Dream 678 – Only God is our Good News
Finished on Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Received on Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Dear Father,
Thank You for another night of dreams. I felt called to write one in particular down immediately so I wouldn’t forget it…
Sub-Dream 1 “The Collapsing Stairs of Justice” begins…
I was in Washington DC. However, it was now called DC, standing for the ‘New City of the Democratic Capital of Merryland’. Leaders had declared this the Justice Capital. Squatters had begun to occupy the once great Washington Mall. All of the buildings were renamed. One name was absolutely laughable… it was the Minister of Truth Institute. This was attached to a museum.
They took only bits and pieces of the Smithsonian and used this to recreate the history of America. Inside the museum, they didn’t even try to hide it. All the descriptions on each exhibit were literally cut and pasted. It looked like the kind of letters serial killers make to send to the press. I then saw the Supreme Court Building. Out in front was a massive wooden cart, a jail cart, from the 1800s.
It was a long paddy wagon with six windows, each with a door. The six wooden doors were each painted with the face of one of the six of the justices. There was an open slot just large enough for their hands to be outside of the cart. This was done to show all that looked that they each were wearing handcuffs. There were two black horses and two white horses. The white horses had red flags over them. The black horses had this metal vice-grip bits that completely subdued them.
The black horses were visibly uncomfortable and going mad. They walked erratically in strange circular motions in front of the building. There was no visible driver of the cart. The steering force was unseen and hidden. While people on one side were horrified to see this happen, the people on the other side were cheering for their deaths. I then saw people being served papers from another wooden cart.
This other cart had two drivers and one very large horse. This horse was a beautiful Arabian horse. This horse was simply stunning. However, the wooden cart it was pulling looked like a wreck. It looked like a wooden public outhouse with three doors. There was one door in back and one on each side. It was gray and made from old rickety wood. There were writings posted on both sides of the cart…
On one side: “Six Pence None the Wiser”
On the other side: “Six Pence None the Richer”
The cart was being paraded around the grounds. It then came to rest at the White House. A bell from this cart then rang twelve times. The President and his cabinet then walked out and stood in one long line. Each one was wearing handcuffs. However, they were not truly under arrest. While they continued to act as if everything was fine, it looked bad. I heard someone in the crowd say, ‘Foreigners are now our leaders.’
I saw a group rise up and shout against them. However, those in line called for the Minister of Truth to arrest them. Several more paddy wagons then pulled up and arrested the hecklers. The hecklers were taken to prison. The conditions there were bad. Many didn’t know what they had been arrested for. Many had no money for a defense. Some families sold all they had to hire lawyers.
While the lawyers were good, the circumstances of the charges could not be proven. The attorneys called for a discovery conference of evidence and depositions prior to the court date. There was a glass high-tech building somewhere in DC. It had a beautiful greenish tint to the reflective mirror glass windows. The attorneys representing their clients were not allowed to enter the building via the front door.
They were instead required to enter the building using an extremely steep and rickety wooden staircase to the back. Only the bravest attorney dared risk climbing these stairs. At each of these steps was a barn door. Each barn door led to a case room. Each case room was labeled on the outside with white chalk numbers, chalk that could have easily washed off in the rain. Inside each of the barn doors was an all-glass room with a small table, chair and a folder.
The attorney opened the folder and sat down. The accusations against his client were extensive. However, not one accusation was criminal in nature. They instead used common facts about the person as accusations of things that were not actually crimes. The attorney waited for the prosecutor. After an hour of waiting, the prosecuting attorney came in. The prosecutor then addressed the defense attorney…
Prosecutor: “We have overwhelming evidence against your client.”
Attorney: “No, you don’t. You are accusing my client of doing things that is out of his control. You even have his DNA chart here. Look, he was late only three times paying his Chase credit card over the course of five years. He pays his taxes. He has worked the same job all of his life. He owns a small home and his wife and children are law abiding. They go to church.”
Prosecutor: “While this is true, he did have two parking tickets. He is also not a registered voter.”
Attorney: “Okay, but what are the charges?”
Prosecutor: “There! They are right there in front of you. You just read them out. His traditions are now seen as hateful and offensive. Those are his crimes. Again, you just read them out.”
Attorney: Sarcastically. “Oh, I see… so, his true crime is that he exists? So, is he guilty of being ‘traditional’? What exactly is my client guilty of?”
Prosecutor: “While he has accusers, they are to remain anonymous under the law. Now, the accusations are serious. They include rape, theft and murder.”
Attorney: “Who accused him of these things? He didn’t do any of these things and you know it. My client is innocent.”
