Dream 723 – The Mountain of God’s Presence

Received on Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You!  Each day offers new mercies.  I am thankful for each new day.  Each day brings common struggles.  Please help us to not grumble and complain when we don’t see Your miracles in light of the all-consuming darkness around us.

Father, please help me to not have fear of the threats coming against us.  When these threats come, You call me to look up above it all to You.  You are the God over all.  You consume us with Your promises and great love.  You are great, Father, and no earthly god is like You.  I had an incredibly vivid dream last night.

Sub-Dream 1 “The Mountain of God’s Presence” begins…

An angel of the Lord came to me as I slept.  I heard him call out to me…

Angel:  “Arise and come with me!  Erin, awaken!  I must show you some mysteries.”

I was clothed in white pajamas consisting of a tunic and short pants.  I looked with wonder at what I was wearing.  The angel knew my thoughts.

Angel:  “While you were once naked and exposed, you are now clothed in pure linen.”

I looked down again at my hands as they were young.  My skin and nails were beautiful.  While I could not see my full self, I could still see my hair.  It was like silk and appeared like that of lamb’s wool, but pure white.  I could breathe effortlessly.  I was so amazed at the changes that tears started to fall down my cheeks.

Angel:  “Erin, do not focus on these things as this is a gift of God.  In His presence, you are changed.  This is because your body is no longer subject to death around Him.  This is how God created you.  He did not create you for decay, but for everlasting life.”

The angel then took me to a mountain that I recognized from my first open vision with Enoch and Elija from over 23 years ago (February 23, 2000).  The mountain was commanding and unclimbable for man.  While there was snow, it wasn’t cold.  I could breathe with ease.  I was so small next to this large angel.    The angel squeezed my hand and we were at the platform, a sort of Heavenly train station.

However, there were no metal tracks, only rails made of light.  Again, hard to describe.  I then heard a beautiful sound that overlapped like an echo.  It was unlike anything that I had ever heard before.  A tram, or a type of train, but smaller, then appeared.  It was being led by what looked like horses, but with wheels of light.  There is no earthly comparison.  These horses were both beautiful and frightening.  There were four horses altogether… two looking forward and one to each side.

I simply don’t know how to adequately describe that which I don’t understand.  The angel of the Lord waived and the train, although a short train, came to a stop.  The door then opened and the angel brought me into the train.  It then sped off faster than the speed of sound.  Within seconds, we were at another platform.

When the door opened, I could see thousands of saints, each one dressed in white.  When the door opened, they all cheered.  While I then somehow knew that my name was being announced, I did not know the name I was being called (a name I can no longer recall).  I knew them and they knew me and we all cheered together.

Angel:  “Erin, come with me.  I have more to show you.”

I waved goodbye to what I knew to be my friends.  I then looked down the light rails and could see more short trains coming.  Each added saints to the group.  I suddenly realized that I had not spoken aloud yet.  I must have been still in complete shock.

Angel:  “You are to observe all that I will show you.  You are then to scribe this with your pen to paper.”

I nodded in agreement.  As we travelled on this train, I could see fields of flowers and perfect vineyards.  I could see fields of wheat, barley and something that resembled hops (but I am not sure).  I was in a place in Heaven that I had never been to before.

Angel:  “You are on the Mountain of God’s Presence.  He owns thousands and, here, all is His and His land is Holy.  This is where He meets with His workers and His armies.  This is The Great Assembly Place.”

I could see workers in the field.  I wondered why they were working and harvesting here.

Angel:  “This is where God’s Army of saints and His angels work together for God’s Glory and to prepare for what comes.”

We then travelled again at an incredible speed through the most beautiful of lands I had ever seen.  The train chariot then came to a stop.  The angel took my hand, the door opened and we stood on a platform of hewed stones.  These were very large cut stones with beveled edges.  These cuts were so precise that even a laser cutter or water jet couldn’t cut like this.

Angel:  “These were cut and made by hand.”

I smiled and laughed as I walked onto the platform / path.  I was in awe.  I then noticed that the grout was… no, it couldn’t be.  I bent down and touched it.  It was…

Angel:  “Yes, Erin, it is gold.  Now look around you.”

The stones on this avenue were overlaid in gold.  It was not just gold though.  It was a translucent overlay of gold so that the essence of the life of each stone and its gold veins could be seen.  The depth of each stone was incredible.  When I looked across at all of them, they jointly appeared as a street of gold.  I wondered if I was in God’s Golden City now.

Angel:  “You are in the outer courtyards of God’s Courts.”

I could see beautiful greenery, flowering vines and fountains.  Along the sides of this street of gold were two channels of water.  The water was the color of glaciated water.  It was absolutely beautiful.  I could hear birds and I saw nests in the trees.

