Dream 754 – Twelve Angels, Twelve Opposing Demons

Received on Monday, November 27, 2023


Dear Father,

Thank You for another day!  Thank You for all those You have sent around me and our house.  Thank You for my children, our pets and my husband.  While we are not perfect people, we are perfectly imperfect for Your purposes.  My dreams last night were amazing as per usual. 

I was struggling with pain and breathing yesterday.  It feels like the insides of my body are at war with something. Lord, something is not right here.  It was either the plague released against the world, the vaccine or both.  Either way, a great war has been waged against the people of the Earth by hidden enemies. 

Father, please protect us.  When I was forced to take the vaccine, You said, ‘Do not worry.  I am with you in this.  What is done to you is also done to Me.  Since I am here, nothing foreign that comes against you will prosper.’  So, Father, I cling to this and I am grateful.

Now, my two dreams…

Sub-dream 1 “Reversing the Market Terrorism” begins…

I seemed young again.  I was attending a festive celebration nearing the winter season.  There was music, art vendors and beautiful lights everywhere.  Shots then suddenly rang out.  Shortly after, vehicles started ramming through the crowds.  They were running over women, children and the elderly.  Something hit me and I fell to the ground.

The next thing I heard was the choir of heavenly angels.  Right there in front of me was an angel of the Lord.  It looked like Breakthrough and he did not speak.  He put his hand out to prevent me from entering.  He then held up one finger and I knew to wait.

His two hands were then cupped in front of him.  Water suddenly came from above him into his hands.  The water poured out until overflowing.  I began to walk toward him and he nodded ‘no’.  I then just sat there.  As I did, the water poured out over me.  Even though I had been wounded in the chaos, I did not feel any pain.  I saw five large bubbles of light.  They had an appearance like mercury glass.

Me:  “Lord, are You there?  Where are You?”

The bubbles grew very large.  One of the bubbles then came over me as if I were inside a private room.  There was a door inside this bubble.  The light was so bright.

Me:  “Is that You, Lord?  Am I dead?”

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.”

The bubble was then gone.  I was back in this open market celebration.  However, my wounds had now disappeared.

Jesus:  “My voice is in you.  Now get up.  Get up!  We have work to do!”

Just as I got up off the ground, I had a ringing in my ears.  There was complete chaos as several shooters were gunning down innocent people.

Jesus:  “Walk up to the gunmen.”

I did exactly as He instructed.  While they promptly opened fire on me, the bullets from their automatic weapons simply dissolved.  They were freaked out.

Jesus:  “Erin, dissolve their weapons.  Melt them and the molten metal will fall upon them.”

This felt so real.  I did exactly what Jesus told me.  The horror in their eyes was unforgettable.

Jesus:  “These are enemies.  Do not mourn for them.  Now, speak this, the words I give you, and do not delay.”

They were crying out in horrible pain and fear.  The Lord welled up in me with His words.

Me:  Speaking to these evil enemies.  “For what you have done, for what evil you have plotted, know this… God sees your works and your place is in the everlasting fires of judgment of the Lord God, Yeshua, the God of Jacob.”

Jesus:  Speaking to me:  “Now, turn your back to them.  We will now raise up the dead and heal the injured.”

Me:  “Oh Lord, that was fun.”

Jesus:  “Do not rejoice when the wicked are condemned.  Focus instead on those who will be changed because of this.  Let us restore the joy here.”

As I walked by the dead and the injured, Jesus spoke through me.

Me:  “Get up!  Rise up!  You are healed.”

All the wounds disappeared.  The blood on their clothing was removed.  Any illnesses they had prior to this day were completely healed.  Those who were in terror and screaming now cried out in rejoicing.  It was so fun.  I then looked back at the terrorists.  They were in agony watching all of the kills they accomplished be reversed to new life.

When everything was healed and restored at the market, the evil men and their vehicles were completely dissolved.  They were no more.  Only the place they stood with their footprints in molten gun metal was evidence of their existence.  Each footprint outlined along with the words ‘Enemies of God’, along with the date of their destruction.  When I tried to make the dates out, the Lord blurred them.

Jesus:  “Now, on to the next adventure.  Ready?”

Me:  “That was fun!”

I woke up suddenly to what sounded like something hitting our internet tower outside.  When I looked out, everything appeared normal.  I fell back to sleep.

