Dream 659 – Thousands of Sailboats Set Sail

Finished on Thursday, January 5, 2023

Information on my December 31, 2000 Prophecy begins…

Pertinent excerpt from last dream (Dream 658):

Jesus:  “…Rejoice, Erin, for this is the third day you have been waiting for as prophesied over you all those years ago.”

Me:  “I never would have imagined.  This was prophesied over me at 9:00pm (Pacific time) on December 31, 2000.  It has been 22 years and three days as of today…”

Based on requests from members on the Nest, the rest of this sub-section is to provide more details on this prophecy!  The following is my best recollection on how this evening went, with the disclaimer that I don’t remember all of the precise details…

It was a New Year’s Eve service at a large church with over a thousand people in attendance.  While I was attending by myself, I had some enemies in the crowd.  A guest preacher was now on stage.  This preacher was not well known at the time, but became relatively well known soon after (and still is today).  He was preaching about miscellaneous things when he suddenly halted…

Preacher:  “Wait!  I am getting a strong word for someone who is here right now.  I don’t know who this is as I don’t know any of you personally.”

He started scanning the crowd.

Preacher:  “This person has had a very rocky beginning.  She has felt abandoned by the Lord.  I am to tell her that He is about to enter into a greater relationship with her.  There will be a Great Move of God and the Third Day Church will then rise.”

He then said something personal about me that only I could have known, but I can no longer recall what that was.  He then pointed right at me.  I looked around, but soon knew without a doubt he was pointing at me.

Preacher:  “It’s you.  Yes, you.  Come up on stage.  What is your name?”

Me:  “Erin…”

Preacher:  “God has a really big plan for you.  Can I pray a blessing over you?”

I don’t remember all he said.  I knew my enemies were furious with what he said.  When I later asked for the church recording, they told me that the recording had mysteriously stopped during the blessing.

Preacher:  “You are going to have good news within a few weeks, news that will be a blessing to you (which is that I was pregnant with my daughter).  You had a powerful vision and you are not to forget it.  It is a vision you received after fasting and praying.  You are to trust in this vision being from God.”

I subsequently talked about this event twice in Personal Words with Jesus.  The first time was on Sunday, October 17, 2021…

Jesus:  “…In the year 2000, on the eve of 2000 to 2001, you attended a church service whereby I sent a prophecy over you.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  The man told me what You had to say to me… He said ‘the Lord says… on the third day, I will bless you, for I know the things you have gone through and you will be part of My Third Day Church.’  Of course, people at my church were upset.  I was brought up on stage and embarrassed.  I didn’t understand it at the time.”

Jesus:  “Well, I am here.  You are My Bride, Erin.  You will be a part of My Third Day Church.”

Me:  “This is new, Lord.  What is this Church all about?”

Jesus:  “This is not what you think.  It is not a building.  It is My Great Wave, My Great Revival.”

The second time was on Tuesday, April 12, 2022…

Jesus:  “…on the evening of December 31, 2000, I sent My prophet to publicly proclaim by calling you from the crowd that My favor was, is and is to come upon you.  As a sign of My covenant and favor, you conceived your daughter within 46 days.  I did this because your favorite scriptures were both Psalm 45 and 46.  I gave you a great gift and a sign of My favor…”

Information on my December 31, 2000 Prophecy over…

Received on Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for all things!  No moment is a wasted moment.  Each stroke of my pen is an opportunity.  Pour out onto the pages of my journal.  Pour out anything that You believe is needed to be read.  I had a dream last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “The Concrete Walls of Falsehood” begins…

I was in a massive city of concrete and stone.  It was surrounded by a wall of stone and steel about 25 feet high.  It was gated and heavily guarded.  I could not tell if it was to hold the people of the city in prison or to keep outsiders from entering.  Perhaps both.  The wall was ominous.  Impossible to climb over.  Outsiders stayed away as the guards made the approach to the gate onerous.  An angel of the Lord then spoke with me…

Angel:  “You may go to the gate… if it is in your will.”

Me:  “Is it in the Lord’s Will that I should go?  I am curious to know what is happening in the walled city.  As for me, I am willing.”

I walked over to the gate.  A guard came toward me immediately…

Guard:  “Who specifically are you here to see?”

Me:  “No one.”

