Dream 682 – Collecting the Ripe Olives

Received on Monday, March 27, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for Your Great Love.  Thank You for fresh spring snow.  I had a dream last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “Collecting the Ripe Olives” begins…

I had my alarm set for 5:30am to get to my job.  I needed to be there between 6:15am and 6:30am.  I lived in a small home that I did not recognize.  It was wooden and had white stucco.  The windows were wooden and old.  Overall, the home was beautiful in a ‘French Country’ kind of way.  As I left the home, I put on my boots.  I was wearing a loose dress of cotton.  I had a long white apron on with big pockets to fill.

I put on a small coat.  At the last minute, I picked up a long wooden fork.  This fork had prongs that were quite close together.  It looked a bit like a leaf rake.  I walked down a beautiful fine gravel lane from my home to a massive orchard of olive trees.  One of the workers knew me, but I didn’t know anyone there.  I had not been here before.  The workers gathered together at 6:30am.  A foreman then arrived.

The foreman looked like an angel, but in plain clothing.  He had the look of an angel… hard to describe, other than you just know.  He was focused on his God-appointed tasks.  He could not be distracted by anything.  As I was thinking this and smiling, he stopped, looked at me, smiled and continued to speak.  I laughed because God must have given him my thoughts.  He then called out our names from a list.

Angel:  “Erin?”

I raised my hand and stepped forward.  He repeated this with other names.  He then spoke to one of the workers.

Angel:  “See the hill over there?”

Worker:  “Yes.”

Angel:  “Those are your assigned trees.  Each one bears 1,000 olives, so take your time.  Each one should take a day at least.”

A different worker then addressed the angel.

Worker:  “How many trees are in each section?”

Angel:  “Quite a few.”

Worker:  “But are we not late for harvesting these olives?”

Angel:  “Well, the traditional harvest has passed.  However, the olives that are here are heavy with large mature low-hanging fruit.  If you look around you, it is easy to see that the weighty mature fruit is bending and bowing the branches.  Now, there are great storms coming that could destroy these trees.  These here serve our Lord as He often went to these groves to pray.”

Worker:  “Gethsemane?  Is this the Mount of Olives?  Has it expanded?”

Everyone broke out in loud cheering.

Angel:  “Okay, okay, I know you’re ready and excited.  However, there is much work to do.  It is a daunting task.  You will need to work carefully and efficiently so as to not bruise the branches and the fruit in haste.  Patience means more oil when pressed.  Remember… the longer on the branch, the sweeter the fruit.  Still, great storms are coming.  Stay strong and do not worry.  God has appointed angels to work with you.”

Worker:  “Are they then pressed all together in one day?”

Angel:  “Focus first on this task.  You are harvesters.  Let God watch over the pressing.  God is in charge of the preparation of the oil.  Now, rejoice… the time of the harvesting of these has come.”

We heard the sound of the shofar.  We went out to our assigned areas.  We had our harvesting garments on.  We were provided special tools.  We were given white sheets for collecting the fallen olives.  The sun was now rising.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

Father, this was such an exciting dream.  Each day with You is brand new.  Each day brings something new.  I am so grateful.  Storms are looming.  We know they are coming as I feel joint pain before they arrive.  All the signs are there.  Things are becoming difficult on an accelerated basis.  Troubles have doubled.  The troubled souls have tripled.  We are witnessing ‘crazy’ at an alarming rate.

I believe the rise in mental health issues can be tied to the increase in marijuana use.  My heart grieves.  I grew up around users and know the effects.  I am not sure how modern legal drugs fair against old illegal drugs.  Many of our kids’ friends now use it for various reasons.  We have forbidden it in our home.  If we discover it, they are out.  Both my husband and I have had very negative childhood experiences around abusers of marijuana.  This is probably why we both have zero tolerance.  We are 100% united on this.

My stepdad struggled with mental health issues.  This led to severe depression, psychosis, voices in his head and so on.  While marijuana ‘claimed’ to then help mellow my stepdad out, it actually did the complete opposite.  Today, when I am near the smell of it burning, I become nauseated.  I get sick to my stomach.  Perhaps it is PTSD.  Perhaps it is the Holy Spirit Warning System.

I was bothered last night when my son told us that his partner on a project worth 30% of his grade sent a word-for-word plagiarized document to him for his portion of the project.  This young man has severe schizophrenia.  He has plagiarized assignments in the past.  He could even be removed from the school for this.  I feel bad for this classmate.  I pray that the Lord will take this mental health issue away from him.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Remember that the fallen angels taught about medicines and plants to the children of man.  They did this to try and remove God and obedience to My Voice.  They then ‘become god’ through these addictions to what ails them.  These were claimed to offer healing qualities and other personal benefits.  However, there was and is and is to come a consequence.

“It masks issues.  It numbs.  It takes over, understand?  So, with this rise in popularity, more has been added to it to make it more addictive.  Erin, this is a gateway.  This is a grand door whereby the demons can come and go.  This is a way to serve self and the gods of this world.  This is a way to spend time chasing after this.

