Dream 753 – 12 Judges, 12 Courtrooms, 12 Dockets

Received on Saturday, November 25, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all that You do.  I am so thankful for each and every day that I am alive.  Still, there are days that, at the end, I wonder why I am alive and for what purpose.  I then lay my head down and dream at night and, in the morning, I wake up and understand why I am still here.

Lord, tomorrow is the busiest travel day of the year for the USA.  This is the case with every Sunday right after Thanksgiving Thursday.  Please oversee this day as only You can and are able.

My dreams last night were odd…

Sub-dream 1 “12 Judges, 12 Courtrooms, 12 Dockets” begins…

I was called to a courthouse with twelve judges.  I was supposed to report to the public using SnapChat.  I soon arrived at the courthouse steps.  It felt familiar.

Note 1:  I don’t even use SnapChat as I believe this particular app is a tool of the enemy.  As for the courthouse, I recognized this place from when I was a child growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area.  It was either the City Hall or the Civic Center, but I don’t remember which one.

Note 2:  The original as posted used the word SnapHat.  However, SnapHat should have read Shaphat.  This was meant to be corrected but was overlooked as it looks so similar.  Shaphat’s meaning is that of Judge.  Shaphat is also the name of the father of Elisha.  In the Strong’s Hebrew, it is to judge and govern.

As I stood looking at my phone to see which courtroom I was proceeding to, a popup showed up on my phone.  SnapChat had suddenly become Shaphat.  I looked at the Shaphat app again and walked down the stairs.  As I went down the stairs, Shaphat became SnapChat again.  I then heard the clock in the townhall chime 11:45am.

I knew that court started at high noon.  I knew that time was running out, so I ran back up to the lobby.  I was now inside trying to find the court dockets or schedule for this important day.  I was able to find a security officer after searching for one.  I was hoping that he may be able to help me.

Me:  “Could you please tell me where I am to attend the courtroom hearing?”

Security:  “Are you with the media?”

Me:  “Yes.”

Security:  “Take your pick.  There are twelve judges… six major courts and six minor courts.  What is your venue for reporting?”

Me:  “I am to use the horrible SnapChat.”  We both laughed.

Security:  “Ah, you must therefore be in Judge Elon’s court.  This is a minor court.”

Note:  Here is something amusing I recently found in the Bible… Judges 12:11:  “After him, Elon the Zebulunite judged Israel, and he judged Israel ten years.”  Still have a smile about this.  Yes, God truly has the best humor!

Me:  “Elon… as in Elon Musk?”

Security:  “Well, he has been appointed by God to go to war against the others.”

Me:  “Oh, against big tech such as SnapChat, AI and Facebook?”

Security:  “Well, yes.”

Me:  Looking down at my phone again.  “Do you know why my App keeps changing to Shaphat instead of SnapChat?”

Security:  “Oh, that is the verdict.  The verdict is in.  It will be on the others too.”

Sure enough, both Facebook and Instagram were calling themselves Shaphat.

Me:  “What does Shaphat even mean?”

Security:  Laughing.  “What?  And you call yourself a reporter?  The verdict is in and pending by the Judge.  These represent twisted speech, including concealed lies and deception.  God’s judgment is in.  The Judge is the defender of truth and they fight with the sword of truth.”

Me:  “So, what is in the other courtrooms?”

Security:  “The other judges.  These are appointed by God also to stand for truth until the Lord comes to render His Sentence.”

I started walking past a few of the courtrooms and read their dockets.  The even numbered courtrooms were on the opposite side of the hallway as the odd numbered courtrooms.  The security officer was walking with me.

  • Courtroom 1 Docket: False religions and unclean churches.
  • Courtroom 2 Docket: Gender perversion and children.
  • Courtroom 3 Docket: Corrupt judges and attorneys.
  • Courtroom 4 Docket: Land and property theft – banks, appraisers and surveyors on trial.

Me:  “What are all of these?”

Security:  “Twelve judges appointed by God to defend the righteous ones of the Lord and to render judgment against evil in court.  Now, let’s go in.”

He walked with me into the courtroom.  I was in shock because there was no roof or ceiling over this courtroom.

Me:  Pointing to the roof.  “Why is there no roof?”

Security:  “So all of Heaven can see the proceedings.”