Sub-dream 1 over…

Sub-dream 2 “Twelve Angels, Twelve Opposing Demons” begins…

I saw a massive wheatfield with broken shafts from an early freeze.  Since the wheat had not been harvested prior to the cold snap, the wheat was not harvestable.  When I then looked down the hill to another field, all the wheat had been perfectly harvested and the ground ready for the now harsh conditions.  In the distant horizon, I saw mountains as far as my eyes could see surrounding these fields.

The mountains were snowy.  I then saw the sky turn pink as dawn approached.  In front of me was a path through the frozen wheat field.  As I walked, I heard a whistle behind me.  I looked and there were twelve angels of God on one side of the path.  On the other side of the path were twelve demonic entities.  I heard a whistle again and I saw that it was coming from Breakthrough.  I then saw a ladder in the field descend.

A Loud Voice:  “Hurry!  Run!”

Behind me were these evil demonic angels coming at me.  Breakthrough was waiting for me and helped me climb.  He motioned for me to close my eyes.  Just then, an arm came down from above and brought me up.  My heart was pounding.  It was the Lord.  He was smiling at me and my heart melted.

Me:  “Lord, it is You!  That was scary.”

Jesus:  “I know.  Now, I have some things to discuss with you.  You have questions that I can answer.”

Me:  “So many.”

Jesus:  Laughing.  “Yes, I know.  However, there are a few in particular.  Now, what did you just see?”

Me:  “A frozen field of wheat destroyed and not harvestable.  Mountains with snow.  Twelve angels of Your army from Heaven and twelve who were evil.  Breakthrough then showed me the ladder to You.  So, here I am.  However, the twelve evil demons wanted to kill me.”

Jesus:  “Yes.  They have gone to war against God, His Kingdom and you.”

Me:  “Me?  Who am I?”

Jesus:  “Come with Me.  Let us walk.”

He took my hand and we walked down a beautiful tree lined path of white aspen trees with silver and green leaves.  The ground was like carpet.  It was green moss.  It was beautiful.  The Lord spoke to me as we walked.

Jesus:  “You are one of My remnant.  You have been redeemed and reserved for My purposes.  I want you to understand that, for every good and lovely thing of God, there is an opposite of this.  Now, you saw twelve head angels who are over the Tribes of Israel from the sons of Jacob.  Now, there were changes made, but you saw twelve.”

Me:  “Changes?”

Jesus:  “Well, enhancements from Heaven.  Now, with every angel over the Tribes comes an opposing enemy.  Their sole role is to destroy the Kingdom of Righteousness on Earth… God’s chosen people.  These evil fallen angels have sent out their armies to destroy all of Israel, all who are chosen of God, His Remnant, and to defile the Earth.  They are an army set against all that is good.

“Now, just as there are lead angels of God over each Tribe of Israel, there are twelve who are the opposite.  They are led by another chief of the fallen.  Their time is running out as they know that My army is greater than their army.  Well, they don’t even know a fraction of all that will come against them.  However, My reason for bringing you up here is this…”

He stopped to look at me.  He had purpose in His eyes.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am not a figment of your imagination.  I am with you.  My voice is in you.  When I show you specific things, write these plainly.  These are important.  While it is okay to question what you do not know, don’t question God, understand?

The alarm rang out and woke me up.

Sub-dream 2 over…

I got up after I couldn’t fall back to sleep.  I went to my chair and prayed.

Me:  “Father, You didn’t finish.”

Jesus:  “`Erin, come up!”

He once again spoke to me while I sat in my devotional chair.  His Voice was very clear.

Jesus:  “Erin, I am here and I am with you.  Now, shall we continue?”

Me:  “Wow, can we?  That was awesome!”

Jesus:  “Yes, but first… what is going on with you right now?”

Me:  “Lord, I have been sad.  My breathing is poor.  I have been so sad (sigh).  Things wear out and I don’t want to replace them.  I have been waiting for miracles and stalling.  It is difficult to trust workers to come to the house.  People are not as honest.  I am seeing what is happening in Israel and my stomach is sick.  I have been shown what is coming to us here and… well, I am sad over all of it.  I didn’t embrace the great moments before they were gone forever.”

