terrible Day.”

Me:  “Lord, please hurry.  We are scared and tired.  I can’t imagine being here and in this current body when troubles fall and darkness comes.”

Jesus:  “I know.  However, do not worry.  I am with you.  My voice is in you.  You are loved and I won’t delay in doing good for My people.”

Me:  “I love You, Lord.”

Jesus:  “This is good, Erin, for I loved you first.”

Me:  “I am glad, Lord.  You make my heart glad.”

Jesus:  “Then this is good to establish… A Great Day!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-645/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-643/

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