Guard:  “Are you telling me that you want to come to the city simply because you are curious?”

Me:  “Yes.  God called me here.”

Another guard had come over and they were both laughing together after I said this.

Guard:  “Okay, nut job, you can enter.  However, you can’t leave.  Better think this through.”

Me:  “Oh, does this mean this place is a prison?”

Guard:  “No.  They are free to come and go at will.  They choose not to leave.  They feel safer staying within the city.”

Me:  “Where do you both live?”

Guard:  “No more questions.  Move along.  Go back to your God.”

I decided to turn away.  I decided I didn’t care that much anymore.  As I was walking back to my car from the gate, the angel met me.

Angel:  “Where are you going?”

Me:  “Home.”

Angel:  “But you did not go into the city.”

Me:  “I don’t want to go alone.  I am no longer willing.”

Angel:  “The Lord has sent angels to guard you on your journey.”

Me:  “Can I get there another way?”

Angel:  “Yes.”

He reached for my hand and we were immediately inside the city gates.  The smell was putrid.  There was sewage and trash everywhere.  There were abandoned vehicles.  The people I saw looked hungry, thin and underdressed for the weather.

Me:  “This is horrible!”

I looked at an area that looked like Times Square.  There was a TV screen with a looped news report that was spewing propaganda.

News Anchor:  “We are so lucky to be here in New York, the safest city in the world.  Here are scenes via live cam showing the carnage outside our gates.”

They then showed footage that made it look as if everything had been blown away by atomic bombs.  I then realized that these were historical photos made to look current.

Me:  Addressing the angel:  “The people don’t know that they are being held hostage.  We can set them free.  This is a lie.”

Angel:  “They ask no questions.  They don’t cry out to God.  They trust their leaders, leaders who now determine their days.”

Me:  “But God can intervene.”

Angel:  “This is what happens when their will is met with a wall.  It is easier to submit to the enemy’s will and wall.”

Me:  “Surely there are outside communications somewhere.  The buildings are higher than the walls.  They can see out and know these are lies.”

Angel:  “Yes, but they are frozen.  They no longer believe what they see with their eyes.  They are naked, lost and afraid.”

Me:  “So, what do we do?”

Angel:  “Open the gates.  Remove the wall.”

Sub-Dream 1 over…

Me:  “Father, I kept seeing this image of ‘Will + Wall’.  What does this mean?”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you  A relationship with Me requires will.”

I decided to pause and look up the definition of will.  Will means to want or to choose.  If you have free will, you are allowed to choose what you want.  Expression: Where there is a will, there is a way.  It is the capability of conscious choice, decision and intention.

Me:  “Is this the ‘will’, Lord?”

Jesus:  “How do you have a close relationship with Me, Erin?”

Me:  “While I am not truly certain, I was going through a horrible time in my life.  I had a successful career and social status and then my life was obliterated because I chose to fight against wealth and power.  What happened to my young boy, with the older as witness, was a crime and so horrible.  While I had asked to be used by You, I was not expecting to be abused.  Sure, You didn’t abuse me, but my enemies did.  I then built a protective barrier.  I still sometimes suffer from PTSD.”

Jesus:  “Yes, you built a wall.  Then something happened.  What happened?”

Me:  “I made my case to You.  I begged and pleaded.  I laid out a legal case.  I then came to the end of my faith bucket.  I gave You three months.  I told You that is all I had and then I would quit hounding You.”

Jesus:  “You made a great case.  However, do you know what you said that was the gateway to greater communion with Me?”

Me:  “No, I am not sure.  I just know it was not my list of demands.”

Jesus:  “No.  It was that, even if I didn’t grant you what you asked for, you said ‘No matter what happens, I will still love You.’  Your will was to love Me despite your circumstances.  Well, Heaven was opened over you at that moment.  You weren’t just turning the handle to open the gate, your tongue was the key that unlocked it.

“Erin, you moved the Court of God.  He was moved by your word and it was authenticated by your heart.  It was true.  Many say things with their lips, but mean a different thing in their heart and will.  You boldly speak honestly with Me.  I therefore trust you to speak in truth.  I am therefore close to you.

