Dream 677 – Adar gives birth to the miracles of Nisan
Received on Monday, March 20, 2023
Dear Father,
I love You! I am thankful for You. You are my Best Friend and my Encourager. The nations are now at war, but a new kind of war. There is nothing that can stop the evil that is coming… except for You… ONLY You! Our leaders have sold out the nations.
Father, please well up in Your people. Give us strength to fight this for Your Glory. Lord, please rise up Your Bride into Your Army. We can hardly wait to be in Your Number!
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. My Spirit is within you and I will not let you fall. Do you see all that has unfolded and is unfolding? Is this not greater than you could even conceive ten years ago?”
Me: “Oh yes, Lord, thank You for guiding us!”
Jesus: “Now, let’s speak about the sun and the moon, Moses and Joshua. I am the Son (sun) and you are like the moon. In Jewish tradition, Moses was like the sun and Joshua was like the moon. In the times that we are in now, I am the sun and My Bride is the moon. I am going to give you a few significant patterns here. Do you have your pen handy, Erin?” He laughed.
Me: Laughing. “Lord, You are funny!”
Jesus: “As events unfold, it is extremely important that all rely solely on Me as the Voice of Truth. Since vengeance is Mine, I must go before you. The month of Adar and Nisan are very important months. My Bride is like Joshua and your various situations are like Jericho. I will deliver Jericho’s spoils to My ‘modern-day Joshuas’. Many will find this particular period of time more interesting than any other period of time.
“Now, Adar is like a month of labor. With labor, you already know that the pain lasts but minutes, but that it then gives birth to something new. Adar is a time of the enemy’s labor. He plots, plans and schemes. The enemy means to use this to then give birth to a new beginning of slavery and affliction. However, all of his planning will be in vain as I am the God Who births new beginnings, not the enemy.
“Think of this when you gave birth… you were literally split and stretched in order to give birth to something much larger than one would think you could physically be able to give birth to. Even your bones were separated to make way for new life. When Moses parted the Red Sea, the slaves, God’s chosen, were then able to pass through and give birth to a new life apart from slavery.
“Pregnancy is somewhat like this as well. For nine months, you are a slave with great uncertainty. However, there is also great anticipation for what is to come and even as to what this new thing, or person in this case, will even look like. The other analogy is that of the Ark being carried across the separated waters. This (great anticipation of the people) happened first at the Red Sea and again at the Jordan.
“The month of Adar is like this. You are standing on a vista from a vantage point of the desert. On this vista, there is a great separation and a massive ravine. It is a deep and wide river flowing through the land. Across this river is a beautiful land, the Promised Land. All of those that I have called can see it from this vantage place. On their own and apart from Me, the task is impossible.
“However, with Me going before them, preparing the way and doing things in a way that is not expected, all is possible again. When it comes to men on their own, think of this as their boats circling around the back or simply staying where they are. However, when it comes to Me, I part obstacles and divide them. I will create a dry clear course for you to pass through.
“The slaves could have all stayed where they were, gazing longingly at a distant shore with only dreams. Erin, you must realize that I take dreams and turn them into reality. I will part the waters and allow you to cross. Like with Joshua and those who followed him, I created the impossible…Jericho. This is the month of delivery from your slavery, your oppression. You must remain calm. You must not say anything to your enemies.
“As for the month of Nisan, there have been many significant days in the past. Some of these dates are analogous to Jericho’s fall and after the walls fell. Joshua’s name had already been heard across the land and the people in the City of Jericho were terrified of the Israelites. Nisan is the month of miracles. The walls of the City fell just like your evil enemies soon will. The captives will then be set free.
“Erin, you are already free and My promises for you are even greater than what you can see with your eyes. I will turn the curses of your enemies back on to them. All that I have promised, and even more, is about to be delivered to you. However, no one should forget that I have given all of this to you. You will not even believe all that I have planned for all of you even if you were told.”
Me: “Thank You, Lord! This information on Adar and Nisan is so insightful.”
Jesus: “You’re welcome. Now, tell Me about the dream you had last night.”
Me: “Yes, Lord. It was so strange.”
