Dream 676 – The soon to come Barley Harvest

Received on Saturday, March 18, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all You do.  Thank You for Your Voice, Your dreams and Your visions.  You instruct me in my sleeping hours and in my daylight hours.  Father, I praise You in all things.  Father, I am deeply disturbed by my dream last night.  In contrast, I have mundane routines during the day.  I converse with my husband, children and people I meet daily.

However, I don’t really study prophecy or set dates.  Perhaps I should, but You have never called me to do this.  You have instead had my thoughts and prayers fixed on You.  When I awoke this morning, I cried at the dream I had.  I then wept as I moved about.  Our generation has not seen war on our soil.  Most fighters have only fought in foreign lands.

The only ones who haven’t are police officers, firefighters and medical workers fighting against criminal acts, fires and death.  They face these things every day.  Still, what about war now being possible on our own soil?  Yes, this is hard to imagine, but can it happen?  The enemies of God (and His children) are in great number here.  He is busy and very productive.  He is demoralizing humans.  He is abasing the fighting men.

He is emboldening those who are addicts, criminals and killers as weapons to strike out against the population.  Since the enemy controls the news, much is ignored as conspiracy.  Truth is portrayed as lies.  Even actual video footage is called ‘cleverly edited’ or ‘taken out of context’.  Politicians who are supposed to work for the people no longer do so.  They work for the enemy instead.

These politicians are being paid to turn away from the will of the people.  They even manipulate voters’ outcomes.  There is no longer a need for justice as she has no blindfold on.  She needs no balance scales as it is one way now… the way of corruption against the people.  It has taken only ten years for the acceleration of the rise of evil against God and His Church.  All that is good is being ripped apart.

There is a great dividing line now with even many Christians turning away.  They feel the world is now the ‘winning side’.  There are a lot of really poor people right now, but increasingly for young men.  Go to the pawn shops and see what is happening.  When I was desperate during my legal battles against a very wealthy enemy with unlimited means, I found myself at the pawn shop often.

This was in the years 2006 to 2009.  I went there back and forth.  I took loans on goods I had so I could keep the electricity on and gas in my car.  It was difficult.  During this time was also the housing crisis.  In Bend OR, there were a lot of people who had money that were now facing foreclosures.  These pawn shops therefore had high-end items.  It was a measure and a sign of the times.

There is a place I occasionally visit in Houlton ME.  They receive estates.  As a result, they have beautiful antiques.  It is fun to go in and see what they have.  However, it has recently become hard to go in there.  The owners tell me the heartbreaking stories and how they have been unable to carry so many people coming in now.  They have had to partially consign some very high-end pieces.  For safety reasons, many items must be kept off site.

One young man had worked hard and saved for many years to purchase a diamond ring for his girlfriend of several years.  He purchased it in Portland ME at a very high-end jewelry store.  This is where his girl had seen the ring many years ago.  He worked in the lumber industry, as well as in sewage and septic pumping.  This was tough work.  Finally at age 24, he had purchased the ring for his girl.  No returns allowed.

She then said she was in love with someone else, someone who had a better life planned for her.  He had no idea at all that she had been seeing someone else.  He kept the ring in hopes she would change her mind.  Times then became tough during the lockdowns.  His company required a very long commute.  Since he owned a large diesel truck, he could no longer afford to go back and forth.

He finally got so desperate, he brought in the diamond engagement ring to the pawn shop.  The owners were fair and gave him a good price for it.  When I visited them last about six months ago, they had an entire case of these types of valuables.  The owner knew many of the heartbreaking stories accompanying these pieces.

When we drove through town yesterday, a sign at this shop now read ‘Not Taking Items’.  This really meant ‘I can’t buy what you have’.  I am so thankful my troubles did not come at a time like this or I would have had no options.  People go to pawn shops when they are desperate. It is humiliating.  I say this from experience.