“With Me, there are no longer walls between us.  With you, where there is will, then there I am.  I am the way.  You surrendered to Me.  You surrendered your will and your plans.  You then became Mine.  Your way was removed so that I could work My Will through you.”

Me:  “What about my dream, Lord?”

Jesus:  “The enemy has been collecting souls for destruction.  He controls information and the people.  The lost perish for lack of knowledge.  They are exposed, naked and afraid.  When all changes, you will be busy.  Erin, you’ll be busy!”

Received on Thursday, January 5, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for peace.  Thank You for all prayers, big and small, that You answer in Your way and in Your timing.  I had a couple of vivid dreams last night…

Sub-Dream 2 “Finding the Ideal House in Oregon” begins…

My husband and I were house hunting in Oregon.  However, we were not really qualified to purchase a home that fit our needs.  While our credit was relatively good, we really didn’t have the money to make the large monthly payments.  Despite this, we were still being treated like royalty by the real estate agents.  Our real estate agent then phoned us to inform us that she had a home for us to look at.

My husband and I hesitated because we felt like imposters.  We didn’t want our real estate agent to spend time with us if we were unable to purchase.  As we were leaving to the appointment, a prior design client approached me.  She looked like three people I know morphed into one person.  She was very wealthy and still treated me as if I worked for her.

Prior design client:  “I have so many things to tell you about my house (which she then did).  However, I now want to purchase a brand-new home.  Oh yes… those are my twins…”  She pointed to the back seat of her car.

There were two car seats in the back of her luxury car.  The twins were about twelve months old.  They were dressed in really high-end clothing.  They both babbled with noticeably cute English accents.  One of the twins was blind in the left eye and the other twin was blind in the right eye.  I suddenly noticed that my prior design client was dressed and had a similar hairstyle as Ghislaine Maxwell, the helper of the now deceased Jeffrey Epstein.

Prior design client:  “Erin, I am undone.  I simply can’t handle anything.”

While she was crying, she couldn’t look me in the eye.  This lack of eye contact let me know that demons were involved.

Me:  “Can I pray for you?  Other than that, I can do nothing as I am no longer working as an interior designer.”

She nodded yes as tears fell heavily down her cheeks.  I reached for her hands and began to pray.  However, I soon became distracted and stumbled in my prayer.  I knew there was something holding back my prayer for her.  The Lord spoke to me…

Jesus:  “She is angry and has many demons.  She made both her children blind in one eye.  While you can heal them, she will then try to kill them.  Stand down for now.  I am in this.  Do not worry.”

I quickly finished the prayer with a simple close and an Amen in Jesus’ Mighty Name.  When I looked at her, she was making strange motions.  Just before releasing her hands, I realized that they had now become cold and clammy.

Me:  “Well, I must go now and look for my husband.”

Prior design client:  “We are both late now.  That prayer thingy that you did was a little long.”  She drove off quickly.

I found my husband parked in our rental car.  We drove together to the home our real estate agent had arranged for us to view.  Once we arrived at this house, we received a text with a code for the lock box.  We went in and the house was perfect.  A snowstorm then came in and we were forced to stay there.  My husband brought our luggage inside.  It wasn’t long before we received a text from our real estate agent.

Real Estate Agent:  “You have to leave the house.  It has been sold.  The buyer is going to show up any minute now and insists it be vacant.”

Just then, I saw my prior design client’s car pull into the driveway.  She came up and knocked on the door.  When I opened the door, she looked at me in disgust.

Prior design client:  “You are in my house.  This is mine  What are you… a squatter?  What a pig you are.  Out, out, out!”

Me:  “We had to wait until the snowstorm subsided.  It just did a minute before you came.  We can now safely leave.”

Prior design client:  “Get out and get out now.”

My husband:  “Hold on, hold on.  We have a contract that was accepted.”

Prior design client:  “You can’t afford this.”

My husband then showed her all of the paperwork.  Although we still had no idea how we were able to buy it, we obviously had bought it.

My husband:  “The offer was accepted.  We paid in full and have no mortgage.  This means that it is you who is trespassing on our property.”

Prior design client:  Looking at me.  “You can’t afford this.  I know this because I know who you are.  I know you don’t have anything.  I will hold you accountable.”

As my husband started to move her toward the front door, she finally truly noticed him for the first time (this was post-Transformation).  She instantly became infatuated with him.  She was unable to formulate her words and started to stutter.