Prosecutor: “Our sources are credible.”
Attorney: “I need to see my client’s accusers and interview them. I need to see the reports and arrest records. That is, if they actually exist. This is discovery.”
Prosecutor: “You are right that this is discovery. You are discovering that your client is a rapist, a thief and a murderer. You took your client’s money knowing you couldn’t win his case against any of these charges. So, was it morbid curiosity on your part to see this for yourself? Now who is the scammer?”
Attorney: “Okay, now I get it. You are flipping justice and then blaming me for defending my client. This is disgusting.”
Prosecutor: “Look, your client doesn’t score well on our system. As a result, we are only willing to do one of the following three options for him…
- Option 1 is that he goes to prison for life.
- Option 2 is that he be taken to the town square where the public will then determine if he lives or dies.
- Option 3 is that we give him his score and we act justly based on this.
Attorney: “Wait? So, no trial? No judge? What is his score? What does this score even mean? Who is keeping track and how?”
Prosecutor: “Well, his score is quite low. This low score means that he and his family will be unable to have a bank account, police protection, emergency services, medicines or other things.”
Attorney: “Wait, is this him only or is his entire family guilty too? Look, no matter which option he chooses, his family is going to be marked. Am I right?”
Prosecutor: “When looking at it this way, it would actually be best for him to choose Option 1, life in prison.”
Attorney: “This is bad. This is really bad. Seriously, how do you even sleep at night?”
Prosecutor: “Watch it or you could be scored too. Actually, you have been.” He pulls out a paper with the attorney’s score. “Hmm, your score is surprisingly low. Your score is this low because you often associate with criminals.”
Attorney: “Wait! Hold on there. I have to associate with criminals as I am a defense attorney. It is my job to associate with criminals often. You would have to be a total moron to agree with this as being a justified reason for my low score.”
Prosecutor: “Watch it! You are walking a thin line again.”
Attorney: “Look, I still have thirty other clients in the same boat as this client. How can you do this? This is perverted justice!”
Prosecutor: “Okay, that’s it… I am going to charge you with disorderly conduct.”
Attorney: “Wait! Okay, okay, I am sorry. This is new to me. Sorry. I have to adjust. I have to accept that there really is no defense. Is this correct?”
Prosecutor: “Yes, this is true. This is only a conference to discover your client’s options. That is all. Everything has already been determined. As you can see, this new justice system is much more efficient. You just have to adjust.”
Attorney: “Can I at least have my client released until we know more?”
Prosecutor: “No. You need to choose one of the three options immediately.”
Attorney: “This is impossible. Okay, what if I were to choose Option 2, judgment by the town square?”
Prosecutor: “This is almost certainly going to mean your client’s death.”
Attorney: “Okay, fine… we will choose Option 3, the score. I pray You will have mercy on my client.”
The prosecutor then notarized the papers and handed them back to the attorney to sign.
Attorney: “Wait, you can’t notarize this. It needs a third party. This is illegal.”
Prosecutor: Ignoring him. “You can meet your client at the bottom of the stairs.”
The attorney stood up and walked outside. The staircase was filled with distraught attorneys. The staircase began to collapse. I woke up as the stairs were falling.
Sub-Dream 1 over…
Father, this dream was so real. Please come quickly. Our country is being destroyed. The cart was labeled ‘Six Pence None the Wiser’ on one side and ‘Six Pence None the Richer’ on the other side. What does this mean? This dream was very clear and detailed. I just know that this dream was from You.
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here and I am with you. This dream was a warning and a call to prayer for the hour is late. However, there is Good News here. I see all things. I know the plans of the wicked and their deeds. Even the saints see and cry out. Traps have been set for the people who stand for truth. The poorly built wagons and staircases are built by the enemy for God’s people.
“Their justice is that of a time when there was great expansion and lawlessness. They want no justice. This often relies on biased officials. There are also local administrators with financial interests to determine the outcome of the verdict. Erin, there were far more righteous men to be found back in the 1800s than there are to be found now. There was a fear of God then that is not prevalent now.
“Now, notice that there are two sets of rules. All opposed to this government is subject to unjust laws that are specifically created to remove anyone who disagrees. Notice that the government operates from a state of the art facility made of mirrored glass. This is so observers can only see what is reflected, not what is happening inside.
“However, you are not to worry as God sees all. I can see! Now, they have handcuffed justice at the highest court. However, there is an unseen force who has forced leaders into corruption. Now, these are My directions to all of you for right now…
- Do not waste your time doing things that offers you no value.