I was in a grocery store yesterday and was approached by a man and his son.  His son was about 17 years old.  They both looked like they could use a warm shower.  The father soon turned to me and asked me what jams do not need refrigerating after being opened. I told him about the Goober brand (a combination of peanut butter and jam).  The man and his son seemed so appreciative.  I spoke to the Lord.

Me:  “Lord, can I offer to help them out?”

Jesus:  “That would demoralize them.  They asked you a tough question.  That is all they could do, so pray and I will step in.”

I then prayed for them right then and there.  I then looked around.  Stores are usually busy on Fridays and Saturdays,  but it was a bit quiet for a change.  I noticed that the cost of baked goods had risen considerably since the last time I checked.  It is becoming so difficult for so many.  Oh Father, please help us.  I had a dream…

Sub-Dream 1 “The Hour is Late:  A Comedy” begins…

I was in my grandparents’ home (in my current non-Transformed condition).  They had passed away many years ago.  The layout of the home was the same as in Reno NV.  I was there visiting relatives.  It was a clear night and my brother and his wife had an event to attend at one of the casinos in town.  I stayed behind at the house.  I had turned in for bed.  The ceiling overhead was glass.

There was still some snow, but green grass was also now showing outside.  I knew this time in Nevada to be late winter to early spring.  As I lay there looking up at the stars on a crystal-clear night, I suddenly saw the stars moving right before my eyes.  The stars were being overshadowed by fighter jets.  I could barely see them.  While there were no lights, I could somehow see hundreds of planes.

As I watched in horror, I saw the outer lines disperse in opposite directions.  Sick to my stomach, I quickly dressed and went outside.  You could hear the planes, but they were difficult to see.  I tried to knock on doors to warn people, but many had already gone to the event.  I decided I should warn my brother and his wife.  I ran to where they were.  The sign on the marque read ‘ The Hour is Late:  A Comedy’.  I could hear laughter coming out from inside the building.

Flyers then began to fall from the sky.  There were thousands of these flyers.  The flyer read ‘The Hour is Late:  Save Yourself’.  I ran back to the house.  While I could still hear the planes, I could not see them.  When I arrived at the house, I placed my dogs in a crate.  Just then, the entire power grid was knocked out.  I could see explosions in the distance.  War had arrived or at least the bombs had.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

Please, Lord, this dream was so real.  Please rise up before this happens and send miracles.  Please, Father!  I fell back to sleep.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

I woke up in a Heavenly place.  I was standing in a barley field as far as my eyes could see.  This was a massive field.  The sky was blue.  While the barley was still somewhat green, it was quickly turning into a rich golden color.  I heard the Lord singing.

Me:  “Lord?  Lord, where are You?”

I turned behind me and the sun was rising.  I could then see the Son of God rising with the sun.  I ran to Him. I saw His arms outstretched to receive me.  Tears streamed down my cheeks.  I ran into His arms and wept.

Me:  “Oh Lord, I missed You so much!  While I love hearing Your Voice, to have You hold me means so much to me.  I am scared right now as it seems war is almost here.”

Jesus:  “I am here.  I am here.  Do not worry.  I am here.  The Barley is almost ripe.”

Me:  “Lord, I am ready.  I am sick to my stomach.  My Spirit is at war with the evil things of this world.  I am ready.  Well, I pray You find me ready for whatever is to soon come.”

Jesus:  “Come look here.  See this sheaf of barley.  Let us inspect it to see if it is ready.  The grain is still closed right now.  Not only that, but the ears are not out yet.”

Me:  “You are a mystery, Lord.  I know nothing about barley.”

Jesus:  “Study this.  It is written, ‘The flax and barley were ruined for the barley was in the ear and the flax in bud; but the wheat and the spelt were not ruined for they ripen late (Exodus 9:31-32).”

Me:  “Lord, is this a matter of timing on God’s calendar?  If You are too early to come, then these are ruined.  Others can still be fine though.  I read that the Barley ripens and ears out just before Passover.  However, I also understand that the wheat is not yet ripe at Passover.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  However, what am I speaking of?  If barley and flax are harvested at the same time, then what is flax used for?”