Prior design client:  “Wait!  What?  Who are you?  You are so handsome.  I feel faint.  Are you married?  Can I marry you?”

My husband:  “I am married, but thanks for the offer.”

He then was able to move her out the front door and onto the front porch.

Prior design client:  “I am here when you are available.  I don’t have children.”

My husband suddenly became concerned for her children.  He stepped out onto the front porch to trick her for the children’s safety.

My husband:  ‘Well, that is too bad as I just love children.  I especially love one-eyed twins who have English accents.  This is too bad.”

Prior design client:  “No!  Wait!  I was just bluffing.  Look, look…”

She opened her car door and the twins smiled and waved at us.  We were relieved that they were still okay.

My husband:  “Keep them safe for me and I will visit and check on them.”

Prior design client:  Now really excited.  “Yes, yes!  I will keep them safe.  I promise you that I will keep them safe from the cradle to the grave!”

My husband waved and closed the front door of our new house.  We were relieved to have her drive off.  With her gone, the shock then set in that this house was now ours.  While we still felt like squatters, we knew this feeling wouldn’t last long.

Sub-Dream 2 over…

Sub-Dream 3 “Thousands of Tiny Wooden Sailboats” begins…

I was in a wooden fishing boat in the middle of the ocean at night.  I was alone and there was a mast, but no sail.  The moon was full and high in the sky.  I looked around me and could see fog on the water, but nothing else.

Me:  “Lord, I don’t know where I am going.  Please get me there safely, whatever ‘there’ is.”

Voice of Jesus:  “I am with you.  So too are many of you now together as one.”

I looked behind me on the water and through the fog.  There were thousands of wooden boats all around me on the water.  We were now all lit up by the full moon.  All of us were travelling in the same direction.  With just masts, we were ‘all in the same boats’!

Sub-Dream 3 over…

Me:  “Lord, what is this?”

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  The first dream fulfills a promise I gave you about twenty years ago that I would build a house for you in the place of your heart.  I never revoked this.  What is impossible for man is possible with Me.  Nothing is impossible for Me.

“Nothing will be by conventional methods as I do not always do things as expected and certainly not in a way the world’s system would get credit for My miracles.  This is because I am God and My ways are higher than the world’s ways.  My ways are inexplicable by convention.  My ways are supernatural.  My ways are Heavenly in origin and ‘God-sized’.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, I can’t wait.  Please let this be soon, but by our definition of soon.  Lord, I have friends who need miracles.  They have exhausted all options on their own strength.  Would You please stop the plans of the enemy and grant them a miracle?”

Jesus:  “Erin, I am God over all things.  I know the situation you are referring to.  Have them do as you did and plead their case to Me.”

Me:  “Lord, do You mean find cases from the Bible when something was overturned?  What do You mean?  Oh Lord, I am just not sure!”

Jesus:  “When you are out of options, then who has solutions?”

Me:  “You do, Lord!”

Jesus:  “Then what is your petition?  I am listening.”

Me:  “Well, You own all of what we see.  You are over the banks, the courts and the municipalities.  You have the final say in all matters concerning Your children.”

Jesus:  “Then understand this… no one takes anything from you that I have not allowed.  Your friends must place all things at the foot of the Cross.  However, you must be at peace no matter which way a matter is settled.  Surrender the matter to Me and love Me through it no matter the outcome.

“Remember that not one thing here on Earth is owned by anyone.  It is all Mine, so all of this is merely being borrowed from Me.  Give Me your troubles and I will make known your course.  Meddling prolongs the course as whatever is lost or taken will be added back in greater blessings for here and in Heaven.  Erin, what was lost will now be found.”

Me:  “I can’t remember how many times I thought all was lost and all hope gone and then You brought all of it back to us and 100 times better than we could imagine.”

Jesus:  “Pray and remember that I am over all matters, especially land.  I see.  I have heard you and I will hear the case in Court.  I will also be their Kinsman Redeemer and their Savior.  Rejoice for I am here.

“Also, all of you are together.  You are not alone.  You are all together in the same boat… or boats.  You are all traveling in the same direction.  I give you light in the darkness.  I am your Sail.  Trust in Me.  Work together!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-660/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-658/

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