Dream 724 – God sees all the evil done in darkness

Received on Thursday, August 31, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for dreams and visions.  These are a special gift from You and a Priceless Treasure to me.  The last dream, Dream 723, was a great gift to me.  It gave me a new joy and my anxiety faded.  Thank You, Father.  Still, the enemy again ramped up against me individually just yesterday.

During a rainstorm at a parking lot in front of our grocery store, I hurried to get the groceries in the back of the car.  I then reached down to grab my purse and take the cart to the return when wind or something caused the back hatch to come down on the back of my cervical spine.  This then saddened me greatly as I had been feeling so much better physically lately.

I didn’t truly realize the severity of that impact until today.  I then tried to stay busy and keep my muscles limber just in case.  This blow undid so much.  My left side is now in great pain.  I then felt called to read Psalm 30.  In this chapter, David was being personally hammered.  He then cried out to You in Psalm 30:8-10.  Using this, I will plead my case to You, along with the cases of so many of those here on our Nest…

To You, Father, I cry and I plead for mercy.  What good is my death to You?  If I go down to the pit, will my dust praise You?  Will it tell of Your faithfulness?  Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me.  O Lord, be my Helper!

It then appears in the very next verses, Psalm 30:11-12, that David then had his prayers for help answered seemingly immediately.  Either this or he rejoiced no matter what You decided.  Father, I would like to believe You helped him.  This sounds like a miracle to me.  Using this, I will praise You in advance for what You are about to do for us…

You have turned my mourning into dancing:  You have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing Your praise and not be silent.  O Lord, my God, I will give thanks to You forever!

While it has been a while since I have prayed for my own physical healing, I now need Your Divine Assistance.  You know the pain I am in.  Oh Father, You also know how much I love You.  Please have mercy on me and be my Healer.  Yesterday, we were attacked in every enemy pattern again.

After every good and perfect thing from You (like, say, Dream 723), why does trouble then come right after?  I guess this is a good gauge for doing Your Will.  Please hold me close.  Please hold our family, our Nest friends and their families and our homes.  Please send angel armies to help us.  Oh Lord, it even hurts to bow my head to pray.

Jesus:  “Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you in this storm.”

Me:  “Lord, I had been feeling so good lately.  I had even been joyful.  However, this pain has now overcome me once again because the enemy was allowed to have his attack against me succeed.  I was so distracted last night that, while taking my Tylenol, I ended up accidentally taking a double dosage.  Oh Lord, I am so sorry for anything that I may have done!”

Jesus:  “Hold on.  I am right here.  I will heal your neck.  It will feel better as the day passes.  You are here with Me right now and all will be well.  Do not worry as I am here.  In anger, the enemy sought your very life.  Because I had shown you the meeting of angels (in the last dream, Dream 723), the enemy and his elect now know that the times of the Glory of God are soon to come.”

Me:  “Lord, can I selfishly ask for 24 hours to go by without some sort of attack?”

Jesus:  “Erin, I am with you.  Was I not also attacked daily in some form?  These are common for those whose hearts are fixed on the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.”

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord.  You know better than I do in all things.  We are struggling here.  There is very little relief.  For now, my older son is staying here.  Ever since he has been away from his place of employment, he has completely changed back to what we have always enjoyed in him.  Thank You for this!”

Jesus:  “It is easy for the enemy to attack the weak and weaponize their weaknesses against the strong.  You also see this in war.  This is not uncommon.  Remember where the rabble chose to walk with the Israelites in the desert.  They planted seeds of doubt and discouragement there and it spread quickly.

“The rabble then constantly complained and were able to convince the weaker of God’s people that God and His miracles were not enough.  They then convinced the weaker amongst them to vocally complain.  The rabble were responsible for much of their troubles.  The same is true with your son.  He is now far removed from those whose true cause is hate.”

Me:  “Lord, my back now feels better.”

Jesus:  “This is good.  Now, there is a great army of angels that will bring you strength and provision for the days to come.  The enemy has very little time until he is restrained.”

Me:  “Lord, time is such a mystery to me.  I had a dream last night of two spiders…

Sub-Dream 1 “A spider killing another spider” begins…

I saw a weakened daddy longlegs spider being devoured by a smaller, faster, deadly spider.  It specifically devoured its two lower left legs first.  It then bound the entire spider in a tight web so that it would suffer a slow death.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

Jesus:  “The one spider is old.  He is an old opportunist that prays on decaying things.  It looks scary at first until you realize it doesn’t even spin a web.”

Me:  “We played with these when I was little.  There was a tale that if you pulled on its leg, it would point to the cows.  It pointed with the upper legs.  It was probably scared.”

Jesus:  “It is best to not pull on the legs of any creature now or in the future.  In your dream, a faster young spider then paralyzed the old spider and spun a web around it.”

Me:  “Is this our current President?”

Jesus:  “This is a good guess.  Wait and see what comes and with whom.  There are several old leaders who are becoming infirm.  As for those that I have appointed, they remain strong.”

Me:  “But, Lord, it is You who appoints all leaders.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  I am over all things.  However, the leaders there now are diminishing to expose the one who spins webs in darkness.  Since I have not blessed them, they are subject to great confusion.  They fall asleep when called to.  My judgment is coming and I’m preparing the fields, understand?”

Me:  “Yes, Lord.”

Jesus:  “Above the spiders, all of them, the deceivers who spin webs trapping the innocent and the weak in lies… well, there is something greater over them all as I see.  I am the Light of the world and all who operate in darkness will be exposed.  Darkness now operates in full view for all to see.

“Now, when I say darkness, I speak not just of nighttime.  I speak of hidden and secretive things.  One former ruler has never stopped ruling and one ruler who is still the rightful ruler is subdued.  The one there now is a shadow of the enemy, a reflection of the decline of My favor against the once great nation.”

Me:  “Lord, please stop this.  Please don’t allow the enemy any more success.  Please!”

Jesus:  “Do not worry as I see.  God sees.  The stench has reached God’s Mountain and a warrant has been given in God’s Courts.  The angels will serve the order.  You have seen these.  They are the Mighty Army of God.  While there will be some rabbling and anger, do not fear.  I am with you and no harm will come to you.  I gave you the former dream (Dream 723) so you would have comfort and joy.  Do not worry as I am with you.  Do not be afraid.  My gifts are coming!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-725/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-723/

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