Angel:  “Even the sparrow finds a home and a swallow a nest for herself where she may lay her young at the Altar of God.”

I looked into the angel’s eyes and smiled.  He smiled back.  I still hadn’t spoken a single word out loud.  Clearly, this was my Psalm 84 moment.  I soon realized that we must be near God’s Courts and in His Presence as I continued to not speak.  Even so, I could tell that the angel knew my thoughts.

As we continued to walk, I could see a massive building with open courts ahead.  I could see the foundations set in cut faceted jeweled stones.  The presence of this building was something that left me awestruck.  My knees became weak and my spirit faint.  I had the fear of the Lord overcome me.  This was God’s Court.

Angel:  “You are not here because God is about to judge you.  Erin, you are His.  You are wearing His garments of salvation.  Do not be afraid.”  I was gripping the angel’s hand quite tightly at this point.  “Erin, He has something to show you.”

He gently squeezed my hand and we were in a massive room.  It was something I had never seen before and this room, really a stadium of sorts, could easily seat thousands.  There were so many angels surrounding the parameter.  I could tell that these were orders of angels.

The floor of the room was a living stone of sapphire, the sapphire blue sea.  I was now up on a balcony-type area.  I then saw angels gather over the entire area.  I could not see them in the front of the room.  I then heard a massive choir of angels singing.  They sang in complete unison and it was breathtaking…

Angels:  “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”

All the angels bowed before the Throne.  I then heard the voice of God tell them to rise.

God:  “Rise!  The hour is late!  Assemble the horses, My Army and saints!”

I then heard a Great Voice bellow out in an overwhelming tone of power.  It echoed loudly and with force throughout the entire room (really a small stadium).

Great Voice:  “Fear God and give Him Glory!  The hour of judgment has come!  Worship Him who made the Heavens, the Earth, the seas and the springs of water!”

The resounding tone of this Great Voice soon had my heart pounding in excitement.  The angels continued to bow before God.

Great Voice:  “Heaven will be visible throughout the Earth and the light of God’s Glory will shine throughout the darkness and the darkness shall be no more!  Rise!”

The angels rose up and they all cheered together.  The angel again squeezed my hand (always gently) and we were back to the landing from the start.

Angel:  “Do not be afraid of all you see as these things were foretold by the prophets.  The defeated gods of old have risen up so man would turn from God and be consumed in fire.  They even sacrifice their own children to gods whose sole purpose on Earth is to defile man so they are so far removed from God that He says ‘depart from Me’ to them.

“This Mountain of God’s Presence is where God prepares His Armies.  This is also where the enemy longs to be.  However, he is banished, along with his army who fell.  So, he continues his blasphemies as God continues on His way so He is glorified and revered throughout the nations.

“Now, God brought you here to show you that He is very much in control over all you see.  With great speed, wicked and vile practices are now coming into full view of all who see.  You have become weary and tired and your hope is waning.  However, do not be afraid and do not grow weary in doing good.  Keep looking up as there is the Glory of God over you.  Nothing shall be impossible for you.  God will provide for you.

“Now, knowing the times are near, the enemy will create great fear and no man shall work (John 9:4) and no man shall go to church.  Do not be afraid as God is with you.  He will cover you with His Glory and evil will be far from you and your house.

“Now, this Mountain is Holy.  From here, you will be equipped with Provision and Divine Gifts that can only come from God.  The Lord God is with you.  Rejoice, Erin, for you are Beloved of the King!”

Sub-Dream 1 over…

It was now 9:00am and I had slept in.  I went to my journal to write all that I had just experienced.  This experience was truly different than any of my experiences in the past dreams up to now.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Do not be afraid.  Do not grow tired or weary in doing good.  The world is now filled with thieves sent to rob, kill and destroy.  However, I am building an army of restorers who will reveal hidden things, return what was lost, heal the broken and form from the ashes things of beautify, all for My Glory.  This generation is now lost and downcast.

“There is very little hope for them as the enemy continues to dismantle what was built.  I promise you that I have a great plan as the storms approach, the fires burn and the earth shakes.  Do not fear as I am with you.  Remember that the dead will rise and witness against the evil.  Those who were blind will see, the deaf will hear and the mute will speak, both the young and the old.”

Me:  “Lord, is another pandemic coming?”

Jesus:  “Erin, it is here now and spreading.  It is meant to destroy people and all that is God’s.  However, you are not to worry as great is the Army of God.  The angels you saw are only the captains of vast armies of angels.”

Me:  “So those angels in Your Courts were heads of their divisions?  Whoa, there were thousands and thousands of these angels.”

Jesus:  “Yes, so be encouraged.  I will provide all you need in all things.”

Me:  “Thank You, Lord.  Thank You for today.  I needed this so much.  I know that the Nest did too.  I love You.”

Jesus:  “I love you too.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-724/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-722/

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