Sub-Dream 1 “Sinning without a care” begins…
In this dream, I kept sinning in my daily walk. I did stupid things that truly made no sense because I don’t do this in reality. I especially sinned with careless, silly words coming out of my mouth. Lies came out so easily. There were many other sins I was doing without even the tiniest care of what Jesus thought.
Suddenly, all of my actions, great and small, played on a screen like a television. I was in shock at this. I was guilty of things that I would normally never do. I then tried to remember all my sins, but I was having difficulty remembering. I then heard the sound of a door closing.
Sub-Dream 1 over…
Jesus: “It wasn’t you in the dream. However, do you believe I remember your sins no more because you are forgiven?”
Me: “Lord, You are so gracious and merciful. However, my question is this… You are not a God who forgets. You remember our history as You are there with us. You love it when we renounce and break the hold of our sin. We are then no longer chained. While I am not sinless, I still try hard to be more and more like You.”
Jesus: “You are not condemned because you are My lamb. Your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Your works are there. You are rewarded according to what is written. However, because you have given your life to Me, I then no longer hold you in account for the sins you have confessed to Me. Do you understand? You are Mine. The minute you go outside of My Will, My direction, it is the sin you are speaking of.
“You then stop, drop and roll. You turn from the wrong direction and correct your way, committing your way back to Me. Keep it simple. Complexity brings confusion. It is simple. Listen for Me. I am here. I call out to you. Hear Me. Be with Me in the simple things. In your dream, the sins were so far from you that you couldn’t remember them. This is how it will be. As for the lost, they will want to confess their many sins to you.
“It will be difficult not to want to hold their sins against them. However, you will be unable to remember them because this is between God and the sinner, not you. You are a Vessel. You understand sin because the enemy presents opportunities to place a chink in your armor and eventually render you useless. However, to be in My number, you are together as one body under God.
“One flock strong, a fold, an army unlike anything the world has ever seen, an army with unlimited weapons never seen by man, only imagined. Now, I realize this dream you had was bothersome. You wondered if you have been sinning or will fall to sin. However, this is not true. This dream is to remember what it is like to live a life of sin without fear of God and to now live a life in fear of sinning against God. You are placing God’s Will over your own will. The world is now sinning freely with no fear of God.
“This is now a place where people care only about themselves, their fame, their truth, their identity and even by denying their birth rite. Yes, this is a world where very few still look for Me. They heard of Me as curses on their lips only. They think I am no body. The gods of this world are their idols. Erin, there is great hatred for the things of God and Heaven. Most don’t know Me, yet they speak with authority about things they have no knowledge of.”
Me: “Lord, my husband and I saw the Jesus Revolution movie. We saw some people we knew exit the Shazam movie. I struck up a conversation with their 10-year-old daughter about her cute dog she brings to her dad’s gas station. She then asked what movie we were seeing and I told her. She seemed very upset. Lord, what is so upsetting to this young girl?”
Jesus: “You are just asking this question now?” He laughed. “Erin, what does your name mean?”
Me: “You told me it means ‘peace’. This is funny as I don’t have much peace.”
Jesus: “Okay, who am I?”
Me: “You are the Prince of Peace.”
Jesus: “Yes, I am. However, I didn’t come to bring peace as My very presence invokes anger. So too do you. You have people in your life that hate you for no reason other than because of Me. This is the way of the world… until it’s not. This is what I said… if you love Me, keep My commands. And I will ask the Father and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever… the Spirit of Truth.
“The world cannot accept Me. This is because it neither sees Me nor knows Me. However, you know Me for I live with you and will be in you (John 14:15-17). Erin, I have come in greater power and soon My glory will be revealed. Remember, if you are reviled for My Name, you are blessed. This is because My Spirit of Glory, which is the Spirit of God, is resting on you (1 Peter 4:12-14)….
“Erin, discouragement can drown out My Voice in you. You must be like Joshua (Joshua 9). Remember this and even write it down daily if need be as the time here is short and the hour is late. I hereby command you to be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened or discouraged for I am the Lord your God and I am with you wherever you go.
“Please embrace each day and be of great courage. Do not worry about tomorrow as I too hold the outcome of both. You are to be encouraged, not discouraged, to walk in the light of My Glory. Now rejoice as I am with you. My Spirit is in you and will spring forth anew like the dawn. Rejoice!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-676/
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