“However, something else has accelerated with this.  An agent of destruction has come to rob, kill and destroy the souls of the children… the young people.  The news is bad.  The medicine is poison and attacks the brain and the heart.  While I know this makes you sick, you will be used by Me.  All whom I call will heal and deliver these young people from this great evil.”

Note:  Just then, a huge ‘Boom’ hit our home.  The snow and ice fell off our roof and crushed our entry cover.  A piece of solid ice the size of a large watermelon then crushed our second entry step.  By a miracle, a piece of wood kept some ice chunks from crashing through our window.  I was amazed that so much could happen in just the blink of an eye.  Then again, should I really be surprised.

Me:  “Lord, I had to run to see what caused the boom.  It is so disheartening.  Please help us.  This will be expensive and we are running out of options rapidly.  In the meantime, please protect us from this ice shelf.  It is so thick and heavy that it took down our ice rail defense.  We now no longer have a line of defense.  You are our only help here.  Please help us!”

Jesus:  “Erin, I will put this on hearts.  You are never alone.  I have an obedient remnant in this and I am pleased with them.  Their kindness towards you and your family has been duly noted in Heavenly Records.  Erin, the enemy knows the hour is late.  The angels that I have assigned to My people throughout the nations are very busy fighting battles.  Every now and then, attacks occur.  However, these will come to nothing.

“Even though I know you are worried, these will all come to nothing.  I have told you that the enemy has increased the volume of troubles.  At the very least, this let’s you know that I am with you and that the enemy is aware of this.  He attacks only when he is able, but no more.  You have had some… what you would say… ‘near misses’.

“Still, you have been fine.  Anything in the way of an accident or mishap with compounding frequency is a sign that there is war in the spirit realm.  You cannot see this, but you feel this.  My Spirit in you has redirected you from troubles.”

Me:  “Last night, I went to cook some meat for a planned dinner.  I suddenly had severe nausea.  I felt as if I would be sick.  It persisted.  I pulled out the package of meat and noticed it was over the expiration date by four days.  I must have mistaken the date on the package.  They are hard to read.  Clearly, I almost made a costly error.  I asked my husband his opinion on this and we both decided that it could be okay.  I then placed the meat on the frying pan and noticed it wasn’t behaving normal.

“After it was cooked, I had my husband try a small taste.  He is normally positive with great faith.  I instead saw a look on his face.  Needless to say, we threw out the bad meat.  My nausea was instantly gone once we had thrown this out.  I made scrambled eggs and hashbrowns instead.  While we ate late, we were all fine.  Lord, that had to be You warning us.”

Jesus:  “Your family would have been very sick.  The meat was deceptive.  When times are lean, it is understandable not to want to waste food.  However, bad food is like poison.  Remember that it is tradition to remove all items with yeast from your house once a year.  You already know the meaning of removing the ‘spiritual yeast’ of the Pharisees.  This can mean a great deal of food is removed.

“Still, I honor the act and the hearts of those who are earnest concerning My Word, the Laws and the Commandments.  As for you, I have given you a ‘safety upgrade’.  If something is contrary to Me and abhorrent, you will be unable to consume it.  Your sign was illness.  However, you battled through it.  Your guilt to throw away this food bothered you.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.  I struggle when things go bad.  I hate to waste anything.  We don’t have the luxury of wasting good food.  There are too many to feed.”

Jesus:  “Again, not one of you will starve.  I am with you and I will provide for you.  Now, do not worry about all of this.  Erin, you are not being punished.  Count this good.  If the enemy works overtime to destroy you, it is because he knows I am with you.  He is angry.  He wants you dead.  However, here is the good news… you live… and I live in you.  Now, there was some other good news today…”

Me:  “Yes.  My younger son took a job at another company.  He listened to your warnings and instructions.  My older son received a 100% on his class assignment.  His professor said his work was perfect.  This was for 30% of his grade.  Praise You, Lord!”

Jesus:  “I am glad that you are happy.  Remember… you are in the middle of a war you cannot see.  Pray and stay strong.  Listen to My Voice.  Ask Me if you cannot hear Me.  I will do what is necessary to keep you close.  Now, more good news… we are having this conversation.  Now, like I did when I was on Earth, you are experiencing earthly troubles.  However, I will soon deliver you from them all.

“Do not be afraid as I am with you.  Nothing shall succeed against you.  Oh yes… remember that a gateway for the enemy and a multitude of troubles to follow is this wicked weed they have legalized.  It is the gateway to many troubles.  It is the gateway to sins of all types that follows.  Soon there will be deliverance.  Pray.  I am with you.”

Me:  “I will see You again in my dreams tonight, Lord!  I love You so much!”

Jesus:  “I love you too.  It is a date.  Rejoice, Erin, as I am with you.  Do not fear.”

Dream over…

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