- Pray instead.
- Repent of everything I have placed upon your heart.
- Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10).
“You are in a moment of time when sowing seeds into My Kingdom will bring a record yield. Sin and participating in the satisfaction of the flesh is like depositing all you have worked for, all of your wages, into a bank that steals and offers no reward, no interest, on your investment.
“Instead, sin turns and requires more and more from you and takes you away from what I have planned for you. What does this accomplish? How much time did you spend achieving the unattainable… a chasing? You are not richer and you are certainly not wiser.”
Me: Crying. “Are You speaking of me right now?”
Jesus: “No, Erin. I was talking about you only as you were in the dream… an observer. As for you as you are now, you will be of use to Me. This is because you can testify and understand those faced with the impossible that is coming. I show you these things so you understand the plans of the enemy and the importance of pressing into God and the things of Heaven.
“I will call you to minister to those who have been ensnared in sin and have spent their time for nothing. They are not too far removed from Me. There are families in distress because of injustice. While this is not of My doing, I do see all. You will also encounter many who have forgotten Me. They have given up. They are tired and weary. They think that I don’t see or hear. However, I do. I am the God who sees.
“Now, pray when I send you to your daily places, including the store, the gas station, the school or other places. Give your whole experience to Me for My purposes. I will send people and place them on your heart to pray for them. One day very soon, they will know who sent you. However, for now… pray and take note. Even though your dreams are sometimes dark, be encouraged. Seeing what I see is too much for you. However, instructing you in wisdom is good.”
Me: “Lord, there can be no accidents. A small derelict tugboat in Seattle WA just sank. It is so hard to view a ship sink. Why? It is hard when you know that the tugboat was once brand new and strong. This tugboat once tugged many huge ships.”
Jesus: “Erin, this is a sign of what is coming to the nation and what is leading this sinking ship? The people are being abandoned and your enemies see it. I am angry at the governors of the west. I am sending calamity after calamity against them. Still, they refuse to change. As such, I will continue until they finally understand.
“They have a great enemy that says, ‘There is no god but us!’ They will use the bits in their noses to lead the cattle to slaughter… at least as it stands. Troubles are coming to the coasts, so pray. These shores will soon be unrecognizable as they have no one to stand for the people under God.
“Though I send signs, wonders and calamities, they still curse God and run after the remedies of the world and their gods. They search their gods for comfort, but they do not find it. Pray, Erin. Pray for the nations. You are Mine. Do not worry. I love you.”
Received on Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Dear Father,
Thank You for another day, Father! What a blessing You are. Each day is brand new. Even though the enemy continues to close in on the massive encampment of Your children, we still believe in Your promises. Lord, we stand on Your firm foundation of truth. Thank You for the freedom that truth gives us. While lies bind us, truth sets us free.
On some days, I try as much as possible to fill my thoughts with lovely things. Good news helps. This morning, I began to watch the news. I listened as I did my morning chores. I had become anxious. It was because liars are delivering news and creating fear in the people. The Lord’s Voice spoke to me…
Jesus: “Erin, there is no speculation with corruption. What they tell you concerning their plans are true. However, their foundation of facts is void of truth. There is no truth in the midst of liars other than their plans are against all good. They no longer operate in the shadows. They are on full display now. There are no good plans of the enemy, understand? Why then are you listening to them? Instead, fix your eyes on Me. Focus on Me. I am here.”
Me: After promptly turning off the television. “Thank You, Lord.”
I went outside to feed the birds. I then saw our lovely groundhog visitor we have named ‘Flower’. I couldn’t tell if she was nursing or pregnant. I was glad to see she was still alive. She seemed glad to see me too. I had the most amazing dream last night…
Sub-Dream 2 “A Glimpse of Post-Transformation” begins…
I woke up lying on my bed. My covers were gone and the sun was shining on me. I was completely changed. I was stunned and excited at the incredible change.
Sub-Dream 2 over…
Father, while this was a wonderful dream, it was way too short.
Jesus: “Erin, come up!”
He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair. His Voice was very clear.
Jesus: “Erin, I am here. I see all that occurs around you. I see every detail.”
Me: “Lord, my dream was so exciting. I needed this! Thank You!”
Jesus: “Cling to My promises, Erin. I have you. I have your family. I have your children. I have your Nest friends. None of you are ever forgotten.”
Me: “Lord, I love You so much. Thank You. My heart is full because My Savior loves me. He is mine and I am His. Lord, You are mine and I am Yours!”
Dream over…
Previous Dream: http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-677/
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