Dream 726 – God’s Wrath is soon to come

Received on Monday, September 4, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day here!  Thank You all we have… our families, our friends and, most of all, You.  Without You, we are truly captives of this world.  I had quite a dream last night…

Sub-Dream 1 “God’s Wrath is soon to come” begins…

We lived in a raised-up valley that gradually dipped into a body of water.  I was looking over a meadow even though it could have been even closer to being a lowland.  There was a home on this wet meadow.  To the left and to the right of us were two mountains with beautiful trees.  Where we lived, people liked to visit.  However, there were very few permanent residents.

I then received a knock on our door.  There was a server / barrister at the door.  He was holding papers and a key.

Barrister:  “Are you Erin _____?”

Me:  “Yes, I am.”

Barrister:   “The home in the meadow before you is now yours.  Please sign here that you acknowledge my service and you accept the home, the property and its contents.”

Me:  “What?  Why would anyone just give this to me?”

Barrister:  “Here is the title, the deed and some more information.  The value of the assessed property is almost $1 million.  The owners want you to have it.”

Me:  “I don’t understand?”

Barrister:  “Here are the keys, as well as the codes to the security system.  There is also a key to a safety deposit box that contains other valuable documents and letters, as well as a few other items.”

Me:  “Where did the owners go?”

Barrister:  “While they own several properties, this one was special to them as God was there with them.”

Me:  “Are they still alive?”

Barrister:  “Yes.  However, they want to remain anonymous.  Congratulations, Miss Erin!”

I was now in complete shock.  I phoned the county title office stated on the paperwork.  Sure enough, only my name was now on the Transfer of Title.  I was surprised that all had been verified.  With this, I decided to walk down the gravel road to the meadow house.  It was lovely.  It was all white with a beautiful porch.  I walked up to the door and unlocked it.  As the alarm was set, I entered the security code.

I then looked around and was in complete shock.  I expected a rundown house with bad 70s furniture, complete with cobwebs.  Instead, it was decorated like it could be in a design magazine.  It was better than I ever imagined this house would look like.  It had always been behind some trees, so I never paid much attention to it.

As I walked around, I noticed that the house had now been lifted up onto a more solid foundation.  It was no longer in a wet meadow / wetlands area.  I walked out to the back porch.  There was a wonderful chair with cushions.  It did not look like an outdoor chair.  There was a card there…

Sit down here, Erin!

I laughed to myself.  I sat in the chair and thanked God for such a gift.  I could now see more clearly.  The water contained a large rock that looked familiar.  Why had I not seen any of this from our home before?  In fall, the entire view was different.  I suddenly smelled the pines of Lake Tahoe.  Was this on Lake Tahoe?

I got up and walked to the end of the deck / porch.  I then peeked behind the house at our home and it was there.  I am not sure how I didn’t see this property before.  I couldn’t wait to show Jeff and our kids this place.

I walked back and sat in the cushioned chair.  It was the perfect temperature outside.  The fragrant pine smell and the warmth of the sun brought me peace.  I must have fallen asleep as I then found myself awakened by an angel of the Lord.

Angel:  Smiling at me.  “Erin, God has something to show you.  Come!”

Me:  “Where is Uriel?”

Angel:  “He is in the presence of the Lord God at His Altar.  I am also an angel of God’s Presence.  However, my name doesn’t matter.”

He reached for my hand and we were immediately up on God’s Mountain / the Mountain of God’s Presence.  We were in the Courtyards of His Courts.  There was so much activity.  Multitudes of angels were training and receiving assignments.  I saw one army that was named something that I didn’t understand.

Me:  “Who are they?”

Angel:  “This army of God are the angels of the storms.  Over here are the angels of the seas.  And these over here are the angels of the skies.  These all work together.  Over here are the angels of the shaking.  They shake the lands, the nations.  These are God’s Great Army of humbling and humility over all things.  Their assignment is to turn man to God and not to turn man to man.”

Me:  “When will this all be?”

Angel:  “It is ongoing.  These armies work constantly under God’s command.  The enemy’s armies have weaponized man against God’s Laws.  He does this so man looks, not to God in humility, but to the children of God to lay blame.  This is an intense war as man is weaponized against God.  Instead of offering up allegiance to God’s Altar of Holiness, he offers up allegiance to the enemy’s decrepit altars.  However, you must know and understand that the same wrath that was sent by warrant to Nineveh is soon to come to this wicked generation.”

Me:  “Oh angel, is there anything that can be done?”  I was then called to read a section of Nahum that speaks about God’s wrath against Nineveh.  “Oh wow, these armies are preparing together to send great calamities soon.”

Angel:  “You are correct.  However, there is even more to this.  Come!”

He took me to the overlook where I could see the heavenlies.  Once there, I could see an army of angels who had charge over the stars, the sun and the moon.  I could see them working on various alignments that I did not understand.

Me:  “What is this?”

Angel:  “THE DAY!  Erin, the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord is about to come.  This will be a day of darkness and despair.”

Me:  “Please stop this!”

Angel:  “This has to happen in order to fulfill the Words of the Prophets.  It is because of the increase in evil that has spread.  This evil now even surpasses Sodom and Gomorrah.  While that was a vile time, it is nothing like these current times.  Evil practices of altar sacrifices and children being tortured are not of God.  Now see this…”

He showed me a massive festival.  It looked like a city from up here.  I chuckled as it almost seemed like a map of the Death Star from Star Wars.  It was in the desert.

Me:  “Is this ‘Burning Man’?”

Angel:  “God has no part in this.  It is a mockery by the fallen angels to God and His Army.  By these fallen angels manipulating man to sin without repentance, they know that man will then burn in the same fire as they will.  God sent His Army to bring torrential rain and mud to the desert as a sign against the evil spirits that God is God over all things and that He is Holy.  This thwarted their ceremonies and their unholy alliances and worship.  These same evil spirits are now confining and tormenting these mud dwellers and the stench if excrement is now over the area.”

Me:  “All of this seems like such a weird movement.”

Angel:  “Well, God sent streams in the desert and, instead of looking at themselves and humbling themselves, they sent curses to God with their lips.  However, this is just one warrant given by God.  Many more are coming upon the lands.”

Me:  “Is there anything that those who love the Lord God can do?  Many of us are becoming so discouraged.”

Angel:  “Erin, you have been shown just a small portion of God’s wrath soon to come.  This war is ongoing.  This is the time of the Days of Awe.  Be careful to observe His Feasts… this time more than any other.

“Now rejoice.  God is good and He has great love for His children.  Take these days and be obedient to His Voice.  Repent and do good and God will reward you the likes of which you haven’t even conceived in your imagination.  He is over all things.  Rejoice!

“Oh yes… He hasn’t even revealed all that He has planned for His saints.  The sons of Jacob were only a foreshadow of what is soon to come.”

The angel squeezed my hand.  I then woke up in the new chair at the house that I didn’t know existed.

Sub-Dream 1 over…

This was quite a vivid dream!  Thank You, Father, for all of this!

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-727/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-725/

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