While I then saw several drones over the area, all of them soon fell from the sky and broke.  One fell right in front of me.  This startled me out of my sleep.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “Evil Leaders Sleeping with the Enemy” begins…

I saw a massive area of mattresses.  There were no tents over them.  They were exposed to the outside elements.  There was a horrible creature in each bed.  Each bed had a different creature.  I then saw many government and business leaders lay down next to these creatures on their mattresses.

Some were unaware they were even lying next to such evil.  Others knew the creatures were there and they were fornicating with them without any fear of being seen.  It was disgusting.  From my perspective, it looked like hell.  I woke up and could not go back to sleep.

Sub-dream 2 over…

Father, these dreams are complex.  I feel like it is possible that I am leaving out some details that might be pertinent.  I love You.  I have been depressed lately.  There are still so many beautiful things that You have created.  There are still so many and all are good and perfect.  Still, things are being destroyed at a rapid rate.  Father, things are now becoming so dark and sad.

There is also news of a coming pandemic that is far worse than Covid-19.  It is attacking children.  This seems to be timed for the next presidential election.  They are following the very same pattern as they did for the last presidential election.  There is even a mysterious illness that is striking dogs.  Since many of us have crawled back from great losses, this is greatly feared.

I spoke with one woman who was unable to arrange a funeral for her husband.  There are so many stories like this that happened during Covid.  What a crime.  My older son’s friend died in a work accident and, because it was during Covid, no closure occurred.  There was no ability to honor those who lost their lives.  It was horrible to have no ability to say goodbye.  Father, this life is painful.

Me:  “Oh Lord, it is so difficult to watch evil succeed.  Please stop this.  Please strengthen all of us for what is coming.  With what has happened in Israel, we know what the enemy has planned for the rest of us.”

Jesus:  “`Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  I know this is a difficult time to be a watcher on My wall.  You see what is coming because I granted you wisdom on this wall of Mine.  You see much but not all that is coming.”

Me:  “Lord, this world will be in shock at all that is coming.”

Jesus:  “Well, they shouldn’t be.  Evil advances quickly when it is being pursued by something more powerful than they are and that is Me and My Kingdom.  Now, I know My people want specifics of what will come next.  They also want to know when this or that will be.  However, I remain quiet.  Well, Erin, this is good… that is, until I am no longer quiet, understand?”

Me:  “Lord, I keep having dreams that I am an intruder in the house of someone I know.  When I am discovered, I am horribly embarrassed.”

Jesus:  “Those particular dreams are personal fear dreams sent by the enemy to disarm you and make you feel out of My leading.  Now, would you ever do this in your waking hours?  Do you plot about your neighbor?”

Me:  “No, of course not.  I would never do that.”

Jesus:  “The enemy tries to disqualify you.  However, I qualify you.  Erin, I equip those I qualify.  The enemy has been attacking you.  However, all of these attacks will come to nothing.  Do not forget this.

“Now, the dream of leaders and their beds.  They lie in these beds right in the open.  No one is shocked by it anymore.  Nothing is done to stop their open fornication.  They even fornicate in the public square.  Wait until they actually see what they have done.  Erin, remember that, when someone lies down with unclean spirits, permission is then granted for many more to come and join in (Matthew 12:43-45).

“Now, the dream of Judges.  I will remind you again that there is something in a name.  It was the same in the beginning and so too is it today.”

Me:  “Lord, are You doing the same thing today?  Are these the Judges over the Tribes of Israel?”

Jesus:  “Well, I am over them.  However, I send out the spirits of these former Judges with My angel armies to test and defend.  They carry swords as a measure.  The tongue is a sword.  See, I am over all you see.   I am truth.  Evidence is collected and presented in My Courts.  These cases can then be argued and verdicts rendered.  However, since I see all things, these cases need not be defended.

“Instead, judgment by Me has been given based on visible evidence by My own eyes.  Just know that the courts of public thoughts, opinions and lying words have no place in My Courts.  I have appointed rulers to judge with fair measures.  I will vindicate them.  However, for the evil ones who present false witness testimony and swear by it, I see this.  I know where their seats are and who sits in them, understand?  Now rejoice, Erin, as I am in charge.

“Now, I want you to have peace.  If I have given you words, then write these.  If I have had you repeat words, then there is a reason.  If I have you declare a thing, then declare it.  Do not be afraid in doing good as I am with you.  I love you, Erin, because you remember Me.  While I know these times have been difficult, I am with you.  You will soon truly understand who I am in even greater measure than you currently know Me.  You will receive all that I have promised you… Erin, I promise!”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-754/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-752/

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