Jesus:  “Things were not very great for you, Erin.  These moments you cling to aren’t life preservers or floats in difficult seas.  Only I can save.  I promise you that I have a great place prepared for those who love Me.  Remember, you are a citizen of Heaven, not hell.  You are an alien on Earth.  All of this is temporary.  All of it.  You are seeing the fall of the world as you have known it.”

Me:  “The lies and horrible news is very difficult to hear continually.  I thought something wonderful would come at Thanksgiving, but it didn’t.”

Jesus:  “This was an enemy plan.  They like to strike on significant dates that are important to God or that send fear into the hearts of many.”

Me:  “You don’t give me calendar dates.  When You have, these have been incredible.”

Jesus:  “Erin, in a war, going into a great battle, the head or commander doesn’t give away certain details so as not to alert the enemy.  For instance, the two sides don’t go out into the battlefield and say to each other, ‘Okay, who is going to fire the first shot?  What are the weapons you will be using against us and how do we prepare for this battle?  How many do you plan to kill?  When will this attack against us commence exactly?  Where will the attacks come from?”

Me:  Laughing.  “That would be both funny and stupid!”

Jesus:  “Look at what the enemy has done to the people of Israel.  Their enemies are great deceivers.  Their intentions are to have mass graphic casualties, with their goal being the extermination of the Jewish people.  This will not go well for them from my vantage point.  They are going after all who are standing for Israel and God.  They will not win this.

“Now, you worry about things I have shown you because you are not at your best physically.  You worry that I am going to pull My favor and leave you.”

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord, it is just that… well… my dreams are often of tribulation and I am alone going from place to place.  I see all of the suffering…”

Jesus:  “Yes.  However, you are observing, not suffering.  You are there for a reason.  It is the last of the harvest.  Remember that the sweetest wine is at the end of the harvest.  The late grape thrives into winter under harsh conditions, then it is harvested suddenly and all at once so none will be lost.”

Me:  “Yes, Lord, but it is sad.”

Jesus:  “Why?  They come through it, Erin!  They find a way and you and many others will assist them as witnesses.”

Me:  “Lord, are we part of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?”

Jesus:  “I am the Good Shepherd.  I go after My lost sheep.  No matter where they are, I find them.  They are Mine and this is written.  Just as I have power over life and death and I came to set those who were captives free, I also am the Groom who comes for His Bride.  As God is in covenant with His people who were adulterous and they were cast out and the world said, ‘Lost forever!’

“Well, remember this… I know where all that is lost can be found.  The Ten Tribes are like the Ten Virgins as well.  Some of the attendants to the Bride are loyal and keep their promises and their lanterns are lit at all hours to assist the Bride to watch for her Groom.  I promise you, although these are attendants and not a Bride, they are still part of her party and will attend the Wedding Feast.

“However, the Five Virgins who were foolish and lazy were not believing the Groom was coming at the Appointed Time.  They became bored with the wait and decided not to watch and assist the Bride and be part of the Bridal Party and Ceremony.  They therefore are not allowed to attend.  While these are those who knew the Bride and the Groom, they loved their own pursuits more.  They were then lost to the Wedding Party.

“The Lost Ten Tribes are the same.  However, I have a covenant with them that cannot be broken.   I am the Good Shepherd.  I pursue My lost sheep until they are found by Me.  Now, you see these twelve evil chiefs.  They know about the things of Heaven and of God.  They seek out and hunt down the 99 sheep while the Shepherd is chasing the one.

“However, they don’t know that there are thousands on hand disguised as sheep that will chase them down.  See Me here… when you see Me, I am not worried.  However, I am angry at the celebrations of the evil and the rapid increase of the wicked.  Still, I am here with you.  Now, Erin, what do you witness?”

Me:  “You are in control and confident, as if You already won.  You see the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end.  Because You are omnipresent, You are in all places 24/7.  They must really hate You for that.  That was genius.  However, more than this, Lord… when I am with You, You have joy, peace and strength because You have already won.”

Jesus:  “Erin, you are Mine.  I made a covenant with you.  I will not leave you.  You are My Bride and You were one of My sheep who was lost.  However, I pursued you and saved you from devourers… you and your children.  My promise had no conditions because you recognize Me as your Savior and Shepherd.  You have cast away the love of the world to serve Me.  However, even more than this, we are as one.  The moment you ask Me, I answer… at least when you remember that I am there.”