Me:  “Linen.  It was used for the priestly garments.  Oh Lord, I remember Scriptures (Revelation 19:7-8 The Passion Version)… ‘Let us rejoice and exalt Him and give Him glory, because the wedding celebration of the lamb has come.  And His Bride has made herself ready.  Fine linen, shining bright and clear, has been given to her to wear, and the fine linen represents the righteous deeds of His Holy Believers.’  Lord, are You speaking in terms of this year?  Please, Lord!  The enemy is destroying the world!”

Jesus:  “Calm down, Erin, calm down!  Remember… who is in full control ALL of the time?  Me!  I see all that the enemy does.  I see all that is hidden from your ears… even though your ears are out…”  He smiled and gave a light-hearted chuckle.  “…unlike this barley sheaf.  Now, I want you to understand who exactly you are.  You are here with Me and you are a first fruit of offering.  Erin, you are an overcomer.

“Now, this is the beginning of the Harvest Seasons… here with the Barley.  Because you did not grow up with this knowledge, much of this you do not understand… at least for right now.  I am not requiring you to understand the meaning of the Barley Harvest.  Erin, you do not understand all of this.  However, you know what it is like to owe a great debt you cannot repay.

“The nations have lost their inheritance and have become slaves to the adversary.  They are unable to buy themselves out of the slavery the enemy has placed them in.  See, it is only I who can set My people free and restore them, granting them back what was taken, including their land.  There is soon to be a Great Restoration.  Now, I want you to breakdown My Words through the prophet Isaiah and understand what I am about to do.”

Me:  “Lord, You are speaking of Isaiah 61, right?”

Jesus:  “This is why I have said and placed this Heavenly Scripture upon your heart.  You are all to repent and turn to Me so your sins are erased.  A great time of refreshing will come from My presence.  I have remained in Heaven until this time for restoration of all things.  I will come at the proper moment to harvest My Barley.  As you see…”  He turned to draw my attention to the field.  “…harvesting Barley on time is required as it is sensitive to any delay of the Harvest.

“Harvest delay can cause Barley to lose its head, thereby reducing its yield.  However, since I am the Harvester of the Barley, angels of Heaven will assist Me.  It will all be perfect, understand?  You are now saying… ‘Has the Lord forgotten me?  Where are the harvesters?’  Well, Erin, do not worry, as you are Mine.  I am the Manager of My Father’s field.  I am Manager over His entire operation.  All will be perfect.  Not one of you will be forgotten as you are all already Mine.  Comfort our Nest with these Words.”

Me:  Crying.  “Oh Lord, I love You so much.  You are amazing in all of Your works.  Bless You on Your Harvest.  May Your first fruits be perfect as you are perfect.  All You touch is perfect.  The fruits of Your labor shall be multiplied and blessed before God!  I pray this in Your Mighty Name, AMEN!”

Jesus:  Smiling.  “I will receive your blessings, Erin.  This is good.  Now, can you trust Me to finish a good work here?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Now, what did I tell you this morning?”

Me:  “The snow and ice on our roof was pulling down the snow rail we had installed for safety.  However, it has been threatening to come down all week.  We even moved my younger son’s car away from it.  We have worried about someone getting hurt when it falls.  This morning, I went outside in the rain and looked up at it.  You then welled up in me.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I told you that you had the power to remove the threat so you would no longer be burdened by imaginary possibilities.  This threat was burdensome.  I called upon you to use a pole and bring it down so it would not harm you.  You did as I had told you.”

Me:  “It came down easily and the threat was over.”

Jesus:  “You quit giving it power by removing it when I told you.  It was clear.”

Me:  Laughing.  “Thank You, Lord.  The looming threat was ongoing.  In just seconds, it was over.”

Jesus:  “This is good news.  Remember that the threat was removed quickly.  Erin, you are to remember this.  Now rejoice, Erin.  What you have been anticipating is here.  I am here with you and this field is almost ready.  Rejoice.  I love you.”

Me:  Hugging Him.  “I love You too!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-677/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-675/

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