Dream 655 – The Main Course is about to be served
Received on Thursday, December 22, 2022
Dear Father,
You are my wonderful Treasure and Best Friend! I love You dearly. I hear Your Voice in me and it is wonderful. The moment I worry, Your Voice speaks comfort. When I am upset about something, You are always there to say, ‘Erin, I see it. I know. Stand down. Very soon. Very soon.’ I had a dream last night…
Sub-Dream 1 “Overwhelmed by the Main Course” begins…
I was walking in a massive church. It was fancy with many sanctuaries, chapels and banquet halls. While there had been many chambers to hold funerals, these had been converted into banquet gathering rooms and prayer meeting rooms. I was there to prepare a five-course meal for a banquet. Right away, I had the ending course, dessert, all planned out. I then began to prepare appetizers.
There was bread, soup and then three types of salad to accommodate the pickiest of eaters. However, I soon realized that I was struggling greatly with what to do with the main course. While I excelled at the dessert and even the other three courses, I had to give the main course to God. Quite simply, I didn’t have a clue as to what I should serve as the main course.
Sub-Dream 1 over…
Father, this was a very vivid and stressful dream. This is because I did not know many of the guests at the banquet. I felt that this had nothing to do with cooking.
As for our current predicament, a big storm is forecast for tomorrow. This is stressful as many in our household are working or at activities. Father, could You please send the storm out to sea tonight and let it miss us. The house is also beginning to battle illnesses again. With so many working in retail, it is difficult.
People are out shopping while they are sick. Sigh… I can’t blame them. Years ago, I had to shop at the tail end of the flu two days before Christmas. It was on a Saturday. I had only the one day where the kids were visiting family. Oh, was it miserable.
Me: “Oh Lord, please protect us. Please protect my Nest friends. They are so very dear to our hearts. Without this Nest, we would feel so isolated. I believe many here on the Nest feel the same way.”
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. I know you are discouraged right now as you ask Me many questions. When you are hopeful for a date for the great change, you have a heaviness of sorrow when that date passes uneventfully. You have the same heaviness when you see foreign invaders, people stealing, the elderly beaten and missing children. You then ask Me if I see it and when will I do something.
“Now, about your dream. In your dream, you were preparing a five-course meal. You immediately knew what the crowning glory would be… the end dish… dessert. You were so excited about partaking in the end course… just ‘desserts’ for your labor. You were then able to rest in this as you were confident about what the end would look like from the beginning. This made planning your menu easier.
“You also had fun with the appetizers as you had many choices. However, you wanted Me, through you, to give just the right amount of taste for guests to still be excited about the coming main course. You did not want to give them too much as you knew this would fill their bellies before the main course. Some would then refuse the main course and even miss dessert.
“This all takes careful planning as the portions needed to be small enough to digest in order to not fill the guests up. You wanted them to have room to want more. Without careful planning, you knew that some might even leave before the banquet even commenced, understand?
“Oh Erin, I know you are sick of dragging out the salad portion. I know you are on your third course and now impatiently waiting for the fourth course… My Main Course. I know that you are sick of ‘Salad’ and ‘Soup’. You continue on though as you know that the ‘Salad’ and ‘Soup’ will make a perfect compliment to the Main Course. You just know it will be amazing as you know that I am the Preparer of the Banquet.
“You are also sometimes frustrated as I am still keeping so many elements of the Main Course a surprise. Do not worry as this will be well worth waiting for.
“Now, about the ‘Salad’ portion. A Salad is made up of a mixture of items you have sown. This is a garden mix. These are seeds sown in good soil. The dressing is oil and herbs added with vinegar. While wine or sour juice doesn’t usually mix well with oil, they are good when they are shaken together. You are feeling sick and tired of Salad though. You are even feeling that it is an unnecessary course.
“Well, Erin, it is a necessary course. While I know you are bored with this, just know it is important. You should also pick up some fresh bread, butter, oil, new wine and fresh water. Remember Me and the Main Course that is almost here.”
Me: “Oh Lord, You are brilliant and wise beyond my understanding. A simple dream can be so complex and deep. Thank You. Still, could You please elaborate some more on the soup portion?”
Jesus: “Whether served hot or cold, soup is representative of a mix, a constructed blend of many elements, ingredients and salt, to make one flavor. It represents the children of God. While we are now finishing the Third Course, let us step back and discuss the Second Course. My people were either hot or cold. When it comes to soup, which do you prefer to prepare?”
Me: “Hot soup is on my menu. Although some cold soup is tasty, this confuses me. To me, the word ‘soup’ is associated with heat. This means it is confusing to me when it is served cold.”
Jesus: “Well, Erin, the majority of people find cold soup very confusing.”
Me: “We definitely agree on this. I will not be putting it on the menu.”
Jesus: “This is wise.”
Me: “So, Lord, when will the salad plates be taken away so that the Main Course can be served? Does the palette need to be cleansed first?”
Jesus: “Oh, it will! There is a bitter taste after mixing oil and vinegar to some. Since many would have consumed their bread prior to this, the bad taste will need to be removed. In the meantime, please let Me take care of the Main Course.”
Me: “Some won’t make it. I believe my first course failed. Did it fail, Lord?”
Jesus: “No, Erin. They didn’t want to come to the banquet you invited them to. They will miss out on more. The same is true for the other chefs I have called. Many will miss out because they didn’t stay. Do not worry, Erin, as many will still participate in the Main Course and enjoy dessert too even though they might be a bit late in coming.
“Now, it is time to rejoice. I am with you in this. I love you and I am the Preparer of Great Events.”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-654/
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