Me:  “I am sorry, Lord.  I have not been wanting to bother You over small things.  Even so, I need Your help right now.  My little dogs are both sick.  Zoey because she is near the end of her lifespan and she doesn’t move like she used to and gets sick sometimes with blood.  Snigglet today was behaving odd and was sick.  I took her to the vet and she is joining me with pancreas issues but hers is full blown.  Please help us.  The timing is horrible for us in so many ways.” 

Jesus:  “Yes, I know.  However, I do not want you to worry.  Your worrying does nothing but make you ill.  Give your dogs to Me.”

Me:  “I know they are better with You than they are with me anyway, whether here or in Heaven.  The pain of this place here just continues.  There is a cost for everything we do here and the enemy loves when Your people are discouraged.”

Jesus:  “Well, as you know, things here are uncomfortable for all of the children of God because the enemy knows that I am coming for him.  Erin, I just don’t leave the 99 to chase the one lost sheep.  I remove the enemy involved in the process.  So, understand that, this time, I come as a King and Bridegroom and vengeance is Mine.  This should bring you comfort to know that I am with you.

“Now, do not worry as I will care for all your needs.  Now, the angel Michael is over Israel with a vast army.  The enemy is luring Israel into a great deception.  Any nation who participates in this deception and promotes Israel as guilty of anything other than wanting to avenge these crimes and remove the criminals will be guilty by My hand.

“Any leader who participates in this injustice against Israel will meet their demise and this will be swift.  Those who live by the sword will surely die by the sword.  Anyone who harms a child… well, you have seen what plight awaits them.  I promise you, Erin… My justice is swift and fair.  10,000 will fall at the sight of just one of whom I will send.  Fear will fall upon those who create the weapon of fear.

“They will search for death, but will not find it.  They will know torment.  They will be subjected to their own methods against the innocent.  Erin, I am God and My justice will be fair.  I give mercy and I administer grace.  However, when dealing with these, mercy and grace will not be an offering ‘on the table’.  Well, really more like an option not for them.

“Now, this is a good time to open Revelation to see what awaits the wicked during the tribulation.  Understand this!  Reader, understand!”

Me:  “Lord, I have never heard You like this.”

Jesus:  “Evil has taken an uptick.  I see it.  I will remove the wicked.  They will flee.”

Me:  “What I am going through seems so small in comparison.  I am sorry.”

Jesus:  “Don’t be.  This is good.  Erin, really?  You should know to come to Me in all things.  Now, these twelve chiefs have their armies.  They have ranks.  They govern evil.  There are things you never imagined because so much is hidden…

  • Occult: One is over great evil, witchcraft and the occult.
  • Weapons: One is over weapons, but also weapons of social media.  It is the angel who knew how to wage wars who fell.  He is responsible for death in many forms, including technology, arms and missiles.
  • Drugs: One is over pharmaceuticals, medicines and vaccines.  He is also over great illnesses and plagues.
  • Entertainment: One is over entertainment, sports, music and gambling.
  • Spirits: One is over drinking of spirits and taking of drugs.
  • Children: One is over children and destroying them with lies.  This includes confusing them over how they were created.
  • Religion: One is over religion, including grey areas and false teachings.
  • Vanity: One is over vanity and perversion.  This includes tattoos, piercings, and make up used to self-idolize.
  • Division of Family: One specializes in dividing families.  This includes divorce, separation, defilement and other forms of the destruction of the union of man and woman.
  • Death: One is over death, suicide and crimes against nature.
  • Race: One is over race division, genocide and genetics.  This includes weaponizing trusted officials to carry these out.  All to destroy man.
  • Satan’s Helper: One is an assistant to the main liar who proclaims the opposite as good and bad.  He helps the chief liar and is a facilitator to Lucifer and his promotion of lies.”

Me:  “Wow, this is unbelievable.”

Jesus:  “This isn’t even close to all of it.  You will be in shock at what all they have done to destroy all of Creation.  However, I am God and I see it.  Erin, these go to the Lake of Fire, so do not worry.  Their times are coming to a close.

“Now, My angel army is more vast and more powerful than all of these.  Your prayers activate angels.  I will discuss this with you later.  Now, rejoice, for I am God over all things and you are Mine.  Take comfort.  You are loved by the King and your Savior.”

Dream over…

Next Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-755/

Previous Dream:  http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-753/

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